Saharan Successor

Vol. 1 – Chapter 32 – Minutes of impasse

Vol. 1 - Chapter 32 - Minutes of impasse




With Mathias being in the [High Stance], he said to Jeanne, looking vigilantly at the killers approaching him.

"Watch my back, and for now, don't worry about my health. I have the flasks you game me. Use your attacking abilities from time to time, but sparingly because Mana is the most important resource for casters."

"I know, Mathias. Even though my powers regressed, I still know how to fight."

"Good, then let's start. Focus your spells on that Doruk guy when you see an opening. I will kill that guy first. Remember Jeanne, we need to stay alive for 15 minutes, and we will be safe."

Nodding her head at him, Jeanne started increasing the holy aura around herself, gathering her divine power to unleash her spells.

At the same time, Mathias stepped forward to control the range using his spear, trying to keep the killers at bay.

"Attack from all sides, boys. His spear is limited only to one person. I will keep him busy. Yet, don't forget the plan. Kill the bitch first."

Preparing himself to welcome the killers, he started by delivering some feinting jabs that had the killers guessing, with exception to their leader Irenaeus who, when Mathias attacked, instantly brought his sword ahead and blocked Ragnius.

Nevertheless, when the two clashed, Mathias noticed the system warn about the HP loss caused by the force impact between the weapons.

[You have suffered 120 damage.]

[You have dealt 124 damage to Irenaeus.]

When he saw Irenaeus shift in his expression and the twitching of his muscles, he reacted faster and sent a leg kick received fully by the leader, making him withdraw some steps back.

[You have fit the kidney zone successfully, causing an internal wound, triggering 'Bleed' debuff. The damage dealt is 320.]

"Bastard, you really are a dirty person. You follow no rulers even in a fight." said Irenaeus, hatefully getting on his feet while gnashing his teeth in anger.

Mathias didn't comment anything, and taking the chance of having the leader wounded, he used 'Raven's Movement' to propel himself faster toward the guy called 'Medrod' who was wielding a dagger.

As he was sprinting toward Medrod, Mathias placed Ragnius on his shoulder, preparing a swinging strike. Like a madman, he unleashed the swing strike that made it look like a famous fantasy character wielding a spear.

Medrod stopped his advances, immediately moving his dagger in the direction Ragnius' blade was going to hit.

[You have dealt 205 damage.]

'The guy managed to take away from my attack power with his block. No problem, I have the Blessing of Atlas with me. I don't have to worry about that annoyance and keep fighting.'

The killer Medrod quickly dashed at him after taking the strike, and from out of nowhere, there was a wind coming from his legs that made him faster.

"Guiding Winds." called out Medrod, who in seconds appeared beside Mathias, weaving his dagger to strike him down.

'This is what you were waiting for, killer?'

Taking his left hand off Ragnius shaft, seconds later, in his empty hand, a bastard sword appeared, something he received after killing the bandits when Fayrene was apprehended in the past.


[Saharan Sword]

Rating: Rare

Durability: 120/167

Attack Power: 95-186 / Attack Speed: +2%

The weapon most beloved by the men of the Saharan Empire. It symbolizes the years of technological progress since its conception from their founding fathers, conferring the wielder a tiny fragment from the Leviathan known as the Empire.

** This weapon has been crafted by an Intermediate Blacksmith Master.

* Open's the Basic Sword Mastery when using the sword for the user, granting the following skills [Slash], [Thrust].


"That sword? It can't be. That's Gern's sword. He disappeared two weeks ago along with his team." mentioned Medrod with a surprised voice, but nevertheless, he still moved to stab Mathias's side.

However, before he could do such a thing, Mathias activated his 'Raven's Movement' that increased his movement speed by 10%, agility by 3%, and dodge chance by 2% and with a cold gaze, he moved faster than Medrod and stabbed the bastard sword in the stomach of the killer.


[You have dealt 332 damage to the target.]

Yet as he stabbed him, the killer didn't back down, and with a twisted expression, he also stabbed Mathias on his ribs cage area.

[You have suffered 460 damage.]

The pain sensors were kicking in and started basking Mathias in a hellish sensation, but without saying much, he gritted his teeth, and with a cold expression, he was bringing Ragnius back in position.

"DODGE THAT ATTACK. THIS GUY IS CRAZY!" shouted Doruk, who was rushing to help his teammates.

"It is late. You think only you can be killers and stab others, hit others without feeling a response?"

As Mathias said that coldly, he used the Ragnius butt that contained a small blade and instantly stabbed the shaft into the killer's right eye, making him scream in agony, before being sent by Mathias' kick away from him.


