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Chapter 183: Rustly (2)

"..." Abruptly turning back towards the loud slime from behind, Rustly tilted his head in a confused manner. "R-Reru...? What are you..."

"Hah... So it seems that the brother of the slime is here," the man uttered out as he turned towards the chapel's door, noting that the slime in front of him had taken out his weapons in aggression. "Well, no biggie. I don't mind having someone else know of what went down here. Perhaps you can foretell the tales to old sage or even your king."

"What do you think you're doing with Rustly?!" Reru shouted out. "Making him mutter out that spell... Are you trying to get him killed?!"

"Killed?" The man thought to himself as he glanced at Reru. "Hmm... Would I even go to such lengths to get him killed? Nah. I know what I'm doing here and I intend to see through it. You're just the audience and should stay in it until the final show."

"You're saying that he won't die from one of Sanke's cursed spells?!" Reru leapt forward as he swung his sword at the man who stood on the crossing. However, the moment that he leapt, a dark shadow hurriedly grasped onto the slime and held him down. "U-Ugh...! Rustly! Run!"

"Look, I'm doing what's best for him. After all, this is his wish, no?" The man smiled gently. "You can see for yourself whether or not I'm lying when this is all over. So, just sit back and enjoy."

"Ugh... Rustly!" Reru cried out whilst struggling against the grip of the shadows. "Rustly! Snap the hell out of it! What did he say to you?!"

"..." Rustly kept quiet as he only stared at the screaming slime in front of him.

"...It is no use screaming like that," the man stated. "And please, don't put unnecessary words into my mouth if you're going to say I did this to him. He brought it upon himself when he chanted out the spell from the tome. So all I'm doing is finishing up the work for him."

"Bullshit! You clearly hypnotized him!" Reru clicked his tongue. "Unhand me now or else!"

"Sigh... You people don't ever believe a damn thing I say," the man shrugged as he waved the [ Tome of Curses (Veritas) ] in front of Reru. "I'm sure you've seen this before? Your friend Sanke might've used it."

"...?!" Reru's eyes opened wide at the sight. "That... You!"

"Still blaming me after I showed you this?" the man frowned. "I'm no longer going to entertain you as a bonus. Just sit back and watch it all unfold. Maybe then you'll believe me."

Keeping the tome into his messenger bag, the man soon began to chant out a small spell from the hushed sounds of the cold winds that seeped into the broken down chapel. In the next moment, a blade made of pure ice formed around the hands of the man.

"Now, let's no longer waste time," the man held onto the sword, pointing the sharp end of the blade up to the sky. "Rustly. Continue to repeat this—To sacrifice the enchanted lands of Bareth, the beast of cold winds whom the lone child bares fang, the judgement shall bring forth into the air."

"To sacrifice the enchanted lands of Bareth... The beast of cold winds whom the lone child bares fang... The judgement shall bring forth into the air..." Rustly repeated.

"—Across time and time again," the man continued his sentence as the last few words were quickly cut off by him. ""

"Across time and time again... Bareth ol' companion of the old, one who comes as a bearing of curses..." As Rustly was nearly done with the chant, Reru's voice screamed into the winds that suddenly began to be harsher than ever before.

"Rustly! Stop! You don't understand what you're doing!" Reru cried out. "Renryth warned us about this! Don't summon Bareth! Do you want all of us to die?!"

"...I summon forth..." Ignoring Reru, Rustly continued as suddenly the cold winds grew much worse. Glacial ice began to form as the temperature began to rapidly drop. "Bareth... Come now!"


"Hah... Hah..." Rushing through the dirt pathway whilst slightly shivering as if the cold grew worse over time, Raina and Hikari steadily made their way forward to the chapel.

"I see the building by the distance! Do you think they're there?" Raina questioned.

"I hope," Hikari uttered out whilst slightly rubbing her palms together. "But... Is it just me or has the atmosphere gotten colder...?"

"Is it another hail? A snowstorm?" Raina questioned as she suddenly was unable to feel her hands. "Ugh... It's so cold... I..."

