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Chapter 203: Fal (4)

"...Lier? My mentor?" Upon hearing the name of 'Lier' from the mouth of Wryn, Kaisus couldn't help but feel solemn. "...well, to say the least... I've no either whether she's doing well or not," he shook his head helplessly. "I haven't heard from Lier in years."

"Ah... You haven't heard from her either?" Wryn frowned.

"Contact with her had suddenly cut off after that incident happened in that village," he sighed. "I was helpless then. But... Even knowing my current strength, I do not know if I can even do something now."

"Sigh... It's unfortunate," Wryn shook his head. "I was hoping I'd hear some good news from you since you were the closest to her over the years as your her mentee, but... If even you had not heard a thing from her, I can only assume the worst."

"Ahem... Even if things were to come to that point, I still have hope that she's alive and well somewhere," he stated. "But... That's beside the point right now. To hear the mention of my mentor so suddenly... Is something the matter?"

"Ah, no, no," Wryn shook his hand. "I was just curious, that's all. Just like you said, contact with her had suddenly cut off. I had wanted to hear the full story on that incident from Lier herself that day, but... I couldn't reach her and now, two years later, we're here."

"...Sir Wryn," Kaisus took a deep breath as he stared at the knight in front of him. "...two years later is when you decided to contact me. I do not think this is just curiosity. Besides the reason I'm here in the first place, can you please tell me what you want from me?"

"...hah," Wryn sighed as he averted his gaze away from Kaisus, quickly turning towards Rienla. In the next moment, with his hand moving over to the few keys and a crest on the table, he threw it over to him. "Rienla, was it? Go release your guild members from their captivity and head towards the lounge area for adventurers. I hope you'd be able to stop any havoc that occurs there."

"...?" Confused at Wryn's sudden action, Rienla who had subconsciously took hold of the items turned to Kaisus with confusion. "...what about Kaisus?"

"He stays here as I want to continue chatting with him," Wryn continued. "Now, would you please be on your way?"

"..." Rienla frowned. However, upon taking note of Kaisus's gesture, he couldn't help but sigh as he began leaving the premises. But, before he did so, he sent a whisper. "I'll report to you on whatever happens regarding Bunnix and Wenzhou. But, don't do anything stupid, alright?"

"Thank you, Rienla," Kaisus replied. "It's just a simple discussion, nothing too much."

"Sigh... If you say so," Rienla helplessly sent his final whispers as he exited out of the room. At that moment, Wryn soon stood up from his seat.

"Ahem, now that your secretary is gone," Wryn closed his eyes as he grabbed onto his sword. "Shall we head over to the training grounds and spar?"

"Sir Wryn..." Kaisus was unable to tell the goals of the knight before him. It had been two years since he had heard the name 'Lier', and two years since he had seen someone of relation to her. "...just what do you want?"

"Hmm... Perhaps you wish to spar out in the plains of Bareth?" Wryn thought to himself. "I don't mind. But we can only stay at the outskirts of the area since monsters have gotten ferocious as of late. But it'll probably help you for knowledge in your journey to Bareth later."

"Sir Wryn! Just what is the meaning of this?" With no longer any patience, Kaisus clicked his tongue. "It's been two years since I've last heard contact from you. But today... Of all days for Bareth to have been awakened, you wish to have a conversation like this?"

Two years in-game felt as if it was two years in real life. However, in actuality, it was just eight months. But, even during that time, relationships can grow and be steeled at heart.

"...Kaisus. Or should I call you by your noble name? Viscount Kaisus?" Wryn raised his brow. "Formally spar with me. I wish to see your current abilities."

"..." Kaisus kept quiet as his attempts at getting a clear answer was futile. Thus, with a sigh, Kaisus uttered out. "Fine. I accept."

"Good," he nodded his head. "Since the grounds for battle has yet decided, I will choose the Bareth's plain. I hope you brought good protective gear against the cold?"

"...I've come prepared," with a helpless reply, Kaisus and Wryn soon left the quarters.


Walking through the hallways of the castle, Rienla calmly made his way over towards the dungeon doors where he was greeted by the guards at the front.

" adventurer?" Cautioned at the sight, the guardsman at the front held up their blades at the man. "State your purpose. Why are you here wondering around? Go back to your lounge!"

"I've come with permission from Sir Wryn, the Knight of the Ebony to release my fellow companions from captivity," Rienla stated as he showed the two guards the crest given to him by Wryn. "Please let me in."

"...the crest of the quarters?" the guards muttered out. "...fine. If an adventurer like you have permission, then be on your way. I hope you don't cause any ruckus."

