Saharan Successor

Chapter 175 – Vol. 3 – Chapter 40

Chapter 175 - Vol. 3 - Chapter 40


Leonor, who never in her life thought she would experience getting a drive into a car that was worth hundreds of thousands, found herself filled with questions that she started asking Mathias who appeared to be more mysterious in a way she couldn't describe.

"This is my grandfather's old car. It's old, but not really since it's been kept in pristine condition. Don't worry, I am still unemployed and also I didn't win the lottery."

"Then? How was your grandfather able to buy this car?"

"Hmm, it's a complicated story that I would rather not talk about. Instead, I would rather talk about how expensive it is to maintain this car on a daily basis. You think it's actually enjoyable cruising with this car that gobbles up so much money?"

"If it's so, how can you still afford it?" asked Leonor as the two reached a stop, in the first red light of the journey.

Looking at the black-haired girl, he coughs a bit awkwardly, before telling Leonor. "It's related to my grandfather, and my family."

"Can't you tell me?"

"Unfortunately … no."

In her mind, all sorts of theories about Mathias and his family started propping up, from the simpler ones to the ones testing one's imagination.

"Could it be, that your family is rich?"

"... Hah, you sure are a curious one." commented Mathias, who continued on with the journey after getting the green light.

Leonor felt that he would talk about his familial situation, but what she heard seemed strange.

"It's not that my family is rich, my parents are your average medium-level income workers. However, my grandfather is someone who invested a lot of money that he collected when the collapse of the global market in the 2050s happened"

*Sigh* "We are talking about big money." added Mathias, who focused on the road.

"Then … why have you applied to work for the Hotel or even that Supermarket Job you landed before arriving at the hotel."

"Do you think I am some rich, spoiled guy? If you think so, you are gravely mistaken, since I lived a normal life in an average-income family. My grandfather is strict when it comes to money and if I am not wrong even loathes the fact he spent most of his early years making money instead of focusing on his family."

"Your grandfather doesn't want to share his wealth and assist your parents? Why?"

"Don't go into the wrong places to view my old man as some stingy old bastard. I know the reasons as to why he does the things he was doing."

Telling that, he stopped talking about his family, especially about the reasons why old Augustine was miserly with his money. That was an answer he might tell in the future when he would become older, and be mature enough to understand the value of money and what it can do to people.

Then the journey continues until Leonor finds herself in another neighborhood of Bucharest, and she learned how little she knew about the city she was living in for years, but it was understandable since Bucharest kept on expanding and growing larger in size.

She asked if this is where Vlad was living, to which Mathias simply points ahead where a blonde guy wearing nightclub clothes with a stylish winter jacket, and a young man that was about 14-16 years old followed along, and when Mathias got closer to them, they just like Leonor couldn't believe their eyes.

"What the fuck? Is this stolen or rented?"

"Just get inside the car already. Careful with the head so you don't bump into the roof."

Vlad murmured something when receiving Mathias's straight answer, and struggling a bit to get inside, he, later on, found it comfortable, touching the leather seats.

"So? You rented the car for this occasion in order to conquer Leonor's heart?" asked Vlad again, after making himself comfortable, looking at the one standing in the driver's seat, looking annoyed at the retro visor mirror.

It was a stupid remark that wasn't required at all, and it made the young woman turn slightly embarrassed when staring at Mathias who was focused on the two guys

"Stop speaking about things you have no idea about. I'll tell you the story about this car maybe another time. Now that you got in the car, you can or not place the seatbelts on.

"No need for seat belts. I'll not be able to experience the cruise. Damn it, can you see this Grabiel? This guy is the biggest schemer you'll ever meet in your life, giving the impression he is a bum who can't even pay his rent and utilities and later on comes at us to eat."

"Piss off, I am still unemployed and should start searching for my new source of income."

"Just fully commit to Satisfy. With your skills and already found status, investing about 500.000 gold inside that workshop of yours, you'll get your investment fast because you can sell your goods to the inhabitants of that world and also the players who will need to switch gears."

"If it was so simple as you make it sound. Anyway? Ready? You haven't forgotten something, such as closing the door?"

"Nah, it's all good. Still, to think I'll get inside such a car. You know … they are actually rare nowadays, in a world fully dominated by EVs."

Vlad still began to complain about the situation and talk about the EVs who were lousy, while his younger brother, Gabriel, was enjoying himself, experiencing something that he could flex on his colleagues and friends.

