Saharan Successor

Chapter 176 – Vol. 3 – Chapter 41

Chapter 176  - Vol. 3 - Chapter 41


The night went pretty smooth, with the group of 4 having a pleasant night accompanied by live music that left another impression on Mathias who was a pure metalhead that rarely ever listened to something else from the rest of the genres out from Rock and Metal, with except to when he was doing his workouts that he used to play Hardstyle to had another vibe on his mind.

The music kept going until it stopped with the organizers of the festival getting to the stage to start the countdown, for the New Year, and after some speech to the public which was rather short, about some minutes, where he wished everyone a pleasant night going forward with the rest of the artists that had to sign.

The count began, where everyone in the public, plenty that you could fill an entire stadium of 60k people started counting down the seconds before the clock showed 00:00, and the Fireworks were set on, and the organizers of the event were saying

"Happy New Year everyone! Happy Birthday, to 2070! We wish everyone a bountiful year and everything that you've set your focus to achieve this new year to happen. I will leave you to those talented artists and performers to make your New Year even more beautiful."

From outside of the stage area, a blonde guy raised his glass and cheered with the ones sending their good wishes on the stage.

"To a bountiful year! I hope I can meet that old prick again and become Number one in the game!" said Vlad while downing a glass of wine with a wide smile on his face.

"Happy New Year guys." called out Leonor who watched the fireworks being sent off, covering the entire night sky in a spectacle of colors.

"Mhm, likewise to everyone." mentioned Mathias who was taking a sip of tea and also gazing at the night sky thinking about his ambitions and what he set to achieve this new year.

While he was doing that, Vlad who didn't care much about the fireworks, extended his glass of wine toward Leonor and told her casually.

"Why don't you drink a bit, Leonor? It's not as if you are like Matei who has to drive us home. Staying like this, drinking nothing it's a waste of such occasion."

"No need, thanks for the offer. But I will pass."

"Ahh, come on. You only take part in such festivities only once a year, relax and enjoy the time."

Vlad continued nagging Leonor, while the young woman who was being influenced by this festive atmosphere couldn't only accept the man's offer and tried some alcohol, making Vlad chuckle in a satisfying victory over his former "boss".

Mathias who calmly observed everything going on with his group didn't think much about Leonor drinking some wine, since it wouldn't affect her, but then when he saw her take a mouthful of wine, he understood why Leonor was reticent in drinking wine and only stuck with the tea.

'So… Her body can't handle alcohol well.'

A conclusion that happened when Leonor's face turned rosy, and she started looking to be losing her base, going on to lean on his body as if she was looking for a tree to hold herself up.


"Don't worry about it." responded Mathias, who later on heard Vlad's laughter, and with a murderous stare at this friend of his, he could only sigh.

'He is drunk. That pig sure exaggerated while drinking wine.' thought Mathias who saw Vlad already get caught by the influence of alcohol, where only himself and little Gabriel weren't touched by the grasp of the spirit.

He took Gabriel closer to him, and tapped his head, saying to him calmly. "Gabriel, you better don't drink tonight since it will mean I will have to take care of 3 people."

"Don't worry big brother, I don't want to become like that idiot, Vlad."

"Brat!! Who are you calling an idiot?" shouted Vlad, who looked at his younger brother being held by Mathias in a friendly grasp.

"Shut up, you drunk idiot. Stop raising your voice without a reason." said Mathias, who waved his hand at his drunk friend, turning his head at Leonor who recovered a little bit.

But then as more minutes passed, she too, after tasting the sweet fruits of the alcohol, began indulging herself in more, and feeling her head hurt, she got closer to Mathias and looked her him with her black eyes.

Noticing that she got closer to him, as if she was a cat, holding in her hand a glass of wine half drunk.

"Mat, do you want some? It is really sweet and not even cold."

Watching her eyes, and rosy face, he shook his head, taking the glass from her hand, and passing it to Vlad, acting so casually even when he told him.

"Here's some more wine, brother. Let's see how much you can drink."

"Ohhho, thanks."

And, feeling a nice atmosphere himself, Mathias could see the guy move from where they were.

"Vlad … where are you going?"

"Nothing … I was thinking about picking up some chicks."

Saying that Mathias saw his buddy taking off in a drunken state, and while being split between two people that were drunk so shamelessly, giving him headaches, he tells Gabriel to follow his brother and make sure he didn't get his head kicked in by some guy because of the possibility of him trying to pick on someone's woman.

"Can I count on you, Gabriel? Just watch him so he doesn't pull some stupid stunt. When he is about to do something stupid just call me, I'll get there and put him to sleep."

"I'll take care of it, big brother."

The young man, who was only 14, understood in full what Mathias told him, and he moved after Vlad, trying to slow him down, and without much success, he followed after him.

"Hah, what will I do myself with that foolish guy? Whenever he drinks it's like you've shoved a big battery in his ass and he would do all sort of retarded things." remarked Mathias seeing Grabiel chase Vlad, only being left with Leonor who chuckled hearing his sarcastic comment.

