Settle at Hogwarts

Chapter 333 Lottery

Mr. Sanders found a test paper and watched with his own eyes as Tabor quickly filled in all the correct answers one by one.

After he read the answer three or four times, he picked up Tabor and threw him high into the air.

"Oh my gosh! Our little Tabor is such a genius."

Tubo, who was suddenly attacked, almost cast out a magic spell, but luckily he held it back.

After Mr. Sanders calmed down completely, he put the test paper away on the table.

"Okay, now go back to your room. Your mother and I have something to talk about."

Tabor simply went upstairs and lay on his bed, unconsciously exploring the room with his consciousness.

"Did you see that, honey?"

"Of course, I have been here just now."

"It is said that the children of flower farmers are smart, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Mr. Sanders walked up and down the room, then seemed to make up his mind.

"Since Tabor has this talent, we must let him go to the best school in the country."

"However, it is difficult for us to support him with our income. Moreover, I can feel that he is not close to us."

"Don't say that, dear, maybe it's just the reservedness of Easterners."

"Okay, but our annual income is only [-] to [-] yuan. If we study in famous schools in other states, we will spend that much money almost every year."

"I'll find a way."

Tabor did not continue to eavesdrop, but turned off the light and huddled under the quilt.

The next day, Tabor got up and prepared to take the bus to the city.

But he was stopped by Mr. Sanders.

"Don't go anywhere today, okay? I've made an appointment with a psychiatrist and a summer camp teacher for you."

Tabor blinked, feeling like he missed something after falling asleep last night.

It didn't take long before Mr. Sanders answered the phone and brought two men back from outside.

"This is little Mr. Sanders."


Tabor and the psychiatrist looked at each other, always feeling that he seemed to be able to see through him.

Using a small amount of magic power to activate Legilimency, Tabor immediately understood the man's thoughts.

"You really don't act like a child."

Tabor nodded, pretending to be distressed.

"You're right, I also feel a little out of place with my peers."

Faced with doubts, Tabor naturally admitted it.

"Okay. My job is mainly to test your mental health and mental age. Make sure you don't suffer from depression or anything like that."

Tabor nodded silently, indicating that he could start.

After an operation, the psychiatrist felt that Tabor was normal, but that his mental age was a little older.

After coming to this conclusion, the psychiatrist took a wad of money and left the room.

Mr. Sanders went to see him off, and the two of them probably had something to say.

The only ones left in the room were Tabor and the teacher from a certain summer camp.

"What is your purpose?"

"Observe you to see if you are a good candidate for our summer program."

Tabor poured a cup of tea and motioned for the other party to sit down and talk.

"Actually, I personally don't have much interest in summer camps and the like."

The man nodded: "Karga Geza, you can call me Mr. Geza. In fact, our summer camp is not an ordinary summer activity."

Tubo didn't pay too much attention to it. Even if it was not ordinary, could it be more magical than Hogwarts?

"Your father sent a paper of yours to my mailbox yesterday, and I also checked your previous study records on the Internet. You study very fast, right?"

Tabor admitted directly without hiding that there was nothing on this planet that could threaten him, so there was no need to keep a low profile.

"If all the records are true, you must be the most powerful genius I have ever seen. In fact, my mentor has been working on the study of gifted children.

This project has lasted for 15 years. We will observe the living conditions of each genius and what achievements they have made to sum up the experience. "

“You can get right to the point.”

"If you are willing to become our 1386th observation object, you can receive a four-year undergraduate stipend. This part of the stipend will not go to the school. That is, if you meet the requirements, you can still apply for another one at the school. A bursary.”

Tabor saw the Sanders couple standing outside the door, but they had no intention of coming in.

"Actually, if I really want money, it's not that difficult."

Tabor's tone was calm, as if he was stating an established fact.

Mr. Geza obviously didn't expect a child to say that, and suddenly thought of the age test conducted by the psychologist just now.Perhaps, I should put this child in the position of a peer and have a relatively equal conversation.

"Okay, but you have basically completed your middle school knowledge. Don't you want to enter the next stage earlier? You must know that although you are indeed a little younger, it is not like there are no students who enroll in colleges and universities at the age of eleven or twelve.

In our summer classes, many professors from major universities will come.They can provide you with some help. "

"Go ahead, Tub. I think you should meet some of your own kind instead of hanging around with ponies every day."

Tabor looked at Mrs. Sanders who suddenly made a noise at the door, and nodded helplessly.

"Then, it's settled. I'll be in New York, waiting for your arrival."

After Mr. Geza left, Tabor still insisted on heading to the city.

Following my inner hunch, I bought a lottery ticket.

For those who can sense the future with their divine power, it is not difficult at all to know the winning numbers in the future.

It was only when Mr. Sanders saw the lottery ticket on the table during dinner that he realized why his son insisted on going to the city today.

"In my opinion, this thing is a waste of money. There is no way anyone will win."

Tabor smiled and put the lottery ticket on the coffee table, then turned on the TV and tuned to the lottery program.

"I have a hunch that this group of numbers will definitely win the prize."

Mr. Sanders shrugged helplessly: "When I was young, I often had this illusion."

Tabor didn't say anything, just munching on the lamb chops on the plate.

"Hello, viewers... Next, let us reveal the winning numbers for this issue. Who will be the lucky winner this time? Let's wait and see!"

Although Mr. Sanders felt that the lottery was unreliable, he was still attracted by the numbers on TV.

"Huh? Wait, are the previous ones the same?"

Mrs. Sanders reacted faster, already holding the lottery ticket in her hand and comparing it to the number on the TV.

