Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA

Coming out of the storm

'Musutafu' located in Tokyo, is a very broad city. Thousands of huge buildings is very noticeable from outside the city. This city contains many attractions that makes people want to live here, for example The Number One Hero 'All Might'. His heroics acts have been known throughout the world and it is said he came from Musutafu. There are other attractions like the 'Taboka Munincipal Beach Park', it was said that it use to be a beautiful public spot. Unfortunately it turn into a junkyard, getting the water polluted.

Anyways like any other day, this day was beautiful. The cool air yet warm gusting the emerald grass, the azure sky reflecting the beach water. Snow white clouds that look like cotton floating in the sky. Birds soaring through the sky, fishes dancing around the river. Kids playing in the playground, family's picnics in the park, and couples kissing beneath the giant tree.

Heroes jumping from roof to roof, Heroes flying in the sky watching over the city. Villains lurking around the shadow causing menace, Villains fighting some Heroes like the usual.

Overall this day was a nice day to go outside and enjoy the breeze. There hasn't been a bad climate in this city so theres no way this day could turn bad right? Well you might say 'this is your typical cliche' well you are right! This is your typical cliche!

Anyways where was I? Right "ALL OF THE SUDDEN!!!" the sky slowly started to darken, from blue to dark grey. The clouds began to merged with other clouds near them creating a pitch black cloud. Though it is very visible you still can see it if you pay attention to it.

Birds falling out of the sky and dying of fall damage. The wind felt like it could pierce anything, the wind was so strong kids who were only 5 were blowing away. The waves were getting violent causing the junkyard to get flooded and get more trash on the sea. Children crying left and right, parents began to worried for there children safety.

Heroes who flying in the sky were force to come down into the city and help the kids who were in danger.

The thunder could be heard, it was so loud it broke windows what were very durable. The thunder was loud enough for people to fall to their knees, children immediately pass out due to sound. Everyone were scared of how a beautiful day could turn so wrong and just seconds.

[Tv Reporter: This is Livia Nakamura reporting live in Musutafu. As you can see there's huge panic going around us....we don't know what it is causing this,...there were no reports of a bad wea-whaaaa *reporter was getting blown away until hero pop up and held her* whooo I almost flew... anyways as I was saying I advice you to stay home or somewhere you can be safe. I do not recommend going outside, it could potentially kill y-whaaaaaaaaa *reporter was blown away again*]


Blue lightning can be seen forming in the clouds, like it's charging for a huge lightning strike. Many people were scared for what could happen. This is the first time they have seen this. This wasn't a normal storm, it was like the gods were mad. A lot of people thought it was the end of the world, due to this many people were bowing down and praying to god for mercy.

Civilians and Heroes were starting to brace themselves for the impact that is going to happen.


The loudest thunder clap was heard causing people to bleed from their ears. Even the top Heroes peed their pants, their face grimacing.

A large blue lightning was seen strucking down a abandoned warehouse. The warehouse immediately got demolished, creating a huge crater on the ground where the warehouse was.

Like if nothing had happened, they sky turned blue again making the people sigh in relief. Even though it was just 5 minutes, it felt like it was an hour. Many people were crying that there "prayers" worked.

There were a couple victims that unfortunately died to this. Helicopters started to find the victims who were blown away.

Three *irrelevent* Heroes were dispatched to find out where the lightning struck. They of course agreed to investigate what happened since that is their duty.
"Hey that was crazy...I felt like puking watching all of that" said one hero walking towards the abandoned warehouse.

"Right!My stomach definitely turned upside down feeling all of that" said the 2nd hero being staggered.

"Alright stop fooling around...what do you think cause this weather" said the 3rd hero in a calm tone.

"Beats me.. didn't the lady say that she also didn't know what caused it?...agh either way it's over now" said 1 hero.

"Hmm yeah...hey were getting closer" said the second hero pointing towards the crater.

"Woah! Now that's some damage" said hero 1 being flabbergasted seeing it.

"Hey wait there's something in the middle of the crater" said Hero 3 as he watches it suspiciously.

Both Hero 1 and Hero 2 stopped and look where Hero 3 was looking. Hero 2 walked closer to it and widen his eyes seeing it.

"What's wrong? What is it?" said Hero3 as he begins walking towards Hero2.

"Hey is that a baby?!" said Hero 1 as he stares at the baby that's in the dirt in a perplexed expression.

"What?! Where did it come from?!... who would leave a baby here?!" said Hero 3 in a shock voice.

"Hmm il call an two make sure the baby is alright" said Hero 2 as he takes out his phone and calls.

"What?! What if it's dangerous, you couldn't possibly believe someone just left the baby here... even if the baby was inside the warehouse it wouldn't have survived! Unless!!" said Hero 1 as he looks at the baby with a frightened face.


"No whatever your thinking I don't believe that's possible... either way it's crying we have to help the poor baby" said Hero 3 as he comes closer to the nude baby.

[Cain POV]

'Where am I? Ughh I can't move...fuck it hurts. It's freezing!...Did I get reincarnated already?...why does the ground feel rough?...shit it's uncomfortable ughh' I think to myself, I then slowly opens my eyes and immediately shut them. The last thing I saw before opening was 2 figures approaching me. 'what? am I literally outiside?! What happened? Wasn't I supposed to come out of the womb? Did my new parents really threw me out?!' I thought to myself and without knowing I started crying.


"Hey it's ok we're here now...., hey come here help me with this baby" said Hero 3 motioning Hero 1 to come closer.

Hero 3 took of the black cloak he was wearing and wrapped it around the baby.

The baby stopped crying and instantly fell asleep. Hero 1 finally came to where Hero3 and the baby were.

"*sigh* are you sure about this?" said Hero 1 looking at the baby closely.

"Hey guys the ambulance is's the baby doing!" said Hero 2 calling them from the top.

"Well there are no injuries on's as if he was just born" said Hero 3 inspecting Cain's body.

"I'm telling you it's probably because of the storm! What if the cause of the storm was because of him!" said Hero 1 looking at the baby suspiciously.

"*sigh* it doesn't matter right now... what matters is that we need to take care of it until the ambulance comes" said Hero 3 holding baby Cain.

"Yeah! But what if this happens again??! I can't risk of this happening again... PEOPLE DIED!!" said Hero 1 as he rushes to grab the baby.

"STOP!!" said Hero 2 as he wraps Hero 1 with vines.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!!" said Hero 2 as he tries to hold Hero 1 from attacking the baby.

Hero 3 was shocked, he didn't expect his friend to suddenly attack the baby. He did thought of the possibility but then he looked at the baby sleeping and immediately refused to believe what his friend said.

"If you do that again I'll have to turn you in" said Hero 3 as he points his katana at him.

*Ambulance and Police Sirens*

"There here" said Hero 2 in a relief tone.

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