She Who Became Immortal

008 – She, Who Betrays

At the Gillette siblings' mansion, perhaps no one comprehended the enigma of Euphemia Grimwood quite like Camri Carabel.

Camri, a subordinate of Duke Illyrius and a member of the knights assigned as overseers to the Gillette siblings, was originally part of the reconnaissance unit, excelling in tasks like city infiltration for information gathering. Within the Gillette residence, he fulfilled a steward-like role.

Camri likely grasped the distance between himself and the Gillette twins before anyone else did. Simply put, he understood that getting entangled with them was ill-advised.

However, Euphemia Grimwood was a different matter altogether.

She proved to be a challenge to comprehend.

Due to his duties, Camri interacted with Euphemia frequently.

At first glance, she seemed more approachable compared to the twins, offering reasonable responses to conversation. Yet upon closer observation, her behavior revealed numerous peculiarities.

Firstly, Euphemia never inquired about the Grimwood family.

Camri was well aware of the circumstances leading to her expulsion. While undoubtedly tragic, such incidents were not uncommon among nobles. Initially, he regarded it as someone else's concern, but for Euphemia, it was deeply personal.

Considering her peculiar immortality, one would logically expect her to inquire about the fate of the Grimwood family after her expulsion: what befell Muller Count, the head of the Grimwood family, or the status of Eckhart, her fiance. It was a natural curiosity.

Yet Euphemia displayed no such inclination to inquire, nor did she exhibit any interest.

Within the mansion, she endured the Gillette siblings' assaults with an air of detachment.

Whether through fireballs, gusts of wind, sheets of ice, or inexplicable actions that crushed her from every angle, causing her to spew blood, Euphemia met her demise in every conceivable manner. And yet, she would promptly return, albeit sans her attire.

One might suggest providing her magical protection that also safeguarded her clothing, for heaven's sake.

Fortunately, after about a month, the "experiments" shifted from the backyard to the basement, and Euphemia increasingly reappeared clothed. Though there were still instances when she returned unclothed.

What confounded Camri the most was that despite the twins' relentless attempts to kill her, Euphemia never once displayed fear toward them.

Granted, she may not succumb to death.

But surely, enduring their torment without the respite of death would be more excruciating?

Yet Euphemia Grimwood exhibited no fear of the twins.

In fact, she continued to patiently endure their nonsensical ramblings.

Since Euphemia arrived at the mansion, approximately three months had passed.

One day, a messenger arrived from Illyrius, bearing news of an impending war.

It wasn't a conflict with a neighboring nation; rather, reports indicated the emergence of an invading army from the territory inhabited by demons.

This occurrence was cyclical, happening every few years, as outlaw groups were driven from the demon realm.

Camri believed such matters should be handled discreetly.

However, Camri's opinions held little weight.

The receipt of communication from Illyrius signaled the time for the twins to take action.

It was customary to rotate the responsibility among the Gillette siblings, showcasing the competence of Leopold Illyrius's proteges and displaying a portion of the Duke's military strength to both internal and external audiences.

"I want to accompany you," Euphemia interjected.

She broached the subject in the stone-walled hall during dinner.

While the twin sister continued her customary indulgence in wine and the twin brother grimaced at his meal, Euphemia alone consumed her food with quiet grace.

As discussion turned to the twins' military expedition, Euphemia Grimwood nonchalantly proposed, "Then why not take me along?"

"You? To the battlefield?" Laura queried.

"What purpose would that serve?" Toreno added.

"To observe," Euphemia replied calmly.

"Observe?" Toreno echoed.

"To learn by watching," Laura clarified.

"What precisely?" Laura inquired.

"Why?" Toreno pressed.

"I wish to see what these demons are like," Euphemia stated simply.

"Just that?" Laura questioned.

"Just that," Euphemia affirmed.

"You desire to go to the battlefield?" Toreno probed.

"Do you wish to join the battlefield?" Laura countered.

"You both challenge me every day with your pursuit of magic. Just for that. I have no right to question other's motivations," Euphemia remarked.

"Fair point," Laura conceded.

"Indeed," Toreno agreed.

And so, it was settled.

It would have been preferable if they had ceased there.

As an official steward and former scout, Camri found himself assuming the role of guardian for the Gillette siblings, while officially serving as their steward. In reality, he was tasked with venturing to the borderlands of the Louisse Kingdom, specifically the Escard domain.

It was all part of the job, so there was no avoiding it.

The journey to the border with the demon realm, Escard, would span approximately twenty days by carriage. Despite Camri's concerns about the duration, especially amidst ongoing warfare, the grim reality was that such prolonged journeys were inevitable during times of war.

Both sides possessed tactical weapons akin to those of the Gillette siblings, suggesting the demons were equally equipped.

In the game of war, the side that revealed their trump card first often found themselves at a disadvantage, as it would inevitably be countered. Thus, the initial phase would likely involve probing and skirmishes.

During the journey, the typically reserved Gillette siblings exhibited an unusual chattiness, a behavior seemingly influenced by Euphemia Grimwood's presence. Whether this change was due to her or merely coincidental, Camri couldn't discern.

Naturally, the expedition from Illyrius territory couldn't solely rely on the Gillette siblings. They were slated to rendezvous with Illyrius's forces en route, which comprised both familiar faces and unfamiliar soldiers.

However, engaging in conversation with them was out of the question for Camri, who maintained the facade of being the Gillette siblings' attendant. Fortunately, Euphemia Grimwood's presence went unnoticed by the others.

The dichotomy between the demon and human races primarily revolves around two factors: lifespan and magical prowess.

Demons boast remarkable longevity, with some reputedly living for over five hundred years. However, their belligerent nature often leads to premature deaths, thereby not significantly extending their average lifespan. Additionally, their low birth rate, coupled with their longevity, results in a considerably smaller population compared to humans.

Faced with such circumstances, demons frequently encroach upon human territory in pursuit of securing their own place, driven by the belief in their inherent superiority over humans.

These are the individuals who are now advancing towards human territory.

When the Illyrian army reached Escard's territory, both sides had exhausted their strategies.

On Louisse's side, the third squad of the Escard Knights suffered complete annihilation, with thirty-four lives lost.

Conversely, the demons only lost three of their own.

The imbalance of casualties, with thirty-four lives lost to eliminate only three demons, underscored the grim reality of the war against demons.

The Gillette siblings, deployed to the battlefield, distinguished themselves by dispatching numerous demons with their blades, bringing honor to Illyrius.

Their success was complemented by the relentless killings executed by Euphemia Grimwood.

This string of victories created a sense of triumph among Louisse's forces, anticipating heightened resistance from the demon side with no room for retreat.

As the demons continued to be repelled from the forest's depths, victory seemed within reach despite some losses.

Such optimism was shared by all.

The Gillette siblings appeared satisfied, as if their mission was accomplished, their chatter upon returning to camp centered on the mundanity and dissatisfaction of the expedition.

"If only we were back at the mansion, sparring with Euphemia," they lamented, expressing their disappointment and longing for more meaningful engagements.

However, Euphemia's response was chillingly indifferent.

"No, I disagree entirely...


...It appears there's nothing more I can gain from you two."

Upon returning to Illyrius territory, Camri was tasked with reporting the deaths of the Gillettee siblings and Euphemia Grimwood's betrayal.

Instead of relief at being liberated from the twins' volatile presence, Camri experienced a disquieting sense of uncertainty.

Euphemia Grimwood.

Had her expedition to the demon territory sealed humanity's fate?

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