Royal Princess of Blood

Chapter 5: A Pure Princess (Part 5)

We entered the courtyard as I pulled Mera by the hand. Several gazes immediately shifted to focus on us, causing Mera to become uneasy. They were all the eyes of men, and we were the only two women here, so I suppose it was to be expected she would be this way.

There were supposed to be a few female knights here. Where were they? Not here it seems.

The knights who saw me immediately stood up straight.

“Her highness, the Princess!”

One of the knights shouted, instantly catching the attention of the others that hadn’t yet realized I was here. They all halted their activities and kneeled on one knee with their heads bowed. I was taken aback by this to be honest.

 I acted all flustered as I held out my hands with a little wave.

“Uh, please rise. You can ignore me and continue with your work. Don’t let me bother you.”

The knights complied and stood up. They returned to their work, back to training and swinging their swords, using their spears, and so on, or that was what was supposed to happen. But they seemed unable to focus. What could the reason be?

Ah yes! It was me!

But something like this should be expected. Aside from my beauty, I was also the Princess.

“Estelia, my dear sister!”

I heard my brother’s happy voice, then I saw him walking towards me. A bright smile beamed on his face, his eyes seemed to sparkle as he beheld me.

“Brother!” My loud sweet voice echoed in the courtyard.

“Aren’t you supposed to be resting?”

“... I feel fine already. Besides, I have Mera by my side. It’s alright.”

Estevan furrowed his brows.

“But even so… is it not difficult to walk around after you just literally fell from the stairs?”

Gasps of surprise escaped from the lips of the knights the moment they heard what happened to me. I smiled internally. Dear sweet brother of mine, you might have unintentionally helped me.

“... Yes… I was hurt at first, it was painful, it hurt the most when I fell, blood coming out—” I shook my head. “No, it’s already over. There is no need to think about it.”

I averted my eyes away, seemingly about to break into tears as I remember the pain I went through. I caught glimpses of worried and concerned gazes directed at me from the knights. When I met some of their gazes as I looked at them, I flinched and looked down, avoiding their eyes.

I appeared so vulnerable and weak that they were looking at me with sympathy. Just the reaction I desired from them.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t able to help you immediately. I’m such a useless brother. I should have kept my sister from any harm.”

Estevan had a pained expression on his face, he must have felt truly guilty.

“N-No! Don’t blame yourself brother,” I took a step forward, my ever so pure eyes were wide open as the corners were becoming damp. “It’s my own fault. It’s because I’m clumsy.”


“B-But don’t worry, brother. I’ll work hard to become a clumsy girl no more!”

“Estel, you don’t have to do that, you’re perfect the way you are.”

He gazed at me with eyes filled with passion which shocked me because of the amount of intensity it had. How could such a brother feel this much towards his sister? This perhaps goes to show just how much he cared.

“I… I don’t want to be a nuisance.”

“You’re not a nuisance…”

I stayed silent for a while, seemingly unconvinced by his words. But then shortly resigned and responded to him.

“Okay… But I’ll make an effort towards self improvement… So, let me borrow your sword.”


He was dumbfounded by my request.

Perhaps you were wondering why I asked such a thing. Well, I require a weapon. I am not quite fond of swords since daggers were much better, but a sword was still a weapon.

I want to try such a weapon. Might consider using it.

“My sword? Wait, why?” he asked.

“I… I want to try holding one.”

“But you’re a lady, dear sister. There is no need to use one.”

“I only want to try holding one, not swing it. I’m curious to how it feels. Please?”

He looked at me, then to the sword as he contemplated. He seemed to make up his mind, and with the support of my insistence, he presented the hilt to me.

“Be careful, okay? Also, it’s heavy, so watch out for that.”

With a nod, I reached out for the hilt. It was a bit exciting to try it out. The sword was on the longer side, a long sword, perhaps it was called.

As I saw earlier, this was indeed a two handed sword, so I held it with both my hands. Of course not that I didn’t know that long swords were to be held with two hands.

The moment he let go, my muscles tensed up as my arms received the weight of the sword. I kept lifting the sword.


It was heavy, not to my taste, and not the preferred weight that I would like to use as a weapon. I adjusted my posture so I could carry it more properly, I also adjusted my grip. It had become better. The sword in my hand was pointed forward, so I raised it up.

“Careful now.”

I heard my brother’s voice, I only nodded as I focused on the sword.

“Can I swing it?” I asked.


“Just swing it forward, right? It’s not harmful.”

