Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 4 Chapter 34: A Decision (Part 1)

A young lady slept on a bed, and she was wrapped in a smooth sheet. She looked like a princess. For she was indeed a princess. A princess from a faraway nation, a princess who last witnessed her home kingdom on fire. A princess who carried a heavy feeling of loss inside her heart.

As one lost in intense grief, she shouldn’t be able to wake up. For others, they lacked the motivation to be awakened back to the real world. Maybe the dreams they were having brought them ecstatic fantasy. However, it was different for this princess. For she did not dream.

The Lost Princess, who was regarded as the Pure Princess in her homeland, slowly opened her eyes. Her vision still in a blur, she looked around. It was a room made of wood, and it was plainer than what she was used to in a bedroom. As she slightly shifted, she realized she was lying on a soft bed.

She slowly sat up, but she halted and groaned in pain, placing a hand on her head. Taking a deep breath, she took in more of her surroundings. The room had plain furniture, with a wooden desk and chairs. There were also bottles of wine on a shelf along with fancy wine glasses.

Judging from the room, this must be somewhere in the ship. And for being in a ship, despite being plain, it was so decent, must be for someone important. Princess Estelia slowly moved out of the bed, her entire body throbbed in pain. She strained her body too much and overused Physical Enhancement.

I should cast healing magic on my body later…

She surmised it wouldn’t completely restore her body, but it should lessen the pain she was feeling. But for now, she should check her surroundings and situation. She didn’t want to be completely clueless.

When she tried standing up, she had a realization of how terrible her state was. Her body felt so heavy and painful, she felt exhausted and so weak. She could collapse at any moment if she lost her grip on herself.

I want to sleep…

But she had no time for it. She noticed she was not wearing her combat outfit anymore. She was wearing dark trousers, a white shirt, and a dark bluish coat. She had the impression it was almost similar to a pirate’s outfit, but it was also similar to what sailors wear.

She looked around, and she noticed a particular object on top of a drawer. It was familiar, a dagger.

There you are.

It was her most expensive dagger. The traffickers really did take it away to keep it. She quickly walked over to it barefooted, but then she paused when she came across a mirror. Upon seeing herself, she narrowed her eyes and looked at her entire appearance. She looked terrible.

Her skin was deathly pale, and she had faint dark circles under her eyes as if she had not slept properly for days. She had never seen herself like this before, something this bad. For the moment, she didn’t know what to do to remedy her health, so she set aside the problem for now.

With a sigh, she continued on to her dagger. She grabbed it and pulled it out of its sheath. Indeed, it was her special dagger. She felt significantly relieved to see it okay. At least something she was deeply familiar with was safe and was with her. No, it was not the only one.

She pulled out the necklace hidden under her shirt, which was thankfully still there. It had a crimson gemstone, which also had the ability to change color with a bit of mana. It was a gift from her elder brother. A souvenir from home. The princess had a sad look on her face, longing for the feeling of home. And she was reminded of her dear mother.

She held back her tears. She didn’t want to cry.

She looked at the window, and she was a bit curious at what she was seeing. The ship had not been moving or anything since she woke up, and now she knew why. While holding the dagger, she walked to the window to have a closer look on the outside. It was daytime, and the view was so clear, the water surface was ice.

… Huh, I remember doing that…

She didn’t expect that it would still be here after she fainted. And she was curious if it was even melting. It didn’t appear to be, perhaps as what would be expected. She remembered she didn’t hold back during the fight, despite the incredible pain she was under. She was pressed for time, and had to end the battle as soon as possible. And of course, that turned out to be easier said than done.

She was lucky she was able to win before she passed out. And from how things looked, the way she was in a fine room, woken up on a fine bed, she could guess that the team on the ship won. However, the ship was still stranded because of her ice magic.

Mm, at least they have the decency to bring me back here.

And the fact that they brought her to a nice place to rest, perhaps they really had some gratitude in them. She was the one who freed them, after all. And the one who took out the most powerful enemy. She was the one who contributed the most to this victory.

Her head began to hurt, ears ringing, and thus Estelia made her way back to the bed, sitting down at the edge. Suddenly, the door opened up. Estelia sprang up from the bed and pointed her dagger at the one who was about to enter. It was a young woman, wearing a ragged dress. She was a bit dirty, but from the looks of it, she tried her best to look decent.

“Don’t move,” Estelia warned.

The young woman froze with a scared expression, looking at her with widened eyes.

“Y-Young Miss, you’re awake.”

“Were you one of the captives?”

“Y-Yes, I was.”

“I see…”

Estelia lowered her weapon and sat back down on the bed. She was just making sure this woman was not a threat.

“Um, Young Miss…” She slowly stepped in. “You don’t look alright, do you need help?”

The way the woman spoke was careful, but she sounded less refined and less formal than Estelia was used to in the palace. So, as one might imagine, she was likely a peasant, among the easiest to traffic.

“No. I don't need your help.”


“What time is it?”

“Judging from the sun, it's just past noon.”

