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Chapter 182: Rustly (1)

Standing ever so lonely on the platforms of a broken stone, a small body of slime slowly leapt his way through the stone-paved grounds and soon stopped at his footsteps.

"...Lier," the slime uttered out as he began to scrutinize the giant statue in front of him. "Why did you had to leave us?"

With her sword held up high into the air bringing about an aura of majesty, it was clear that she was a person of high honour. Although she wore a hood that covered her beautiful face, the symbolic being in front of the small slime showed that she was a hero.

"..." The slime—Rustly, solemnly fixed his eyes on the majesty in front of him. Although one wouldn't understand his sentiments as much as his own person, he didn't care if anyone wouldn't understand him. "...if only that day didn't happen, we wouldn't have to suffer as much as now, huh? Maybe then... Sanke wouldn't have died trying to revive you..."

Within the slime's body, Rustly held onto two books. The first was that of a seemingly small journal that appeared to be of a bygone age. Whilst the other was that of a tome, 

"I know I'm not supposed to do this... But," Rustly murmured out. "Perhaps... If I'm at the place of origins, then maybe..." opening up the book that seemed to resemble that of a tome, he continued. "...maybe everyone's wish would be fulfilled."

[ The Tome of Curses (Veritas) ]

Rarity: Unique

Effects: Veritas's spell will bring about the truth of a being. However, in turn for your wish, the being of holiness within you shall cease and disappear over time—soon to be overcome by darkness.

A book of the dark ages. Unbeknowst of its true origins, this book was said to contain the entire truth of a mortal for the penny sacrifice of one's goodwill. A quote from the tome states: "For who dares triad of Truth, beings of foretold will judge you."

Condition(s): Acceptance of one's loss.


"Hah..." Letting out a deep breath, Rustly began to chant. "O' darkness of sin who you call truth. I call upon the being that shall seek out the hidden secrets unkempt within the universe," word for word on the tome, a spark of dark energy began to surround him. "He who seeps into holes made by lies shall return with the truth."

Upon reaching towards the end of the chant, the dark energy suddenly dispersed away.

"...?!" Rustly's eyes widened. "Why... Why didn't it work?" embezzled by the failure of the chant, Rustly was then greeted by a message in front of him.

[ You who have not accepted the loss of your will, shall be forgone into the truth. ]

"W-Why..." Rustly uttered out. "This should work...! Lier's journal said that I could bypass this but..."

With a shaky voice and a broken will within him, a clap was soon heard resounding through the broken ruins of the area.

"Aha... Is this where his tome was?" Hearing a snarky voice, Rustly turned around in caution as he was greeted by the sight of a hooded figure that stood behind him. "Hmph... Rustly, was it? It's nice to meet you. I'm sure you'd have more drive than the previous owner of that tome."

"" Rustly muttered out. "You're the one... You!!"

"Ahaha... What? Why that scornful face all of a sudden?" The hooded figure took off his hood as it revealed that of a man with jet-black hair, golden eyes with a burnt scar around its area and what seemed to be blue small crystals on his cheeks. "I didn't do anything. In fact, you must be mistaken. I'm just a passerby of this old chapel, that is all."

"Lies... I've seen you around in the Slera's den before..." Rustly growled. "You... You're the one that caused Sanke's death, right? No... It was you that caused Lier's too!"

"Hah... Now that's anti-climatic of an assumption, no?" the man shrugged. "I doubt I manipulated all that chain of events to the point where it went that way. Like I said, you must be mistaken. You said you saw me in the Slera's den before? Perhaps. I did visit there on my own for refuge after this whole little incident that occurred here. Though... You might've been quite young then, no? It's a surprise you remember my face."

"Bullshit..." Rustly frowned. "Don't kid with me! You're..."

"Come again?" the man walked further on ahead as he closed the distance between Rustly. "Could you repeat what you just said? I'm...?"

"You're...?" Rustly murmured out. " to help me."

Upon hearing the words from Rustly, the man smiled. "Yes, yes. I'm here to help! The cure of the ice witch's curse that you've inherited from Lier and the 'truth' on the incident that she tried to look hard for. All of them will soon be uncovered today. You just need to remain calm."

"R-Remain calm?" Rustly muttered out. "No... No...! I won't fall for your stupid-"

"Shh... Just look at the statue and repeat after me," the man stated in a voice as if similar to that of Sanke whilst grabbing hold of the two books which Rustly had held onto. "To truth and to lies. I've come as a sacrifice for the opening of the ice witch's path."

" truth and to lies..." Without a fight, Rustly repeated after the man. "I've come as a sacrifice for the opening of..." As he was about to end the sentence, a loud roar protruded out from the distance.

"RUSTLY!" Speaking in the language of slime, Reru hurriedly made his way forward from the entrance of the chapel. "Don't you dare start that spell!"


Within the snowy plains of the village, Shinto and the rest of the group swiftly ran around on the snow-paved lands whilst their eyes glanced around the area—in search of the rest of their companions.

"Hey! Raina? Reru? Rustly! Where are you?!" Frey cried out. "Argh... No response for the 10th time!"

"...maybe it's because you've been repeating the same thing in the same area without moving much for the 10th time?" Ethaniel scoffed. "How about actually helping with searching through the damn premise?"

"What?! You're saying as if I haven't!" she clicked her tongue. "Look at all those broken down doors! I've checked them all!"

" broke the doors because you couldn't get them to open," Ethaniel helplessly sighed. "And then when you were greeted by the skeletal remains, you flipped out along with that slime and came running back here..."

"H-Hey! When you're suddenly greeted by skeletons without expecting one, you'd also act like that!" Yer stated.

"..." Ignoring the small talk that was occurring at the side of him, Shinto continued to scrutinize the area. "If what Frey and Crowelin said in regards to them being around here... Where are they then?"

For the past few minutes, the group had been searching around in the buildings that were still intact, only to find dust and cobwebs.

"...I could've sworn they would be here," Crowelin muttered out. "The footsteps around here are all a mess too. There must've been a battle that occurred here."

"What, you don't think they all died do you?" Shinto questioned.

"No. Of course not," Crowelin stated. "They can't have possibly died. But... It's strange. There's no one here... And..." As she stated out her worries, a black raven that had flown through the skies quickly landed down to the ground where the group were.

"Master. I've found them," Blake stated whilst still in his raven form. "Over through the forest ahead of the village. Two girls and a slime seem to be making their way over to what seemed to be a chapel in a rush."

"...a chapel?" Shinto raised his brow. "Why are they going there?"

"Hmm, seeing as how they're in a rush, I do not think it's any good news," Blake shook his head. "You don't need me to lead you as the dirt path's just a straight line with no snow on it. So, I'll make my way to the chapel first and see what's going on there."

"Right, please do," Shinto nodded his head. "We'll catch up with you from behind."

"Huh...? What's going on?" Frey tilted her head as she noted that Blake had left the area a few minutes after he had flown back to the group. "Did he find everyone?!"

"Blake apparently found Raina, the priest and one slime," Shinto stated whilst turning his head over to the pinewood forest which Blake had pointed towards. "But, with how they're in a rush to a single destination, I've got a bad feeling about it. So... We should keep up the pace and get there as soon as possible."

"A slime... Is it Reru or Rustly?" Frey blinked in confusion. "But whatever! What are you waiting for then? Let's go!"

With a nod from the rest of the group, they hurriedly made their way through the village and headed towards the dirt path of the pinewood forest.

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