Reincarnated One Last Time

Chapter 32: Dragon Turtle.

Chapter 32: Dragon Turtle.


Time flew by, and after the corpses were gone, everything was calm in the river. However, today something is happening: the wind begins to move and enter the hole on the riverbank. The Chinese box turtle opens his eyes. Entering apprentice mage rank is faster than Levi expected. Too bad he can’t train his body in this turtle body.


Another thing that he realized is that his affinity for water is stronger than for other elements. Maybe because of his turtle body.


For his evolution, after contemplating, he decides to wait and choose dragon turtle evolution. But there is still not enough evolution point.


"A little bit more, and I can evolve." Levi comes out of the hole and enters the water to search for prey. Most of the creatures in the water are already gone; what is left are small turtles that are swimming around. Compared to his size, he is five times larger than other small turtles.


Levi looks at the turtles and feels complicated. But he needs to get stronger quickly.


That day, only one box turtle lived in the river. Levi decided to find a place where he could evolve, the hole is too small for him. Along the way, he almost gets eaten by an alligator and get caught by fisherman net but manage to escaped.


A few days later, he found a place to hide inside a mangrove forest. Compared to Levi's small size, the tree here is like a tall building. If anything happens, no one can see him.


After finding a suitable place, Levi closed his eyes.


[Evolutionary species path.]




[Change species: Baby Eastern Dragon.]


[Cost: 3000 evolution points.]




[Change species: Baby Water Dragon.]


[Cost: 2000 evolution points.]




[Change species: baby dragon turtle.]


[Cost: 1000 evolution points.]




[Change species: Baby Wyrm.]


[Cost: 700 evolution points.]




[Change species: baby water drake.]


[Cost: 500 evolution points.]




[Evolution Point: 1023]



‘I choose a baby dragon turtle," said Levi in his mind.


The first to change is Levi's size; after that, his turtle neck and tail become longer, and a scale similar to a lizard appears on his skin. Inside his mouth, rows of sharp teeth appear, and his head becomes similar to a dragon's head but without a horn and only fin-like ears.


His leg grew larger, and a sharp claw grew. After that, the turtle shell grew spikes like an alligator's snapping turtle shell.


When Levi opens his eyes, his eyes change to a vertical eyes like a reptile, and his body is larger than a car. However, something unexpected happens: Qi energy in the surrounding area is gathered and absorbed by Levi, and some of the energy enters his mind. The energy stores in his brain keep increasing until he reaches the peak of apprentice mage rank.


Levi looks at his new body and can feel the power. Even without becoming an apprentice warrior, his body is strong.


"With this, my chance of surviving has increased." Levi gazes at the river and begins to move. "It’s time to test my strength."


In the river, an alligator is swimming leisurely when he sees a turtle appear in front of him. Without wasting time, the alligator quickly chases the turtle. However, the turtle didn’t run but instead gazed at the incoming alligator.


The alligator opens his mouth wide and is ready to eat the turtle. The turtle's body suddenly expands, and the turtle's head transforms into a dragon's head. Before the alligator realizes what has happened, the dragon turtle's mouth full of sharp teeth bites the alligator into two halves and swallows the upper part of the alligator.


"Not bad." That turtle that changed into a dragon turtle is Levi; this is one of the abilities of a dragon turtle. He can shrink in size or transform back into box turtle form. With this, he can hide his identity and set up a trap. He also found out that since the dragon turtle has a long life, it takes time to grow into an adult. But he can speed up his body growth by spending 3000 evolution points to grow into an adolescent dragon turtle.


"Now it’s time to hunt." After eating the other half of the alligator. Levi's body shrinks and transforms into a box turtle again and submerges in the water; his location is the bigger river.




One month later, according to Wu's family, the assassination attempt finally stopped, and Wu Yi can finally come out of the house again.


"I am free." Wu Yi, after training hard, decided to take a break.


As usual, several protectors followed her.


