Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia


Sorry about the sporadic updates. Here's 3,255 words for you.

My school life continued on as the boring thing it had become. It had lost a lot of its lustre, thanks to the teacher not wanting to let me get too far ahead of everyone. I spent the afternoons with Inko and showed her what it meant to be in a real relationship and slept with Lois damn near every night.

First term exams quickly arrived and I blew through everything instantly, without bothering to pretend to work at a normal pace, and handed in my exam sheets within a few seconds of being given them. None of the teachers questioned it after the first time.

The practical exam was a tricky rescue... for everyone except me. The training field had been converted into a water hazard where there were several people trapped on small islands. You had to get them back to safety without hurting them further or causing more damage to the surroundings.

The looks on the faces of the teachers as I approached the starting area, gave away that they all thought I was going to fly to each spot to rescue the trapped people. As soon as Red Fury said start, I took a deep breath and used Arctic Breath to freeze the entire water hazard. I casually walked to each spot, treated the injured, and carried each person back to the start.

I smiled at the shocked teachers and waved to Red Fury before I left.

Needless to say, I passed at the top of the class and had the summer off. Lois was invited to a technology expo on I-Island to report on it. It was an event where heroes, scientists, and civilians came together to celebrate technological advancements in the hero world. Popular names like the No.1 Hero All Might and Nobel Peace Prize Winner Professor David Shield were in attendance.

Lois gave me a very significant look as she showed me the airplane tickets, because it would be the first time we would be taking a trip together. I didn't hesitate as I took her into my arms and gave her a passionate kiss.

“This could be considered our honeymoon.” I whispered into her ear.

Lois trembled briefly before she tore my clothes off and had me right there on the living room floor. She was almost completely insatiable lately and I absolutely loved it.

We flew on the plane and we relaxed and enjoyed having the time alone for the first time in a while. We didn't really have any obligations, despite her job on reporting on the expo, and we treated it like we were going on vacation. Lois confided in me that she was sure her boss at work had arranged for her to get the gig, because she hadn't taken an actual vacation in almost 20 years.

“We'll send him a gift basket when we get back home.” I joked and she laughed.

We landed on I-Island and and made our way to the hotel with our bags. I unpacked us in two seconds and Lois kissed me before she dragged me into the oversized bathroom and we had fun in the shower. We dressed in our best clothes and I played cameraman as Lois did several 'on the spot' reports for the news promos.

It was actually a great time and Lois was completely professional. We did several quick interviews of the other quests at random and were granted early access to the expo itself because we were reporters. We stopped at a few of the booths and talked to the presenters for some background and human interest pieces, which made Lois' boss quite happy when she sent them along.

In the evening, there was a small fireworks show to welcome everyone to the I-Expo and Lois and I filmed it and she did a promo spot with the fireworks in the background. It worked, because the microphones we used had heavy noise cancellation and easily picked up her voice and muted the bangs from the explosions.

Just before we went to bed, I gave Lois one of the best lovemaking sessions I could and she appreciated it. A lot. She gave me another of her marathon blowjobs and pretty much wallowed in pleasure and fell asleep practically covered in my expulsions. I slipped out of bed and looked down at her euphoric face and it made me feel warm inside that I could make her that happy.

My smile disappeared as I zoomed to clean myself up and dressed in my dark outfit. I made a better head covering out of metal, so no one would recognize me. I zoomed down to the lobby and out through the doors as I went right over to the main lab. It just so happened to be the tallest skyscraper on the island and the security defenses were laughable for someone like me.

I flew up and pulled off one of the penthouse's large windows. I floated inside and heat vision took care of the security sensors and cameras. I didn't touch the floor at all and floated over to the computer terminal and used my gloved hands to type. I checked the security features and saw the blatant holes that David Shield had left for the villain Wolfram and his henchmen to exploit and infiltrate the expo.

I was going to use them to remove the villains instead and checked where they would be arriving and nodded. They had already arrived and were setting up for the raid on the big gala party here in the building tomorrow night. I copied everything onto a USB key, including the exclusive story about a revolutionary headpiece that would allow All Might to keep using his waning quirk by enhancing it.

I removed the security exploits from the system and actually added in more stringent protocols, just in case I missed any of the henchmen and they still tried to assault the expo. I put the computer into sleep mode and floated over to the floor where the so-called hidden vault was. A strong blast of heat vision dealt with all of the so-called safeguards on the security vault and I pulled out the case with the item in it.

I opened it up and used my various vision modes to examine it all and compared it to the plans that David had on the computer. They didn't match, which meant the plans had been altered or someone else finished the work to make it work. I memorized the differences and saw that the two grey cartridges were battery backups and the blue container was the rare element that was used to amplify a person's quirk.

