
Chapter 195: Setting Up – Part 3

Poosh hands me a cup of Eia extract, and I take a sip to re-energize myself after this short workout, then open the door and enter the meeting room. I'm the last to arrive, but I didn't make The Four wait as I don't need them to hate me even more.

I simply sit on my throne and calmly begin, "I called you all here because I'm going to announce that I'm an Earthling at this coming celebration, and I want to know if you all want to join me."

There's a short silence as they process what I just said, and then Lily predictably speaks first, asking for all of them, "Why?"

I casually shrug. "People already know, and it's going to spread anyway, so I might as well take control of the rumors and decisively put an end to them."

She narrows her eyes in thought, then glances at the others and leans back on her chair as she replies in kind, "It isn't like we're trying to keep this a secret; it was just more convenient for us to do so."

So I nod and suggest, "Then announce it alongside me. I believe this will make the nobles more wary of trying to rope you into some scheme."

"Yeah, whatever. I'm not into hiding my powers; that's dumb," she answers as she waves her hand dismissively.

And I smile wryly. "Well, it would be smart to hide them if you didn't have two royal families vouching for you," I banter a bit and waggle my eyebrows.

"I get it. Nobles would want to exploit us," she grumbles as she rolls her eyes.

But I more seriously caution them, "Nobles will want to exploit you. You're all weapons that they can target somewhere and pull the trigger."

"And we can blow up in their faces," she daringly retorts, but she still isn't getting it.

So I lower my tone further, and I bet I'd see Chesa's hair stand on end if she had any. "Most people won't 'blow up.' It's not worth the effort and potentially ruining your reputation just because you want to teach a noble a lesson, so nobles exploit that to get you to do that one specific job that will give them massive profits."

We only got into that mess with Katasko because some noble tried to fuck with us, and things just quickly escalated from that because neither side wanted to give in. I do blame Katasko for being irredeemable scum, but it could've ended in a different way instead of through war if we'd tried harder.

"Sounds like it's a good idea to keep our powers hidden, then," Samkelo worriedly remarks.

But I immediately retort and reveal, "I wouldn't say so. The Emperor already knows who you all are, so who knows how many other people also know. It'll eventually spread."

"Why does he know?" Lily asks in suspicion.

I shrug and guess, "The Sky Lands is small and weak. They're basically subservient to the Empire, except on paper."

But she narrows her eyes further. "And so are you?"

"I had to kneel to him," I bitterly confess. The dragon in me has a very big ego and still whines about that day in the tower.

"Wow, I think that'd hurt for someone like you," Kelloggs taunts me with a shit-eating grin.

I actually don't appreciate him teasing me like that, but Lily will tease me if I bite back. "Yes, it did, but I needed this territory, so I swallowed my pride and did the right thing," I seriously admit to stop him from making fun of me.

"Needed it for what?" Thant curiously asks.

"To survive. The heretics found us multiple times, and we still have no idea how," I grimly admit. We ran from them due to [Meteor], and now we have the most well-defended castle in the whole world aside from the Throne of Ascension itself, so I'm pretty confident it'll take a whole army of them at our doorstep for them to get in.

"We had the Hau-Hou protecting us," Chesa blurts out, looking at least appreciative of the "easy start" they got.

"Meanwhile, you prepared a castle to keep us safe," Thant follows up, but he doesn't sound the happiest at admitting it. I guess it might hurt his pride as a supposed "hero" to be babied by us, but I don't think he's dumb enough to leave.

"More or less. I didn't know you all existed until a short time ago, though," I answer with a wry smile, moving the conversation on because I don't think that rubbing it in his face will be productive.

"We talked about this," Lily remarks impatiently and glances at them.

"Not in these exact words, but whatever," Samgnome hums back and rests his head on his little fist, looking bored.

Then everyone falls silent, and I don't feel like continuing this topic, so I state, "That's all I had to say. It was surprisingly quick."

"That's how Lily makes decisions," Chesa daringly teases and lets out a cute, girlish chuckle.

And Lily frowns at her but replies with more kindness than she's ever shown to me, "Hey, y'all gotta participate more, hm? If you don't argue with me, then of course decisions are fast."

"Nobody wants to argue with you," Samkello hums, still resting his head on his fist.

