Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia


Just a quick recap: Connor and Lois just finished their pretend honeymoon trip to I-Island and the tech conference there after they disrupted the scheme to have the Quirk Boost tech released into the public domain, even though it was only created to help All Might. Connor also gave quirk regulation tech to Melissa Shield in the hopes that All Might would make her his new protege.

The plane landed and it was almost a relief. For me, anyway. A few people looked anxious, both the departing passengers and the people waiting for them. The attempted robbery at the expo had been a huge story and it seemed not everyone believed Lois' report that no civilians had been hurt.

To my surprise, Inko was there and she looked just as anxious as the others. Both Lois and I greeted her and she accepted it and kept looking behind us. That told us exactly why she was so anxious and I decided to not let her worry anymore. Then again, knowing Izuku wasn't on the plane was going to freak her out.

“Come with us to the lounge, Auntie Inko. We have a few things to talk about.” I said and Inko looked surprised.

Lois let me handle the bags and she put an arm over Inko's shoulders. “It's important.”

“But, I... I'm waiting for...” Inko started to protest.

“We know.” Lois said and led her away from the reception area.

I followed along and easily handled the bags, thanks to subtly using a little telekinesis. We were soon in the lounge in one of the back booths and Inko looked to be losing her composure. She knew something was wrong, especially because we had taken her away from where she should be meeting Izuku.

“What happened?” Inko asked, tears starting in her eyes.

“No, it's not like that. Izuku wasn't involved in that villain scheme.” Lois said and Inko took a breath and sighed.

“The problem was he tried to sneak Mei into the expo with unregistered technology.” I said and Inko's tears flowed and she sobbed as she clung to me. “I kept an eye on him when I could and I know he wasn't kept in jail after a couple of days. I honestly thought he would be on the plane. Before we lifted off, I checked and neither he nor Mei were on it.”

“Then... where is he? Where's my little boy?” Inko asked.

“We don't know.” Lois said. “All Might was on the plane and he doesn't know, either.”

“But...” Inko wiped at her eyes. “How do I find out?”

Lois gave her a quick hug and let her go. “I've made a lot of contacts on the island. Once I get home and unpacked, I'll start an investigation and find out what happened, if anything.”

“I'll check Mei's and Izuku's usual haunts and see if they came back early.” I promised.

Inko cried harder at my words and I realized I had just made things worse by being honest. If Izuku had come back early, it meant that he hadn't told Inko about it. That would hurt her more than him still being on the island and accidentally left behind or in jail.

I wrapped my arms around her and Inko snuggled into my chest. “I'm sorry, Auntie. I shouldn't have said that.”

Inko sobbed and didn't respond, except to hug me back as she cried. Lois and I exchanged worried looks over Inko's head and we nodded as we silently agreed to take her home first before we went to our own home. We left the lounge and Inko didn't want to let me go, so I cheated and used telekinesis to hold her and picked up most of the bags in my hands. No one gave us a second look, surprisingly.

The taxi ride to Inko's wasn't uncomfortable, since I had Inko on my lap the entire time. Lois had an oddly smug look on her face and Inko looked both flustered and flattered. Her whispered words of thanks when the car came to a stop had let Lois and I know that she knew we had let her cling to me on purpose.

The not-quite chaste kiss I gave Inko at her doorway made the woman involuntarily moan. I promised her that our next date would be one she would remember, allowed her to let her fists to unclench and let my shirt go. She had been holding on for dear life and neither Lois nor I commented on it.

The taxi ride to our home was in complete silence and we tipped the man for helping us with the luggage to our front door. With him gone, I gave Lois a pointed look and she giggled before she hopped into my arms and let me hold her in a princess carry. I carried her over the threshold and used telekinesis to bring in the luggage.

We didn't speak as I left the luggage by the laundry room and carried her into her bedroom. The look of desire on her face let me know that I wouldn't be getting back to my own room tonight, and I was perfectly fine with that. Lois deserved to be spoiled in every way possible and I had no problem making sure she knew that.


Lois woke up early and she felt the hard muscles under her hands. She still couldn't believe she had crossed that line with Connor and she couldn't believe how happy she was that she finally did. His unmitigated love for her had awed and scared her at first, until she realized he would never push her for anything that she herself didn't want.

The relationship was completely under her control and holy hell, did that make her feel empowered. The strongest being on the planet was hers to command and it was intoxicating. His intelligence, his abilities, and his love for her had given her such pleasure that she didn't quite think it was real. There was no possible way that she could be this happy.