Meanwhile, as Mathias was left alone with Leonor who was staying shoulder to shoulder with him, left without any glass of alcohol, she moved her head to the rhythm of the music, and it made it so her hair would always move in Mathias's face, which indirectly, it made him sniff her hair conditioner.

"You know, Mat … This is the first time in my life that I go out with friends to such festivities."

"How come? Didn't you take part in the ones hosted by the Hotel's management branch?"

"Me? N-no way I will attend such flashy parties. Where people would try to take advantage of you."

Hearing her tell him that this was the first time in her life that she went to such events with friends, makes Mathias enter into a conversation with the young woman, not caring if she was drunk, since he became something akin to her guardian, keeping an eye on her.

"That does seem like an annoyance. Having to attend all sorts of meetings and dealing with various people."

"I am not made for those things, getting to parties and spending my time with people I am not even interested in or have a common subject to talk about."

"Mhm, I feel the same about this."

"Right? Most of my time during this period of News Year's Eve, I would spend it at home, watching on the TV variety shows to pass time. It is weird, right? For a woman to not get in those big circles and celebrate, go to parties."

Hearing Leonor's side on how she should spend her New Year Eves by herself, it reminded Mathias about how he spent the first New Year's Eve in Bucharest, all by himself, preoccupied while writing his story.

"On the contrary. I feel it rather nice that there are also people like me and you, spending time alone for their New Year's Eve. Besides, it's just a day, nothing important to celebrate about it."

She supports her delicate head on Mathias's broad shoulders.

"Why are your shoulders so hard? I-I can't even make a pillow."

Leonor complained about the fact his arms were hard, which he found really adorable seeing this side of the stoic girl who would for the most part stay inside her shell, not allowing others to see her vulnerable side.

"If they do their job, don't complain. I worked a lot for those shoulders." teased Mathias, while Leonor moved her head a bit to find the sweet spot on the shoulder area.

"I found it. Still, hard, but this part is far more tender." chuckled Leonor, as she stopped moving her head, resting herself using Mathias's body.

"Give all your complaints to old Vinisan."

"Ohhh, so it is that mister's fault? I will make sure to give my complaints like an authentic Karen. Besides, what is his problem? H-He even asked me if we were in a relationship, it really took me by surprise." mentioned Leonor in her drunk state after hearing about old Vinisan.

Not trying to take advantage of Leonor, Mathias couldn't keep his curiosity to himself, as he felt the soft flesh of this beautiful woman touch him while he also placed his hands on her hips to ensure that he could pick her up in case she felt sick.

"And? How did you respond to that old fool?"

Leonor in a cute manner, as she was taking a peek at his face from her position.

"Obviously didn't reply to his question. It's like how those hoodlums would pick up on you, trying to take advantage of you."

Mathias nods, which makes Leonor who felt his shake, raises her head to glance at his green eyes with her black eyes, and in this close setting where people believed they were lovers, making some space for them, she blushes for no reason and tells him something surprising.

"What do you think of me, Matei?"

'Progressing the conversation with drunk women for sure … can't compare when they are sober. You get straight to the point of interest without beating the fields, wasting time.'

"What do I think of you, Leonor? Honestly?"

"Mhm, honestly."

"Then I will not go about mentioning your appearance since this is what you would usually hear from those cheap pricks thinking they are macho. So, yes … The way I see you, Leonor is, being a diligent young woman, hardworking, cheerful, a strong person to shoulder heavy responsibilities even though you are young, about the same age like myself."

"And?" asked Leonor for more staring at him with her beautiful black eyes.

"... Intelligent, showing wits in and outside of the Hotel, maybe also a bit shy and timid, but the good amount of those traits that it wouldn't make hard to socialize with."


"Young lady, you are getting cheeky now. Do you want me to pull on my phone and start reading all the personal traits a pleasant woman should have?"

*Giggle* "I wouldn't mind it." responded Leonor before blushing when she heard Mathias's last comment.

"I see, but I don't want to. I will end it with the basic wording of those pricks by saying, that you are truly, a beautiful woman that could charm any man."

She blushes, turning her head away from Mathias as she listens to all the great things he had to say for her, and ending with the beautiful part.

"You know Mat. You are the first guy to ever tell me so many traits. In my last relationship … that guy only told me what you call the "prick choice". But .. you are different, you didn't even start with those, instead viewed me for who I am."

"With pleasure." said Mathias, giving Leonor a small smile, which the young woman took in fully.

"Also, I no longer look at the exterior appearance of a woman … While it is true that the appearance of a woman can tell many about her, it is not true in its entirety. I also experienced a past failed relationship which ended sourly for me. From that moment, I decided to not look at women only based on their appearance.

Hearing that Mathias also was hurt by a past failed relationship, somehow like herself, she caressed his face, and before she could talk for more with him, she suddenly felt a sick feeling, like puking.