The roasted cinnamon loli doesn't feel like bantering, so she just turns to me again and questions, "Are we going to continue training together?"

"We should. My wives and I are kind of busy, so sometimes, we won't be able to join you, but training is a high priority," I calmly answer.

Then everyone glances at Samkelo.

"I got used to it, already!" he exclaims exasperatedly, then sinks into his chair and starts to sulk.

"He did," Lily hums with a shrug.

So I politely ask, "Anything else?"

But they shake their heads, so I decide to just chit-chat a bit.

"So, how are you all doing? Enjoying my castle?" I ask as I lean back on my throne, adjusting my thick tail so that it more comfortably fits in its tail-hole.

"It's very comfortable," Chesa happily remarks, her head-tail twitching happily.

Thant attempts to share his thoughts, but he struggles to find the correct words, "Very… woody." -He gets a glare from Lily and Chesa- "It's very pretty and good smelling," he corrects himself, reflexively giving rather generic praise.

"It's very tall," Samkelo remarks with a bored tone. "It's alright, I guess."

Then it's Lily's turn, and it's a joy to see her awkwardly praise, "It's… nice. Really nice. It's no wonder you call it 'home.'"

"Do I?" I cheekily hum back.

But she frowns and turns on the banter, "Well, you should, considering how much you whined about missing this place."

"Who told you that?" I ask with a chuckle, slightly surprised.

"I did 'socialize' with your extended family a bit," she grumbles back, sounding more annoyed than proud that she actually did it.

"How surprising," I honestly reply, but I do put a bit of a teasing note in my tone.

Which she immediately picks up on. "Fuck off."

And I kindly whisper back, "Fuck you."

But there's no more banter to share, so we end it here, and I go spend the rest of my afternoon with the Companions.


The girls have been behaving quite well lately, so I might give them a reward. They're going hard at the training, especially the newer ones, and I recognize my thunder thighs is among them: Lolo, the thick bunny girl with brown floppy ears and deliciously freckled skin. My spotted bun is looking especially fuckable, being all sweaty and tired, and I think she's even gained a bit more muscle, though she has always been a speed-over-strength person.

After the gentle and cute maids, the strong and aggressively thirsty Companions feel fresh. Not all of them are here right now, though, as "ranger training" is going on, so it's mostly athletics, but they're all free to use suspiciously small training clothes that become transparent when they sweat.

And of course, my presence here only increases their aggression. I actually think that the drill officer enjoys my presence as it ensures they push themselves to their limits.

So I walk up to the stern, watchful elven woman and grab a handful of her ass.

"How's the training going?" I casually ask and savor the firm roundness of a slender elven woman's ass.

"V-very well, Your Highness," she composedly answers with only the briefest of stutters.

"Hm…" I hum absentmindedly and press a claw against her pussy, then start to vibrate it. "Do you know of any way that I could help?"

"I'm not sure I follow, Your Highness…" she hesitatingly replies, unable to hide a faint trembling in her voice from her quickly rising arousal.

"Something that I could do for the girls to aid them in their training," I innocently continue.

"You need not concern yourself with this, Your Highness," she politely evades like a well-trained officer. Really, she deserves praise for that one.

But I know that this girl is rather shy about sex, so I've gotta… push her a bit further, and I press against her pussy lips harder, aiming to give her clit a bit of a vibration.

"You know I'm very fond of my girls, so I'd do anything to help them train better," I insist, adding a bit of [Sexual Charm] to my tone to smoothly massage her brain with my intoxicating, sexy voice.

"Perhaps… perhaps…" she stutters, starting to lose herself to the pleasure.

"'Perhaps'?" I suggestively repeat, and she turns her eyes away from my handsome smirk to stop herself from reflexively bending over for me.

"They fight for your attention…" she continues, forcing herself to stare at the girls, then swallows heavily. "Perhaps you can… give some of 'it' to the ones who perform well."

"I see, but what kind of 'attention' do you suggest?" I whisper huskily, leaning closer to her long elven ear, and the hairs at the back of her neck stand on end. Then she swallows heavily, so I vibrate her clit harder, and her legs quiver a bit as I feel her getting wet through her uniform.

"The kind that… we all crave for," she quietly begins to admit.

"Can you be more specific?" I push her further, my voice so silky smooth it even surprises me.

