Saharan Successor

Vol. 1 – Chapter 33 – Assaulted by bane or by luck

Vol. 1 - Chapter 33 - Assaulted by bane or by luck




With Jeanne supporting herself with his back, he slowly went to the ground while holding Jeanne in his arms, and with a tired expression, he looked at her bruised arm and the wounds that barely closed up in her legs and body.

Getting to the ground and holding her in a cradle position, he stroked her face before giving a long sigh.

"This world is more fucked up than I could imagine. To think there could be someone that would want to hurt Jeanne and me when I didn't even encounter too many people."

He went into contemplation as he was recovering from the fight, and moments later, he heard some noise coming in his direction. With the footing sound of a group of people, it got him alerted, rising on his feet with the sleeping Jeanne.

"Hurry up, men, we saw the marks of the Black Spades around this area, search everything." called out the voice of a girl in a high voice that was responded to by the voices of men.

Mathias, who was on his feet, started walking to distance himself for another possible enemy, but just seconds into this, he saw a young lady with red-colored knight armor, who had long dark blue hair, and was gazing with her golden eyes at Mathias, seeming to inspect something.

"You, why do I feel you are familiar? Have I seen you before? Argh, anyway, have you seen 4 people wearing black clothes moving past here? Those are dangerous killers lurking in the shadows of the Saharan Empire that we Red Knights are bound to eliminate."

When hearing this young lady say that, he stopped, with Jeanne in his hands, shaking his hand, choosing not to divulge that he and Jeanne ended those killers inside the Dungeon.

"My lady, I have no knowledge of such thing. I haven't encountered them."

Ending saying that he stepped to walk past her, but the blue-haired young lady took out her sword and placed it in front of Mathias's path.

"Sorry for my blunt approach, but you are lying. Those wounds on you, the irregular breathing, all signs of tiredness, along with the lady in your hands who also show marks of being wounded, are my leads to believe you are lying."

It was moments later that a group of 6 knights, wearing similar red-colored armor like the blue-haired young lady, appeared surrounding Mathias from all sides, calling out to the blue-haired girl.

"Lady Vaintz, is this person one of the killers?" asked one knight looking at Mathias with vigilant eyes.

Mathias wasn't panicked, but he felt a headache going in his head as it looked like he was one of the killers.

"Don't act, guys." called out the blue-haired girl, still glazing at Mathias, whose expression turned serious.

Later after settling the knights, she asked Mathias again.

"Will you tell me what happened here? Or do you wish I take you to the prison and later talk?"

"Sigh, girl, can you give me a breather. Don't be bossy with me when you have 0 evidence that I am one of those bastards. Do you want to know the truth? Come get your ear closer, and I will tell you."

Hearing Mathias's unexpected response, those knights took our their arms, ready to strike, but Lilian stopped them in place. Lowering her sword, she moved toward Mathias, who was taller than her and stopped right in front of him.

"You wish to know the truth? Indeed, I killed all of them. Satisfied?" claimed Mathias before asking her with a cold, sarcastic tone right in her ear.

Lilian took a step back after hearing what he said, yet it took some time for her to contemplate before she told him.

"Confirm it, and I will let you leave without keeping you here any longer."

Nodding his head, Mathias shifted how he held Jeanne in his arms, securing his grip with only one arm before with the freed arm, he took out ['Black Spades' Cloak] that he threw at Lilian.

"Here, this is what I got after I killed Irenaeus, their leader. Does this suffice? Also, those trousers I have on me are from the guy called Doruk."

Lilian, who received the cloak, gave it a stare with her golden eyes that shined a bit and later turned to look at the bare-chested Mathias, moving her gaze at his pants. Only after 30 seconds did she nod her head, turning to toss back the cloak and adding while moving from his path.

"Sorry if my approach was offensive, but the problem with those criminals lurking in Titan and Saharan is a delicate one, and we can't let any of them escape until they are brought to justice. I will remember this deed of yours of helping the Red Knights keep in check the criminals creating a hard life for the citizens of Saharan. Tell me your name." inquired Lilian, with a calm expression, stopping after walking from his face.

Mathias wasn't bothered by this young knight's inquiry and simply said as he departed toward Jeanne's mansion.



Leaving Lilian and the other knights, who were talking about what Mathias just did with surprise.

"My Lady, what has that person confess?" asked one of her knights, who had the name Kent, while beside him, the knights Kamiyan, Fulito, Rove, and the other three gathered around Lilian.

