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Chapter 202: Fal (3)

With certain sounds of a rock hitting the walls that resounded through the room, a man who was stripped of his equipment sat ever so lonely by the cell's seat, with his face as dreaded as ever.

"..." With lifeless eyes, the man, Bunnix continued to throw small pebbles of rock to the walls of the jail cell. It had been nearly a day since they had been arrested and, Bunnix was bored out of his life during the duration.

"...ugh! Would you stop that already?!" A female's voice protruded out from the cell next to Bunnix's. "That sound is damn annoying!"

"Shut it," Bunnix stated. "I wouldn't be making such a noise if it wearn't for you two!"

"Blame that old man! That dipshit started it all!" The woman grumbled.

"Hah?! Blame me?! It's your fault in the first place!" Wenzhou scoffed. "You intentionally pushed me over and made me drop my drink! A waste! You'll pay for this!"

"Ughh! I don't care who it is anymore! Both of you is to blame!" Bunnix angrily shouted out. "Honestly, why was I even dragged into this mess along with you two?! I wasn't even involved at all!"

"Deal with it! I've got my own problems to settle!" Wenzhou clicked his tongue.

"Yeah, just sit over at a corner complaining while we settle things right here, right now!" The woman scorned.

"Settle things right here, right now?" Bunnix raised his brow. "You both are in separate cells and I'm in the damn middle of it! How can you even possibly think you're able to do that?!"

"We'll find a way, bunny boy," Wenzhou replied. "Just, do something that isn't complaining!"

"You're complaining amongst each other right now!" Bunnix cried out. "What's any different from what I've been doing?!"

"Shut up!" The two replied at the same time.

"#@##$@#@#$!" Bunnix swore with anger as he sat down with an annoyed expression. "Stupid! Utterly stupid! Bah! I'm just going to wait for Kaisus next time! Just because of them, I have to waste three freaking in-game days of my gaming time! How unfair is that!?"

Under the laws of a kingdom, when an adventurer breaks a rule or a law, as a form of punishment, they would typically be arrested or would be forced to pay a fine. This was because, if such a feature wouldn't affect players, many adventurers would have the possibility of causing destruction amongst the towns and villagers if there wearn't any countermeasures to prevent it.

Though, most punishment goes within the range of one to three days. At best, most players have the ability to log out during such time, however, they would oftentimes still be forced to stay within a jail cell for a set amount of time before being able to leave.

However, in most cases, if a case was extremely severe, one could even face lifetime imprisonment, in which case would count as a ban from the game.

"...sigh. Do I have to waste my time away in this place?" Bunnix frowned whilst silently grumbling. "Logging out is an option but... It's better to live my one day sentence before I log out. Ugh... Kaisus! Get here sooner, please! Get me out of here!"


As the gates of the castle opened, a man who wore shining armour whilst showing off the emblem of his guild—Vainblood, hurried through the castle halls whilst frantically looking around the area.

"Ugh... Bunnix, Wenzhou... I asked you two to wait but..." he slightly complained. "What were you two thinking?!"

With every step that his greave landed onto the ground, a loud sound would resound through the room. Whether it'd be dignified or shallow, the man didn't care to keep up face. However, on the other hand, from behind him, the white-haired man who dressed orientally made his way through the halls with a noble presence.

"Ahem... Kaisus?" The white-haired man—Rienla, called out to the guild leader. "I think you might need to slow down a bit. They're eyes everywhere in uncharted territory, and we may as well bring about dirt to our name if we go rushing in like this..."

"...on the normal circumstance, we would. But this is a special case. The knight of Ebony personally sent us a quick message through this kingdom's telepathy," Kaisus replied nonchalantly whilst continuing down the halls. "But... With the way, the Knight of the Ebony phrased his sentence... We'd be lucky if Bunnix and Wenzhou don't end up in hell."

"What was the message he sent to you anyways?" Rienla questioned. "Surely, something like a menial brawl among players wouldn't trigger such a strong response from the kingdom..."

