Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 4 Chapter 35: A Decision (Part 2)

Estelia recognized him, this man was at the festival last time. He participated in the arena fighting monsters. She had never thought that she would see him in a place like this. And why was he even here? It didn’t make sense. She sensed there was something strange and suspicious going on here.

This man, whoever he was, was not some mere guy who enjoyed getting demolished by some monster. And with those thoughts in mind, Estelia kept her distance and gave him a sharp look. She gripped the hilt of her dagger tightly.

The man shifted his eyes to glance at her dagger and formed a small grin.

“What’s this? Scared of me?”

Estelia studied him. “Did you get lost?” she said that with a hint of sarcasm.

“Oh not at all, little princess. I was looking for you.”

“Who are you really?”

He looked up, as though he was thinking. But Estelia knew he was just being dramatic.

“Let’s just say I’ve been watching you for some time now.”

“You’re a creepy stalker, then.”

He chuckled. “Hah, funny. Then I guess you have a lot of stalkers.”

“... What can I say? I’m very pretty.”

“Factually, you are.”

“How did you even find this ship?”

“Your magic was pretty bright, you know. And it’s hard not to notice the frozen seawater.”

He would search this far for me?

Now it was just getting stranger, he was just too motivated to search for her. That indicated he desperately needed her for something.

“... Who are you and what do you want from me?”

“Name’s Taneva, of course you might have known that already. We want to talk.”


When Estelia heard that familiar voice from behind, she quickly stepped away and glared at him. There were two of them, both had the same black hair and amber eyes. One she didn’t recognize, but the other she knew.

“You.” She pointed her finger at the man, preparing her magic. And she felt a faint sharp pain. “What the hell are you doing here?” She then glanced at the bronze haired man. “You’re with them?”

Taneva walked a little closer. “I’m with them, but not really with them.”

Estelia didn’t fully understand what he meant by that. But if he was with them, then she couldn’t trust him. Just as she couldn’t trust the strange man who tried to snatch her away. Well, not like she should completely trust a person she just met.

“Then I can’t trust you.”

“Woah, come on, Princess. At least get to know me first.”

The soldier, Velar, placed a hand on his hilt. As Estelia was on guard against them, he found he should be as well.

“Are they enemies?”

Estelia didn’t respond. She was still deciding on what to do with them. She knew nothing of them, she had no idea how strong they could be. Her health was not at its best, she doubted she could even fight properly in her current state. Still, it would be dangerous to lower her guard.

“Princess,” said the amber-eyed older man. “We mean you no harm, I swear.”

The other people on the deck noticed the rising tension, and they grew concerned.

“Explain yourself,” Estelia demanded.

“Let me formally introduce myself. I am Heneis of the Cursed Children. My colleague here is named Galik, also a cursed child.”

“You’re not human, I take it.” Estelia glanced back at Taneva. “You?”

“Oh, I’m not like them. I’m human.”

It was a bit of a relief to know he was human. It was way better than being a monster like these two who wore the skin of a human. But then again, a lot of humans were pretty scummy, too.

“Princess, we only want to help you,” Heneis continued. “We don’t mean to antagonize you.”

“Shut it, what do you want from me?”

“We know that you are intending to turn this ship back to the continent. But you shouldn’t.”

“Why? Is it because it’s dangerous or something? No.”

“Princess, please, it is very dangerous. You need to proceed to Shinoroa.”


“The place where this ship is supposedly heading to.”

“Why in the world would I do that?”

“It is where you will find a way to restore your full potential. It is where your mother’s grave lies.”

“Huh?” Her glare grew in intensity.

“I meant the goddess, your original mother.”

“I only have one mother… had one mother.”

“... Yes. But you will find the Goddess’s grave in Shinoroa, where she died. It is where you will ascend to what you really should be.”

“Why should I even trust you? You tried kidnapping me. And now you’re spouting some nonsense. I don’t trust you. This ship will return to the continent, and I will come back home.”

They want something from me. They’re doing this for me? Bullshit. Everyone always has an ulterior motive. Whatever they want from me, no more. I’m done with all this shit.

Because of how special she was, everything had fallen apart. Everyone wanted her, everyone wanted her dead. Everyone needed her for something. And Estelia could no longer stand it. The cost was already so high, and so painful. No more.

She would come back to Wisteria and fix everything. She would personally end this stupid war. She would burn the entire Empire and the continent if she had to.

“Princess, be reasonable.”

“Quiet, and get lost.”


“I don’t care what you have to say.”

Suddenly, Taneva leaned forward. “You really want to come back, huh? And what will you do when you get back?”

“What I have to.”

“Hehe, of course. With your power, you can turn the tides. But can you even get far?” His eyes narrowed.

“Of course.”

“Tsk tsk tsk, I expected you would be smarter than this, Princess. Have you taken a look at yourself? You look like crap.”

Estelia bit her lip.

“Are you even alive? You look like you would collapse with a simple push. And why do you think this is all happening, huh?”

“I don’t care.”

