Chapter 62: Entering WAR

Ibro remembered the info he knew about this war. The opposite enemy is called 'Defarot'. That was strange, as he knew these monsters came from Moleece Empire. Ibro felt confused.

Were these monsters from Defarot and they supported Moleece Empire? Or there was another hidden mastermind behind all of them? Ibro didn't know the answer and he doubted Dronil even knew it.

It wasn't time for such thoughts as the war in front of him was in a very hot state. These huge silent monsters were trying to hit the walls and soldiers on it. The first difference

Ibro noticed them that they didn't use their big mouths to eat the walls, but they launched a ray of light that cause serious damage to the walls and killed many soldiers.

On the other hand, the Hilonar army wasn't that passive either. Ibro saw uncountable rocks that had the same pattern as his that was launched against these monsters.

Once a rune rock touched monsters or the ground it exploded causing massive attacks. Ibro noticed that most of these runes were attack type only. There was no such a multiple effect runes like his.

These monsters also seemed to know the effect of these runes perfectly. When a rock descended towards any area, the monsters in that area disappeared into the ground like fish swimming in the water.

Ibro felt that this unique ability of the monsters made them the perfect counterfeit to the Hilonarian army.

"Hey, you are a secondary Rune Master. This is no place for someone weak like you. You will get yourself killed."

Ibro looked to the one who talked to him. It was the local commander of this section of the wall. Ibro smiled and said:

"Let your men be ready. I will paralyze these bastards. You will have a chance to kill them in one hit."

"Don't you know I'm higher in rank than you? Who do you think yourself is? I will hold a martial trial on you when we…"

Ibro didn't follow that commander's words, and he didn't care about his threats. He got enough attention from here and multiple sections near here. His disobedience was his ticket to attract everyone's attention.

It was time for his show to appear on the stage. He held the rune rocks tightly in his hand and prayed deeply it would work in a good way. He knew he would face terrible fate if he failed.

He wouldn't fail, that was his conviction or his hope. Ibro turned around himself in a few circles to add momentum to his throw. He threw the rocks which moved at a fast speed towards the distant monsters.

It was his first time using the rune rocks but he was sure that his runes were different than the other runes he witnessed just now. He didn't want to throw it near the wall so the effect of it would engulf some of his companions.

That would cause more harm than help. So he decided to throw it as far as he could. The rune rocks descended upon an area filled with large numbers of these monsters.

This area worked as a reserve force that would replace the frontline monsters anytime. When the rune descended on them, they intended to run. They failed.

When the runes Ibro threw landed, they exploded immediately in a huge sphere of black light that attracted all the battlefield attention. This sphere was expanding rapidly in all directions till it stopped after a few seconds.

It was covering a huge area that exceeded 5000*5000 meters. All the monsters in this sphere effect were standing like statues with no movement. Ibro noticed there were massive black lightning that kept hitting these huge monsters.

Ibro didn't know anything at all about his rune effect or duration. So he screamed loudly in the sudden quiet battlefield:

"Attack with all you got. They won't be able to escape from my rune effect."

His scream woke the commanders from their daze.

Immediately dozen of orders were sent immediately and the old tornado of rune rocks attacks landed again on these monsters. This time they couldn't escape like usual.

It made the battle in this area a one-sided slaughter. Ibro didn't feel anything at all, as he was concentrating on his rune rocks effect trying to get any info possible about it.

He knew about the range and the exact effect of his runes. He could cover a very large area with this rune and everyone inside it lost control over himself.

At the same time, these unstoppable whips of black lightning didn't stop falling over their heads. Ibro was concerned about the duration of his rune. He missed the game actually as he could know all these details from the game.

He also didn't know how much damage he caused to these monsters. He was oblivion to these facts that occurred in front of him. When the massive rune attack landed upon these petrified monsters, they continued to fall like dry leaves facing a mighty hurricane.

"Hurry up and try to control the energy you are collecting right now. If you don't organize this energy, they will dissipate by itself."

Ibro felt surprised by Dronil's words. He forgot that he could absorb these monsters' energy as long as he killed them. But he wasn't the one who dealt the final blow to most of these monsters.

So why did he obtain this energy? He didn't think much and closed his eyes. The rashness in Dronil voice made him feel he would lose a good opportunity here. When he focused on his body he felt excited.

His body had a massive amount of energy that exceeded his limits. He didn't know what to do but at this moment he heard Dronil voice guiding him:

"Try to recall your experience about energy distribution. Just have the desire and the energy will follow your desire."

Ibro recalled his past experiences as Dronil instructed. He was very familiar with this as he examined these moments dozens of times before. He created a desire for energy to be distributed like what he experienced before.

This time, he decided to take care of his most important power, so he focused all of his energy on his brain. The energy followed his desire and moved towards his brain. He didn't have the luxury to monitor his rune effect so he requested:

"Monitor my rune effect please."

"I know. Don't worry and keep your focus."

Ibro continued to direct the energy towards his brain. He noticed that his brain was becoming brighter every moment. He didn't stop directing his absorbed energy to his brain and he neglected his other organs.

He knew the importance of other stats but what is the use of anything in front of opposing unstoppable force? He was intoxicated with the effect of his first rune that he wanted it to be stronger.

After a few minutes, he noticed that he stopped absorbing all the energy he got. But he still had a great amount that needed to be guided. He kept his eyes closed insulating himself from the brutal fight around him.

After ten minutes he finally managed to direct the last bit of the energy. He opened his eyes and was very excited and impatient. He wanted to turn back now to his mountain place and start to manufacture more runes.

But when he opened his eyes he noticed that the place around him seemed unusual. There was no one around him in the area for a few meters.

He was surrounded by a strange soldiers that wore a different armors than the one he and the other soldiers here wore. He noticed the presence of one strong looking guy.

He was in his mid-thirties and his hair was so long that was nearly reached the ground. Ibro felt a huge threat from this man. This man level exceeded even Ruliv by miles.

He was the strongest guy he met so far in his life. he was even stronger than his master Pnro. Ibro kept his vigilance but the sound of Dronil echoed in his brain:

"Don't make a single mistake in front of this man. He is the supreme leader here in this war. He came personally to you after the end of your rune but you were in deep concentration, so I didn't tell you. You must deal with him cautiously."

Ibro felt tenser. This man was the supreme leader here. That was a big surprise that might be a huge present or a massive catastrophe to him.

Would he know he wasn't from here and he was at his Trial? Would he attack him? Or detain him? Would he encourage him? Ibro didn't know what reaction this strong influential man would have towards him.

"A young secondary weak Rune Master managed to deal with such a tremendous blow to the enemies is a very strange incident. Tell me, kid, from who did you steal this rune? Or was it the gift from your master?"

Ibro felt fear. This man didn't really believe he was able to make such a rune. If he was a thief then he would be punished heavily. Crime acts at war were heavily punished in any time and place.

If he acquired this rune from his master, then he would have no credit at all. Ibro didn't want to go for any of these two possibilities so he said firmly with great courage:

"Neither of both is right. I made them myself."

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