“Really, really all six of them were successful!!”

At this time, the host on the TV shouted emotionally: "Congratulations to the winner for sharing the 5.8 million prize."

"5.8 million!! Even after tax, there is still more than 3 million left."

Mrs. Sanders's voice was trembling and sharp. If her family hadn't won the lottery, they might not be able to get so much money in their lifetime.

"Tabor, you are truly our family's lucky star."

The Sanders couple looked at each other. With this lottery ticket, they no longer have to worry about money.

Perhaps, the surrounding farms can be purchased and combined into a large farm.

After the excitement, the three of them sat on the sofa together, and Mrs. Sanders watched the playback in disbelief.

"Tabor, these bonuses belong to you. Do you have any plans?"

Regarding the adoptive parents' thoughts, Tabor saw clearly, so he answered without thinking: "Leave 100 million of it for me to use for school in the future. Part of the remaining part will be used for investment and financial management, and the other part will be used to acquire surrounding farms. , it’s best to be connected as one.”

Mr. Sanders is very happy that his adopted son has the same idea as himself.

"That's it, we'll go get the bonus back tomorrow."

Tabor did not continue to comment, but nodded obediently.

Time flies by, and since receiving the bonus of hundreds of millions of yuan, Tabor no longer worries about the lack of money at home.

At a summer camp organized by Columbia University, Taber met an economics professor and was successfully admitted through his recommendation.

In college, after enjoying campus life for 9 months, Tabor successfully graduated.

Became the youngest graduate.

The 100 million originally left behind was not spent, but because he received a full scholarship, the amount in Tabocari was even larger.

After graduation, Tabor did not return to the Sanders couple. Instead, he used his savings to rent a small house near Wall Street.

With a wealth of financial knowledge, coupled with pre-investment foresight, Taber quickly accumulated a large amount of funds.

At this time, Tabor decided to return to the flower garden.

"Tabor, although your biological parents may be from a flower gardening family, you are from our side, and your adoptive parents are in this country.

I would rather you get a higher degree. "

Tabor looked at the busy traffic outside the window, and everyone was nostalgic.And my roots are in the East after all.

"Professor, you don't need to persuade me. I just think that flower growers have a large population base, and if we use the cheap productivity there, we can greatly promote economic development."

"Okay, even if what you say makes sense, will you come back?"

Tabor was a little surprised. He didn't know why the other party thought that he would never come back.

"Of course we'll be back, as long as the Saunders are around."

What Tabor wanted to express was very clear, and those who listened immediately understood what he meant.

"Okay, then I wish you a safe journey."

Tabor sent the professor away and lay quietly on the sofa.

My age is too conspicuous, and coupled with his crazy money-making behavior, I will definitely not be able to hide it from some official organizations.

Now that I think about going back to the flower garden, it seems that some people can't sit still.

I just don’t know, will they let me go back, or will they cause some accident that will prevent me from leaving?

After talking to the Sanders couple on the phone, Tabor started packing.

After strict customs inspection, I finally got on the plane.

He was not worried about what would happen to the Sanders couple, because they all had protective magic on their bodies and ordinary firearms could not harm them.

The journey back went smoothly, and Tabor arrived in Kyoto without encountering any problems.

Perhaps, compared to the scientists who were detained, he was just a little younger, and his other values ​​were not worth being forced to stay there.

"Hello, are you Mr. Tubber Sanders?"

Tabor raised his head in surprise. The person in front of him had a completely oriental face, but he spoke really good English.

"you are?"

"Hello, I am a diplomat from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

The man revealed his identity and then made an inviting gesture.

"After learning that you were coming to the flower garden, we decided to come and pick you up."

Tabor nodded. Although he looked the same as the people around him, he was treated differently.

"How did you know that?"

After Tabor asked, he continued walking out of the airport.

"The youngest Ivy League graduate has made nearly tens of billions in the financial world. All this information is public. As for why I know you are coming back at this time, that is the information from the embassy."

Tabor nodded and got into a car.

"Is there a place to live?"

"You, you can speak Chinese?"

Tabor nodded: "Not only Chinese, but I know a little bit of many commonly used languages."

This young diplomat no longer dared to underestimate the child in front of him, who was less than half his age.Everything before can still be explained by hearsay, but language learning cannot be faked.

"After knowing that you intend to return to China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reserved a room for you in the State Guesthouse. Of course, if you want to settle down for a long time, you can also choose a house in the capital."

Tabor leaned back on the soft chair, closing his eyes and thinking about what to do next.

Mr. Diplomat also had a wink and did not continue speaking.

Tabor didn't open his eyes until he felt the car slowly stop.

"Mr. Sanders we are here."

After Tabor got off the car, he was sent to a spacious room, and Mr. Diplomat brought a lot of food.

"Mr. Sanders, we heard that you are interested in investing in a flower grower, right?"

Tabor didn't deny it.

"You can talk to the Ministry of Commerce about the specific details."


Tabor's answer was casual, and his attention now stayed on the food in front of him.

If we say that the food conjured by divine power is the most delicious food among all kinds of food.The dishes carefully prepared by the chefs here are beyond imagination.

Both the freshness of the ingredients and the skills of the chef are perfect and almost impeccable.

After Tabor finished eating all the food, he looked at the diplomat who was still in the room.

"Aren't you going to do your own thing?"

The man shook his head: "My task now is to entertain you and meet your needs."

Tabor ignored him and made an international call.

"Hi~! Tabor, you finally called. Did your trip go well?"

"It's not bad, but the more than ten hours of flying makes me feel a little tired."

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