Her hand slid down his muscular body and Lois bit her lip when her fingers met hardened steel muscle. His erection could punch through walls easily and her hand gently stroked him as she held in her moan at her thoughts of how well he thoroughly pleased her with it. It wasn't like she had a horrible sex life before, though. It was just that Connor would do things that Clark wouldn't even think of or wanted to do.

What man wouldn't want a woman to worship him on her knees? What man would object to giving his woman everything she ever wanted, both sexually and physically? What man... no, what super man would deny his woman's desires? An idiot, that's who.

“I can almost hear you thinking.” Connor whispered.

Lois softly laughed and leaned over to kiss him on the lips. “Am I really that obvious?”

“My dearest heart, I'm about to shoot the biggest load you've ever seen from you playing with me so tenderly.” Connor informed her.

Lois giggled and dove down between his legs just in time. She moaned sexily as his expulsion filled her mouth and she swallowed it down like it was the tastiest thing in the world. She stayed there and gave him another blowjob marathon session that they both enjoyed.

When Lois was done indulging herself, it was her turn to have Connor go down on her. Her moans and screams of pleasure were unrestrained as he played and pleased her, then he was inside of her and railing her as hard as she wanted.

Connor didn't question why Lois was so much more resilient lately or how she could keep up with him. It wasn't that he didn't want to know, it was that he didn't care about the why, only that she could and they had such a wonderful time being together. Sex was so much better when your partner was as into it as you were.

They had three more days of vacation and Lois took full advantage of that time. She hadn't left the bed at all and Connor made their meals for them to enjoy in bed. It wasn't even awkward, since they both accepted that their remaining time would be used to spend it together in bed. Who was going to complain about it? They sure as hell weren't going to.


I stood at the closed doors of Shiketsu Academy and stared at the notice posted on the wall. The co-op summer camp training had been cancelled and no one had told me. I checked my cell phone a couple of times and there was nothing there. I also popped onto the school's message board and there were no notices or anything.

I texted Miss Aiga and asked her what was going on and waited for her response as I stood there on the sidewalk with my bag in hand. It took her ten minutes to send me a message back and I growled at her explanation that the camp location had been changed and none of them could afford to go to the new place and the last minute cancellation fees were almost as much as the original reservations.

I was really tempted to type a hate-filled message about leaving me hanging all this time and decided it wasn't worth it. I sent back a short and terse message about how disappointed I was in her for not messaging me sooner, since I was at the school and waiting for everyone to show up for the class trip, and then said I hoped she enjoyed not having me in her class anymore.

Before she could respond, I turned off my cell phone and looked at the school that had quickly become a waste of time. The worst part about it was I suspected that no matter what school I had been enrolled in, it would have turned out the same. Once I had broken through a certain threshold, there was nothing holding me back, except my own extremely low expectations.

I walked back to the train station and waited for a train to take me back home. If I had known the trip was cancelled, I wouldn't have bothered coming all this way for nothing. I stepped onto the train and sat down with my bag on the floor just as Red Fury arrived on the edge of the platform with Miss Aiga in her arms. I gave them a dismissive wave and the train pulled out of the station.

Both women looked like I had kicked their puppy. I ignored their attempts to get my attention, mainly because the money I had spent would be going to waste unless I made it to the reservation on my own. Since everyone else had cancelled and I hadn't, I probably had a good portion of the resort all to myself.

Since I knew Lois wouldn't be able to go, since she had used up her vacation time already, I bit the bullet and turned my phone back on. A dozen texts and emails popped up and I ignored them as I looked for the reservation's contact number. I found it and dialed.

A woman answered on the second ring. “Hokatsu Resort, how may I help you?”

“Hi, there!” I said, cheerily. “I have a reservation there with a sign in time at two for the week.”

“Name please?” The woman asked.

“Connor Kent.” I said and heard typing.

“Yes, we do have you booked.” She said, her voice a bit frosty. “Are you calling to cancel?”

“Oh, goodness no! I would never do that to such a well established resort!” I gushed and I could almost hear the woman's smile. “My normal plans fell through, so I was thinking of bringing a date and wondered if I could upgrade my single room to either a double or a suite.”

The woman typed a few things. “I'm sorry, sir. Anything bigger is already reserved.”

“Well, that's only slightly disappointing.” I said and could tell she was eager to hear what I was going to say next. “What about the room right next to mine? Is that still available?”

“It is.” The woman said without having to check.

“I know this is really short notice; but, could I reserve that room for this week as well? I am willing to pay double the rate if it will make things go smoother.”

The woman made a kind of squawk sound and I heard the phone make a clatter when the receiver was dropped. “S-s-sir, that... that shouldn't be necessary.”