"Mm... I'm not sure if you're able to wear this since it's tailor-made for me and Crowelin, but..." Hikari muttered out as she took out a few items of clothing from her inventory. "Wear them. They should keep you warm. Though... I don't think it can protect you from this sudden harsh winter as well as I had hoped for when I ordered these clothes..."

"T-Thanks..." Accepting the clothes immediately, Raina immediately began to scrutinize its details.

[ Winter White Jacket ]

Rarity: Common

Type: Vanity

*Max HP +45

*Cold RES +20%

Set Bonus (0/3): Total Cold RES will be 45%

A winter jacket tailored by a tailor from the city of Erendek. He who had skillfully crafted such clothing has made it so that it can protect you from the cold whilst looking fashionable!

Condition(s): Size M.


[ White Winter Hat ]

Rarity: Common

Type: Vanity

*Stamina +2

*Cold RES +10%

Set Bonus (0/3): Total Cold RES will be 45%

A winter hat tailored by a tailor from the city of Erendek...

Condition(s): N/a


[ White Winter Glove ]

Rarity: Common

Type: Vanity

*Max MP +5

*Cold RES +5%

Set Bonus (0/3): Total Cold RES will be 45%

A winter glove tailored by a tailor from the city of Erendek...

Condition(s): N/a


"Ah... Vanity type items?" Raina blinked at the item's description. "Does that mean I've got to take off my items?"

"No, no! Nothing of that sort," Hikari shook her hand. "Just wear them over. I'm not sure how it works in physics, but you can wear most vanity items over your equipment and it'd work as if your wearing a single piece of clothing whilst still having the effects of both items."

"Oh really? if that's so..." With a sigh of relief, Raina quickly wore the winter clothing that was given by Hikari. At the moment of her wearing such items, she felt much warmer than before. "Ah~ That's so much better!"

"Mhm~ Glad it's a fit!" Hikari chuckled. "But since it's only 45% cold resistance... You'll still probably shiver a lot with the rate this winter wind is going at."

"Really? I don't feel that cold anymore," Raina tilted her head in slight confusion. "Well... Not as much as you're shivering right now."

"...cough. R-Really?" Hikari muttered out. "What Crowelin said is true? It's just me?"

"A-Ahem... Sorry, I wasn't thinking before I spoke," Raina coughed. "L-Lets just hurry along the path! We're almost there!"

"Right..." Hikari nodded her head as from the sky, a sudden blackbird fell down to the grounds whilst shivering greatly. "...huh?!"

"...cough... Damnit... This winter..." The Raven struggled to stand up as he finally gave up and transformed back into a human, revealing that of Blake. "Tch... Why did the winds suddenly get this worst?"

"Um... You...?" Hikari stated out in caution as she held onto her staff, prepared to launch an attack.

"Huh?" Belatedly taking notice of the two girls that were in front of him, Blake hurriedly shook his head as bowed down. "M-My apologies! Please ignore my intrusion, however, I mean no harm."

"A Black Raven that which colour scheme and looks nearly resemble that of Kon..." Raina mumbled. "You..."

"I'm sorry, everything will be explained in due time with the arrival of Master, however..." Blake stated. "Something's going on in the chapel and we mustn't waste time here."

Without another word to say from Blake, he began hurrying along the paths on foot. Confused at Blake's sudden demeanour, the two girls could only tell that the situation was much grave than they had thought. Thus, with a nod, they followed behind Blake.


Reaching towards the chapel's door, the group felt an extreme chill behind their spine as the cold winds began piling up the snow around them. If they were to stay outdoors for any longer, even the items of clothing that Raina and Hikari wore wouldn't protect them from death.

"..." Blake's face turned into caution as he prepared to open the door that was in front of them. "You two... Please prepare to cast your best spells as soon as possible. We might be entering into a battlefield that may drag on for who knows how long."

"...right, I can sense an extreme energy from upfront..." Raina stated as she had already prepared to cast out Flames of Etheral the moment Blake opens up the door.

"I'm ready too," Hikari nodded, preparing to cast a protective spell around them.

"Then... Let's begin," Blake took a deep breath as the doors of the chapel opened. What greeted them wasn't the sight of slimes nor danger. But instead, a giant cacoon that seemed to contain a beast of winter within it. "...this is?"

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