Chapter 61: Making the 1st Rune

Dronil seemed to be surprised as it took him a few moments before he said:

"You are really crazy. Although what you intend to do isn't strange about this civilization's long history, it usually took a lot of time and effort to do so. How do you plan to do so?"

Ibro didn't feel any hesitation from its words but he decided to challenge his odds. It wasn't easy for him to take such a decision, but as far as he knew he was like a normal Rune Master in this war.

If he wanted to have a chance he should risk it. He didn't speak with Dronil and began to test his theory. He knew it was difficult for him to control all three energies together and made them merge in one big Omega Energy.

So he didn't choose this usual approach and he improvised. He first used his soul natural energy and his MANA energy to form one big Omega Energy.

After that, he tried to merge his dark natural energy with this Omega Energy but he failed. He tried more than once but he failed and failed. Finally, he stopped trying blindly and tried to change the equation.

He tried to merge his dark natural energy with his Omega Energy that developed from his MANA and his soul natural energy. He also failed. He tried many times before he decided that his approach needed adjustments.

He noticed that when he tried to merge his natural energy with his Omega Energy he failed. There was no connection between the two. It seemed his Omega Energy was a new type of energy that was different from his MANA or natural energies.

He suddenly had an inspiration. What if he created two Omega Energy balls? Would he be able to merge them together? He rushed to try this theory out of his excitement.

He created two Omega Energy balls. He found great difficulty in controlling both of them. Although he felt difficulty he was so excited. He felt the traction force that was between the two balls.

He didn't hesitate to merge them together. His first try was a complete failure. Both energies caused a huge explosion. The second try was the same. After the twentieth try, he managed to merge both balls into one ball for one second.

Then this ball also exploded. After his one-hundredth trial, he finally succeeded to hold this energy for a few minutes. He felt his great accomplishment. He finally had time to write the runes he wanted. He felt huge energy in his final ball which he named' Mega Omega'.

"You really succeeded! You are an insane person, but I admire your persistence. Now I want you to gather the needed runes materials so you can try producing your first rune."

Ibro felt proud of Dronil words. He didn't hesitate and moved around. He selected a large number of rocks that piled in a certain area to form a small hill. After he gathered enough rocks he was ready to begin. He held his pen and one rock on the other hand.

"I'm ready."

"Tell me what word do you want to write?"

"Is it one word only? I want to write a few words."

"I want you to note, every word you write consumes certain energy from your Omega Ball or what you name as Mega Omega."

"I don't care. I want to write down these words: Souls, Seal, Dark and Tempest. Can you do that?"

"They are four words. Let's hope your energy suffices them. Now let's begin. I will guild your hand movement so try to follow my lead."

Ibro then felt as if there was a force that pushed his hands. He moved his hands according to this force guidance. Once that pen touched the rock he felt that it began to suck some energy from his Mega Omega.

Ibro didn't feel anxious as he anticipated that. He watched carefully as his hand holding the pen kept moving slowly but steadily to draw a weird symbol on this rock.

His hand didn't stop as it drew the second symbol and then the third and fourth. He knew these symbols were the corresponding meaning of his four selected words in Hilonar language.

After he finished drawing his fourth symbol he felt a strange force held that rock to make it float freely in the air without any support.

"Is this your doing Dronil?"

"No, this is the effect of drawing the first rune. Now it's not time for any talk. Get the second rock fast."

Ibro felt Dronil's rashness so he didn't waste any more time and held the second rock.

He knew his time to control that Mega Omega didn't pass the five minutes mark yet so he needed not to waste any time actually. In less than a minute he managed to finish the second rune.

Like the previous one, it flew freely from his hands to float beside the first rune. He felt as if there was a certain sort of connection between the two runes.

He didn't think much as he took the third rune and started drawing it. After he finished the second rune, it also floated into the air. When the third rune joined the other two he felt a strong connection between the three of them.

He felt that they created something like a power field between the three. He probed them to find that the power in them were converging into a single point.

If he wanted to finish making the runes now he could simply be satisfied by those three. But he had much energy left in his Mega Omega so he didn't stop. When he finished his fourth rune, he felt the power in them was diverting outwards.

He didn't stop and finished making the fifth, sixth and seventh rune. He reached his five minutes limit to feel depressed. There was more than half of the energy in his Mega Omega ball.

He felt deep regret. To his surprise, he didn't feel that Mega Omega tendency to explode as before. He checked it deeply to feel surprised. When he sucked nearly half of its energy, his control over it became more stable.

He felt he could use it for a longer period of time. He thought about the possibility to make a new rune, but he gave up. He wanted to test this rune of his to know the effect of his new profession. He continued to write down on the rocks in front of him.

When he finished his 16 rock, his energy was completely depleted. He felt mentally exhausted but he felt too excited.

"Now what should I do?"

"Nothing, you only need to stop your connection with these runes and they will take their final shape simultaneously."

Ibro did as Dronil told him. He cut any connection between himself and these ruins. Suddenly those ruins began to bright with dark color then purple color then white color.

They kept alternating between the three colors with a visible change on their surface. These drawings that Ibro wrote on them began to shine and show the shape of unique depression.

Each depression was pulsating with a mix of the three colors in a fascinating way. Ibro held his breath watching these miraculous changes till every rock became like a gem.

If he didn't bring these normal rocks by himself, he would doubt their nature. They were like a high-grade material, not just a trash rocks. That made him think 'what if I used a high-grade material?

What would be the end result?' he was so eager and excited to use these runes so he asked in anticipation:

"Can I use them now?"

"Sure, but I want to suggest to you another location to try them out."

"What location?"

"Outside the camp. I noticed a strange movement a while ago. There must be a battle at the walls of this camp. You can try it there. Who knows, you might attract attention to you."

Ibro understood Dronil's meaning. He needed to raise his position as rapidly as possible. He didn't know how long this battle would continue. It would be best if it lasted long enough.

He knew he didn't have much time actually. The time limit to him was only one day. So he needed to use it very efficiently. He took these stones which became connected together by a certain force to be like one coherent bigger stone that he held in his hands.

He moved rapidly going back to the camp. He wanted to try out his first rune and knew its effect. When he reached the camp he noticed the chaos in it. Everyone was running towards the walls.

He heard repeated alarm sounds that echoed in the place without pause. This was an atmosphere of war. He didn't lack that war experience as before he lived his whole game in a war state.

He moved with confidence towards the walls. When he neared the walls he discovered how huge they were. They were nearly over 300 meters high.

Every now and then he noticed big defensive towers that guarded these walls. The noise of war was very loud that he couldn't hear any words from the surrounding people around him.

He ignored all of them as his target was that wall. Once he reached the inner side of the wall, he headed towards the nearest steps that lead to the top.

Everyone he met had a solemn look that brought memories back to him. He hated war but he wasn't afraid of it. When he reached the top finally he witnessed a very large army that was attacking relentlessly the walls.

He froze from shock. He didn't expect that the enemy would be those nasty monsters that he met before at the Apidon world. In front of him were oceans after oceans of weird shaped monsters.

Each monster was like that monster he met when he first entered the Apidon world. He remembered that strange voice that talked to him when he left that relic site.

That voice asked him to come back after he killed enough Moleecian monsters. That terrifying picture in front of him made him realize something, this civilization enemy is these monsters, or should he say the civilization behind these monsters?

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