[You have caused 630 damage and inflicted the 'Bleeding' debuff on the target Medrod.]


"Now Jeanne, cast the HOLY NOVA!" shouted Mathias toward Jeanne, that was preparing her divine power for a spell.

Hearing Mathias say that she opened her hazel eyes shining with white light, and from her body, a golden white shockwave was released, moving at light speed toward the killers and Mathias.

[Your party member Jeanne cast the spell 'Holy Nova' dealing 165 damage to Irenaeus, 195 damage to Aubert, 275 damage to Doruk, and a Critical hit of 420 on Medrod.]

[You have been healed by 125 after entering the area of Holy Nova.]


The killers grunted in pain while Mathias moved toward them and also checked on his HP and MP bar, which were sitting at a decent level.


Health: 524/1054 / Mana: 191/296


Meanwhile, he also checked on the NPC enemies sitting at 65-85% HP, with Doruk and Medrod being the lowest and Iranaeus and Aubert being the ones with the most HP.

'From the looks of the damage I have dealt, they have about 5500 HP to 7500 HP respectively. Such a hard fight. At least I have to kill that Medrod or Doruk, who is the lowest at probably 4376 HP, afterward it will be far easier for me to manage the other two.'

It seemed that Mathias made up his mind, and while rushing toward Modred to deliver another strike, he was intercepted by Irenaeus, who called out with an angry voice.

"[Fierce Slash]"

Barely entering the [Middle Stance] to block what he could block, he felt the brunt of the attack on his hands, which almost looked broken.

[You have suffered 320 damage.]

"I played enough with you, damned brat. Do you take my gang for easy targets that you could possibly believe you could take us down? Foolish kid. I will see you crawl at my feet after 5 minutes, and later I will let you watch as I rape your woman."

Being pushed away by Irenaeus, he also saw Aubert follow up with his dagger to stab his back, but he used Ragnius to properly himself and sent a high kick dealing [20 dmg], crashing the killer's momentum, and later with enough space taking a flask that he drank immediately.

[You have restored your health to maximum capacity.]

'Second round has come. If worse comes in my way, I will use all my potions and find a way to stash other potions for the big quest.'


With that thought in mind, he moved to attack Irenaeus, who was surprised by the reinvigorated Mathias, who seemed to be healthy again.

"You even got your hands on some healing flasks. If this doesn't call nobility, I don't know what it is." said the killer blocking Mathias's spear thrust.

Following his blocked attack, Mathias drew his spear back, and using a basic attack targeting, he had him react and step back, and responding to his assumptions, he stepped quickly forward, activating 'Raven's Movement' and pierced his shoulder, razing his flesh, after switching his movement.

Gritting his teeth, the killer stepped forward Mathias's range despite being spotted and prepared for countering.

"[Falling Sword]!"

As the killer cried out, his sword slashed with a lightfast that bypassed Mathias blocking stance, hitting him with a naked [700 damage] opening his chest.

"This is the end." said Irenaeus, pursuing Mathias, who stepped back and had a contorted expression from the pain he was fighting.

Yet before his sword hit Mathias, Jeanne's angelic voice was heard, crying out [Flash Heal] that later sent a flash of light that hit Mathias, which closed his chest wound instantly.

[You have been healed by 500 points.]

As the light came, and Irenaeus' sword was shoot to his heart, he brought once again Saharan Sword in his hand and stabbed the killer in his stomach, distancing himself in the brief stoppage Irenaeus took.

Dealing 140 damage with the sword was plenty enough for someone like Mathias, who entered in a survival mode. Everything that could help him fight off those killers was on the list.

"Slut, you think you can always stay safe? I got you." said Doruk, who reached with his sword, Jeanne, who was looking sharply at him, while extending her hand.

'[Holy Fire]!"

[Your party member Jeanne dealt 430 damage.]

"ARGH, annoying slut. Even if you burn me, I will still end you regardless of what Irenaeus wants to do with you." bellowed Doruk as he swung his sword for Jeanne's body.

Mathias dashed toward Doruk, but he could only watch as Jeanne casted once again the [Holy Fire] that made it look like Doruk was engulfed in flame. However, his sword was still seen, moving to end Jeanne.

"[Holy Shield]" cast Jeanne the holy shield again and prepared to take in the hit since she didn't have a lot of mobility to escape from the predicament.

"[Tiger Tremour]!"

It was at that moment that Jeanne's shield collapsed under the sword strike and was later brought to the ground.

