Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA

Gran Torino

After the cops and ambulance came, the heroes explain what was going on.

"So your saying this baby was on the ground right where the lightning strucked?" said a police cop pointing towards the baby.

"Basically though I do have reasons to believe he came out of the storm" said Hero3

"Hmm this is troublesome I'll check with captain on what to do, but I would advice you and the others to keep this information to yourselves" said the cop with a threatening tone.

"A-ah alright then but what's going to happen to the baby?" said hero3.

The cop let out a exasperated sigh "I seriously don't know, go back to your duties" The cop then went back to his patrol car and made a phone call.

"Hi this is **** can you get me through chief, there's something I want to talk about" said the cop.

While this was happening, Cain was being placed on the ambulance. He had a white wrapped cloth around him to warm him, since his body was very cold.

"Did we get any information of what happened here?" said the male paramedic.

"Nu-uh they wouldn't even tell us, they just told me to send the baby directly to the hospital" said the female paramedic as she closes the back door.

"Oh well, so do you think after work we can grab a coffee?" said the male paramedic as he tries to take her partner on a date.

The female paramedic looked at him with a deadpan stare and released an audible sigh. " fine you'll pay though".

"Yes!" said the male paramedic as he drives off to the hospital.

2 Hours Later

A white rat could be seen holding a cigarette while talking to a person who is very tall, sturdy built with a head of a beagle.

Both of these people were friends and helped each other out in any way they can.

When Kenji Tsuragamae 'chief of police force' heard what happened he immediately contacted Nezu.

Kenji isn't stupid to believe rumors, he believes anything can be solved but this was on a another level of understanding.
Kenji was still shaken of what happened 2 hours before, and what he just got was completely insane he could believe it but still had to accept it and tell Nezu about this.

"I got a report that an abandoned building got destroyed and created a crater; woof " said Kenji keeping a stoic face.

"Is this what you wanted to do hurriedly tell me?" Said Nezu as he takes puffs smoke.

"I'm not finished woof, well we got a call from a hero that was there and he said that there was a baby there, right where the lightning hit WOOF" said Kenji slipping a bit of anxious tone.

"How come I don't know this? They should of reported to me...*sigh* never mind understand now hmm this is going to cause me a headache" Nezu said putting off the cigarette.

Nezu is small having a body of 2'9, white fur, and has a head of mouse. His quirk is High Spec which gives Nezu unparalleled intelligence, perception, and comprehension that surpasses any human. He is also the principal of U.A High School.

"Keep this information classified we don't want people to know about this since it will cause a ruckus across the world." said Nezu in a calm tone.

"Hmm that would seem like a wise choice very well, it will be done though I do wonder what will happened to the kid woof!" said Kenji.

"I have a few ideas but i will decide on what to do with the baby as soon as I see him" said Nezu.

"Haaah did you also hear the Endeavor son was also born this day?" said Kenji trying to change the subject.

"Ah yes I heard, well I got to go now but before I go make sure to patch up the crater and find anything that can help me with what happened" said Nezu as he opens the door and leaves his office.

Kenji looked at the roof and began to rub his temples. He most definitely did not like what's going to happen through out these years. He could already feel that the baby was going to be a problem.

Kenji then went to his computer and type of a filed and name it "CLASSIFIED".


Nezu then got into his miniature car and drove to the hospital where the baby is supposed to be. Nezu also noticed that not many people where outside since mostly a lot of people where still in shocked. The storm was quite an event that even caused Nezu to curled up.

"Seems like a ghost town" Nezu said as he sees that almost little to none are outside sigh* 'this kid better not be from the storm' Nezu muttered as he parks his car.

Nezu began to walk inside the hospital and saw that there were multiple people there, kids crying and people that had a tattered bodies. Nezu walked towards the counter.

"Hi my name is Nezu, I'm here for patient #150" said Nezu as he talks to the counter receptionist.