“Nonsense! I know I'm putting you out for the trouble. Is double not enough? Perhaps triple the rate?”

Another clatter from the dropped phone had me chuckling to myself.

“Sir, I... I believe we can work something out when you arrive to pay for the room rentals.”

“Wonderful! Thank you very much for your help. I'll be there promptly at two. See you then!” I said and hung up before she could say anything else.

Since I was already packed for the week, as soon as the train came to a stop, I went right over to Inko's and knocked. She opened the door and saw me standing there. Her mouth dropped open, probably because it was still early in the morning, and I gave her a huge grin.

“Auntie! My summer camp plan for the week fell through. Do you want to spend a week with me at an onsen near Mount Fuji?” I asked her.

Inko made a squeak sound like a mouse and fainted. I laughed and dropped my bag before I caught her, then carried her inside. We had about four hours before we had to be there, so I placed her on the couch and went back for my bag. I shut the door and sat beside her head and waited for her to wake up.

“Oh, it was just a dream.” Inko whispered when her eyes fluttered open.

“I'm not that unbelievable, am I?” I asked her.

Inko squeaked again and sat up instantly to turn and face me. “C-Connor?”

“Hi, Auntie.” I said and leaned down to kiss her briefly.

Inko stared at me for several seconds before she opened her mouth. “Did you really ask me to go away with you?”

“Of course! I had a vacation with Lois on I-Island, so it's only fair that I have one with you.” I said and her face flushed red. “I'll help you pack enough clothes and things for a week. If you don't have everything you need, we can stop for a bit of shopping, either here or near Mt. Fuji.”

Inko looked about to faint again.

“There's no rush. Check-in time isn't until two o'clock, so we have about four hours.” I told her.

“But... but... the train ride there...” Inko tried to argue.

“Don't worry about that. I have an idea that's going to save us a lot of time travelling.” I said with a smile.

Inko gave me a questioning look for a moment, then she shrugged. “All right.”

“Great.” I said and stood as I helped her stand as well. “I'll even close my eyes when you pack your lacy underwear.”

“C-Connor!” Inko gasped and swatted at my head.

I laughed and dodged her swing, gave her a quick kiss, and led her into her bedroom.


Inko was completely stunned at Connor's idea to save travel time. He wore an All Might vintage Halloween costume that Izuku had left at the apartment. It had a ridiculous rubber mask that no one should have believed, and yet, not one single person that saw them leaping across the city questioned them.

They had even stopped a bank robbery, two muggings, rescued a cat from a tree, and stopped a car chase... and not one single person questioned why All Might's trademark smile never changed, even when he spoke his trademarked lines and thanked everyone for believing in him.

Inko was laughing hysterically by the time they landed near the resort and she clung to fake All Might's neck. She couldn't believe that it had actually worked and they had made it in time, even with all the delays. It was almost like Connor had planned for them, which didn't make sense. How did he know there would be crimes for him to stop as All Might?

As if he knew what she was thinking, Connor set her down on her feet and hugged her. “It is because... I am here!” He said in a fair imitation of All Might. “Wherever the Symbol of Peace goes, strife and crime will be revealed!”

Inko laughed and let his neck go. “How long have you been practising that act?”

“Right after I saw this costume in the closet ten years ago.” Connor said and opened his bag, then he was instantly dressed in his normal clothing and the costume was neatly folded and tucked away.

Inko laughed again and picked up her own bag. “I guess you can also explain how everyone just accepted that you were the real thing and not pretending?”

“People see what they expect to see.” Connor said and picked up his bag and put an arm around her waist. “As long as I acted outrageously and did similar moves, no one doubted me.”

Inko blushed a little at the intimate hold, since they were out in public. “Connor...”

“You are my date for the week, Auntie Inko.” Connor said and pulled her in close. “I even told the receptionist when I booked your room next to mine.”

“You didn't!” Inko gasped.

“I did.” Connor said and gave her a quick kiss. “They didn't have a bigger room for me to upgrade to, so we're neighbors for the week. I hope that's okay.”

“I think you might have wasted your money.” Inko said and looked up into his bright blue eyes as she blushed. “I don't plan on sleeping much.”

Connor laughed at her being that bold and leaned down to give her a solid kiss. “I'm perfectly fine with that, Auntie.”

Inko smiled warmly at him getting the implication. They entered the resort and signed in, Connor paid the normal fee for his room and the triple fee for the second one. Inko almost fainted at that and he held her steady as the receptionist pretty much gushed over the both of them being a cute couple and handed them several vouchers for free massages and extra meals, on the house.

It was the start of the best vacation that Inko ever had in her life, which included her honeymoon.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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