Preparing his 740 HP rocket, Mathias started to drive toward the News Year Festival mentioned by his old couch, and once he got to the parking lot of the location the festival was staged, his Mustang was rarely ever seen in this new age, making it seem similar to the aged cars of their fathers or grandfathers era, appeared before them.

"Hooh, so many eyes gazing at us. See, Gabriel this is why I picked my good stuff. Maybe I pick up on a babe at the scene."

With all the attention being given to the new group, Leonor turned slightly shy, while Mathias simply scans everyone in his surroundings before moving toward the festival in a strolling manner, accompanied by Leonor on his right side, while Vlad and his younger brother were on his left side.

"Let's not bother with trying to get closer to the stage. We are too late, and it's not as if I am a fan of such music." commented Mathias, who moved toward a section of the festival ground where he could see the stage, listen to the music, but also have a pleasant conversation with his friends.

"Yea, I feel the same. I'd rather get some Punk."

"This is fine guys. I like the music." said Leonor, not minding the music at the festival performed by some known artists in the country by how the people at the stage reacted singing along with the vocalist.

There they spend some good times listening to the singers performing, and in general, having a good time, and unlike most people who were there to move their heads and wave their hands according to the rhythm of the music, Mathias and his group talked about random stuff at a closer stall that was offering boiled wine and tea.

Mathias was with his tea, similar to Leonor, while Vlad and his younger brother were trying the boiled wine, to keep them warm on this winter day which would call the new year.

While listening to the music, Vlad moves on to talk to Mathias about what happened to him inside Satisfy, asking him some advice with regard to the Underground World of the Western Continent that he just timidly stepped inside.

"Overall, the situation inside the Underground World is how I should place it … Spicy. It's like an uncovered treasure trove where I get only A-graded quests that give me so much EXP that in no time I will catch up with Red and that Kraugel guy."

"What's more, the Syndicate I am part of is one of the best, called Black Spades, led by a guy called Irenaeus."

When Vlad mentioned the new organization he is part of, and his "leader" Mathias hummed a bit, beginning to stroke his beard, and instantly remembered who the blonde guy was referring to. It was the Syndicate Thug he killed in the Beta Phase together with Jeanne.

"That's really interesting. Do you by chance want to have a full advantage over this Irenaeus? To have him under your wraps and play him on your fingers?"

"Ohoo, could it be? The Syndicate Thugs you killed in the past, especially the ones after you left the Arena in Titan, is that Irenaeus? But … how? He is almost level 300, while you were level 25, the limit."

"Not relevant to the conversation. But, if you want I can give you information on Irenaeus, since I have so much dirt on him, you'll soon rise up in ranks in the Underworld."

Leonor looked at Mathias with a curious expression, not expecting him to be already connected in a way to an important NPC beside the ones he mentioned to her, such as the Emperor, Juander von Saharan, or the first Red Knight, Mercedes Vaintz, or the Archbishop of the Saharan Empire, Rebecca's Church that Mathias told her while they were relaxing in the Satisfy Chat.

"Go on, tell me more. This will be interesting to mess that arrogant fuckers face."

Vlad asks Mathias to continue his story with his face turning shrewd while the alcohol he was drinking was helping him up to build his image, and without boiling the blonde guy too much, Mathias tells him about the event that happened to him in the Beta Phase, where he went to the Hippodrome and had an interesting time watching the Chariot Races, betting money against the Prince of the Empire.

Not giving them a chance to interrupt him, Mathias continued until he reached the story about the 'Alley of Desolation' where Irenaeus and his captains apprehended him to kill him and Jeanne.

At first, he was confused as to why some important Syndicate Thugs would bother with him or Jeanne since the Priestess wasn't really someone that could threaten their underground dealings.

"My promotion time has come rather swift and in unexpected ways. Tell me, brother, do you need anything from me for your assistance?"

"Still, I don't see how that calculative, arrogant bastard would attack you and Jeanne."

Vlad was full on board, but he still commented on the fact that Irenaeus wouldn't be such a fool to attack a helpless guy and girl that didn't have any relations to the Underworld Market. And this is where Mathias tells him that when he killed Irenaeus besides gaining his Armor which had Vlad get boiled wanting to ask what the stats of the armor were like, he still continued listening to Mathias who told him about Irenaeus's Journal.