"Where are we going, young miss?" Black-haired woman Yu Su asked She will be surprised by her young daughter's progress if she keeps this up. This year, she might become a second-class martial artist. When she heard about a special constitution for learning a martial art. She thought it was a myth. However, without hard work, even with talent, it will be useless.


"Let’s go to the market." During this month, Wu Yi has finally regained her confidence. The marriage date is still not decided, and with her progression, if she becomes a second or first-class martial artist, she can try negotiating with her grandfather.


The Wu family patriarch is someone who is strict and has built the Wu family to become one of the top families in the Wu kingdom. Although people say that the Wu family and the Wu royal family are related, their relationship is strange. On the surface, they are cold toward each other, but sometimes they collaborate in secret.


"Do you want to ride the horse?" Yu Su asked.


"No, we walk." Wu Yi shakes her head. By walking, she can train her body.


After half an hour of walking, they arrive at the market. There are many hawker shops on the road selling various types of goods. A few hours later, Wu Yi was finally satisfied and decided to go to a restaurant to eat.


Sitting at the table, they order some food, and on the stage, there is a middle-aged storyteller.


"Let me tell you a story."


"Near Nanchang City, there had been an incident at the Yangtze River."


"People that make a living on the river saw a dragon larger than a human."


Most people in the restaurant snicker or just smile because they have heard a lot of stories about dragons before.


Seeing the people's reactions, the storyteller is not mad but keeps telling the story.


"What I am telling you is the truth, the alligator in the river has disappeared, and not only that, several cows and horses belonging to the villagers have disappeared near the river."


The people who heard that began to get interested in the story and look at the storyteller.


The storyteller stops talking, takes a teacup, and drinks. Seeing that some people understood, they threw some coins into the bowl in front of the storyteller. The storyteller smiles and puts the teacup on the small table beside him.


"After that, Nanchang City sent prefects to investigate the case."


"However, there is no result, but the animal keeps going missing without any choice; they set up a trap and used the pig as bait to capture the dragon."


The people laugh as they catch a dragon using a pig. Wu Yi also laughs, if they manage to catch it, that dragon must be weak or stupid.


Dragons exist in the Tianxia world, but they're rare, and there are also creatures called demonic beasts.


She has heard from his father that a demonic beast attacked a merchant caravan or village. Although the demonic beast is strong, with martial artists and the kingdom army, it never appears near a city.


"What is the result?" The customer near the storyteller asked


"It failed, the already-gone pig was gone when the prefects noticed."


"They must have fallen asleep."


There is more laughter inside the restaurant.


After that, the storyteller changes to another story.


Wu Yi suddenly has an idea, what if she can become friends with the dragon similar to the story that she read?




In the forest, a group of men and women are gathered with weapons around their waists or backs.


"Is the information true?" Asked the bun-hair woman.


"Yes, if we manage to kill the dragon, we are going to be rich, especially since the dragon heart can increase human lifespan." Answered a burly man with a large saber on his back.


"Dragon heart can’t extend someone's lifespan, but most people believe that that means we can sell it at a high price." A scholarly man spoke while taking out a hand fan.


"With our strength, I don’t believe we can’t kill the dragon; even demonic beasts run away in fear when they see us." The burly man said it with confidence.


"What to do about the escaped demonic beast?" Asked the woman.


"We report to the Martial Arts Alliance that the demonic beast is injured but manages to flee." Answered the scholarly man, "There is nothing they can do; the black leopard demonic beast managed to escape their encirclement. Before they can kill it.


The other people who followed the three of them agreed. The three of them come from the Martial Arts Alliance Academy. While the rest of them are from an unknown martial arts sect. The Martial Arts Alliance is the orthodox organization that was created to fight unorthodox factions. However, since the defeat of the demon sect, their job is to maintain peace.


While they are discussing a plan to kill the dragon turtle, on top of the tree, there is a feline eye observing them.



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