Reincarnated One Last Time

Chapter 33: Boring Life.

Chapter 33: Boring Life.


On the Yangtze River, a turtle is resting on a rock. Levi lives a mundane life; ever since he evolved into a dragon turtle, there are no more predators that can kill him. However, he still feels wary because the world will that can interfere with the voice power must not be weak. There must be a strong human or creature living in this world.


Levi has his own conjecture about the voice after dying and being reborn so many times. The voice must be that of a god of death or an advanced civilization creature. He still doesn’t know what the voice's purpose is.


To become stronger and prevent his soul from disintegrating if he dies.


His only hope is the ability to travel to other worlds to do a mission for the reward. Although he can die, there is no other way for him. Unless he wants to become a lich or can find a solution to his problem in the Acheron world. But, even that has its own risks and problems.


He might just waste his time searching for something that doesn’t exist, especially something involving the soul.


Another way is to go into hiding without contacting other people. Because he had done it before, in one of his past lives after giving up on his life. However, what is the point of living a boring life? Sometimes you need to take a risk.


Levi in the past few weeks worked with a young fisherman. He will supply the fish, and the fisherman must give him a cut of the profits. As well as information on the Wu Kingdom. Because his knowledge of the world is limited.


However, the fisherman does not have much useful information. He need to find a schoolteacher or scholar. He can hire them with the money he saves.


While he is thinking, Levi looks toward the riverbank and notices a group of people wandering near the river. According to the fisherman, they must be martial artists based on their clothing. Other than the military, there is a martial artist with great strength in this world.


Levi enters the water and heading to the group of people.




Nanchang City.


"Come, come, the fish are fresh!" A black-haired young man is pulling a cart full of fish. Gao Tao face is ordinary but full of spirit. A few weeks ago, he had an auspicious encounter with a dragon turtle. At that time, he thought he would die and begged the dragon to spare his life because he had a mother and siblings to take care of.


What happened next was that the dragon turtle began to talk to him in human language and make a business deal with him. At that time, he was in a state of disbelief, but soon they both began to discuss their partnership. Since the deal is simple, Gao Tao agreed. He also knows that the dragon turtle's name is Senior Levi.


After that, his life began to get better, and the villager also tried to match their daughter with him. But he refused for now. Remembering that day, his face turns red.


"What are you thinking?" asked a middle-aged man with a smile. He is one of Gao Tao's regular customers.


"It’s nothing." Gao Tao quickly shakes his head.


"Don’t lie, I know that face." The middle-aged man teased.


After selling the fish to the middle-aged man, Gao Tao pulled the cart behind a restaurant.


Coming out of the restaurant is a shrewd man with a beard and mustache. Both of them began negotiating the price. After some back and forth, they both agreed on the price.


When Gao Tao sold the fish to the shrewd man for the first time, he thought the man was honest. Only after he talks to Levi does he realize that he has been cheated.


Instead of getting mad, Levi begins to teach Gao Tao how to negotiate prices. After living so many lives, there are many skills that he has learned.


The shrewd man nodded after seeing the quality of the fish. "Gao Tao, come, let me treat you to some food."


"Don’t you trick me I will not give you more discounts." Gao Tao refused and kept his guard up. This man in front of him is not simple.


"What do you think I am? Come inside." The shrewd man, after ordering his man to take care of the fish, pulled the young man into the restaurant.


The shrewd man named Wen Mu likes the young man's attitude. Rather than getting mad when Gao Tao found out he was getting cheated by selling the fish for a low price, the young man came back and still wanted to do business with him.


Wen Mu is the owner of a few restaurants and inns in the city.


Gao Tao is nervous because he has never eaten in a restaurant before.


"Boss Wen, do you need anything?" One of the waiters comes to the table after being called.


After ordering several dishes, Wen Mu and Gao Tao are talking. And finally, the topic of dragons in the Yangtze River comes up.


"You need to be careful on the river, although the dragon has not attack any humans yet. But it was still considered a demonic beast."


"Don’t worry, I will." Gao Tao answered. He can’t let other people know about dragon turtles for now. Senior Levi has already warned him about this.


Half an hour later, the food arrives. Gao Tao has never tasted something this delicious before. But he only eats a small amount of food.


Wen Mu noticed that and asked. "Is the food not to your taste?"


"No, the food is delicious; I am thinking about bringing it back to my family."


"Hahaha, don’t worry, eat up. I will order the chef to cook a new dish and wrap the food for you to bring home later." Wen Mu is in a good mood to laugh.


"Thank you." Gao Tao is really grateful.


At another table, Wu Yi saw someone secretly peeking into the restaurant, and she told Yu Su about it.


After finishing eating, Gao Tao leaves the restaurant.


Nanchang City is protected by a tall wall, and to exit, he needs to go through the city gate. As usual, Gao Tao goes to see the captain's guard and gives him a bribe. Because every time he goes out of the city, some of the thugs that want to follow him will be stopped at the gate.


Gao Tao, walking on the main road, suddenly takes a detour and enters the woods.


Not far from him are a group of men following from behind. This time they bribe the captain's guard to close his eyes. Any problem can be solved with money. Because of that, they need to take care of Gao Tao.


Gao Tao has brought a lot of fish to the city in the last few weeks. That means he must have a lot of money.


"Make sure you don’t lose him." The bald man spoke.


"Don’t worry, boss; I used to live in the forest." A short man with a messy beard spoke.


While they are following Gao Tao. Wu Yi group is following them.


Wu Yi, in the restaurant, notices a suspicious person watching outside. She thought the people must be related to the people who were trying to kill her. However, her guess is wrong their target is another person.


Since Wu Yi had already followed them, she decided to do a good deed and save him.


"Let’s go." Wu Yi and her protector enter the woods.




Gao Tao already noticed the people, abandoned the cart and ran. "It looks like what senior said is correct; you can’t really trust people."


After running for a long time, he arrives near a river and continues running. The day is getting dark.


"Where is Senior? He is supposed to be near here."


"Stop running!"


"Give us the money!"


"Chase him!"


Behind Gao Tao, a group of men is chasing him. After a while, he stops running and gasps for air.


"Don’t… run…" The thugs are also gasping for air.


"Do you think I am stupid?" Gao Tao wants to run, but he is exhausted.


"Since you don’t want to listen, don’t blame us!" The bald man shouted.


The thugs take out their daggers and prepare to attack.


Gao Tao is scared, because he has never fought with anyone before.


In the woods, Wu Yi and her protectors are observing the scene.


"Young Miss, should we make a move?" Asked Yu Su.


"Get ready." Wu Yi draws her sword. She is a little nervous because this is the first time she will use the sword to kill people. Wu Yi already discussed this with Yu Su: to survive in the martial arts world, you need to be ruthless. Especially if you are a woman, people will try to take advantage of you.


Near the riverbank, a turtle head comes out of the water.


"Jump into the river!"


Gao Tao recognizes that voice without hesitation, sprints toward the river, and jumps.


"Whose voice is that?" The thugs are puzzled because the voice is coming from the river, but there is no boat or people.


"What are you doing? Chase him!" After some confusion, the bald man orders them to enter the river.


"But I can’t swim."


"Don’t worry, this part of the river is only chest-deep. Chase him!" Shouted the short man with a messy beard.


The thugs quickly jumped into the river to chase Gao Tao. However, the river is deeper than what the bearded man said, and Gao Tao swimming is fast, like he has been dragged by something.


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