"I know that but, this is Fal. The kingdom is notoriously known to punish even the smallest crime with severity like having them go through the Icy Caverns or Ruinic Legacy dungeons which are way above most if not everyone's level of power," Kaisus stated. "Sigh... I've warned them multiple times but... Is Shinto the only one that can get a dent into them?"

"I digress, Shinto hasn't gotten a dent into them," Rienla stated. "It was because of his presence that prevented Wenzhou from going wild with fights. But that's beside the point here. this kingdom is currently facing a crisis and, you think they still have the manpower to send prisoners to those dungeons?"

"It's just a thought. The knight's message was akin to that of a severe, way too over the top punishment because they somehow managed to cause a ruckus big enough to have the man himself be at the scene," Kaisus's expression turned dreaded. "Sigh... With Hikari and Shinto gone, if we lose Bunnix and Wenzhou now, we'll be lacking manpower for the raid. Three main damage dealers and one support gone to the dust."

"Hmm... That could be a problem too," Rienla calmly nodded his head. "But that's no excuse to have you rushing in like a bull, Kaisus."

"Why are you so calm today? Usually, when it involves cases like this, you'd be in anger because of their behaviour," Kaisus raised his brow.

"I gave up on them," Rienla sighed. "If I give them a stern lecture, they wouldn't listen and—"

"I heard from the witnesses the fight happened because Wenzhou was drinking," Kaisus stated.

"...he was drinking? In brought daylight? Before the raid even begun?" Rienla's veins began to bulge from his head. "Tch... Just you wait, Wenzhou! You won't be hearing the end from me!" With his seemingly calm demeanour gone, Rienla began to rush ahead of Kaisus.

"Aha... Sorry, Rienla. I don't you to give a lecture about keeping up face right now," Kaisus coughed slightly as his footsteps fastened. Quickly, the two adventurers reached towards the knight's quarters where the Knight of the Ebony—Wryn, had been standing by and waiting for them.


"Oh? The leader and secretary of the guild, Vainblood arrived this soon?" The knight, Wryn raised his brow in amusement as he noted that Kaisus and Rienla entered into the knight's quarters. "Well... I was expecting you're arrival ahead of the time anyways. Have a seat over by the countless empty chairs and we can have a quick chat."

"Sir Wryn, it is an honour to meet you," Kaisus bowed. "But... Do we even have time to sit and have a quick chat? The case regarding Wenzhou and Bunnix..."

"That doesn't matter. I haven't had a chance to see the man in action whose mentor spoke very highly off to me," Wryn stated calmly whilst taking a sit over the empty chairs. "So I would like to take this opportunity to know you before things get too rough. We've only got three days of preparation for Bareth after all. So, those prisoners who caused a ruckus can be dealt with later."

"...Kaisus," Rienla whispered over to the man beside him. "You know this guy? The Knight of the Ebony? You have connections with him??"

"I-It's more of an acquaintanceship than actually having connections..." Kaisus replied awkwardly. "You remember my mentor, right? She knows him quite well, so there's that. This is my first time seeing him. Well... Technically the second time, since the first was him visiting my mentor for a quick chat."

"...and this is the reason why you're not bothering to keep with your status?" Rienla frowned. "You..."

"This is why I didn't bother, really..." kaisus sighed. "We're not meeting the queen. It was just a knight, alright? So we can act casually. I don't get why you were so frantic about having to keep up dignity when I told you that we were meeting him..."

"Because you never told me!" Rienla grumbled.

"Aha... I wasn't expecting you to follow me," Kaisus sighed as he soon turned towards the knight, soon speaking out. "Ahem... Well... We've come all the way here because of the message you sent to us and, with the way you phrased the sentence, it almost seemed as if you were about to throw them into the Icy Caverns..."

"Oh, that? I considered something far worse," Wryn shrugged. "But in any case, that can be dealt with later. For now, since we only have limited time, why don't we just have a small chat? I asked you here for a reason and we can get with that in a bit. But In any case... First order of business, how's Lier?"

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