Royal Princess of Blood

Chapter 6: A Pure Princess (Part 6)

I approached, and the middle aged knight turned to me with surprised eyes. When I got closer, he genuflected before me.

“Your highness.”

“Um, you may rise, knight.”

“Yes, your highness,” he said as she stood back up.

“W-What is your name?”

“Elson Metrial, your highness.”

“Sir Elson, what an honor it is to make your acquaintance.”

He looked quite confused as to why I approached him.

“Likewise, your highness.”

I walked towards the table where the beautiful daggers were placed. Okay, not exactly beautiful since they were somewhat plain. But they were daggers nonetheless.

“You’re training with daggers.”

“Yes… But I also use a sword.”

I smiled broadly.

“Of course, it is always better to have a secondary weapon, isn’t that right? Sir Elson?”

His eyes went wide for a moment, surprised by my words. Then he spoke again with a smile. He must be delighted by what I said.

“Indeed, your highness. If I lose the sword, I can use my daggers.”

“Not only daggers can be used on melee, you can also throw them at your enemies.”

“...Yes indeed.”

“Can I touch one?”

I asked him for permission to take a hold of one. I shouldn’t just take one, it was his weapons after all. Plus, this fits well with my character.

“Isn’t it dangerous, your highness? You might wound your fingers.”

“I will be careful.”

He shifted his eyes towards my brother. He must be worried about what would happen if I got hurt. And my brother had a big role in that worry of his.

“You have no need to worry about my brother. So may I?”

“... Very well. But please be careful.”

“Of course.”

I took a dagger by the handle. A sense of relief and comfort instantly came surging into me. I touched the blade with my other hand, gently stroking it.

Ah, daggers.

I felt much better than before the moment I got hold of the dagger. I felt safer, you might say. We were taught how to handle daggers, and I loved using them. The hardness of the blade was wonderful. The weight was satisfying.

The deadliness was amazing.

Now at the moment I was holding a dagger, I couldn’t be more comfortable. However, it was heavier than what I was used to. The muscles of this body were too low. However, something like this was still manageable.

I have experienced several weights in my lifetime. I could still execute someone with it. I could also throw it, but I expect accuracy will leave more to be desired. But I only need to adjust myself.

But how wonderful it was to hold a dagger. I was in bliss.

I raised my eyes and saw a few knights also practicing their daggers, and some were throwing them at some target. But they were way off the bullseye. How disappointing, they must still be novices in this department.

I returned my eyes to the dagger in my hand. I sort of wanted to throw it. Throwing it at a living corpse would be more satisfying, but of course I couldn’t do that. A target practice would suffice.

I held the blade of the dagger with my slender fingers on one hand. The weight was more than what I was used to, but it was fine. This was indeed manageable.

“Your highness, it’s dangerous to hold it there.”

I heard the concerned voice of Elson which I paid no heed to. I had a desire. Longing. Blood. 

My whole life I have spilled blood. I may have wanted freedom, but executing was engraved deep into me. Taking the life of my enemies was what made my life. 

Execution. Assassination. Murder.

I lived for that.

It was my purpose. I embraced it.

As I was lost in thought of my life, I tossed and flipped the dagger. It spun in the air, and as it descended, I caught it between my fingers by the flats. My fingers were unwounded, the blade was back to where they were.


“Your highness?”

Their calls brought me back to my senses. I turned my eyes towards them with wide eyes. Then I frantically returned my eyes to the dagger in my hand. Of course these were just acts of mine.

“Oh? Would you look at that, Sir Elson. I did it. What a lucky one.”

I said energetically towards him. He saw how I spun the dagger in the air along with Mera, but I just said it was a lucky shot.

“Milady. That was dangerous.”

Mera approached me as she took the dagger away from my hand and placed it back on the table. She checked my fingers for any damages.

“Are you hurt somewhere?”

“... No, I’m fine.”

“Thank goodness.”

Seeing how concerned everyone was for me, I’m terrified to think if I bled.

“You worry too much, Mera.”

“Um… getting wounded is bad, milady.”

I smiled. She looked quite adorable.

“Yes, wounds are bad to have, ah…” I turned to Elson. “Can I keep one?”

Elson froze, being unprepared hearing my question. Why would a princess like me want a dagger? Such a question might have appeared in his head.

“...Huh? Your highness… um, it’s…”

He looked hesitant to answer. Given it was a blade, it would be bad for a princess to keep one. But I also asked him, a princess, so his mind must be in a mess as to what and how to respond.

“It’s dangerous, milady. Not allowed.”

But it was Mera who firmly turned down my request.

I pouted with puffed cheeks. It was regretful that I wouldn’t be able to bring one. I guess that was to be expected. Should I ask help from my brother? No, from the way he treated me, he wouldn’t let me have one, everyone here was too protective towards me.

I was troubled on how to do this. I was more comfortable to have a weapon beside me.

What a headache.

I groaned inside. I was dispirited.


The plan of stealing one sneakily came to mind, but I immediately dismissed it. I can’t trick anyone with this many people around, plus they were knights — fighters. I’ll be an idiot if I try to snatch one.

“At least let me try—-”

Nope. Bad idea.


I was about to try throwing one at a target, but no. I might get a bullseye or closer. It would be weird they see me do that. I could try missing miserably on purpose. But where’s the satisfaction in that?

I’ll just come back to my room.

“Then… keep up the good work, dear knights. I’ll be cheering you on as you strive for greatness and strength.”

I said like a sweet young girl before walking away.

“I’ll be going. Let’s return, Mera.”

On the way, I noticed the eyes of the knights lit up after hearing my words, seemingly more motivated than before. But it appears that it was more effective towards the younger knights who were just about my age. Even so, that was fine, I imagine I still had some effect towards the older ones.



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