Then she swallows heavily and blinks slowly, finally giving in to me. "Your… body. We crave for your body, Your Highness," she whispers back, her words starting to tremble as her desire attempts to overwhelm her judgment.

But it feels great to play around with a gorgeous, stern woman, so I sassily whisper, "How do you suggest I use my body, then?"

And she whimpers softly in embarrassment. Even the other girls are noticing the drill officer's behavior, so they want to stop and observe, but they can't because now's the time to show off to me.

But then the officer just lets it out, her voice sweltering and dripping with desire, "Fuck them, Your Highness. You can… you can give them Paradise like that."

I press my claw deeper into her pussy and part her lips, almost beginning to fuck her. "How about I start with you?"

Now I can see a vein pop as it takes a lot of effort for her to say this, "I'd be honored… but" -and she says this with gritted teeth- "I must see to their training to the end."

She's been a very good girl, so I'll give her a reward. "Then I'll leave you for last," I sweetly breathe, then pull back the claw, though I don't stop the vibration.

"T-thank you, Your Highness," she whispers back in relief, her legs and voice trembling a bit.

Then I use my free hand to pull out my hard Cock and announce, "Those who perform the best will receive a fucking while the rest will be allowed to suck me off!"

"The Furies love this…" the officer whispers absentmindedly, her composure starting to break completely, and I think I've heard the term Furies being used before.

But I leave it for later as the renewed fire in the girls' eyes is truly a beauty to see.

Unfortunately, Lolo doesn't win the blessing of taking my Cock inside her, but she seems happy enough that she gets to touch me after so long.

She eagerly kneels on the sand, caring not one bit about scraping her knees. Then I grab one of her floppy bunny ears and ask, "Gentle, or rough?"

"Rough," she breathes, sounding exhausted.

So I make her gag on my Cock.


Today wasn't very productive, but at least it was satisfying. Well, I took care of all of the "lower" harem girls, so it's a different type of "productivity" that's just as important for maintaining peace in our royal family. Armies of this world may be used to dealing with hormonal men dying for a fuck, but what about an army of incredibly thirsty women whose ovaries cry out whenever they see me?

Perhaps our family is more delicately balanced than we thought.

"If you died, everyone would become celibate," Alissa arrives to jerk my ego, but it makes me feel slightly guilty… slightly.

It's not really my job to tell them how to grieve, but I sure hope they'd remember that all I'd want is for them to be happy.

"I'm certain quite a number of them would enjoy 'suffering' celibacy," our pale resident expert in fetishes shares her wisdom.

Whatever fills your taco, I always say…

"Is that supp-…" Ciel begins, but instantly gives up. She still (wrongly) believes she's (relatively) pure, but she did get it faster than most of the girls.

We have a short session of Gestalt training to improve our super-coordination, and we also train a bit with The Four, but it's nothing special, just the usual. Then it's time for our sacred bath ritual.

The maids have already been satisfied, so I focus on the concubines. I feel like having a bit of Mimi, with her slender body and dark skin, but then I feel like matching her with Ciel for some contrast while keeping it chocolate.

"Play with her cow tits," I order Mimi, and the kuudere woman obediently grips the pair and then starts making them bounce, almost instantly fascinated by their jiggliness. "Addictive, isn't it?" I teasingly ask.

"What?" she hums back, completely distracted by tits.

"Playing with big gorgeous tits like these," I reply and slap one with a tentacle.

But Mimi seems embarrassed. "I'm merely… observing their movements. I don't have a pair for myself." Then she motions to her very flat chest.

I just lean back on my seat and encourage her as I smirk, "Uh huh… Have your fill, then. I even encourage you to pinch her nipples; she loves it."

And Ciel just rolls her eyes, already used to being molested by everyone like this, but Mimi immediately follows my suggestion, making the angel moan softly, and her chibi angel wings quiver cutely. I think Mimi might be leaning more towards lesbian than straight as she quickly gets into it without much more prodding or seducing from any of us.

I decide to just enjoy the show, but my hands miss touching something, so I grab my lap loli and play with her little nipples myself. Like the others, her pointy bits are very sensitive to my wandering lewd hand or tentacles, so she also starts to get hot, and the huge rod between her legs becomes a very attractive target to rub herself against.