[Your party member, Jeanne, has suffered 310 damage.] -> Health: 605/915 / Mana: 1850/3000

Her body got all messed after she landed on the ground, but nevertheless, she didn't panic and kept spamming [Holy Fire] like something snapped in her mind.

Mathias could see in his party window that Jeanne was coming to 125 MP for each Holy Fire spell that she casted, yet, Doruk's sword still came for her as he stabbed her stomach, causing another hit on her.

[Your party member, Jeanne, has suffered 260 damage.]



Mathias's mind also snapped, dropping into a chilling calm, after seeing that he was still distanced away from Jeanne to do something for her, and like a maniac, he put all his strength into Ragnius, later throwing it like a javelin.


Nonetheless, he heard a sound akin to an arrow flying in his direction, to the point where he rushed to end Jeanne, but before he could do it, Ragnius hit Doruk straight in his heart, cutting his life and brain activities instantly, dropping on the ground like a zombie.

[Congratulations, you have defeated Doruk, a high member of the Black Spades gang.]

[The feat you have achieved is first among players, and calculating the worth of the enemy you have faced in the Dungeon, you gained the following rewards.]

[Reputation inside Saharan Empire raised by 50 after killing a wanted criminal]

[25.000 experience earned]

[10 gold earned]

[Black Daggercap Trousers]


[Your level has risen.]

[Your level has risen]

He didn't even bother by the notifications as he cleared them instantly before taking a quick look at the leggings he received from the system for the gang member death and found that they were better than his Cidarian leggings. Point where he swiftly changed them.


[Black Daggercap Trousers]

Rate: Rare

Durability: 120/180 / Defense: 85

The protective leather leggings for most high members of the Black Spades Gang of Saharan Empire. Crafted masterfully from different beasts leathers by an advanced master tailor and taking in some of the attributes of the beasts the leggings were made from.

*  2% Critical Strike Damage (from the black leopards encountered in the Gravermark Heights)

*  5% Armour Defense Boost (from the Brutalis Bears of the Rolling Forest)

Condition of use: none


With Doruk turned into gray light, vanishing from where he was impaled by Ragnius, Mathias quickly arrived next to Jeanne and picked her up in his arms, also giving her 10 healing flasks while saying.

"Jeanne, take those flasks and drink them whenever you are hit by those bastards. Also, recover your mana a bit as I fight those guys. We have 10 more minutes to fight against those bastards. Converse all your resources, for when those guys get close to you, attack them mercilessly."

However, as he said that, he heard the sound of running and quickly placed Jeanne on her feet, and with Ragnius in [Middle Stance], he blocked Irenaeus, who cursed them both.

"Pathetic shit, you will pay for ending that useless idiot."

"[Falling Sword]!"

Seeing the same type of attack, Mathias drew his spear back so that he almost grazed Jeanne with the shaft back blade and unleashed his most powerful attack.

"[Piercing Rain]!"

Suddenly the gang leader saw himself assaulted by three attacks that followed one another in seconds.

Abandoning his attack, he entered a defensive stance similar to [Long Point] and blocked the first spear thrust, while the other two connected perfectly with his arms.

Pushed back, he ordered his men to attack him simultaneously with him placing Mathias on a back foot, not knowing which side to defend until he decided to ignore Medrod, Aubert, and instead focus on Irenaeus, who was hitting him the hardest.

Taking both of those killers' attacks with his body, he saw his health drop once again to 50%-55%, but he just ignored them and unleashed another [Piercing Rain] on Iranaeus, that all three connected, taking the killer unprepared for his demented response.

[You have dealt 190 damage.]

[You have dealt 208 damage.]


[You have dealt 440 damage]


From nowhere, with those strikes connecting, he received another notification from the system that announced to him that [Piercing Rain] reached Lv.3. Not minding the notification too much, he also unleashed [Sweep Thrust] targeting the two closer to him, Medrod and Aubert, who were readying for their last attack on Mathias.

When the 'Sweep' took them down, he glared at Medrod, stabbing Ragnius straight for the killer's chest, yet not fully ending him.

Later receiving a notification concerning [Sweep Thrust] reaching Lv.3 alongside the [Piercing Rain].


[Piercing Rain] - Lv.3

Rate: Common

Unleashing a rain of attacks against your enemies with a three-attack combo in rapid succession, dealing  95% of his physical attack power for each strike.

Skill Mana Cost: 35 MP

Skill Cooldown Time: none


[Sweep Thrust] - Lv.3

Rate: Common

One of the basic attacks of a spearman shows your efficiency in using the spear. A diamond-shaped sweep movement that has an AOE range attack that deals 65% of your physical attack power and the thrust that deals 104% of your physical attack power.