Considering only micrograms of it were currently in the helmet, the blue container could be used to made hundreds of the devices. That is, unless the element was somehow used up and that would cut down on the versatility, especially if it was limited in its number of uses.

I used my x-ray vision to look at the other inventions that had been locked up and saw several death rays, freeze rays, innovative explosives, drugs of all kinds, and more tech that could be used to subdue or disable people with quirks. I definitely didn't want any of them getting into the wrong hands, so a liberal application of heat vision melted everything.

It just so happened to cover up the theft of the headpiece and I flew back out of the penthouse through the window I had removed and then I flew at subsonic speed to get away from any cameras that might have caught my antics. I double-backed and flew down by the water and back to the hotel. I landed and zoomed at super-speed to return to our room and stashed the briefcase.

I popped the USB into Lois' laptop and copied over the information files and left them open for her, then wrote out what I had seen in the vault. I also included that it was all destroyed and there was no longer any danger of the controversial tech falling into enemy hands.

Once I did that, I put the USB into the briefcase with the headset and left again, because I had some villains to track down and remove. It wasn't going to be fun, because I was so far out of their league. How were they going to stop me, even if they knew I was coming? They weren't, because I didn't bother trying to give them a chance to surrender.

Heat vision was liberally applied once more, just so the investigators would associate all the villain deaths with the destruction of the security vault in the central tower. It was a great plan on my part, even when several henchmen were trigger happy and unloaded several clips of ammo at me. I melted their guns, one of their hands, and only half of their faces, because I needed to leave enough of them to be identified.

It took me an hour to track them all down and I took care of them all. When my grizzly task was done, I returned to the hotel room and destroyed my clothes and metal mask, showered, and climbed into bed. Lois hadn't moved at all and didn't react when the bed shifted. I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face that almost matched hers.

Keeping the world safe was a thankless job sometimes and I was happy to do it.


The surprise on David Shield's face when he and his partner scientist were arrested by the police during the ball was immortalized by myself and Lois as she did her reporter thing and I was her cameraman. She looked gorgeous in a red sequined dress and she showed off some cleavage that heaved as she relayed the two men's crimes and linked them with the vault's destruction and the identification of the various villains and henchmen that had been found that day.

The rest of the I-Expo went off without a hitch. Lois already had her big story and the rest of the event was just gravy. A few new tech devices were interesting to see and they weren't much different than what already existed, they were just a little more effective. For some reason, innovation seemed to be a little lacking if you weren't a hero in need of a tech device.

There was a bit of a surprise when Mei hadn't been given her own booth and had snuck in with Izuku and All Might to crash the event. A quick word to one of the security guards took care of that and both Mei and Izuku were arrested for smuggling, because they had a pile of unregistered tech devices in their luggage. That one of them was a particle beam weapon didn't help their case at all.

All Might looked pretty embarrassed and the young woman wearing glasses with him looked smug. I knew she was Melissa Shield, daughter of the disgraced David Shield, All Might's old partner. He had become her guardian somehow and she would be returning to Japan with him and would go to UA, even though she didn't have a quirk.

Personally, I thought she was like Lois. Her quirk was probably mind-based and didn't register as a power during testing, because the tests weren't calibrated for mental enhancements. I thought about introducing myself and Lois grabbed my arm and shook her head slightly.

I gave her a questioning look and she whispered that we had been responsible for turning her father in and she wouldn't be happy with us because of that. I sighed and had to agree, because that was not the best way to start a friendship with someone. So, we left them alone and went about our business.

The rest of the week passed by without further incidents and Lois and I had a great time on our honeymoon. We even had sex on top of the central tower with me in my full costume and she wore her sexy librarian outfit with fake glasses. The look of love and adoration on her face as we had sex and she stared up at me with my cape fluttering in the wind behind me, was priceless.

I would remember that look forever.


All good things come to an end eventually, so Lois did her farewell broadcast and we boarded the plane to return to Japan. Surprisingly, All Might and his new ward were on the plane and there was no sign of Izuku. I did a quick sweep with x-ray vision and he wasn't anywhere on the plane. I informed Lois about this and her response was fitting.

“I think Mei is ruining more than just your friendship with Izuku.” Lois whispered.

I was a bit taken aback by her words, then thought about it. Mei had first monopolized Izuku and then started isolating him from his friends, then his family, and now she had started isolating him from his mentor. I gave Lois a surprised look when I realized what that meant.

“How much do you want to bet that a certain someone is going to regret becoming a criminal before he became a hero?” Lois asked me with a smile on her face.

“Oh, good lord.” I whispered back. “Do you think... will he ask Izuku to...”