"Very well, a doctor should be coming here shortly" said the receptionist.

Nezu then sat in a chair and 3 minutes later a doctor began walking towards him.

Nezu spotted him and got off the chair and also walk towards the doctor, Nezu noticed that the doctor had a perplexed expression.

"Hi my name is Dr. Sato , would you please follow me towards my office" said Dr. Sato said as he sees that it's going to be hard to speak with all of the noises.

"Alright" replied Nezu as he follows the doctor.

After Nezu and the doctor got inside the office, the doctor sat in his chair.

"Please sit" motioned the Nezu to sit down.

After Nezu sat the doctor began to talk about what's been going on with the baby.

"First let's talk about the baby health; the baby is very healthy, no diseases or sickness that he got from being in the cold which is truly magnificent." Dr. Sato said as he reviews what he sees in the files.

"Ehm that is strange to say the least but what of it?" said Nezu.

"Well when we observing the baby body we also saw that his body is different from what a normal baby should have" said Dr. Sato as he crunches his eyebrows.

'I already had an idea his body wasn't normal' Nezu thought to himself.

"Then we also saw that the baby body had signs of I assume is a quirk but we don't exactly know what it is, there could possibly be more than one" said Dr. Sato as he puts down his clipboard and shows Nezu the graphs.

"This!" Nezu said as he sees what the doctor is showing him. 'He already developed a quirk and a new one'

"We also couldn't find who this baby parents are...., there were also no report of a baby missing" said the doctor.

"*sigh* erase everything you have on him, take me to him, i want to see the baby" said Nezu.

"R-right away" said Dr.Sato , he begins to delete the files from his computer.

"If you would follow me" said Dr.Sato as he walks to where the baby is being located.

Nezu then follow the doctor to a room that had a paper on the door that said "Restricted". The doctor then opened the door and immediately Nezu felt the temperature change, his body got goosebumps. Nezu walked inside the room and saw a black crib and inside it was what looked like a potato. Nezu realize that the potato was the baby to which he raised his eyebrows 'he looks like a normal Japanese baby..'

Nezu then began to inspect the baby by touching his forehead and holding his hand. 'His temperature is normal, so far i wouldnt think this baby is anything related to the storm' Nezu think to himself.

"I'll be right back , if you tell anyone about this you will pay for it" said Nezu as he threats the doctor.

Nezu knew someone had to take care for the baby, he couldn't just take him to the orphanage, he also couldn't kill him since he is still innocent and as of right now he's is still not a danger to society.

Nezu knew he couldn't call Endeavor since he just had a child born, and he couldn't take care of both babies at the same time.

Most heroes are pretty busy but that's where Nezu had a a thought, Nezu began to dial his friend.

"This is Nezu, please come to the Hospital located in ***" said Nezu as he speaks to the caller ID named Torino.


30 Minutes Later

Gran Torino had just retired 5 years ago, due to some circumstances.

Sorahiko Torino is short, elderly man with slight wrinkles, and a scrawny built. Yellow eyes , gray spiky hair and a beard.

He had just gotten call from his friend Nezu saying to come directly to the hospital, Nezu was very concerned what was going on. He had just recover of the storm and worry if his friend wasn't able to.

He hurriedly ran to the hospital , Nezu said he is in. As he got there he went to the receptionist and called for Nezu and the receptionist pointed to where Nezu was.

Gran Torino then spotted Nezu, he had a concern expression on his face. Torino sigh in relief that Nezu was ok but then began to be curious as to why he was called here.

"Hey Nezu what's going on?" said Gran Torino as leans his back on the wall.

"*sigh* friend it seems like I have a difficult task for you" said Nezu.

Gran Torino had a confused expression on his face, he was a retired hero so this was causing him to be confused, but nevertheless if Nezu called him here for a special reason the he must be willing to accept the task.

"I want you to take care of a baby until he becomes an adult" Nezu said dropping a bomb on Gran Torino.

