
Chapter 195: Setting Up – Part 2

I walk up to Kaatohe and grab a handful of bare bronze ass, then happily close my eyes as my cat gives my cheek a loving lick.

"You're being so gentle today," I happily hum as I pull on her cheek, spreading her pussy lips.

"Am I not always gentle?" she gently hums back with a misty gaze.

"No," I reply with a snort.

And she pouts as she admits that I'm right, "Yes… I'm not." But this makes her puzzled at her own behavior.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, starting to feel a bit concerned.

"Oddly… happy, and 'gentle,' I guess," she answers thoughtfully.

And I get a cheeky idea as I sneak a claw towards her exposed pussy lips. "How do you feel about Hukarere?"

"What do you mean?" she whispers back, sounding almost as gentle as Ciel.

"Say the first word that comes to your mind when thinking of her," I reply and vibrate a claw against her clit.

"I want to kiss her," she answers so fast that it definitely isn't the vibration making her horny.

I frown lightly. "Yep, you're not behaving normally. It's almost like you're drunk or just had an orgasm." And I'll soon give her another one because she's definitely getting into the vibration.

"You're right; I'd never admit to wanting to kiss her," she replies with an increasingly heavy breath as the pleasure kicks in.

"So you're saying you do think about kissing her?" I cheekily ask again and gently rub her pussy lips with the flat side of the claw spreading the pleasure all over.

And the words just seem to come out of her mouth without her consent. "Yes, especially when she's swallowing your cum. I want to get a taste." But the excitement in her tone is very real.

"Okay, this is dangerous. You're just confessing to everything," I remark as my brow furrows in growing concern.

"Yes, I'll get angry if you make me say something I don't want to," she adds with a serious tone.

But there's a bigger concern here. "We just had a gathering with a bunch of nobles. Did you say anything you shouldn't have?"

"No, it's just you that makes me like this," she blurts out again, then actually fondles my ass back with a smirk as the thirst starts to take over her.

"Good to hear," I happily hum and slip a vibrating claw inside her warming pussy, making her release me in surprise. "Now, how hard do you want me?"

"Bend me over and fuck me raw," she immediately answers, legs trembling in arousal.

"As you wish," I hum and force her onto the railing.

It seems like she wants it rough and without lube, so she shall get it.


Today is the 3rd, Ne, day of Water. It's a warm, rainy summer day with a moody air as the dark clouds covering the sky are full of holes, always letting the harsh sun peek out from somewhere. Looking at the town from above, I can see large spots of illuminated areas constantly shifting as the clouds move past us at quite an impressive speed, which is a nice sight to get lost in as we do our morning orb-boosted mana circulation training.

The air gets a bit stuffy outside, but the interior of the castle is still very fresh, which is perfect since today, things are back to normal, and we're now holding interviews with the warriors that ranked the highest during the Festival of Glories. We use the many meeting rooms we have to get through this more quickly since there's no need for an intense interrogation with all the girls and I present for each interviewee.

Most of them have graduated from a Knight's Academy, and out of them, there's a surprising number coming from Academies that aren't the one in Goloria, telling us that we're quite popular with travelers, though that isn't news. The rest of the chosen are random warriors that, by chance, caught the attention of one of our recruiters, though a few of them seem to have enough mental "Stats" that they can qualify for a spot in the Academy. We can't just recruit any brute, as knighthood is about representing us rather than just fighting.

But while we just let the recruiters do their thing as we merely observe the interviews, when Luor's time comes, Nero joins us, and I take over.

The Dark Elf bows, his pointy elven ears bobbing along with the motion. Then he sits on the lavish chair at the center of the room, and I smoothly begin, "Luor Brilonte, that was quite the impressive fight. Your style is very unique."

And the youthful warrior's expression softens to an impressive degree, considering his serious case of Resting Bitch Face, making me believe it's quite a genuine emotion. "Thank you, Your Highness. I didn't expect to be addressed directly, but it's an honor to receive your recognition," he politely replies with a respectful bow.

