Chapter 58: 1st Step in being a Rune Master

Ibro looked confused about those strangers' reactions. Although he felt nervous, he tried to look calm. Finally one of them asked in disbelief:

"Did you put your left hand on that ball?"

"Yes, you didn't tell me it was forbidden to do so."

"Why did you do that?"

"I don't know. I just had a strong desire to put my left hand on the ball."

"But you didn't hear any sound telling you to put your left hand on the ball?"

Ibro felt worried and didn't know the reaction of the ones in front of him towards his answer.

He tried to remember what happened back then but it was all vague. He didn't remember any sound at all so he replied:

"I don't remember any sound at all. I just felt something was pushing me to put my left hand on this ball. I really don't know, everything seems vague and blurry to me."

That man kept his silent solemn look towards Ibro who felt tenser. After a few moments that man said:

"You have succeeded in passing the test. You have an affinity to dark natural power with your right side. You have an affinity to soul natural power with your left side. Good luck at your test Alien Ibro."

Before Ibro had a chance to ask anything, those strangers disappeared suddenly with the crystal ball. Ibro stood in his place and didn't understand what happened just now. He looked around him but he didn't find anyone here except him. He said to Dronil:

"Do you know what the meaning of these strangers is?"

"Tell me, this is your first time to come here, right?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Because that second affinity you have is a very unique affinity."

"Do you mean the soul type of natural power? What does it even mean?"

"Soul natural power is a very rare very special natural power. You can use this power to feel the souls around you. You can control these souls, either you raise their souls' power or you demote them."

Ibro felt it was a very strong power, but how much power was it? He didn't know yet so he said:

"Can I learn to make runes now?"

"Sure, but you have now two different natural powers, one to each side of you. So you need to decide which natural power you need to focus on."

"Can't I raise the power of both affinities?"

"Sure you can, but such a process will take a lot of time. You don't have any time to spare. According to my data, this war will start in nearly less than a day."

"Less than a day!"

Ibro felt he had no time to fool around. He needed to learn everything possible about his profession so he could impress his superiors. He rapidly said:

"I need you to teach me right now how to use this profession of mine."

"Then you need to withdraw to the mountains. Your identity must be kept hidden.

If anyone discovered you while you are training then he will suspect you. You don't be in the place of any doubt."

Ibro was still not fully aware of his situation. What he understood from Dronil words that he wasn't in a Trial, he was really living in these events. That was a new discovery for him.

He didn't need to ask Dronil as it replied immediately on his thoughts:

"You don't need to know the details now. But this isn't a game fantasy.

Here is a real-world that you must tread in very carefully. There is no play again button here. If you die you will die for sure and no one can save you."

This was totally different from what Ibro thought. He thought it was just like a dungeon in the game. But now he knew he was so naïve about this matter. His own life was really in danger.

This was the first he really felt death so close to him like that. He followed Dronil's advice and left the camp immediately heading to the mountains. He lost his class but didn't lose his stats, so his movement speed was as fast as ever.

He didn't take over 15 minutes to reach a flat area full of weird rocks in shape and color. He was away from the camp with a suitable distance to feel safe.

"I should tell you that your 30 minutes preparation period has finished. Now you will start your Trial officially."

"Does that mean I will face any dangers soon?"

"Maybe, you should keep your vigilance all the time. I will also help you scout the area around you in one-kilometer radius."

"Thanks, Dronil. Now tell me what I should do."

"You need to concentrate and focus your attention on feeling the natural powers that you felt before. "

"You mean that vague feelings? I really can't remember it."

"You need to remember it. It's the only way. You need to recall that feeling of yours and try to get familiar with it. The more you get familiar the easier the next step will be."

Ibro felt lost. He really couldn't recall his past experience at that test. He was so tense that even his memories were blurry. None the less, he listened to Dronil's words. He had no time to waste.

His life would be the final price of his failure. He closed his eyes and began to think hard about his past experience. He tried to recall the events from the beginning to end with no success at all.

Every failure attempt made him more nervous. At last, he felt despair. He couldn't see any hope in remembering this feeling at all.

"Your thoughts and worries are distracting you."

"Thanks for reminding me of what I already know! I can't figure things out this way."

"What do you suggest then?"

"Tell me the next steps."

"You couldn't pass the first step yet!"

"I need to distract myself by these steps. Maybe I find a spark on inspiration and could remember this feeling again."

"Although I don't agree with you, but it's your life that is on the stake here."

"Thanks again in reminding me of that dangerous fate that awaits me. you are doing an excellent job in driving me to deep despair!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

"Just tell me about the next steps, please."

"Ok, I will tell you. It's not like I'm the one who is going to die if he fails."

"Can you forget everything about my dark future, please? Just tell me the damn steps!"

"Ok, ok! The next step is to try and merge these powers with the tech power that you already have."

Ibro tried to forget his calamity and tried hard to keep his focus on Dronil's words. He questioned for explanation:

"How can I do that?"

"You can't. Did you forget you didn't succeed in remembering your connection with these powers?"

"If you don't answer me I will make sure you don't get even an ounce of energy from home!"

"You are threatening me while you can't keep even your life. You are su.."

Ibro interrupted him with real anger screaming:

"I swear if you don't shut your stingy mouth up I will make you die dry of shortage of your energy!"

Ibro noticed suddenly that during his anger he felt a strange feeling radiating from the depth of his soul.

He didn't say any word after that as he closed his eyes and tried to get in touch with this feeling. It was like he had an extra hand that extended from his soul moving outwards.

He didn't realize what was happening until he felt a familiar traction force that pulled this illusionary hand of him. He didn't interfere and let that hand get sucked by this power.

He felt another hand emerging from his soul. This time he looked closely as he says the emergence of this hand like a growth of a seedling from the ground. It moved weakly and slowly at first as if it was looking for water to drink.

It was looking for energy to make it live. Once it felt the suction power towards it, that hand didn't hesitate to move straight for the direction of this force.

Ibro looked at these two hands in surprise. One hand originated from his right side while the other one was from the left side. Each hand was connected to a mysterious energy that differed from the other one.

He didn't need any explanation as he knew that right-sided hand was connected to the dark natural power, and that left hand was connected to the soul natural powers.

He tried to see the shape of these two powers that kept sucking his hands to feel a sudden shock and a strong slap on the face. His body moved backward in great shock to wake up from this feeling finding him on the rock hard ground.

He was all wet with cold sweat. He wasn't afraid, on the contrary, he was so excited. He screamed loudly:

"I finally felt these powers!"

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