Skill Mana Cost: 35 MP

Skill Cooldown Time: 25 seconds


'Hmm, an increase of 2% is decent for a basic. It comes in time with this level up, after I got them to Lv.2 when drilling the skills.'


Minutes passed, and there were only 5 more minutes to go before the Dungeon would be cleared automatically, and Mathias was left with only four more healing potions, while Jeanne had about three more potions since those killers started to refocus on Jeanne, whose HP dropped faster than Mathias and was easier to take down, comparable to the spear-wielding maniac.

Fending off most of their attacks and dealing his own part, having Irenaeus at 55% HP, Medrod at 20%, and Aubert at 38%, he also switched targets focusing on Aubert and Medrod in his quest of taking them down.

With his [Stamina] being blessed by Rebecca herself, he was doing fine in that regard, but something he never expected to be bothered about was his item's durability that dropped considerably whenever he would block the attacks of the killers.

Ragnius suffered the brunt of those blocks, entered in the low margin of durability, seating at 99/450, while the [Cidarian Shirt] was even lower, sitting at 35/150.

"Just 4 more minutes Jeanne, and we will be okay. Place another shield on us, and stay close to me, okay?" said Mathias with a mentally exhausted voice,

Jeanne followed Mathias's instructions and used [Holy Shield] on them, making her sweaty and tired expression, getting slightly pale.

'I know it is hard for you too. But we have to survive this ordeal. You have to survive this. I can't have you die without doing anything. Not struggling even a tiny bit for your fate is the sign of the weak.'

Iranaeus and the other killers had marks of slowing down, but nevertheless, kept their aggression on the two, forcing Mathias to block Iranaeus's attack, and counter Medrod and Aubert, dealing basic damage to them.

"I hate this guy! He even took my eye and still doesn't want to die. Boss, there's only 4 more minutes, and the Red Knights will come after us. This disturbance can't be unnoticed."

"I know, shut up and do as I say. I will separate the spearman for the whore, while you attack and strike her down. She is low on mana and only has about 3 flasks from what the spearman gave her. YOU BETTER NOT FAIL ME AND THE MISTRESS." snapped Iranaeus at the two guys.

"Understood, boss. I'll rather die than have the Mistress disappointed." said Aubert, grasping his long dagger.

Medrod gritting his teeth, glaring viciously at Jeanne and Mathias agreed with the plan,


Then from nowhere Irenaeus dashed toward Mathias, appearing in front of him, dodging his spear thrust, and moving to kick him on his side, sending him flying, and when he appeared in front of Jeanne, he saw the angelic woman's hand releasing a bright light from her hand, and not standing more next to her, he dodged in time following Mathias, keeping him busy.

"Hah, hah. My abilities are really limited in this form." panted Jeanne, who was low on mana resources, but lucky was full HP.

Before she managed to assist Mathias, that was stopped by Irenaeus, Medrod and Aubert appeared in front of her already in their attack sequence.

She retreated a bit, letting the divine shield absorb most of the damage, before she sent out a low kick, hitting Medrod in his balls and with her right hand pocking Aubert in his eyes.

"ARGHH! DAMNED WHORE, YOU ARE AS DIRTY AS THAT SPEARMAN WHO TOOK MY EYE!" cursed Medrod, stopping and grunting in pain from having his jewels shattered.

The same could be said for Aubert, who was trying to open his eyes but not being able because of the sudden eye poke from Jeanne.

She took a safe distance and unleashed two [Holy Fires], one for each, buying time for herself and Mathias.

However, her mana slowly depleted using this tactic, and Mathias couldn't help her either because he was pushed around by Irenaeus, who said coldly.

"You better take your farewell from that slut. Because she will soon die, you can only entertain me as we fight."

Looking at the Dungeon timer that showed three minutes, he frowned, searching for a way out of this predicament.

It was in that moment that he was distracted that the gang leader stabbed his sword into his body, destroying the [Cidarian Shirt] that ran out of durability, dropping his HP to 20% in the process, and making him take another flask out and drink it, constantly being at full HP, not risking a second hit.

Minutes passed, reaching the two-minute mark, and the killers increased their assault on Jeanne, who by now could only spam [Holy Shields] and [Holy Fire] until she finally couldn't no more.

"Run, Jeanne. They are also exhausted. There are only two minutes."

"Hahaha, well said piece of shit. Go on descend into despair as your lover dies at our hands."

Mathias looked at his MP resources that were half, and in a do-or-die moment, he channeled all his mana coming straight from his core into his arms.