It was the diary of the Syndic Leader, where there was a lot of interesting information about all his dealings, various people that owed him money, and various information about people of the Underworld and those connected to this dark place of the Western Continent. From Princes of the Kingdoms to High-Nobles that were doing underhanded deals with the big Mafioso of the Satisfy.

"Bro, bro, no way!"

Vlad wanted to ask something as he was getting boiled, but seeing that Mathias raised his hand to stop him, he followed by hearing the young man standing tall in front of him, about the most insignificant information he could gain from the Journal.

"There's more, so quiet for a bit."

It was something with regard to a man who helped him when he was just a thug, to pull the strings that propelled him beside the other syndicate leaders that build their reputations using direct methods.

This man called Faust,  could reach high places, and over the days, Irenaeus already had an idea about who he was dealing with, and in fact, it was someone he never expected to be connected to, it was Empress Marie that showered him with all sort of benefits, pulling strings for him and his Syndic.

Vlad stares with big eyes at Mathias who revealed the biggest and most important piece of information he could possibly receive now that he joined the Underworld, being a contractor of the Black Spades Syndicate and working for Irenaeus, the exact man that got killed by Mathias and Jeanne.

"Finishing reading the journal that ended with the day when I was attacked. The guy mentioned how he was requested to do a job by the master, which was to kill a blonde woman that could rival the beauty of the Empress."

"It doesn't take a genius to understand who they were after, and when I read the guy's journal I was overwhelmed about how petty this woman called Marie could be. But in a way, it also helped me have an understanding of this woman I have to deal with in order to ascend to the Throne."

Leonor didn't understand the part about ascending the Throne and Mathias could read this in her confused expression.

"I still haven't told you what my class is, right Leonor?"

"Mhm, you even keep it under wraps inside the game."

"I have my reasons for that because for now I only want a handful of people to know about my identity inside Satisfy and the Saharan Empire. Once many people know about my identity, it will become harder to move around."

"However, it doesn't hurt telling you since we are already close by now. My Class inside the Satisfy is called Saharan Successor."

"Saharan Successor, is it related to the Imperial Family?"

"Yep, boss. This guy is the "Rightful" Heir to the Imperial Throne, and has a broken class that will destroy any fool, stupid enough to mess with him." called out Vlad who had already begun getting touched by the influence of alcohol.

"Is it true?"

"In short terms, I am not the "Rightful" heir because I am not even recognized by no one. Nor do I want to rush myself into playing my cards as I am too weak right now. When you start playing the political game, it doesn't help you whatsoever that you are weak. It will become weak and people will start exploiting it."

"Stop sounding so humble. You are already in that 5% of the Elite playing Satisfy."

Vlad could only scoff at how humble and delicate to the subject was Mathias, but his younger brother was astonished by this information, staring at the tall young man as if he was some Hollywood Megastar, and with an innocent question, he asks him if he means that he will become the Emperor of Saharan Empire.

"Big brother, does that mean, when I start playing Satisfy, you'll be the one to greet me at the Throne?"

"Huhuhu, we'll see about that, Grabiel, you still have to wait for a while or until those Developers change the rules and allow youngsters to get inside and experience this New World."

"Right, right. That's for the future and it doesn't concern me at all. All I want is to get my hand on that book."

Vlad tells him to make sure he doesn't forget to share the book with him, as he will be owing him a big favor.

"I don't need any of your favors or anything in that order. Don't stress about it, we know each other for a full one year, and it can be said that we got close. It's not as if I require you to get in my debt, because you'll probably fare worse than when you loan from a loan shark.

You'll be bound for life under my services." remarked Mathias, brushing past the idea of getting Vlad in his debt.

The back and forth between Mathias and Vlad made  Leonor and his younger brother laugh, while Vlad didn't find this funny at all.

"Hmph, you found something amusing? I know my brother is a stupid kid, but you Leonor? Could it be that you like your man's jokes?"

The blonde guy, as he got annoyed, began spewing some toxicity, making Leonor stop suddenly from her laughs and look awkwardly at Mathias, who was the voice of reason in the group, saying to Vlad.

"Don't worry, you'll receive the book for free. Besides, we got to talk in private about more details in regard to the Syndicates. Also, cut talking nonsense and making Leonor feel awkward by talking as if we are a couple."

"Good, you better remember giving me the book. As for my remarks? It doesn't change the fact you two are acting as if you were a couple."

"... We aren't a couple." replied Mathias, calmy.

"Doesn't matter, just go to any person around you and ask them what they think about you two, and you'll receive a big "Couple"."

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