Of course, we can't help ourselves, so her hips eventually go too far, and then my Cock aims up, and I accidentally enter her.

I guess we're fucking now.

I shrug and grab her little waist, then begin to slam into her.


For dinner, we have not-risotto-ala-millanese along with roasted Dragolite. It's truly a sublime dish, and we aren't even using the super-expensive saffron. It's just a clear juice from a flower that you could even drink, so Krysta added the pink petals from it as a garnish, making it look very pretty; it could even pass as elven.

It goes well with Eia, but anything does, really, so instead, I choose a lemony cold tea as it clears the palate and allows me to savor the subtle flavors of the risotto again after every sip. The girls prefer alcohol, but unless it's Eia extract, I still don't care much for it.

For the evening, we play some board games, like Pebolim, the table football, but today, I'm more interested in Fuda's update to the proto-pinball to be more like actual pinball. Now there are actual electrical scores, which are more novel and precise than the illusion enchantments but can't actually keep proper number scores as illusions can't do math.

Roxanne is playing around with some pseudo-elemental orbs, and since I've moved her points around for more [Sense Mana] and [Mana Control], she can now be a "colorful water bender," which is so fun that she's forgetting to actually study it. She can pull the mana out and play with it a bit, but if she loses concentration, it either dissipates or conjures the element it's associated with.

Hana once turned a "Dark" element into a sword to fight some monsters while we were doing the Trox Mael event in the Great Labyrinth, so it's quite versatile but very mana-inefficient when compared to the power of today's science-based magic. The pseudo-elemental mana was mostly a by-product of the time's heavy focus on "Willpower"-based magic, as the lack of enchantments and powerful spells meant that you might as well store all your mana in a ready-to-use form before battle.

But the point of this was that Roxanne was supposed to study how it affects our body so that we can reduce the cost of our orb-boosted mana circulation training, except that she forgot because playing around is more interesting. I don't blame her, though, and I won't interrupt since she's having a cute play-fight with Hana, and they're using water jets to soak each other, which ends up creating a nice sight for the eyes.

Caterina is in her corner, talking to Kaatohe, but the milfy elf is watching them, and I bet she's envious. She might not be used to sharing in a harem, so this view plays with her emotions, which in turn makes Hana more excited because she loves being wanted like this, except this isn't exactly good because she'd likely feed this growing jealousy.

Thankfully, Alissa is here to help keep the harem of all harems under control, and she begins by interjecting in their conversation.

"Dame Caterina, how's the split of days going for you?" she sweetly asks and takes a seat on Caterina's other side. Now there are two naked beauties surrounding her, one still dripping with lewd fluids, and this puts some sexual pressure on the gay woman.

"Split?" she composedly repeats, just once glancing at Alissa's perky tits.

"The days reserved for you. Have you decided on a split so that Hana can give you undivided attention regularly?" the cheeky fox answers and starts playing around with her wet clit.

"We… haven't," Caterina hums and glances at Alissa's hand.

And she squeezes a tit for good measure, but her voice is still perfectly innocent. "It's best that you do. That way, you'll never feel abandoned if our duties distract us from our loved ones."

"Doesn't seem like you have a split," the milfy elf remarks curiously.

"We don't. Wolfy can sense our feelings, so he can easily satisfy us, and then he focuses on spreading his attention among the other concubines," my fox happily answers and fingers herself.

"We also intermingle when he's busy, so it isn't like he's the sole focus of our desires," Kaatohe helpfully adds and also begins playing with her clit as Alissa has aroused her.

And Caterina now looks forward to avoiding the stimulation on both sides of her. "I see… Yes, it might be wise to decide on a 'split,' though I'm not at the same level as Roxanne, who's a wife."

"It isn't like she's going to ignore you whenever it isn't your day," Alissa kindly adds.

"I see…" Caterina repeats and merely glances at her. I do believe she's feeling shy about the current topic because she'd at least look her in the eye otherwise.

"But intermingling is still the best option," Kaatohe casually gives us a huge hand, and I definitely need to reward her cunt later with a good pounding after this one because Caterina remains silent. She doesn't say "yes," but she also doesn't say "no."




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord School work.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord David England.

Lord Ddraig Wynn.

Lord Unaskedcaboose.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble Esteban Naud-Dubé.

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