"Thank you. I will make sure of that," with a nod of his head, Rienla soon began walking down the staircase of the dungeon. In the next moment, upon reaching closer towards the end of the stairs, Rienla's ears slightly tingled as he heard loud shouts protruding out by the distance. "...?"

"Hah?! Why don't you repeat that again, you thick old man?! Is your brain also filled with brawn and no smarts?!" A female's voice shouted out. "Clearly, if you were to punch the damn cell, you'll end up more in trouble!"

"Just you wait! I'll punch a hole to your cell and you'll be getting it from me!" A male's voice shouted out. "Hahhh!" In the next moment, a loud noise protruded out. "Argh! This damn sturdy wall!"

"You stupid idiot!"

"ARGHHH! WILL YOU TWO JUST SHUT UP?!" Another voice protruded out, however, it was a squeaky one. "What was this about having me not throw any pebbles to not make any unnecessary noise, but look at this! You're making all the damn buzz yourselves!"

"...sigh. These guys are still at it even though they're locked up?" Rienla raised his brow as his steps hastened. Finally, he reached towards the cells that the group had been locked up in. "Hey, you two. You best have a good explanation of the situation here."

"Huh?!" Upon hearing Rienla's voice, Wenzhou angrily turned in the direction of it. "Who the hell dares to... R-Rienla!?" At the sight of the secretary before him, Wenzhou slightly stepped back. "W-When did you get here?!"

"The Knight of the Ebony called us here," Rienla stated. "In a rush, we came here ahead of time, leaving Revelen in charge. But... It looks like it was a wasted effort honestly. Just look at you, if you were sent into the Icy Caverns, I couldn't care less anymore."

"Rienla! You're here! My lord and saviour!" Bunnix stated. "Listen, you have to listen to me! I'm innocent in all this, alright?! It was these two bastards that started it, and I got into this cell for nothing!"

"Sigh... Bunnix, reports said that you wanted to further prompt the fight because you were aiming your pistols at them," Rienla stated without care. "Do you want to deny that?"

"What?! You were going to shoot me with your damn guns?" Wenzhou clicked his tongue. "Don't take me for a fool! I knew you were arrested for good reason too!"

"W-What? No! I wasn't trying to add fire to the fuel! I was trying to quell it!" Bunnix cried out. "Knocking these two knuckleheads down would make everyone's life easier!"

"You'll still be resorting to violence, Bunnix. And that won't solve anything," Rienla stated. "I was going to free you, but seeing as how you're still held up in this charade, I think I'll leave you two be in your own games."

"R-Rienla? Hey! Wait! Hear me out!" Bunnix cried out. "I swear! I was trying to quell the situation! Rienla! Rienlaa!!!"

"Argh! Damn you, Rienla!" Wenzhou clicked his tongue.

"..." Ignoring the plead for help, Rienla began walking away from the cells and headed over towards the staircase. However, just as he was about to take a step up, he heard a voice from the cell beside Bunnix's.

"Psst! Hey! Secretary of Vainblood!" The woman who had been a part of the reasons for the group's arrest spoke out. "Do you mind freeing me?"

"," turning towards the woman nonchalantly, Rienla uttered out. "You're involved in this mess too, aren't you?"

"I mean, yes! But, it was that old man's vault for initiating the fight! All I was trying to do was defend myself," she reasoned. "Unlike the bunny boy who pleads he is innocent, I plead somewhat guilty. Is that any good to set me free? I apologize for the ruckus I've caused for you and your guild. Honestly... This should be a matter settled for those two than the guild, isn't it?" she rattled on.

"Hah! Your ramblings won't bear fruit!" Wenzhou scoffed. "You won't be freed! You're just as guilty as—" As he was about to continue his sentence, Wenzhou's jaw soon dropped at the sight of Rienla's actions.

Rienla made his way forward to the woman's cell with the key in hand and opened it—releasing the girl from captivity.

"We're leaving. I do not care whether it's lies or bullshit, but you best not get involved in this charade ever again," Rienla stated as he soon left the premise.

"What...? Rienla! You... You... Betrayer! Utter betrayal!" Bunnix cried out. "You abandoned us for a girl?!"

"Oi! What happened to the code, guys before hoes?! You... You!!" Wenzhou was fuming with anger.

"Hehe~ Serve you right," the woman stuck her tongue out as she headed up the stairs which Rienla had long left.

"RIENLAA!!!!!!" the two shouted out with all their might as they were now the only ones in the dungeon.

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