"That he killed every one of those criminals after he was ambushed."

The young knight, Kent, looked surprised as he stared at his leader, Lilian before he asked.

"But how? Irenaeus is among the most notorious criminals for being shrewd and not risking his life."

"I don't know Kent, but I can confirm that the cloak belongs to Irenaeus. Nevertheless, let's move to the Garrison and report back to Captain Limit."

"Yes, Lady Lilian." responded the Red Knights as they moved with fast speed in the direction they came from, the Garrison of the Knights.

Making their way out of the alley, it looked like there was not even a sign of a fight being taken in that part of the city, and after 10 minutes of walking, Mathias found himself in front of Jeanne's mansion but being blocked by the closed door.

"Sigh, it seems I have no choice. It is what it is. I doubt Fay will be fine if I start bringing people she doesn't know into her house, especially women. Where could she sleep? On my counter, let's not be kidding here." concluded Mathias, as he held Jeanne with a hand, and with the left hand, he started to touch Jeanne around in the search for the keys to the mansion.

Getting his hand in her trouser pockets, he felt the warm sensation, and subconsciously he groped her leg that made her give out a sound, taking his time before bringing the keys out.

'Wait, what am I doing?? I am not such a man to profit over the weaknesses of girls.' lamented Mathias in his head before taking the keys from Jeanne's trousers.

Opening the door, he looked around the familiar house, and thinking where to place Jeanne in his carry, he walked to the upper floor, walking toward an opened door, and once there, he saw a clean private room that contained a large bed, enough to rest four people on it.

There was an opened garderobe next to a human-sized mirror, where many dresses and various clothes rested on an armchair.

'Wow, those dresses look like something Fay would create, but still lacking compared to her sketches. All of them would fit Jeanne and most likely look marvelous on her. Mental blocks, I guess, once she shatters the blocks imposed on herself, she will be happy wearing all of those dresses.'

Then, as he turned to place her softly on the bed and go sit on another armchair to watch for her safety, she moved her arms and dragged him with her on the bed, hugging him like a pillow.

'Ahh man, aren't I fucked up? Jeanne, what are you doing girl, are you sleeping or what?' thinking that, she snuggled unconsciously with his bare chest, touching his chest aimless, and also pressing her chest to his sides.

This stimulation he felt was probably sending even his real weapon on fire.

In this manner, Jeanne slept soundly, having dragged Mathias along with her, capturing him in her embrace and being worked as a pillow substitute.

Meanwhile, Mathias just had his eyes closed and was meditating to not do something he would regret later on, even though he was stimulated to the brim.

'Little guy, you better stay in check. This isn't the right time for you to shine, so bugger off.'

Drifting his thoughts to his achievement, he turned to his character status windows that showed he was Lv.25 with 99% exp and unable to level up to 26, where he was welcomed by many stat points he had to distribute around his stats.

'Hmm, maybe I should not be stubborn and try experimenting more into doing a balance between INT and STR along with the support of the AGI because I need to move fast if I want to use my solo playstyle. Every bonus to my attack speed, movement speed, and dodge rate is welcomed.'

Pondering as he watched the stat windows, he started adding points using his mental feature, controlling the cursor of the window with his mind and was satisfied with the proportion of how his stats looked.


Name: Mathias / Class:  Beginner

Level 25 (28.899/28.900) / Title: Syndicates Nemesis

Health: 1028 /Mana: 412


Strength: 80(+8) / Stamina: 50(+5)

Agility: 60(+6) / Intelligence: 114(+17)

Stat point: 0


'My stat buff will also run down in a couple of days. Nevertheless, my 'Arcane Missile' should hit even harder now. Right, let's check the skill stats and all the items I gained. Better find a distraction while this priestess makes herself comfortable.'

Browsing his skills, he stumbled on the new addition to his arsenal, Arcane Missile.

The moment his eyes focused on the skill description, he thought out loud that he thought he even woke Jeanne.

"No way, this is broken."


[Arcane Missile]

Rating: Epic(Growth)

The most ancient spell dating from the first world and loved by so many arcanists. After so many eons of enhancing this spell and reworking it from its basic form, under the mythical archmage who sundered fear in even Gods and Dragons, it reached its final version.

It boasts tremendous power but consumes a lot of resources.

It deals damage with a variety of chances but always being in the range of 1x -2x your current magic power to the target.

It also ignores the enemy's magic resistance, and once the magic missile wounds the target, it has a chance of 10% to proc Critical Strike DMG.

