Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA

Life of a baby

So 1st month being a baby "again", and all I can say is that's it sucks!!

All I do is eat, shit and sleep! Now people might say is that it's not that bad, but holy moly macaroni it's boring as fuck. Even prison was way more fun than doing all of this shit and I'm not even lying. I at least had something to do there, and right now all I'm doing is breathing oxygen looking at the ceiling while sucking on a bottle.

There's nothing to watch, no anime, no games to play. The only time I see something is when old man Torino shows me some random drama shows. Like c'mon now, I'm not trying to watch some boring shit. There were some good shows that I was able to see but Gran Torino would always change the channel and this cause me to cry.

This feels like torture in a way, like I can't even explain how much I'm suffering right now. There are some times where I literally just fall of the crib for fun of it.


Each night I dream, I get a memory of Sasuke when he was a baby. When I first saw this I was shocked since it felt so real. This could be due to the wish I got from god, like gaining all the abilities of him. Though I only get his baby moments right now it's still something. To be honest I'm very disappointed, I was hoping I could get all his abilities right away, though I would still need his experience. It's also a good thing since I could have something to watch, and experience what Sasuke went through.

In my past life I was able to memorize the [Chidori] hand signs . I just wished I was able to remember [Fire Style: FireBall Jutsu]. It might not be my favorite jutsu but it was still cool. In my past life there were times where I did the chidori and my cell mates would look at me as if I'm crazy.

As of right now I'm not able to do the [Chidori] since I'm still a baby but I was able to at least make some sparks which caused a few burns in my hands.

As for old man Torino, he might be one of the most bad guardians. Like no joke he literally drop me more than I can count. At this point I'm beginning to think he's doing it on purpose. All he saids is "oh I'm so sorry kid " with an annoyed tone. Like the fuck what did I do to make you hate me. I mean I did wake him up each night, but still though who drops a baby?!

Though this might be due to his personality to act like a fool, I mean In the anime he did it to deku when he came here to train

I've also gotten visits from heroes, for some reason they look at me as I'm a monster. I can't blame them I litterily came out of the storm. I've heard this from them talking about it. I was very shocked when I first heard this and I knew it was gonna be a pain in the ass in the future. I didn't want to cause a huge commotion the first day I got here but god had other plans.

As for the news they have said that it was just a supernatural event. It didn't reveal me which made relieved. I'm not trying to be in the open, villains might try kill me. Only a certain amount of people know about this. Though they are a couple of rumors that has been going around about it which everyone denies it, and some people don't believe the rumors , saying that it's fake news.

Those who know about it have been discussing if I should even be alive, but everyone agreed that I was just an innocent baby. Even Gran Torino vouch for me which made me look at him in a different way

Right now I'm getting my diaper change and Torino is very disgusted. I mean I can't blame him, my shit smells like beans and eggs. I can tell that he's deciding if he should throw me out. I give the look of "if you do it, I'll kill you".

"Baby Cain I really hope you don't become a villain, I'm not sure if your powerful but coming out of that storm is not normal, I don't know if you could understand me but if you decide to destroy the world Il put you down.." said Torino in a cold tone

'Oh shit, I don't know if he's joking or not but I definitely don't want to die' Cain thought.

'well I still don't know what will happen in the future but I'll mostly likely "try" to be Hero and those who are scum will die by my hands literally , Il cleanse the world , even if they see me as a monster and decide to kill me, I'll still keep my ideals' Cain thought with eyes of determination.

"Oh well your still a baby, it's not like you can do anything right now, *sigh* either way I will still love you baby " said Torino with a gentle smile.

'Hmm I don't think I could say the same but atleast I know you care for me' Cain thought as he stares into Gran Torino eyes.


3rd month living in this new world and its still same old same old, but this time I can actually go places.

What I mean by that, well I started to crawl, and I got to say i was glad moving around, back in my past life I wouldn't get out of my bed, I would only get out if I had school or my mom send me to get some groceries. I couldn't handle being on a same position for 2 months. When I first crawled I thought It was an accomplishment to be honest.

Crawling has its perks but it's also has some downs, for example it helps me develop components such as body awareness, motor planning, visual perception and eye-hand coordination. This is all good if I'm trying to increase my performance in fighting and using jutsus, like the [chidori]. The sharingan will give me a major boost no doubt, but I can't always rely on it.

As for the down is when I crawl too far away from my bed and I get too lazy to crawl back so I just take a nap on the floor. I was sort of lazy in my past life but I at least did something to keep me going.

As for my 'dreams', I started to realize that 'sasuke family' was actually a good family. Mikoto is beautiful and probably the best housewife, always watching over baby sasuke then there's itachi, and boy oh boy he looked badass he might only have been 5 but he still had that aura that made me have chills. As for Fugako he is very weird if I had to say, he showed his love in many different ways that I can't really comprehend. I've noticed he was very calmed and can be seen likes he's mad but not really mad...

I also saw a memory when Mikoto showed her baby to Kushina, and I got to say she looks exactly as the anime portrays her, she was also pregnant who I assume to be naruto that's there. This also means that when naruto is born I will get to see the nine tail fox, which i get to experience seeing it, i don't know if I should be scared or excited.

Anyways seeing sasuke memories are very pleasant to watch it's like seeing a movie, his life as a baby is very peaceful. I know this won't be for too long but still it's nice watching a family love you, even if it's not me who they love.
Cain POV
Right now I'm getting changed to go get some groceries. Old man Torino ran out of Taiyaki which is basically fish-shaped with a sweet filling. I also needed formula since there was no source of breast milk.

Right now old man Torino put me in a baby carrier and put the strap on himself so I could see what's in front me.

As I looked around the city I noticed that Japan was very different where I came from. It was a very big city and there were lots of people.

I kept getting praises from people which surprise me because I'm ugly as shit right now, but either way I still got praises from old lady's they even ask questions about me to which Gran Torino would say I was his grandson.

Anyways we took a long time In the store buying our stuff and as we got out of the store I look at the sky and saw that it was getting dark, Gran Torino also saw this and began walking back to the apartment complex.

When we were about to go into a alley way we saw a person wearing a cap on his head and bandana covering his face. I could tell that this was a mugger and was going to try do something to us.

"Give me all your money old man" said the mugger while pointing a knife at me and old man torino.

'Bruh, who mugs a person carrying a baby, like what?! Kill him gramps' I thought to myself.

I was then dropped to the ground, I look to see what happen and I realized it was my old man who drop me to the ground. It didn't hurt that much since my body got beaten up so much that I can't even feel pain anymore.

'why did you drop me!?' I said mentally cursing at my old man.

I then see him zig zag with an incredible speed and punch the person in the face making him fly 10 feet before landing on his back.

'damn... I completely forgot he was once a hero' I thought while glancing between Torino and the mugger.

"Hehehe did you see that kid?! That's how you deal with these types of people!" Said Torino laughing.

'I gots to say I'm impressed wasn't his quirk called Jet?' I thought.

His quirk allows him to shoot air from the holes on the soles of his feet making him able to increase his speed and fly for a short duration.

I then began to crawl towards the mugger, as I got closer I notice he wasn't moving. I was one feet away from him and I saw that his breathing was shallowed . 'damn you almost killed him' I thought while looking at my old man.

He quickly went to check the mugger body and widen his eyes. He then called the cops and explain to what happened, after that was done he went to pick me up from the dirty floor and put me back on the carrier.

"Sorry about that kid, let's go back home" said Gran Torino patting my head.

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