“He has a new receptacle right beside him, doesn't he? Someone that idolizes him above all overs, even her own father?” Lois asked. “She's also a tech genius. I'm sure she can come up with a quirk limiter...”

“I already did that.” I whispered back.

“Excuse me?” Lois asked, surprised.

“I reverse engineered the headpiece and fixed the plans.” I whispered. “Instead of relying on the element and power packs to maintain the device and making it a quirk amplification device, I reversed the polarity and switched out the main components. It uses quirk energy to power itself and it can be used as a quirk suppression device.”

“You need to send that design to both All Might and Miss Shield.” Lois ordered.

“I'll need some paper and...” I started to say and she opened her laptop case and handed me several sheets and a pen. I gave her a kiss and used the drop down food tray on the back of the seat in front of me to quickly write out the directions, the components needed, the settings, and then drew out the schematics. I made sure they were different enough from the original to not be recognized.

“It's amazing that you can do that so fast.” Lois whispered.

“It's only fast for everyone else.” I said and tapped my temple with a fingertip. “I still experience the time normally.”

Lois blinked her eyes at me several times. “You mean you can slow down your perception of time.”

“Slow it? I can pretty much stop it for as long as I want.” I whispered and her eyes widened. “It's how I can move at super-speed safely and don't disturb the air or damage anything.”

“Oh my.” Lois whispered and blushed as she thought about it.

I smiled at her blush and leaned over to give her a kiss. “I love your brilliant mind, and yes, I do it occasionally to properly admire you.”

Lois gave me a significant look. “You don't only mean when I'm naked, do you?”

“No.” I said and stood. “I need to deliver these to two upset people to give them hope for the future.”

Lois nodded and I walked up to first class. I politely asked one of the stewardesses about visiting the pilot and she refused, so I thanked her and walked back down the aisle. I pretended to trip on the corner of a seat and stumbled right towards Melissa Shield. All Might had sat next to the window so that he wouldn't block the aisle with his bulk.

I caught myself on her seat and pretended to bounce and fell across her lap as I dropped the pages on her head. I actually ended up slipping down to the floor and stared up at two shocked faces.

“Connor?” All Might asked.

“All Might! It's so nice to meet you after all this time.” I said and glanced around. “Ah, I mean oops.”

Melissa laughed and shook her head at me as she gathered up the papers I had dropped. She paused when her eyes caught the drawing and then she started breathing heavily as she looked at the other two sheets.

“Melissa? What is it?” All Might asked her.

“It's... this is...” Melissa stopped talking and looked like she was trying to memorize them.

“Oh, that? It was just an idea I had after hearing about David Shield's invention to amplify a useful quirk.” I said and carefully picked myself up and stood beside Melissa's chair. “It made me wonder if there was a device that could enhance quirks, why couldn't there be a device that could manage a dangerous quirk instead?”

The stunned look on All Might's face was worth embarrassing myself in front of everyone in first class.

I started pointing out the different aspects and the controls that could be adjusted to allow only a little bit of a quirk out or a whole lot, because it was the quirk that powered the device.

“This... this is brilliant.” Melissa whispered and looked up at me. “Can you possibly make me a copy of this? There's so much that can be done with...”

“You can have those.” I said and she caught her breath. “I can just make another copy for myself if I ever need it.”

“You... seriously... I can't believe...” Melissa stammered.

“I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Connor Kent, hero name Supreme.” I said and held a hand out to her.

“M-Melissa Shield.” Melissa said and shook my hand. “Are you sure you want to let me have these?”

I glanced at All Might before I looked into Melissa's eyes. “I'm pretty sure someone with your intelligence and talent can figure out a way to use it.”

Melissa's mouth opened to make a little 'o' of surprise.

I leaned down and whispered. “Say, if someone had a very dangerous quirk that they wanted to pass on to a much more worthy successor, a device like that could help someone adjust almost instantly to be able to use that powerful quirk, wouldn't it?”

Neither of them spoke and just stared at me.

“I'll be able to find some of that element after we land back in Japan, so I'll send some over to you in a day or so. I'm sure UA's support course has access to the electronics you'll need to make it, too.” I said and lightly touched Melissa's shoulder. “I hope this can be the start of a great friendship.”

Melissa looked startled for a moment and then she blushed a little. “I... I'd like that.” She said and held the papers tightly. “Th-thank you.”

“What are friends for?” I asked and stood up straight. “Enjoy the rest of the flight.”

They both nodded to me and I walked back to business class. I sat beside Lois and I answered her questioning look with a whispered 'idea planted'. She smiled warmly and took my hand. With luck, there would be a change in circumstances by the end of the summer and hopefully the emergence of a new hero. Melissa Shield, the new Symbol of Peace.

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