Resource Consumption: 200 Mana. (Will change according to the user Mana Core and resources)

Skill Casting Time: According to the user control (1 - 120 seconds)

Skill Cooldown Time: 5 seconds.


'Ohh man, it is even a 'Growth' spell, meaning like Ragnius, who is at 35% EXP currently, I can grow it to the next level, make it the same as 'Raven's Movement' a [Unique] rated skill. Those arcane spells really are no joke. I better learn everything before the reset happens. I have this guess that I can replicate them when the live version kicks in.'

'Let's see what is the new update to the Mana Core, since it seems I received a new skill there too.'

Closing the window for the skills, he turned to passives, where he could see the [Basic Spear Attacks] and [Basic Spear Mastery - Lv.3], but passing those, he went directly for the [Mana Core](C) that gave a unique effect light, compared to the other skills and passive.

Entering that section, he looked at the basic stats he gained from the Mana Core along with the last update that occurred to it.


[Mana Core]

Rating/Grade: Rare/(C)

A modified and enhanced mana core that was awakened with uncommon methods long forgotten in history

  *  Passively increase Intelligence by 4%

  *  Increase spell damage, spell hit rate by 2%, magic spell casting by 2%, and your focus by 5% of not failing your spells

  *  The mana increase will adjust to your level [150MP bonus]

  * (Activable Buff) - 'Mana Hunger'

  *  Effect: Unique Passive


[Mana Hunger]

Type: Activable Buff

Using the accumulated mana in the Mana Core, you can start your mana regeneration in combat.

Buff Time: 60 seconds.

Buff Cooldown: 20 minutes


'So this is what happened when I activated that buff from the notification. This explains how I could regenerate my MP even outside of combat. This buff will come up nicely in my sleeves, an Ace of sorts.'

'Okay, now let's see what that title I received and items are all about. I hope the leather chest piece I got from Irenaeus is good.'

Titles: Syndicates Nemesis (Unlock? Yes/No)

'Sure, let's see what the game has in store for me. It sounds nice from just the sight of it.'


[Syndicates Nemesis]

You proved yourself by killing the notorious criminals of the 'Black Spades' in doing so, exterminating one of the gangs of Titan, who made a hell for some people. However, their alertness and ruthlessness will increase more with the disappearance of the 'Black Spades'.

As supporting power, their nemesis should be able to move faster than them, have a stronger resilience and higher strength to overpower them, and an intellect that could scheme and plan ahead of them, in so ending their rule.

  *  Be aware, they will find you suspicious at sight, but you will also find them easier in a sea of people.

  * Stamina: + 50  / Agility: +50 / Strength: +50 / Intelligence: +50



'Wow, I didn't expect this from killing those bastards, so many stat points for killing a rat group. It means those guys were really notorious, and as that girl, Lilian Vaintz, mentioned, Saharan has a problem with criminals. Wait…. If I haven't read it wrong, doesn't it feel like I put a target mark on my head?'

'Ahh no, not again, another unnecessary trouble. Still, it fits hand in hand with my main quest of killing the Clark Gang in Wallmor District.'


Settling his thoughts on that aspect, he moved to check the new items.



[Midnight Abyssal Armor] (1/3)

Rate: Unique(Growth)

Durability: 170/550 / Defense: 375 / Movement Speed: +2%

*  Attack Power increased by 10%

*  Magic Power increased by 10%

*  Dodge Rate increased by 2%

* Dark Elements Attack Resistance: 25%

*  150% increase in Magic Recovery effects.

* You will see into the realm of 'Death'

An armor with a mysterious past moving hand by hand, at the expense of the ones killed. Shrouded in mystery as to why this happens, for its wielders to die, no one would ever know because they would die before finding the answer.

The materials used to create such armor are veiled by unknowns and uncertainties.

Condition of Use: Killer of the Former Wielder

Once you find all the set pieces, the Debuff will be removed.

Debuff: There is a 50% chance of dropping this item when dying against a player in solo combat.

*** [Bound Item] ***




'My God, another one. What is this? Is this a curse shoved into my hands, a bug? Such a weird and, at the same time, tempting item, abyssal indeed. It says I need the rest of 2 pieces to not lose those items.'

'Sigh, last surprise for today, let's see the cloak.'


