Chapter 60: Creating Omega Energy

He didn't stop experimenting with these new discoveries. He recalled even his previous life skills. He was a shield warrior who could use powerful attack and defensive skills.

Every offensive skill took its energy from his muscles. All defensive skills took energy from his skin. All energy forms were like thin small threads of different colors.

His brain threads were purple in color. His muscles' energy wisps were bright red in color. His skin threads of energy were dark brown in color. He felt like a baby who just learned to walk after he was crawling.

He understood that every color was related to one of his stats. After he felt satisfied he said:

"Now I'm both familiar to my natural and tech energies. How can I form runes then?"

"Not this fast. You first need to merge these energies together. Now try to recall the two energies and try to mix them together."

Ibro didn't open his eyes for once as he was enjoying this tutoring class of his. He began to recall his Tech energy first. As he was now a magician so he knew his power was mainly stored in his brain.

He recalled the wisps of energy he saw in his memories and tried to urge them. He tried to picture himself using a skill of his and used this sensation to urge this MANA energy to move.

After many failures, he managed finally to create some purple threads from his brain. He didn't celebrate as he still has another two steps ahead of him. He then recalled the hunger feeling for dark natural energy.

He managed to originate that shadow of a hand from his soul. He first let it get sucked to the huge dark natural energy. He then tried to direct his purple wisps towards his transparent hand.

When both energies got in contact he felt deep shock and lost his focus at once. He opened his eyes to find himself again sitting on the rocky ground. He didn't get depressed; instead, he was motivated to succeed.

He recalled his previous attempt and found the mistake he made. He mustn't let that illusionary hand of his get in touch with that big dark energy. He stood up with determination and closed his eyes again.

This time he faced great difficulty in controlling that hand of his. It was controlled by its hunger feeling towards that bigger dark natural energy at the whole world.

He tried many approaches like he put the MANA threads in the way of his hand but he failed. After many failed experiments he began to get a hold of the process.

The secret was to recall a familiar feeling between both types of energies. He had zero experience in using this dark natural energy so that left him with MANA energy only.

He tried to recall the process which he used this type of energy to create his dark blow skill. He felt lucky as his class was a dark magician so he knew one or two dark type skills.

He used this feeling and tried to attract that dark natural energy of his. It wasn't easy at first. By each failure, he tried to calibrate his approach more delicately so he could do it better next time.

After so many failures he finally succeeded. He waited till his staff was about to release his MANA transformed energy so he could grasp the whole dark feeling of his skills and energy.

He used this feeling which he imprinted deeply in his soul to attract his dark natural energy. He finally succeeded. The final result was a clay-like mass of energy with continuous shape-shifting of it.

Its color was pitch black. He felt tremendous power in it. He didn't celebrate yet as he knew of the curse of beginner's luck. He tried many more times till he became fully sure about his grasp on this process.

He didn't stop his test as he still had another kind of power to merge. He didn't start his test immediately but he started first to think deeply about this.

From his available skills, there was one skill that deals with the soul. That was his Confusion skill. He recalled his experience about it and began to unveil the mysteries behind it.

From his previous lesson, he grasped his feeling when MANA was about to leave his staff. He then began to use this to satisfy the hunger of the soul's natural energy.

After a few failures, he began to have success every time he tried. After many successes, he felt he was ready.

"I have merged two types of energy together. What should I do later?"

"Do you remember how your staff worked? It played the role of energy transformer.

The pen you have in your possession now can be used like this staff. You use that merged energy to transform it into writing."

"Writing? what should I write?"

"These are the easiest steps to become a Rune Master. This civilization uses the power of words.

What you write is letters from their language. By using your merged energy you will use that unique pen to transform it to be a suitable material for writing.

What you chose to write, what you chose as a material to write on and your total merged energy determines the final result of your rune."

"So you want me to learn this civilization language?"

"You don't have to do that. I already know this language. You just need to tell me the word you will use and I will direct your writing."

Ibro felt relieved. He didn't mind to learn this language but there was no time for him to learn this language. He then asked:

"Then what about the materials?"

"You can use anything from a scrap of paper to highly graded materials. The higher the grade the more powerful your rune will be."

"Then you need me to search for materials?"

"You don't need to do so now. I need you first to get familiar to the process of writing runes. Although it's an easy step, you need to get experience in it too."

Ibro looked around him. He was surrounded by so many rocks. He leaned to catch one rock and then asked:

"Can I use this rock?"

"One rock isn't enough. The lowest number of materials needed for your profession is 3.

The higher the number is the better. The power of odd number runes is different from the power of the even number runes."

"How are they different?"

"Even Runes have a tendency to diffuse energy while Odd Runes have the tendency to concentrate runes."

Ibro felt lost so he complained:

"Can you explain in English please?"

"Even Runes are more suitable for AOE runes, while Odd runes are suitable for PvP runes."

Ibro started to grasp his meaning. If he wanted to create wide effect runes then he could use Even Runes. If he wanted to attack or defend in a limited small area then he needed to use Odd Runes.

Ibro then thought about what type of runes he would make now. He asked Dronil:

"Can I create any type of runes? Like healing runes or can I create a stealth field?"

"No, you can't. you are controlled by the types of energy you used to form your merge energy which is called here as Omega Energy."

"But I use Tech energy to merge with natural energy. Stealth and healing are parts of Tech energy."

"No, you understood me wrongly. What I meant by the type of your energy is like your MANA.

If you used MANA to merge with dark energy for example to create your Omega Energy, then you are limited to the effects of both of them. You will only be capable of creating dark runes that had a Magic Attack or Magic Defense nature.

You won't be able to use it to form any other type of runes."

Ibro fell into silence. This was a great limitation to him. He thought a little and then proposed:

"What if I distributed all my AP to all my stats equally? I will be able then to create all the runes I want."

"That's right, but your runes power will diminish a lot. I don't recommend you to do so."

Ibro felt Dronil judgment to be absolutely right. If he did so then he will be very weak. Being a knowledgeable person in every field of knowledge wasn't the best thing. Specialty is the best.

He was a magician back home so he would stick to being a magician. It wasn't a bad choice either. He could use his three different types of energies to create big variations of runes that would be useful in big wars.

Now he was ready to make his first rune. Dronil read his mind so he asked:

"What type of rune you want to first create?"

"I want to create a soul-based AOE rune that would paralyze my enemies and causes massive dark energy destruction to them."

"Sorry I don't get your meaning. How do you plan to do so with your two energies merged together?"

"Two? I will merge the three energies together and use them to create my legend as a Rune Master."

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