“...I guess.”

I tightened my grip, then I swung forward, slashing the empty air. However, with the amount of strength I have, the force of the swing with the motion of the sword carried me with it as the sword struck the ground.


This was not good at all. With muscle training I could do it better. That said, I don’t like swords, they're too long and slow. Daggers would be much better, lighter, and faster. Well this was all based on what I was used to.

I raised the sword again. This was a bit tiring already, since I disliked it, it would be pointless to force myself to go on. But I’ll think about using the sword in the future, it might become useful.

However, can I swing it again? Brother would allow it, right?

Without asking him for permission, I swung again with a better stance and better footing, I stopped the blade before it touched the ground. It was a struggle in the arms. This body was not built for this.

“You’re doing great, Estel!”

“Really? That’s great!” I chuckled. “But, this is enough for me...”

I can’t properly use it. This was a failed attempt to obtain a weapon. Well, not like they would allow me to train with the sword.

But, I really need to increase my muscles.

“Brother, you can have your sword back.”

I offered the sword to him as I let the blade touch the ground.

“Hehehe, how does it feel to lift a sword?” he asked as he received the sword.

“It was a good experience.”

I massaged the muscles on my arms. My poor precious feeble muscles, they must be shocked. I feel a bit numb though.

“You alright?”

“Um, yes, I’m completely fine.”

As I looked at my brother, I noticed a young man behind him. He flinched when he met my gaze. He was the young man I pointed to Mera earlier, and my brother’s sparring partner.

He had brown hair and black eyes, with his skin a bit tanned due to being bathed in sunlight most of the time during training. He must be around my age.


I called out to him with a wave of my hand and a precious smile.


He was stuttering around as he tried to respond. My brother saw this and grinned.

He pulled him forward and introduced him.

“This guy is Alan Welford. Fourth son of Count Welford. Come on, say hi to my sister or something.”

“Ah, um… G-Good afternoon, your highness.”

I giggled inside, how amusing his bashfulness was.

“Good afternoon. It is a pleasure to meet you, Sir Alan.”

I said as I curtsied. With the elegant curtsy and the flower by my ear which boosted my beauty, it had quite the impact on the young man.

“Is training going pretty well?” I asked him.

“Y-Yes your highness.”

“Splendid! I’m sure with hard work, you can become incredibly strong in the future. Let’s do our best to improve ourselves, Sir Alan.”

His eyes went wide, not only was he captivated by my beauty but was also entranced by my words. I lump us together, our, I said to him. My words meant that we would improve together. As young as this man was, I imagine this would have a considerable effect on his impression towards me.

“Y-Yes, certainly!”

“Perfect. Ah, I have interrupted your sparring session. Please brother, you can return to your work, pay me no heed.”

I ought to not keep disturbing them and the other knights. Talking or interacting too much while they were working would only bring me the opposite of what I was intending to do. I must not become annoying. Therefore, I must take it slowly. These people looked serious in their job, so I must be careful not to overdo it or do anything unnecessary that would bother them too much.

I have planted the seeds, thus I only need to cultivate them.

If Estelia wasn’t somewhat antisocial and introverted in the first place and interacted with the knights even for just a little, I might have gotten to expend less effort and use less time. However, that was not the case, thus, I have no choice but to act.

“But sister—”

“Brother?” I pouted a little as I stared forcefully at him.

“Fine… Let’s go Alan.”

I waved at them goodbye. Of course, I also waved at Alan as he glanced back at me a couple of times. When they left me, I looked around. They were working hard. This reminded me of the early times in the organization.

The training of the knights here were incomparable to what I’ve been through. It was hell and painful, if I might say. They trained me hard when I was still a little girl, along with others. We would be often ordered to fight to the death. Not a day went by that I didn’t have any wounds or bruises.

I even had plenty of broken bones. But, thanks to my excellent performances, I was not disposed of. Nevertheless, it was a painful experience. And how I was glad when I was freed from the training facility.

Doing missions was much better compared to that.

As I scouted the area, a knight caught my eyes. He was a middle aged man, black haired, brown eyes and brown complexion. He was muscular and a long scar by the side of his face, showing the long years of servitude as a knight and hinting what he went through. But that wasn’t what attracted my eyes. It was the dagger in his hand.

When I looked closer, there were also a few more daggers by the table next to him. I became excited.


“Mera, come.”

I beckoned Mera to follow me.

“M-Milady, where are we going?”



Update: Did some rewriting in this chapter.

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