['Black Spades' Leader's Cloak]

Rate: Epic

Durability: 53/95 / Defense: 15

* Strength: +25

* Agility: +25

*Critical Strike Damage: +2%

* Dodge Evasion Rate: +1%

The cloak of the 'Black Spades' Syndicate, Irenaeus, symbolizes the mark of his rule under the Saharan Underworld and his prestige as a killer and assassin.

Condition of Use: Leader of Black Spades Syndicate



'Finally, a sign of normality for today. What if there's no more 'Black Spades' Syndicate? Can I use it without meeting the conditions?'

With a curious expression, he dragged the cloak to his inventory toward the character item interface, and it went without alerting him of anything.

On his bare upper body, a cloak appeared in Jeanne's face, where the priestess moved around until the cloak was out of her way and settled back with Mathias' chest.

"Would you look at that? She really is a heavy sleeper. You know, it would have been worse if you were snoring, but it is not like I can't get used to it." commented Mathias out loud, looking at Jeanne's face.

Like this time passed with Mathias closing his eyes and relaxing in the bed, preparing his thoughts for his book and how he could finish the book for Juander in an efficient way copying it.

It was about one hour since he settled quietly in the bed, letting Jeanne sleep peacefully, that the latter slowly opened her hazel eyes while yawning cutely, only to be greeted by Mathias gazing at her in a serene expression.

"Where am I? What happened after I used all my divine power?" asked with a tired voice Jeanne, standing calmly next to Mathias without freaking out like how an "isekai" scenario would be between the female protagonist and male protagonist.

"You vaporized that Irenaeus and afterward went to sleep. Some Red Knights, led by a blue-haired girl, Lilian Vaintz, appeared and questioned me, believing I was one of those killers, but everything has been sorted out. Anyway, how are you feeling? "

"Tired and without much divine energy in my body. But I will be fine, in about one week. What about you? To be honest, you left me speechless in the manner you fought against those criminals."

"I am an outlander. I live for such moments, also don't look at me as if I am your savior or glorify what I did. You only have one life, while I can die for how many times I want."

"I learned that from dad, about the "cursed ones" or another word for you, "outlanders". However, you guys still feel the pain and endure that process. I can't put myself to understand what you feel. Sigh, let's not talk about that. Pain and all the dark elements. What was next in the story?"

"Nothing impressive and worth telling… Fine, don't give me that stare. I haven't done anything indecent to you, I took you home, had to search around for your keys, placed you to sleep, and now we are in this situation we are right now. You really are a heavy sleeper."

"Right, and why is your upper body naked? Have you thought of doing something indecent?" teased Jeanne, but only being mocked by Mathias later.

"I'll rather keep my hands at home since I don't wish to let you fall into Yatan's graces. I still need my priestess to bless me."

*Giggle* "Sure, sure. Gladly, but when my divine power recovers. I will welcome you to the Cathedral whenever you can make your way inside."

Taking some of her hair that dropped on his body, looking at the shining golden strands, he saw Jeanne react a bit shily, moving her eyes off him.

"I'll be fine now if you wish to go home. Don't forget that you still have to clean around for some more days."

Nodding his head, Mathias got away from the bed and placed [Midnight Abyssal Armour] on himself, covering his upper chest, which instantly wrapped around himself, morphing according to his body until it looked to be perfectly matched with himself.

There were dark green mist and black mist being released by the armor, which had Jeanne looking with a sharp gaze at the armor.

"This armor, wasn't this something the leader of the killers was wearing? I thought I also vaporized everything on his own using my [Divine Punishment]."

"I have no idea. I just woke myself up with this armor in my dimensional bag. That's how we outlanders get our gear and other mischievous items. By defeating enemies, monsters, and so on."

"Mathias, you should be careful with this armor. I can feel an evil lurking inside."

Shifting his gaze at the armor that made his edgy inner side shout like an excited little boy, he reverted back to Jeanne, responding to her calmly.

"It will be fine, Jeanne. Take care of yourself, and have a sweet night. See you tomorrow."

Jeanne smiled at him and took her farewell, and once Mathias was out, she started moving around the bed.

"Arrogant dummy. I look forward to our next meeting." saying that Jeanne got up from the bed, raising on her feet, and taking off her clothes that she felt were too tight on her, later revealed the body of a goddess that would make any woman jealous, not lacking in any aspect.

Going to the mirror only wearing the lingerie, she revealed a bright smile, saying to herself.

"He should be the one from father's stories. The Red Prince who will arrive to take the hands of the Saintess from the nightmare of agony and pain."

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