"Leonor … Are you okay? If you want to puke, I will take you to the bathroom."

Saying that he saw how Leonor trembled a bit, with her eyes closed as if she was holding down something from coming out, but quick-witted, he took her closer in his arms and positioned her body in such a way it became easier for her to throw-up without forcing herself.


And puking the young lady did. Plenty of it actually, which made some of the people around the couple give them judging looks.


She had some series of pukes before turning slightly pale, but feeling Mathias's arms wrapped around her back holding her to his body, she slowly told him as he cleared her mouth and nose of the puke remains.

"I-I am sorry for showing this side of myself. I really didn't want you to see me like this … weak."

Cleaning her face, Mathias only shakes his head, patting her back gently.

"What are you talking, Leo? Don't stress yourself about this small accident. It's not like you are the first person in this entire gathering to puke."

Then saying that he actually got found off more by seeing this vulnerable woman who had visible flaws instead of the "perfect" woman, who can't exist, and picking her up effortlessly after cleaning her, he took off, beginning to call Gabriel.

"Alo? Big brother?"

"How is it, Gabriel? Are you ready to go home?"

"Mhm, I myself am ready, but Vlad … he is looking for trouble."

"Don't get me started. Just tell me where your location is right now. I'll go to pick up that drunk pig."

Nevertheless, the young man besides just telling him his current location also started telling what exploits Vlad did, and how he couldn't make his big brother give up on his failed attempts at picking up girls, and this made Mathias frown, annoyed.

"Just keep him busy for a little bit more. I will teach that lecherous prick some manners."

After some minutes of looking around, Mathias sees Malakai bothering some girls, and while he was carrying Leonor who felt sick, he told Gabriel to hold Leonor on her feet, while he was taking care of the blonde guy.

"Beauty, has anyone told you, you are like an Angel that fell from Heavens?"

Hearing his pick-up lines, Mathias could only sigh to himself, thinking his friend needs to up his game if he ever wanted to take on some of those Bucharest night snakes, and without even making his presence felt, Gabriel saw how Mathias put his big brother in a choke hold which got him unconscious.

"Don't panic, young ladies. I am a friend of this guy, no thief. You can resume your fun."

Excusing himself to the girls that eyed him down seeing his chiseled and well-built body, which was a bigger enticement to those girls to get interested in Mathias than any of Vlad's attempts on picking them up.

'It is that simple to snare some of those girls if I ever felt like it. Buddy, you really should hit the gym with me.' thought Mathias, who holds Vlad as if he was luggage thanks to his slim frame.

Then with Leonor on his other shoulder, the entire group returns back to his car.

Sorting out the drunks on their seats, he started driving, returning each guest to their homes, the first being Vlad and Gabriel, and by the time they arrived at the apartment building, Malakai was already awake, asking confused about what happened while a headache was irking up.

"You drank too much, that's what. Say thanks to your father that he bought this apartment on the first floor and you don't have to climb too much."

"Damn, I will have to sleep a lot to feel better. Thanks, Matei, you fucked up my schedule."

"Hmph, not my fault you are weak. Anyway, Gabriel, call me if that idiot feels bad."

"Yes, big brother, I will make sure to call you if Vlad doesn't feel right. Take care on your way home, and I want to ask you another thing, but when things are calmer."

"Whenever you want, I don't mind, little Gabriel."


Then, he went on another road toward Leonor's house, and she was still weak from puking, and without a choice, he went to carry her to her apartment block that he felt was similar in style to his own, with a small housing space.

She told him where her apartment room was, and after bringing his hands on her skin-tight trousers which made him touch her tender thighs, he made his way inside her house.

*Cough* 'I swear, I really have the worst luck when it comes to awkward moments. Here and in Satisfy, when it comes to women, they have to make me get inside their pants…'

The air inside was quite harsh to his nose which was used to always filter his room air, and opening the lights in the house, he was surprised by how messy it was, which had Leonor all quiet as if she was placed on the wrong foot.

Arriving at her bedroom, he placed her on the bed, and while taking off her shoes, he didn't focus much on her feet, as he wasn't someone with a specific fetish, but he could bet that if it was someone else in his place, they would be trying to fondle this beautiful woman.


She went fast asleep, while inside her street clothes, and not attempting to change her clothes, Mathias went to check her forehead to take her temperature. Then moving to her bathroom, he noticed a basin that he brought back inside the bedroom, placing it next to Leonor's bed, just in case she puked again.

Exactly like a Guardian Angel, he chose to remain with Leonor and watch her, and in the meantime, also went to her kitchen that was left in a disastrous state, with a lot of dishes not washed.

'Hah, poor girl. Let me help you out with those dishes, and we'll talk tomorrow when you feel better.'

A/N: Leo being adorable ... Who would have seen this coming? I myself not since at times I am surprising even myself.


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