"WHAT?!" Gran Torino screamed causing some people to look what was going on.

"Shh your being to loud , like I said you have to take care of a baby." Said Nezu.

"You want me to take care of a brat? Why?" said Gran Torino, he was very angry that he was brought here just to take care of baby.

Nezu then began to explain the details about the baby and why he should take care of him.

"*sigh* I still don't know why I have to be the one keeping him" said Gran Torino rubbing his temples.

"Torino you are the most suitable for this position better than anyone else, if the baby grows up with a good guardian then the chances of him becoming a threat are slim, please Sorahiko just this once." Pleaded Nezu.

Gran Torino release a heavy sigh "Alright I'll take care of the baby but Nezu you will owe me big time"

Nezu felt as a burden has been lifted off his shoulders.

"Thank you friend, I promise if there's anything you need I'll be there to help you" Nezu said.

After that Nezu left the hospital and Gran Torino was still behind the door, he was very nervous to meet the kid he was going to take care for all of these years.

Cain POV

I slowly opened my eyes and immediately closed them, the light shining brightly on my face which cause me to groan

'Where am I?' I thought to myself as I take a look to where I am. I noticed that it was clear white, I wasn't able to move.

'Am i in the hospital? Yep I think I am, why can't I move?' I began to think.

'Right! I forgot i reincarnated into my hero academia world with the body of Sasuke Uchiha , is still can't believe it. but why can't I see my parents? I didn't see them when I got here.... I was literally outside when I first got here, just what the hell happened?' I thought to myself and without noticing I began to cry. 'It seems I can't control my emotions, I think it's because I'm a baby that my emotions downgraded'

"Waaaah waaah " I cried and after a minute a old man opened the door and walk towards me and calmed me down.

I looked at the old man face a bit closer and I soon realized who this was. 'Gran Torino, but why is he here?' I thought to myself.

"Ahem I guess I'll be your guardian kid, my name is sorahiko Torino but you could call me grandfather, hmm I still don't know what to call you so I'll just call you "kid", you can decide what to name yourself when you can speak." said Gran Torino as he picks me up and pats my back.

'Guardian? Grandfather? He's going to take care of me? Oh well it's better than being on a orphanage, I'm still curious as to how I got here but I'll find out eventually.

"Alright let's get you home" said Gran Torino.

Gran Torino then walked back to his apartment and took his new grandchild into a room. He then grabbed a baby bottle from the bag that the hospital gave him. He then gave the milk to the baby.

It was already night so Gran Torino just went to bed.

All the was left was Cain in his crib drinking milk from the bottle. 'This shit taste like ass' Cain said in his mind.

Cain began to think of what he was going to do from now on. '*sigh* what am I going to do now? Hmm since this is a world where Heroes are real should I become a Hero? I mean I could pretend to be one. Being a Hero is fun and all but gets very boring, since I already know what's going to happens in the future why don't I just mess with it....hmm right I almost forgot let's see if I have my abilities'

Cain closed his eyes and focus on his body and immediately he felt a bundle of chakra. 'Woah! This is a lot for just a baby... alright next let's see if I can do the sharingan!' Cain said in his mind.

Cain again closed his eyes and applied chakra into his eyes and opened them. 'Tch it seems I can't do the sharingan.... *sigh* why? Is it because I'm still a baby or doing I have to awaken the sharingan by being on a dangerous situation? Alright for my final ability let's see if I at least have my kings power!' Cain said

Cain stretch his little arm and applied chakra on his hand , Cain then saw a mark on the back of his hand , it had a drawing of a crown.

The kings power analyzes human intron sequences, then converts it into void. Voids take on a form of what the person desires the most, it could be anything. It could also be utilized as a weapon, only the person with the king's ability is able to to do this.

'Mhm at least I have this but I can't really use it right now since I'm still a baby , tch guess it's going to take a long time before the story begins' Cain began to slowly close his eyes before falling asleep.

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