Then I immediately turn on the pressure. "It's also quite obvious that you've received specialized training. Could you tell us more about your background?" I soberly ask.

He visibly tenses up, as expected, but his tone is still calm and collected, a point in his favor. "My father was an army officer for the Soberano Royal Family."

"'Was'?" I curiously repeat.

"He died a year ago on duty. A bad raid against marauders," he solemnly answers, then averts his eyes in a respectful way.

It's a sad topic, but we have to be direct and merciless. "And now you've decided to abandon the Soberano royals?" I question and stare intently.

Now the Dark Elf shifts in his seat as he prepares himself to answer. Then he promptly begins with what seems to be a prepared speech, "I understand that you two are 'opposed,' and I know that I look suspicious, but the Soberanos wasted my father's talents. They go light on the pirates and bandits, they make deals with them, and they let them fester and multiply. After hearing what you did to the Dawn of Fire Circle of Magi, I knew you were the better choice."

While there's nothing wrong with his speech, I don't know enough about his personality to tell if he's being truly honest or just trying to suck me off. I guess this is why background checks are so important. Unless they're squeaky clean, you will have trouble trusting them.

But we need to cover all angles of the interview, so I continue the questioning, "You understand that, if you join us, you'll be seen as a traitor to those of your homeland and might not be fully trusted by the people here?"

This actually gives him pause, and he swallows heavily. "I have nothing. No father, no mother, and my friends… they… they want a better life for me."

The perfect excuse to turn coat… or is it too perfect?

And I pressure him more, "You could try to become a bodyguard, or establish your own escort company, or hunt monsters, or fight in the arena, or just try to get hired by any other Lord. Someone with your talents doesn't need to come here, specifically."

He grits his teeth, seemingly due to both hesitation and embarrassment. Why he's hesitating, I don't know, but this is seemingly a personal thing for him. "I could, but… I want to honor my father."

"Hmm…" I hum loudly as I reflect upon his answers, but I sense that Nero is dying to speak, so I turn to him and give him permission.

The fake elf man grins and wastes not a second before eagerly asking, "What connections do you still have back in your homeland?"

Now this is a question that turns the mood of the interview around, but Luor seems to actually be more comfortable answering it than the ones about himself. "My friends all live in Doureias, and some of them belong to the Kingsguard, but they're definitely loyal to the Soberanos. I could also try to get some favors from people that my father knew, but I'm not sure if they'd answer."

Lina's Trivia: Doureias is the largest town in Heretic's Rest, which means it's likely their "capital."

"What about your mother?" Nero continues without pause.

And his answer is unmistakably genuine, "Died when I was young. The Sleeping Fever Plague two decades ago. Father was just a mercenary back then, so we couldn't save her."

We have no idea what that plague was, but Lina assumes it was caused by an Aberrant that they had trouble dealing with. Imperial history is plagued by Aberrant monsters that… spread plagues.

And Nero barely gives us time for this internal monologue. "How far are you willing to support us?"

"As far as needed, as long as it's for a noble cause," Luor gives a prepared answer.

"How pious are you?"

"To the Gods of Creation? Very. To the Humanoid Gods? I fear them, though I know little about them," he answers categorically.

"Why do you fear them?" Nero continues without showing a reaction.

And Luor takes a second to think. "They made our land on a whim. They might just kill us all if we become too rebellious."

"Fear is a terrible way to inspire loyalty. We wish for people to follow us because they believe in our vision," I solemnly interject.

"That's exactly why I chose to come here, Your Highness. I believe in it," he replies with a not-very-smug elven smile, which means he's not smug at all.

But the question now is how much he knows about our goals, though it'd be impolite to actually interrogate him on that as if it's a school test, so we'll just trust the results of the Seekers of Truth.

Nero is also out of questions, so I graciously continue, "Now, I'll let the interview continue as normal. If you pass the basic requirements and also go through a visit to the Seekers of Truth, then we wish to recruit you as a knight."