'I need the Missile right now to take down one guy, and along with Ragnius, I will pin the other one. After that minute, I will pray to God that she stays alive."

Iranaeus saw the aura around Mathias change, following the advent of a white-purple light coming from his heart as he kept him in check.

Thirty seconds passed, and as his men caught Jeanne and pinned her down, looking with their bloody faces at Jeanne, like demons, he could see from Mathias's chest a white-purple sphere shape.

With an unfocused gaze on his eyes as he used Ragnius to block Iranaeus attacks, but then when the Mana Core released its apex of accumulated power, he noticed Mathias's eyes start shinning with the same white-purple light that the perplexing sphere on his chest was giving off.

Iranaeus suddenly felt the dangerous mana on Mathias's body, and using his remaining mana, he unleashed his finishing ability.

"[Falling Sword]!"

[You have suffered 950 damage.]

Fighting the pain, he found an opening to escape from Iranaeus encirclement, and dashing toward Medrod and Aubert that stabbed their swords into Jeanne limbs, he threw Ragnius like a javelin once again, and with his arms empty, he pushed everything from his mana core, toward his right arm, and following the incantation of the Archmage that he was playing in his mind he quietly said to himself.

"Arcane Missile"


Hearing Iranaeus shout, they got disturbed and turned toward him, but what entered their eyes was Ragnius dark-red blade for Medrod and a projectile made from a vibrant white-purple light that was going for Aubert's heart.

Not even having enough time to react, and kill Jeanne, both of Mathias's attacks hit their mark. Ragnius devouring Medrod's head while the missile created a hole in Aubert's heart.

[Congratulations, you have defeated Medrod, a high member of the Black Spades gang.]

[Congratulations, you have defeated Aubert, a high member of the Black Spades gang.]




[Your level has risen.]

[Your level has risen.]

[Your level has risen.]


"NOOOO! DAMN IT, YOU INCOMPETENT FOOLS!" roared Iranaeus, furious, charging to end Mathias in the remaining minute he still had.

Mathias placed his stat points quickly without much thinking, and seeing a new skill appearing to his character, he focused on casting that spell, which made his life easier compared to praying for the skill's success and on luck.

"[Arcane Missile]"

"[Arcane Missile]"

Sending two missiles in the killer's direction that moved like rays of light toward where he aimed, he, in the process, consumed almost all of his MP but was satisfied to see the damage caused by the spell.

[Enemy doesn't have magic resistance, making you deal double the damage]

[You have dealt 320 damage]

[You have dealt 320 damage]

Looking at his timer, it was 14:26, only 30 more seconds to go.

Retreating toward Jeanne, he quickly helped her drink a flask that recovered her wounds and helped her out.

"Hang in there, Jeanne."

"I am tired, Mathias." said Jeanne with a weak voice, grabbing into his back and resting her body.

"Just a bit more."

With his [Mana Core] burning, he felt a unique ability unlock from nowhere where for one minute he could activate this ability, where his mana recovery would happen regardless if he was fighting or not.

The time thinking seemed to take for an eternity, with Irenaeus charging to kill them both, and as it reached the final 10 seconds, Mathias could only block, trying to keep the killer busy with his [Sweep Thrusts] and evasive movements using his [Raven's Movement].





Irenaeus moved to unleashed [Falling Sword], but as the movement sequence was happening, the seconds passed having Mathias saw his surroundings change once again.

[Congratulations, you have cleared the dungeon 'Alley of Desolance']

[You have gained [3] levels along with 500 reputations in Saharan Empire and 'Title' Syndicates Nemesis' & 'Midnight Abyssal Armour' ]

[Your party member Jeanne level has returned back to level 135]


It was at that moment that he felt a chilling sensation at his back as Jeanne's hands grabbed hard on his skin.

"You shall pay for this, brute! Taste the Goddess Wrath. "[DIVINE WRATH]!"

Mathias could see a blinding light pass by next to him and touch on  Irenaeus, who later was vaporized.

[Your party member Jeanne has killed the leader of Black Spades Gang of Saharan Empire]

[You have gained 50% of the EXP from the contribution of the fight inside the Dungeon 'Alley of Desolance']

[3.750.000 experience acquired.]

['???' Seal has been obtained]

['Black Spades' Cloak has been obtained.]

['Irenaeus Journal' has been acquired]

[300 gold has been acquired.]


[Your level has risen]

[Your level has risen]

[Your level h…]



[Your level has risen]


With his notification pop-us getting crazy after this encounter, he later felt Jeanne support her body on his back, but it wasn't just that. She simply went to sleep for tiredness.

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