“I see.”

The commoner woman seemed to be restless, as there was a brief silence. She was thinking about what to say.

“Oh yes, maybe you would like some soup, Young Miss? We still have plenty left.”

Estelia pondered it for a moment. She was feeling hungry. She had eaten nothing for a long while now. She should eat to at least feel better.

“Very well, please bring me some.”

With an awkward nod, the young woman left the room, making sure to close the door while doing it. Now that she was alone, Estelia laid her back on the bed and heaved a long sigh. She wanted sleep, she needed it, but for some reason, her eyes wanted to remain open.

She had never felt like this before. This crushing feeling that sucked out all the motivation you had. She just wanted to sleep for a very, very long time.

She didn’t know how much time had passed as she kept staring at the ceiling, but knocks came on the door.

“I’ve brought you your food.”

Estelia frowned. It was a man’s voice. Not what she expected. She rose from the bed with wary eyes.

“Come in.”

The door opened, and a tall, muscular man entered. He was a full-fledged adult, must be in his early thirties. He was around seven feet tall and he was struggling a bit to move around the room. Furthermore, Estelia recognized him, he was the soldier she met first when she released the captives. Seeing that it was a familiar man, she lowered her guard.

In the man’s hands was a wooden bowl of soup, faintly steaming, and a pouch of water.

“Where is the woman?”

“You scared her, so here I am.” He scrutinized her for a second. “You don’t look so good,” he said as he walked towards the table. “You best eat while it's still warm.” He placed the bowl and water pouch on the table.

Estelia walked over to the table, but not without her dagger. She sat down on the chair and stared at the soup for a moment. It didn’t look too presentable, but at least it was food. She slowly placed her dagger beside the bowl, where she could easily reach it when needed.

“Still wary, I see.”

Estelia looked up at him for a moment before picking up the wooden spoon. “I don’t know you.”

“Of course… But we fought on the same side, so I don’t think we should be hostile toward each other.”

“Is that so?”

Estelia scooped the soup with her spoon. They may have fought on the same side, but they were strangers in the end. She had no reason to be too friendly with them at the moment. They could still be dangerous for all she knew. Yes, she was not safe, not anywhere.

“Perhaps I should start introducing myself. I am Velar Telerosen. A former soldier.”

Former, huh…

Estelia ate a couple spoonfuls of the soup before responding. “Estelia.”

“Nice to meet you, Lady Estelia.”

She disregarded him and focused on her food. It was plain, not as delicious back in the palace. But she couldn’t exactly be picky in this case.

“When we retrieved you, we almost thought you were dead. Despite not having any dangerous wounds whatsoever.”

“I see…”

“And you were drenched, so we have to change your clothes.”

Estelia paused and glanced at her sleeves and glared at the man fiercely. “You’re the one who removed my clothes?”

The man stiffened as he received that powerful gaze, and he forced himself to form a small smile. “Of course not. We had the women do it. Privately.”

Her hostility disappeared, and she returned her eyes to the soup. Suddenly, she started coughing. She didn’t choke because of the food or anything, it was just a real sudden cough.

“Lady, do you have a fever?”

She raised her hand, indicating that he shouldn’t get near.

“I’m f-fine.” She grabbed the pouch of water and drank from it. After that, she placed a hand on her forehead. “I don’t have a fever.” It was at a normal warmth.

“I see…”

Estelia took a deep breath for a moment before asking a question. “We have full control of the ship?”

“Yes. We captured three of the enemy, and they’re in the brig. One being the captain.”

The captain…

Estelia pondered on what she should do with them. She had a few questions she wanted to ask.

“And the demon?” she asked.

“... Well, his corpse is still on the ice. So I guess he’s dead.”


“... We’re ready to move, but we’re still stuck because of the frozen water.”

Estelia glanced up at the soldier. The way he interacted and spoke was typical of a soldier, it reminded her of how the soldiers and knights spoke to her. They were formal and gave reports appropriately.

Well, at least he speaks way better than Rogan.

She wondered how things were going on back home. She was worried that they had lost. But she hoped that wasn’t the case. No, she had faith that everything went well in the capital city. But, even if they did win there, there would still be a much bigger problem for them to face.

“The ice is not melting?” Estelia asked.

“No. But, magic seemed to be… how do I say this… Evaporating away.”

“Hm. And it’s still here…”

“It’s evaporating slowly, it would seem.”

“... I see. I’ll figure it out later. Maybe I can do something about it.”

“That is a relief… You’re an incredibly strong mage, Lady Estelia. Or should I address you as Your Highness?”

Estelia narrowed her eyes at him. “You know?”

“I heard the demon calling you a princess.”

“... Hm.” She continued on her food.

“A strong mage and a princess, but I have no idea where you’re from. From which kingdom. Someone like you should be famous, at least.”

“You are not familiar with my appearance? Not a word?”

“Not at all.”