"It'd be my honor," he answers soberly and bows.

Though his scholarly knowledge isn't very good, he passes the test, and then we schedule him for a visit to the creepy masked coffins.


After we're done with the interviews, I spend some thinking about what other projects I can focus on because the mapping of the brain functions is progressing at a snail's pace.

There was that one time that I tried to use [Redirect Mana] to boost spells, but that makes them unstable and easily interruptable by mages, so it's more of a desperation move rather than a reliable solution to our low "MPower." It sounds like a fun project, though, but I can find something better to do.

There's [Sense Soul] too, but that one's even less useful for now. I could also try to level my sword skills, but they're secondary to my battle power due to Patrono. Even my [Draconic Transformation] is on the back burner since I can already fuck Aoi pretty comfortably.

Really, golems are my first priority now, and by far.

But what can I even do…? Progress has been abysmal, so I really need to get into a magical school to help me with that… And classes might actually start next month, depending on how tryhard they are.

I have to talk to Osaria.

She's in the office with Mimi, but, surprisingly, she isn't molesting Hana's hot sister. My coffee with milf is actually working hard to organize the data on the Root Lords and also the personalized letters to gauge interest in hosting the exiles. It's a lot of delicate and busy work as we need to be very respectful with the Lords, and the success of this plan depends on their answers, so there's a lot of pressure on my sexy diplomat.

But still, I need to interrupt her.

She raises her head from her work as I enter the room, and her super sexy, serious stare instantly switches into a submissive mommy ready to be impregnated. Unfortunately, I'm not here for that, but I really want a quickie.

"Can I interrupt you for a moment?" I gently ask.

"Always, my love," she always answers, and it gives me a hard-on.

She raises from her seat and then quickly comes towards me while holding on to her Ryder Ownership necklace, the one with our heraldry. This makes me think she's horny due to boredom, and I don't blame her, but I'll savor the knowledge that I'm about to make her sexually frustrated.

"I need to secure a spot in the Kabara Basaree Magic School. I think classes are starting soon, right?" I calmly question, ignoring how she's fondling our heraldry.

She suddenly stops as her brain enters work mode for a second. "Oh, the Basaree school. They answered my inquiry and said that classes will begin in the middle of next month."

"So, they're pretty 'tryhard,'" I wryly remark to myself.

"I assume that means something similar to 'very challenging,'" she curiously replies.

"In a way, yes. You're getting good at translating Earthling slang," I answer with a chuckle.

And she kisses my forehead and then pulls my horned head against her massive tits. My scaled tail starts to wave in excitement as the dragon begins to wake up, but now's not the time.

"They also replied yesterday, saying that they'd love to give you a tour," she sultrily adds as she massages my horns.

"Hm…" I hum in delight as my boner pokes her not-bikini-bottoms. "I want to 'set up some things,' so I might actually take them up on that."

"The victory parade is ready for tomorrow, so maybe the day after?" she casually hums.

"Sounds good to me," I answer in kind, and then we fall silent as I enjoy the brief massage.

"Is Your Highness feeling ennui?" Mimi suddenly interjects.

"Hm?" we both hum, though we don't even move an inch.

And a bit of amusement seeps into Mimi's tone as she continues, "You're always very busy this time in the afternoon, but now you seem like you're just wandering."

I actually pull back from Osaria's enthralling embrace and properly address my other delicious chocolate concubine, "I admire your 'Perception,' but yes, I'm bored because I can't make progress in any of my projects. Also, call me 'Wolfy' in private; I love it when the girls are intimate with me."

"I know, it's not on purpose. This is merely my work trance reaction," she honestly replies.

"Like a warrior, but in an office setting," I remark with a snort.

And this seems to please her as she starts to sound mildly embarrassed. "Yes… if you say so, then I guess so."

But there's also something else I need to do, so I turn to Osaria and question, "Have you seen The Four? I want to talk to them."

