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Chapter 201: Fal (2)

At the voice of a man resounding through the room—all eyes within the lounge quickly turned towards the direction of it. There, the people noted that a mage was standing by at the entrance with a seemingly confident demeanour.

"Hah... It's that mage again?" The whispers of players murmured through the room. "What is he up to this time?"

"Didn't he get blown away by Wenzhou?" One of the players replied. "How come he's back? Does he want a second try? Hah! I'd like to see some puny mage try!"

"Ugh... Interrupting our enjoyment, these damn NPCs..." They scorned. "If they don't want to see us fighting, stop making us wait around then!"

"...hey, Rob? Uh... Did you really have to barge in and shout like that?" The woman beside the mage whispered in his ears. "Look at their eyes! I-It's scary..."

"Ugh... Wait till they hear it from me!" Rob frowned. "What are y'all looking at?! Go and sit down! It's not time to battle Bareth yet! Save your energy!"

"R-Rob..." The woman muttered out.

"Hah...? Yo, NPC dude," among the group of players, one of them spoke out without a care for names. "Will you just shut up? We won't trash this place, but you ruining our fun? Do you think we'll listen to you?"

"How about giving us some rewards for listening, yeah?"

"Yeah! Rewards! Rewards!" The players within the room all cheered out.

"These shameless bastards..." Bunnix clicked his tongue as he glared at Wenzhou who was having a deadly staring contest with the woman with the yoyo. "...hey! Old man! Let's leave while we still can before thing's get worse."

"Who the hell you calling an old man, bunny boy?!" Wenzhou clicked his tongue in reply. "Just get out of here or something! I've got business with this piece of shit!"

"Ugh, you! I'm not gonna explain this stuff to Kaisus!" Bunnix frowned. "If you're dealing with the consequence, leave me out of it!" As he was about to leave the area, Bunnix's footsteps suddenly stopped as he heard a firm voice from the entrance of the room.

"...a reward you say? For listening?" A male's voice echoed through the ears of the adventurers which sent chills down their spine. "Has adventurers these days gone to dirt and trash?"

"What the? Who says who? Dirt and trash?" Upon hearing the insult that was directed at the players, a man stepped forward from among the crowd. With a look of pride and arrogance on him, he scoffed. "You dare call us, the Silver Wolves, trash?! We'll show you—"

As he continued to walk over towards the entrance, a sudden loud thump protruded out. At that moment, the man who had walked forward instantly fell to the ground, knocked out unconscious.

"Did I say dirt and trash? My bad. Garbage and waste were what I meant to say," cracking his knuckles upon entering into the room—the man which gave off a dignified aura whilst showing off his shining armour, glanced at the entirety of the players within the area. "Sigh... This generation of so-called adventurers really have gone down to shit, huh?"

"T-The knight of the Ebony?! What is he doing here?!" At the sight of the man—Wryn, cries of shock spread crossed the room. "I-Isn't he supposed to be with the elite mages to handle Bareth!?"

"W-Wow... the Knight of the Ebony..." Despite certain shocked expressions, there were some that stared in awe. "I wished I could have a title like that... But damn, I'm stuck with this shitty class..."

"Hey! Is that the point? We're in deep trouble! I knew we shouldn't have messed with that mage!" The player beside the awestruck man shouted out. "Ugh... There go my chances at having glory!"

"Tch... Of all times! The knight of Ebony?!" Bunnix clicked his tongue as his glare at Wenzhou became much more intense than before. "Grr... Old man! You better get us out of this situation! Not only did your damn fight brought upon this, but I'll also get an earful from Rienla because of you!"

"Blah, blah, blah," Wenzhou opened and closed his hand as if mimicking Bunnix. "it's your problem, not mine."

"Not your problem?!" Bunnix raised his brow. "The hell you talking about?!"

"Hmph, just look," Wenzhou smirked at Bunnix whilst he slowly walked over towards the Knight of the Ebony. "Hey~ Hey! Buddy, wanna go grab a drink or something? You seem rather pent up these days ya?" Wenzhou casually spoke.