“Oh? Really? You’re getting too emotional here, it’s clouding your thoughts. Can you imagine if you get back? I can guess that after one battle, you’ll be useless. You’ll start dying. Hell, you’re basically dying already.”

Estelia’s cheek twitched.

Taneva continued. “Face it, you won’t survive if you come back now to Wisteria. No matter how strong your will is, your body can only take so much. Your mortal body. You are a god, and a god’s power cannot be sustained by mortal flesh. Your divinity is wreaking havoc on your body. Answer me, Princess, do you want to live?”

“... Of course.”

“Then you have two choices. Return to Wisteria, where you’ll die a slow death. Or sail on ahead, transform into a true divine being, where you’ll be completely restored, no longer constrained by your mortal body, and you’ll get to live for all eternity.”

“For eternity…?”

That was stuck in her mind. She would not only get to live, but to also obtain eternal life. However, if she sailed ahead, she didn’t know how long it would be before she would have it. To achieve true divinity. And during all that time, her home would be under a war. She would have no idea how they were doing. Their preparations for war were far from over. They would struggle so hard.

But if she returns, her body would continue to deteriorate. Taneva was right, she would be useless, and worse, she would die. She didn’t want to die. She didn’t want to be useless.

“Be a god, and you will have power beyond your wildest dreams. You’ll help more than you could have... Or stay as you are, where you slowly dwindle and wither away. More of a burden than help.”

Estelia lowered her head.

“What say you, O Royal Princess of Blood?” Taneva asked at last, a wide grin on his face.

“... Why are you doing this? What’s in it for you?”

“Me? I just need you to become a god. I need you to survive. There’s nothing bad about becoming a god, you know.”

“And them?” She indicated the Cursed Children.

“Same as what I said.”

“... How should I know you’re not lying? If this divine power is even real?”

“You only have my word. But I assure you, it’s real. Besides, what better alternatives do you have?”

She furrowed her brows before turning around. “... Let… Let me think...”

With no other words, and without regard for anyone else, she returned to her room and closed the door. Once there was silence, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Estelia kept thinking of home. She had never been away like this, something this far. Her family, her brothers, her father, and her mother, she kept thinking about them.

She wanted to go home. She wanted it so much.

She stood in front of the mirror, and she took a close look at herself. Indeed, she looked so terrible, eye bags, tired face, deathly pale skin. She looked like she was dying. In the reflection, instead of the stern, tough eyes she would usually see, it was a soft gaze. No, it was an exhausted and sad gaze.

She lowered her head, she didn’t want to look at it.

Mother, what should I do…?

In her thoughts, she asked someone that she would never get to hear from again. She didn’t know what to do, what was right. She couldn’t think straight.

Suddenly, a drop of tear fell. She was holding it back, she didn’t want it to fall. But she failed.

I can’t do this… I can’t…

She was tired.

She just wanted to lie down. She just wanted to lie down on the bed and hear stories. She just wanted to hang out at the library and read books. To sit by the window and watch the scenery outside. To eat with her brothers. Go outside with her father. To talk with her mother. She had enough of this, of everything. All she wanted… was peace.

Everything was simpler back then. And more fun. If only she could bring herself back to those times.

I want to go back home.

She rubbed her eyes, and gazed at her own reflection once again.

I must… I must decide…

She sat down on the floor and leaned her back on the drawer. She hugged her knees. And she wallowed in her thoughts, swirling with intense sadness and longing. Her face hid in her arms and legs.

I am all alone in this.

She only had herself.

No allies, no friends.

She only had herself to survive all these hardships.

I can’t rely on anyone.

Only herself.

I must do what is necessary.

All to win all of this. She must do what gives the best result.

Even if I have to leave my home behind…

How far behind her home may become, she must do everything to save it. She must have the power to save it all.

She had made her decision.

Her thoughts took some time before she decided and exited the room. Although, her deliberation wasn’t a short time at all. The men from before were waiting in front.

“Have you decided?” Taneva asked.

“We’re going onward… To obtain this power you speak of.”

Taneva grinned. “You have made a wise choice.”

“If you’re lying about this, I’ll kill you. All of you.”

Taneva only smiled.

Estelia waved her hand, and in an instant, the ice that covered hundreds of meters vanished like smoke. The normal people fell in shock as the thick ice disappeared, as if it had never been there at all. The ship rocked as the moving water was restored.

Velar glanced at the water for a moment before turning to Estelia. “Are you sure? Many here want to return to Eventon.”

“There’s nothing you can do about it.”

Estelia stepped forward, and she looked down at the people below standing at the deck. And they looked up at her.

“Listen, we are going to Shinoroa.”

The once captives began murmuring, looking at each other in confusion and worry. But Estelia ignored them.

“Those that want to go home will have to wait until I say so. Disagree as you might, you will not change my course. Rebel against me as you did your captors before, and you will come to regret your impatience. I say this: eventually, you will return home.”

Estelia turned towards Velar.

“Do you go against my decision, soldier?”

He looked at the people surrounding him before shaking his head. “... No.”

“Good. Now, set a course for Shinoroa.”

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