Chapter 59: Understanding the reality behind VR game... the second step in becoming Rune Master

Ibro's scream was so sudden even to himself. He totally forgot he was in an alien world that posed a great threat to him. He looked around him to see if his scream had attracted anyone's attention.

After a few silent tense moments he felt finally relieved when Dronil's voice came to his mind:

"Don't worry; you are totally alone in this area."

He heaved a deep sigh of relief. Now it was the time for his second try. With his previous experience, he tried to stimulate the two hands to emerge from his souls.

He first closed his eyes when he tried to think deeply about these two hands. He failed. he wasn't disappointed as he expected to fail many times. He tried to remember that hunger he felt from these two hands.

Suddenly he saw the emergence of the right hand when he thought about that dark natural energy. He didn't feel distracted and tried to feel that hunger even more.

The more hunger he felt, the more vivid that hand looked. When he felt that sucking power again he felt happy. He knew now the secret behind controlling this kind of power.

It was their hunger for more power. He didn't realize yet it wasn't this hand hunger, it was his soul hunger for more power. Repeatedly he experienced that hunger feeling of one hand each time separately.

Then he began to try feeling this hunger and motivated both hands together. At first, it was very difficult. Time after time he became more familiar with them and so this process became easier to him.

He knew he didn't have enough time or else he would continue in his experiments.

"I'm now in control of these two powers. No, tell me how I can mix them with my tech energy."

"This is also a tricky step. You first need to control the tech power in you. Do you know how?"

Ibro felt speechless. He always depended on the game setting to raise his levels.

He didn't know he could control this power at all. He didn't need to reply as Dronil had read his thoughts already and then it explained:

"You understand the game in a very wrong way. The levels you get aren't the game's own power to control. The game rule is just to organize your energy and stratify it into levels. Tell me, what you get from killing any monster?"

"I get XP."

"Good. I need you to picture yourself killing one of the monsters now. I need to picture the process of killing it. I want you to picture the moment of its death.

I need you to think of this monster as a real alive monster not a digital appearance from the game. If it was a living real monster then it had its own energy.

I want you to picture different types of monsters with different levels. What is the difference between them? Why there is an lvl5 monster who is much weaker than the lvl20 monster?

The answer is its energy. The higher the monster the more energy it contained. Do you remember Jognak? We killed it together. I absorbed its energy so you didn't gain any XP at all.

Didn't you ask yourself why? That's because you didn't receive any bit of its energy. This energy is our tech energy. You need to picture the process of this energy transmission from monsters to yourself.

Forget that leveling sound or any System Prompts. I need you to focus on this energy. Can you feel it?"

Ibro was listening to Dronil voice while he closed his eyes involuntarily.

He began to picture his killing of monsters. He killed a lot of monsters from his past life. he tried to picture things as Dronil described. It was like a totally new world had opened itself to him.

He felt that unnoticeable sensation when he killed every monster. He managed to feel that energy that seeped into his body. He was shocked to realize this energy.

He lived all his previous life and this life without noticing anything at all. When he finished feeling this energy he noticed it started to form a ball of energy inside his abdomen.

Every time he remembered his killing process of any monster he found that energy would end in this form.

"What is this ball of energy Dronil?"

He asked Dronil with his eyes closed. He didn't want to forget this sensation. It was a strange familiar fascinating feeling.

"That ball is the gathering of your energy. When you kill any monster you gain its energy. If your energy isn't enough for you to rise from level to another, it becomes condensed in this form of pure energy.

If your stored energy reached a certain threshold that enables you to rise in level, then this ball will be separated into different areas of your body strengthening it."

Ibro kept feeling this marvelous sensation as he asked:

"What do you mean by strengthening my body?"

"Tell me, what happens when you upgrade your level in the game?"

"I get free AP that I can use to elevate my stats. Wait a second; is my stats not just a measuring game data?"

"Nope. Each stat refers to an actual part of your body. For example, you are a magician that concentrates on Intelligence, Vitality, and Speed.

That makes you distribute your energy presented to you by the organizer tech, which is the game, to your brain, blood, and joints. If you tried to raise Strength then you will add energy to your muscles.

If you wanted to raise your Endurance then you will add power to your skin. The AP you get is just a numerical estimate from the game towards your total energy stored in your body.

When you add any AP to any stat that means actually you distribute your power stored in your body to different body parts depending on your class. The game is only a superficial interface that helps you, players, to deal better with these energies."

Ibro kept feeling this energy until he got used to it. When he felt so Dronil's voice came to him saying:

"Now I want you to recall your leveling up experience. Feel that moment and try to feel how you distribute this energy into your body parts."

Ibro tried to do as Dronil told him. It was really a unique experience for him. He could really see that energy inside his body reaches a certain limit. It was when he leveled from a level to the next higher one.

He saw with his own eyes that energy ball became separated into different amounts of balls. He was now recalling his leveling experience back when he was just a shield warrior.

He was concentrating on raising his endurance, Vitality, and Strength. He saw that a big ball of power got separated into three different sized of energy. One ball entered his bloodstream which seemed livelier than before.

The second ball entered his muscles so he felt they became stronger and bulkier. The third energy ball entered his skin which he felt thicker. He tried to recall different moments of his leveling in his previous life.

It was all the same. He changed and recalled his recent leveling up here in his current life. This time this ball changed into one big and two smaller balls. He felt these two small balls to have the same size approximately.

The biggest ball entered his brain which shined more. The two remaining ball one went to his joints which became more elastic and the other one entered his blood which became livelier.

He felt astonished about these scenes. He felt he was watching a movie about something else and not what really happened to him in the game. He asked in shock:

"How couldn't I notice all of this before?"

"That's because you can't see something you know nothing about.

You didn't know about your ability to control dark and soul natural energies before so you could never have noticed them. But what about now? You can feel these energies now because you know where to look and what you are looking for."

Its words seemed logical to Ibro who asked again:

"Then what happens when I got killed by a monster?"

"As you absorb monsters' energy they also absorb yours. The standard monsters back in the game always absorb only a small fraction from your power. So when you get killed under normal class monster you lose only one level.

If you got killed from a higher class monster, then you will lose much more energy and by then you lose more than one level. Some monsters can suck your energy dry if they managed to kill you.

Monsters like moleecian monsters usually do this to players. So they can kill the player avatar and the real soul of the player. These monsters are extremely rare but are very dangerous.

You need to change your perspective about the game. It's not a game, it's a training program from Bionil Empire to guide players to better control their powers. "

Everything seemed to Ibro like puzzle pieces that suddenly fit together to form a beautiful image. Before he can feel satisfied with this discovery, Dronil voice continued explaining:

"Now you need to picture every time you used a skill of yours. Picture that enormous power stored in your body gets into action. Recall certain skills, like Black Blow Skill. Try to notice what happens to your energy inside your body."

Ibro tried to recall every time he used this skill. He felt surprised by what he saw. This skill used MANA to operate. When he remembered his use of this skill, he noticed small threads of pure purple energy that appeared from his brain.

These thin threads moved towards his hand which held the staff then it miraculously changed form when it passed through this staff. He felt this staff was like a transformer that transformed this energy wisps into something else he knew as his skill effect.

He noticed that dark rays that originated from the tip of his staff heading towards its target. He knew this dark ray. He though it was a sign of the skill effect taking place.

But now he knew it was the movement of his energy towards its destination to cause the skill effect. Everything miraculously changed. Everything he knew became abolished and a new vision to the word was born deep in his soul.

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