Settle at Hogwarts

Chapter 334 Back

"Tabor, if you find your biological parents, you can spend more time with them."

Tabor didn't expect that from the Sanders couple.

"it is good."

After chatting for a few more words, Tabor hung up the phone.

He knows his own affairs. He has no so-called biological parents here.

It's just that the flower garden is very similar to the place in my memory, so I want to live here for a while.

"Mr. Sanders, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but since we're all at the flower garden, just call me Chen Shu."

One diplomat felt as if he was being taken advantage of, but he wasn't sure whether Tabor meant it.

"Uncle Chen?"

"It's comfortable, comfortable."

"Well, you know a lot about flower growers."

Tabor said nothing, although he knew that this country was not his true roots.

However, this is too similar to a home in another world.

"Chen Shu, after we learned about you, we tried to find your biological parents. However, we did not find them."

Tabor nodded, his expression unchanged.

"I wonder if you are interested in returning to the flower garden?"

Tabor didn't agree immediately. Although he wanted to live here, if he didn't go back for a long time, he still had to make arrangements with the Sanders couple.

"I want to look into it now as a flower grower. In fact, my idea is to make a series of investments here."

At this time, although the economy of flower growers is developing rapidly, it is still far behind developed countries, and no matter which country they are, they will maintain a welcoming attitude towards foreign investment.

"That's fine."

After getting a satisfactory answer, the diplomat left the house.

Tabor spent a few days shopping in Kyoto, bought a small courtyard house, and then moved out of the hotel.

During this time, he also had a specific plan in his mind.

If you want to develop flower growers, although economy is very important, science and technology are the primary productive forces.

And I can easily obtain high technology from developed countries. Although stealing technology is somewhat unethical, some countries have been promoting technology sharing, and I am just helping them "share" it.

Fueled by a lot of money, Taber's technology company was quickly established.

Unrequited investment and a steady stream of new technologies allowed it to quickly develop into the largest technology company in the country.

Although some countries think that some of their products are their own research results, they cannot find any evidence at all.

The mark left on the Saunders and his wife suddenly changed one day.

When Tabor reached out with his spiritual mind, he found that several detectives were guarding the entrance and exit of the farm, and the Sanders couple were being pointed at by a pistol inside the house.

"I just said that Tabor must be a messenger sent by God."

Mrs. Sanders crossed herself, and Tabor actually felt faith in her.

The moment his spiritual consciousness came into contact with Faith, her whisper came to his ears.

"God, please keep our child safe. If he doesn't want to come back, no one can force him."

Tabor gave a helpless smile. Although he could foresee the future of others, he could not feel his own future.

Otherwise, he would have used the Imperius Curse no matter what he said to make this kind-hearted couple put themselves down.

With a thought, Tabor appeared in front of the Sanders couple in an instant, and then knocked down all the surrounding agents with a faint.


"it's me."

The Sanders couple's eyes widened in surprise, obviously unable to accept the scene before them.

"God! Are you really an angel?"

"Are they, are they dead?"

Tabor shrugged helplessly: "If it really counts, I should be a god. They didn't die, they just fainted."

"Oh my god!!! There really is a god in this world, and he was adopted by us."

Tabor looked at the Sanders couple who were quickly getting excited and felt a little helpless.

The key point now is, isn't it that they are being targeted by an organization or group, or even a country?

Why are you so excited when it is clear that your life may be lost?

Tabor knocked on the table, attracting the couple's attention.

"Someone has noticed you. In order to prevent you two from being put in danger. You...come with me to the flower gardener's house."

Tabor was a little hesitant. In fact, he had had enough of playing house in the past few years, and he had no intention of getting back together with the Sanders couple.

"Flower house? Although we have been there once, this is still a familiar place."

"Yeah, Tab, you don't have to worry about us. I grew up on this farm and don't want to leave."

The Sanders' rejection didn't surprise Taber.

How many people will choose to leave a place where they have stayed for a lifetime?

Tabor could only use magic to modify the memories of several agents, and then threw them dozens of kilometers away, including people and vehicles.

Even the people who gave them orders, Tabor went to clear their memories.

After ensuring that no one would miss the Saunders, Tabor returned to the flower garden.

After that, Tabor often visited them and stayed at the farm for a while, treating it as a vacation.

After the Sanders couple died in their 70s, Tabor donated all his property to florists, and the technology company was also handed over to the state.

After taking care of everything, Tabor used his spiritual consciousness to scan the entire Earth Star.

At this time, flower growers have become the most developed country in the world, leading the world in terms of technology and economy.

With a huge population base of more than one billion, talented people abound.

Even without Tabor's intervention, the future can develop rapidly.

Divine power has been accumulated a lot over the past few decades.

However, just to be on the safe side, Tubb decided to go back to Hogwarts to sleep.

Now that I'm well rested, it's not too late to go back and cause trouble.

Tubb quietly returned to Hogwarts without alerting anyone.

In fact, there are not as many wizards and longevity people in the magical world as imagined.Several decades are enough for Qianlang to be beaten to death on the beach.

With the protection of magic, everything in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets is not much different from when Tubo left.

A magic spell cleared away the dust on the bed, and Tabor used his most powerful magic to protect the secret room before lying on the bed.

He didn't know how long he would sleep this time, and how long he would sleep.

Being closed off from the outside world, Tabo could not feel the passage of time at all.

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