Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 129: The Trial

The paper was handed to the judge and he did not look surprised at all. His face continued to be stern while the nobles were all waiting in anticipation. The verdict is something the Emperor gives and the orders are absolute. 

"I, The Emperor of the Estes Empire herby declare to execute Tine Alvarado and there is no exemption. This is from the Emperor and the court will abide by his wishes," announced the judge, making Tine go rampant. 

"WHAT? NO, IT'S NOT POSSIBLE. SOMEONE HELP ME," Tine screamed not until she saw an old friend of hers. Tine smiled and called out to her so-called friend but that girl ignored her and gave her a cold look. "Vivan? We're friends aren't we?" She laughed nervously, but suddenly her blood ran cold as she saw the person next to Vivian which was her father, Count Harrison. 

For the whole session in the court, he didn't say a word. Despite not looking like it Count Harrison is a man who follows and abides by the rules of this Empire. Once it is announced and made there isn't anything he could do. 

As the father of his one and only blood-related daughter, he didn't know whether to be disappointed with himself or Tine. But slowly and slowly he knew he was guilty of himself, not taking care of his own daughter. Not just that but not knowing anything about her situation in the first place. 

"Father? You need to help me. Please," Tine begged. "I'm your daughter you can't just leave me like this."

Count Harrison wanted to help her but nothing will work. Even if he kneels onto his knees nothing will change. The Emperor's verdict is absolute. There isn't anything he could do. He wanted to run and give Tine a hug but at the same time, he felt ashamed to do anything at this point. 

"I cannot do anything. I want to help you but I cannot."

"Father!" Tine cried out loud once more. "You. It's all your fault!" She pointed at Laura. Tine wanted to charge towards Laura but she couldn't as the two guards were holding her down. Not only that but she was restricted and couldn't use her mana. The chains she was wearing was a special type. 'Why is this so unfair?' Tine thought. 

"NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS A MONSTER IS STILL A MONSTER!" Tine yelled it out loud for the nobles to hear. But it backfired as she was the actual monster, not Laura. 

The judge slammed his hammer onto the table and once more announced, "The trial is now adjourned. This session is now closing."

The screaming and yelling were left inside the court and as for the nobles present, they went to congratulate Laura's win. Laura was thrilled she won but she despited something. It was about the nobles who were congratulating her. 

Most were familiar faces and they should be ashamed of themselves trying to win Laura's favor and others more. Those nobles were supporters of Tine but since Tine lost they moved sides quickly. These types of people aren't meant to be trusted. Laura knew that they just wanted to use her for their own fame and purposes.

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for congratulating me. However, you should be ashamed of yourself for smiling and trying to earn my favor for your own gain,". When Laura said those words they all looked troubled and even shifted their eyes away from her. "Even if you would keep trying until I die. I will never forgive you people. Now that you have learned your lessons. I'm feeling tired and so I'm going to go back home. If you would excuse me."

'That's right. To all those nobles who talked badly behind their backs. Please learn your lesson and never do the same thing again.' she thought, but she doubted that they learned their lesson. As she walked away drowned with her own thoughts. It was cut short when she felt someone holding her hand. She turned her head slightly and sees Erwin smiling. Then before she knew it he was walking ahead of her but their hands were still together.

"Shall we celebrate?" Erwin asked as he kept his eyes straight on the road. "Hmm, let me think about it." Laura teased but as soon Erwin was about to say something he was cut off by Count Harrison. 

"Laura, can I have a word with you?" he looked hesitant and nervous as he kept shifting his eyes away. They both stopped walking and Laura turned her back. She then said, "No, please just say it."

"I'm sorry about Tine. If you could please ask the Emperor to change his mind. I beg you."

Count Harrison is a kind person and a man who follows the rules of the Emperor. But when it comes to his daughter he might do something about it. But did he not know how disappointed Laura was? His love for his own daughter was great and Laura knew that. But this time it's not going to go the way he wants, especially since she did such things to her and others. 

"I'm sorry, father. I cannot do anything about that. It is His Majesty's verdict. I cannot just storm into his palace and beg. I'm sorry," Laura apologized but her words were dry. Just thinking about the things Tine had done to her. There isn't a chance she would forgive Tine. 

This is her new life now. A life without Tine and this is what she wanted from the beginning. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," Count Harrison kneeled onto the ground and his forehead touched the ground. 

Laura was also sorry for Count Harrison but this is life. Things happen and it cannot be turned back. Once it has been done it is done. Laura didn't say a word and continued walking her way out of the building. 

"Is it alright just to turn away?" Erwin asked while Laura gripped their hands then answered, "It's alright. He will die with guilt and embarrassment but he is a man who will not give up on his own path. He'll be alright. I'm sure."

Erwin smiled as he realized how strong Laura had grown. The weak and scared girl who always tried acting strong is finally one. He felt sad that Laura wouldn't lean as much on his shoulder but at least now Laura is hers. Once everything calms down he will do what he has promised to himself. 

Since then the news spread to the whole Empire and they called it a rivalry between the sisters. Yes, there were fake news and rumors about why Laura won but she didn't care much about them. Not only that but other nobles kept inviting her for a tea party but she didn't accept any of them. 

There were a few changes in how the people saw Laura but they still can't get used to her black hair. Many were curious but some didn't still like it. But it's not like she cared about what they say either.

"Miss Laura, here's another invitation," Lester said as he showed the invitation to Laura who first sighed out loud. "I'm not going."

To add Laura was still staying in the silver moon estate for some security purpose. Tine was still held inside the prison and her execution is set for the next day. Laura wasn't going to watch since she didn't like seeing blood flow out. It might give her nightmares after.

As for Mary, she continued to work for the orphanage as she said she felt much more comfortable and free there. Laura couldn't blame her since Mary looked as if she was having fun. With the approval from Erwin, Lester is temporarily staying in the silver moon estate since there were some business matters Laura needed to finish.

"I must say this place is very comfortable. Even the chambers for servants is very different from ours," commented Lester out of nowhere. "You can say the power of the Duke? Laura laughed and followed Lester.

The life in the silver moon estate is very comforting as usual. There weren't any bad treatments towards her or whatsoever problems there are in the Alvarado estate. Speaking of the Alvarado estate, skipping Count Harrison is not a must.

There was news about Count Harrison staying in bed for the past two days and finally, but on the third day, he came out of his room. All the servants were all worried about the Count but with his business still blooming he looks alright. 

Because of the trail, the title was given to Laura but she didn't accept it. There isn't any point for her to take the position anymore because it's over. All now she wanted to do was to rest and not to have a desk filled with papers. 

"But are you sure you're not going to take the title?" Asked Lester.

"Yes, I am sure and there is someone far better for that position. In terms of business, he's much better than I am."

That person Laura was inferring to was Lester. This may be late but Lester is the next Baron of the Barnett family. It may not look like it but it is real. Yet Lester doesn't know that person Laura was inferring to was him.

"I see," Lester said. 

"Knock. Knock may I enter?" Erwin asked by the door when he entered. 

"You've already entered," Laura giggled as for Lester he left the room giving them both privacy. "Is there anything you need?'


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