"I haven't, but Poosh is in the Upper Branch Twenty, 'teaching' some of the maids," she soothingly answers as she caresses my cheek.

So I grab her hand and give it a kiss. "Alright, I'll pay her a visit."


The Companions guarding the corridor visibly smirk at me as I pass because they can very clearly hear what's going on in the leaves at the end of it.

"Ahn~…!" Iliada's moan echoes past me, followed by the moans of other High Maids.

So I quickly walk to the end, then enter the largest Leaf Room of the Branch, and Poosh's stern orders give me pause, "Good, now remember to also slowly finger her. The first level of [Oral Technique] will teach you how to get into a rhythm, but level two will teach you when to break it at the right moment for increased pleasure."

The High Maids are having a steamy pussy-eating session, barely holding themselves back from full-blown sex as Poosh's stern, watchful gaze keeps them in line. Just like with Osaria, Poosh's work mode instantly switches into sub mode when she notices me, and my fluffy sheep mommy receives my arrival with a wide smile.

Today has been worth it just to catch them off-guard like this.

"Aahnn~…!" Iliada moans again, and her legs tremble as she struggles not to close them because of how Kai is so heartily eating her out.

The young elf maid is lying on a bed while my delicious half-venison girl is crouched by it, her bare pussy dripping with her own arousal, yet she's still listening to Poosh's orders very intently.

"Do you wish to join, Wolfy?" Poosh sweetly offers.

My words almost come out garbled as the dragon attempts a takeover, but I silence the lizard because it hasn't been that long since I last fucked. "No… Well, yes, but I don't want to interrupt. I want to find The Four."

And Poosh relays with the precision of a spy, "Last report was an hour ago. U Thant and Chesa are in the gardens, playing with their Gifts, Samkelo is at a brothel, and Lily is in the castle's library."

That takes me by surprise. "Library? Really? Huh… I guess she didn't become a complete brute after coming here."

"She'd reply with, 'unlike you,'" Roxanne in my soul space.


But Poosh is a good girl, so she doesn't banter and just patiently waits for my answer with a cute smile.

I feel conflicted about cockblocking Thant. On the one hand, they might just be doing friends things since they're of similar ages, but on the other, he might be making progress with her just because they're the same age.

Well, I have the excuse of wanting to discuss actual business, so I calmly request, "I want to call for a meeting with them…" -but then I get an idea- "and since it might take some time to get the gnome out of a prostitute, I can wait here. Is there any way I can help with their 'training'?"

"Oh, thank you, Wolfy; you can definitely help," my blonde sheep very sweetly replies, then calmly walks up to Kai and grabs the deer woman's hips. She forces Kai to present herself to me, and a drop of pussy juice runs down the diligent maid's partially furry leg. "Gently fuck her, please. She needs to learn self-control."

She's already wet enough, so I just pull it out and shove it inside her. My pretty deer stops her fingering for a second, but she quickly recovers, and I feel her insides spasm as she's so goddamn aroused that she's almost orgasming.

But the point is to help her train her self-control, so I slowly move in and out, taking care not to push her over the edge, and she manages to control herself. Still, I have to make it hard for her, so I change my rhythm to always keep her near the point of overflow.

Iliada eventually cums so hard that she gushes out, hitting me in the face with her lovely juices, but now I'm the one who needs to control myself because I'm really getting into it. Then Poosh suddenly sucks on the tip of my thick tail, and that pushes me over, and I cum inside Kai.

"It's time for the next maid," my loyal sheep kindly whispers. Then she gently pulls me out of Kai and drops to her knees to clean things up.

I look to both my sides and see that all the pussy-eating maids are already presenting their asses to me, so I just pick the first one to my left and thrust. There's no time to waste on being indecisive.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord School work.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord David England.

Lord Ddraig Wynn.

Lord Unaskedcaboose.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble Esteban Naud-Dubé.

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