Estelia wondered that considering her unique appearance, rumors of her existence would have been heard. But it would seem that was too much of an expectation for her reputation. Especially considering that her family minimized as much information about her as possible. Not even her own people knew much about her. Indeed, she was a sheltered and protected princess.

“Where are you from, Velar?”

“The Eventon Republic.”

Estelia paused and glanced outside. She mentally conjured the map she learned during her studies. The Eventon Republic was at the south of the continent, at the edge.

“Eventon… Did I…? Did this ship depart from Eventon?” It was too far. It couldn’t be that she was asleep for several days. 


Then I was already on my way to where the demons live?

She recalled Vernon mentioning that the demons were in the south, beyond the southern shores of the continent. To be this far already from her home kingdom… It was extremely concerning and confusing. It was just too far, and too sudden.

“You can’t be from the Eventon,” the soldier said. “Maybe among the smaller countries?”

“I’m from Wisteria.”

“W-Wisteria?” He was surprised. “You’re that important? To be from that powerful nation, it’s unthinkable you got taken. And to not be retrieved by your soldiers immediately, just how did your captor do it?”

“... The Empire attacked us, and he caught me amidst all that.”

“The Empire? You mean the Tornridge Empire? I didn’t think it had escalated already.”

Estelia lowered her spoon, she had lost her appetite.

“Your nation has no dealings with the Empire?” she asked.

“None from what I know. We are neutral, and are safe from any state conflict.”

“That’s stupid. Thinking you’re safe.”

“… Is that not the case?”

“I know a fair bit about your Republic… A nation of commerce, where money is king, right?”

Estelia stared at the soldier, and he did not respond. What she said was true.

“And where money reigns, it is the easiest to sway.”


“What makes you think your wealthy nation is not already in the Empire’s pocket?”

The soldier looked away, thinking deeply of what she had said. Estelia smiled a little.

The ignorant masses. Thinking their nation was as it was told. The greediest is the easiest to control. Dangle money, and they will come swimming towards it.

“That can’t be…” he muttered.

“You might not realize it, but your nation might already be under their control.”

Wisteria had been trying to bring the Eventon Republic to their side, to join the alliance. If they had them on their side, they would have a powerful navy that can be used against the Empire. However, no matter how hard they did it, Eventon remained neutral. Which, truth be told, Estelia found baffling.

The biggest nations had joined hands, and all knew the threat the Empire possessed. Everyone knew the Empire’s history of conquering. Surely the Eventon Republic knew they shouldn’t expect to be safe from the Empire. They should be aware of the danger. 

Did they really expect the Empire would just let a port nation roam free? Get control of it, and you get control of among the biggest sea trading ports on the continent. It was too valuable to be left alone. Surely the Eventon Republic wasn’t too stupid to not think of this? True that they might be indeed just foolish, or just truly believed their neutral stance would keep them safe, as that was how it had always been to them. However, their leaders should consider all possibilities. And as businessmen, they should be aware of all risks.

However, what if they already had no risk to speak of? What if they already made a deal with the devil?

Senators, even in the old world where she was from, greedy politicians were among the easiest to control.

Now, how greedy could their top brass be if their nation centered on money? Around commerce?

Besides, there was already an example of this happening in Wisteria.

“Back in Wisteria, we apprehended and punished nobles who sided with the Empire. Endeared by bright promises. Do you think your government is not safe from such?”

“... I… Well…” His gaze lingered outside, distant. “From experience, governors are not the best people…” He lowered his eyes, there was sadness in them. “But, if it is what my country has decided… Then it is what it is. Someone like me can’t do anything about it.”

Estelia was a bit surprised. “I expected more compassion from you regarding your own home country.”

He seemed to force a small smile. “I don’t feel passionate currently.”

Estelia tilted her head slightly before looking back outside. “I see…”

People have their own bad experiences, I guess.

“By the way, where are my clothes?”

“We are drying it out outside.”

“... I’m going out.”

“Ah, by the way, there are guests.”

Estelia was confused. “Guests?” 

Why would there be guests on a ship in the middle of the sea?

“Three of them. They want to talk to you.”

“Who are they?”

“One is named Heneis.”

Estelia quickly held her dagger in her hand. She was on alert. However, thinking about it, those creatures were never really hostile to her. It was just that they have an interest in her. Whatever or whoever they were, she didn’t want anything to do with them. It would just make things more complicated than it already was.

“Very well, I’ll talk to them.” But she couldn’t exactly run away from them here.

She rose up and followed the soldier to the door. Estelia glanced at her other daggers placed on top of a drawer.

“Ah, hold up.”

She quickly wrapped one strap to her thigh and sheathed the two daggers. While she kept holding on to her fancy one.

After that, they exited the room. Estelia was immediately met with bright sunlight and cold air, caused by the frozen water surface. Then, she noticed a handsome man leaning on the wall. He had long bronze hair, and he was smiling widely, giving Estelia a casual wave.

“Hey, long time no see, little princess.”

What the fuck?

She was confused on why this person was even here. And it truthfully shocked her. “I know you.”

“Heh, of course you do.”


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