"Huh?! The hell?! What the—" Bunnix's eyes shook in shock as he saw the outrageous sight of Wenzhou's approach. "You... You're crazy!"

"...I was fighting with such a dumbass?" The woman clicked her tongue.

"..." Feeling the weight of Wenzhou's hand on his shoulder, Wryn took a glance at the bearded man with annoyance. "You... You're the one that started this I presume? Perhaps we could go grab a drink—"

"D-Did he really...?" Shocked at the response by the knight, Bunnix was filled with confusion. "...this is—"

"—in the confinement of your cell," the knight hurriedly grabbed onto Wenzhou's arm that was on his shoulder and shoved him down to the ground. "Come with me quietly so I don't have to deal with more problems than I have to."

"Argh...!" Wenzhou cried out. "You!!"

"You three, take that woman away," he stated as he forcibly dragged the bulky man out of the room. "As for the rest of the people in this room, till the time of the raid, don't cause trouble in the castle halls. If you want to rumble, do it on the training grounds. Or you'll have the same fate as these two."

"H-Huh me...!?" The woman cried out. "Wait, hold on—"

"Come with us kindly and you won't suffer the same fate as that man over there," Rob smiled menacingly as if he enjoyed the power.

"Ugh..." The woman slowly walked over towards the group of mages. "This is stupid..."

"What about that bunny guy over there?" The woman beside Rob asked.

"Him? Must be an accomplice, drag him away too!" Rob answered.

"Hey, what?!" Bunnix cried out. "I didn't do anything! What do you mean accomplice?!"

"It is just as I say," Rob stated. "Brenda, Herk, take him away!"

"Hey! No!" Bunnix shouted out as he tried to resist. However, somehow, he was subdued and taken out of the room, leaving behind the rest of the players in shock. "Arghhh!!"

"...let's not start something again," The players stated. "...let's go to the training ground?"

"...let's go," the players replied. "Where was it again?"


"Hey! Let me go!" Continuing to be dragged along the way through the hallways by the knight, Wenzhou desperately struggled. "If you need money, I'll pay for it!"

"..." The man kept quiet at his words. "I do not need money. All I want is some peace and quiet before you get into the damn cell, simple as that."

"Argh, you!" Wenzhou clicked his tongue. "That was just a brawl, alright? Nothing much!"

"..." Moments after he had finished speaking, Wryn continued to drag Wenzhou along the castle hallways. From behind him, Bunnix and the woman followed suit.

"This is shitty..." Bunnix clicked his tongue. "I hate coming early... Why the hell was everyone so late?!"

"Hmph... I blame that thick bastard for it," the woman humped. "Nothing would've happened if he didn't start anything."

"..." The man stopped at his footsteps as he glared at the back of him. "You two. Shut up as well."

"Eep!" Bunnix cried out.

"Honestly, you three good-for-nothings should've been able to handle them just fine," Wryn clicked his tongue whilst glancing over to the group of mages. "I didn't need to be here."

"Aha... Sir, it was a struggle to get them to listen!" Rob reasoned. "You being here makes everything run smooth!"

"...more like you just wanted to show authority..." Brenda muttered out. "Ahem. Are we really taking them to the cell? If we go according to your orders... We'd lose on power for the raids against Bareth, right?"

"...yes, perhaps so. But, I'll deal with that later," the man calmly closed his eyes as he reached towards a door that seemingly led underground. "For now, put them in confinement to reflect on their actions. If they want to appeal, then that would be later. We still have three days before we fight the beast."

"For real! I didn't do nothing!" Bunnix stated. "It was these two!"

"Hmph..." Without a care in the world, Wryn spoke towards the guardsman on duty by the dungeon door. "You know what to do with them. If there any problems, please report them to me."

"Yes, sir!" The guards saluted the knight as they soon took hold of the three adventurers. "You should be grateful that this is the punishment you're getting from Sir Wryn!"

"This is so damn unfair..." Bunnix grumbled as he was helpless at the situation. Without another say, he was greeted by a notification.

[ You have been arrested under the authority of a knight! Confinement Timer: 3 Days. ]

[ You cannot appeal until further notice. ]

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