Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 128: Day Of The Trial

The day has finally come. The day where everything will be put to an end. Laura was anxious and she knew it, but at the same time, she knew she had to stay focused on the things she needed to do. The two days felt so long for Laura but at the same time, those days were spent gathering the official documents.

"Are you excited or nervous?" asked Erwin as he placed his hands on her shoulders. "You could say both?" Laura answered and places her hand on his. "Don't be. We'll win this fight once and for all." 'He was right though' Laura thought. This time she is going to win and she isn't that once lonely weak person who didn't have anyone but herself. 

After all this mess, Laura wanted to thank Septus. But sadly Septus isn't here for now. According to Gusion, he went into a deep sleep. It's sad how he went into a deep sleep without telling her. She wanted to do something for him at least. It was thanks to him that everything she wanted to do in life was granted. 

Not only that, but finally after two years of waiting she is going to meet them. The two people who she promised to see once she has gotten her revenge. 

"The carriage is here. Let's go we wouldn't want everyone to wait for us for too long," said Erwin who offered a hand to Laura. She accepted his hand as she stood up and made their way to the carriage. 

Finally, it was here.

The carriage ride wasn't long and before she knew it, they arrived in front of the doors of the court. But she didn't expect to be crowded by journalists who was swindling around them. As they were passing through the crowd, Laura's hand slipped away from Erwin, trapping her into the wave of journalists. 

They kept pushing her from side to side, forcing their way to ask her some questions, pushing their ways to reach Laura. This was her first time experiencing this and she didn't know what to do. And just as she started panicking, suddenly, in a flash, everyone stopped moving. 

"Laura? Where are you?" called Erwin who apparently was quite near her since his voice was loud. 'Then this must be Erwin's doing' she smiled'. She sees Erwin making his way towards her and once he had gotten close to her he pulled her towards him. "There isn't much time left. We have to hurry and get inside."

'It really was Erwin's doing. Is this his mana?' Laura asked herself. It was her first time seeing him use his mana and the only thing she could say was 'impressive'. They got into the building without any injuries. While the journalists who were sure they were close to Laura got confused once things started to move again. 

"This is my first time seeing you use your mana," said Laura as she dusted off her dress using her hand. "I can't hold it for so long and it makes me tired," said Erwin who's legs felt weak all of a sudden. Laura rushed to his side and help him up. "I'm sorry, you did it because of me..."

"Stop apologizing. It's not going to take my life so it's alright," Erwin chuckled as he pushed himself to walk on his own. "Don't worry. Isn't today supposed to be your best day?" He asked as she offered his hands to her once more. 

"I care more about you than Tine."

"I'm glad to hear that."

They arrived in front of the doors of the courtroom and they both entered without any regrets. The eyes of the nobles stared at the two while they made their way to their seat. Erwin pulled a chair out for Laura and she thanked him before sitting. 

Since Laura was inside the courtroom there wasn't any need to wait for others who were late. The judge entered the room and for some reason, it wasn't the same judge she had seen before. It was a different one. When Laura looked at Erwin, he was seen smiling as he looked at the judge. Perhaps they are friends? Who knows.

Everyone in the courtroom stood up as the judge sat in his chair. The only time they were allowed to sit was when the judge had told them to take their seat. In the courtroom, the leader is the judge. Even if you are someone who is part of the royal family they are not excepted by this. It's a sign of respect for the judge as if he was saying he's the leader of this courtroom.

The judge told everyone in the room to take their seat and the door opened revealing Tine. Laura was reminded of the way she was treated. 

The court was filled with silence while Tine made her way to the stand in the middle. The first thing she did was to shoot a glare at Laura. Tine gritted her teeth then looked back at the judge giving him a dreadful look. 

The judge read the paper that was given to him then he called in the first witness which was Helga. When Laura first learned that Helga was going to get punished she didn't want her to be the witness. But because Helga didn't want to be called someone who helped Tine she decided to be a witness and at the same time a victim.

"Helga Lush, tell me what happened during that day. Was Tine the one who asked you to poison the victim?" 

"It is correct, your honor. She asked me to poison Miss Laura," answered Helga who was standing confidently and not regretting what was going to happen in her life. All she wanted was to get her revenge also.

"According to the paper I'm reading you were falsely accused?" 

"Yes, I was."

"Is there anything you would want to say, Miss Tine?" asked the judge.

"There is. Why are you trusting that woman? She's not even the victim here I am!" Tine roared at the judge whose expression didn't change.


"Like I will listen to you. The so-called victim isn't normal. She isn't. Just thinking about it how does she know almost everything? It's like she could read the future. If I had not asked Marquess Rogen to hide clues about myself I would have been exposed long before."

"I said order!" the judge slammed the hammer. But Tine continued to speak nonsense and bad things, not realizing that she was making things worse for herself. Does she not know defying the orders of the judge would lead to her death earlier? Either way, the chances of Tine being guilty is high. 

"Don't stop me. You may look handsome but so what? Are you just like that Duke who smiles all day long?" She then looks in Laura's direction and sitting beside her was Prince Winston who didn't look amused at all. 

"May I say a word, Your Honor?" Laura raised her hand. 


"Stop saying bad things about other people when you can't even take a look at your own self. Don't you know how I always have to be cautious of you? The first time I met you. You didn't even try being friends with me. Was it because you wanted all the attention? I think you wanted it since you've hurt me tons of times," said Laura with confidence as she was looking straight at Tine. 

"HA?" Tine ran towards Laura's side and was about to punch her in the face but the guards were quick on their foot and stopped Tine. While Erwin rushed to Laura's side but was stopped by the two guards. Laura looked at Erwin and gave him a smile. He was able to calm down and he went back to his seat. 

But as for Tine, she kept struggling not until the patience of the judge ran out. He couldn't even question Tine and she kept answering him in a rude manner. Not to mention it was already decided from the beginning that Tine isn't going to be forgiven.

"Lady Laura, please return back to your seat."

Laura followed the judge's instructions and didn't say a word back at Tine. There wouldn't be any point talking with someone who wouldn't listen. 

"The second witness please come forward," The judge called and stepped Prince Winston. When the nobles saw Prince Winston standing in front they all gasped. They didn't expect the Prince to be a victim of Tine. Not to mention she was the Prince's fiancee. Life will not always go the way you want.

While Tine was being delusional about still being his lover but in fact, it never happened. "Are you here to speak up for me?" She asked but Prince Winston ignored her. He brought an envelope out of his pocket then said, "This is a verdict from the Emperor himself. Please do read it."

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