She Who Became Immortal

009 – She, Who Ponder Herself

I must have endured the magic of the Gillette siblings over five hundred times in roughly a hundred days. I haven't kept strict count, but that's my estimate.

Honestly, I don't really grasp the magic of this world.

After all, I am "Euphemia the Talentless," and my abilities aren't based on logical proofs like those of science and technology.

The Gillette twins explained it.

There are two things needed for magic.

Namely—mana and a mage or, to sound cooler, a wizard.

Energy and the system that uses it.

Nobles of the Kingdom of Louisse have their "magic talent" assessed at the age of eight, but maybe they're assessing the ability and directionality that interfere with mana.

If so.

What does "Talentless" mean for Euphemia Grimwood?

Even before being sentenced to death by fire, I could use a bit of magic.

Magic to ignite a match-like flame from my fingertips.

Magic to slightly cool my palm.

Magic to generate a spark between my index finger and thumb.

And then, almost useless defensive magic.

I could barely use them, if at all.

Now, I can use slightly stronger magic.

Because now, I can push myself to the point of death.

And—because I have memories of a past life.

I have knowledge equivalent to that of an average person's education level in modern Earth.

This advantage turned out to be surprisingly significant.

The Escard territory falls under the rule of the Count of Escard, serving as a buffer zone against the realm inhabited by demons. Reports indicate that demon invasions occur here once every few years.


This presents a significant contrast in this world of swords and magic compared to Earth.

Demi-humans, beastmen, monsters, demons.

It's a curious world where entities beyond humans exist naturally.

So, what exactly are demons?

"They're said to be long-lived."

"But foolish."

"They're also said to wield powerful magic."

"But foolish."

"They seem as if they're favored by the gods――yet."

"They only vent that favor through violence, both within and without."

"Truly foolish."

"Indeed, they are foolish."

These are the words of the Gillette twins.

They likely imply that demons should utilize their long lifespan and magic endlessly for the pursuit of knowledge. If I were a god, I wouldn't grant longevity to these twins.

I don't know about five years from now, but given another fifty years, they will surely create something fatally significant, perhaps as weapons of mass destruction. Whether for the human race or this land, I'm uncertain, but I don't believe I'm too far off the mark.

Moving forward.

Demons seem to be a species with longevity and mastery over vast amounts of magic. A man named Camri, who accompanied the troops, mentioned the same thing.

Of course, even I couldn't answer if asked, "What is a human?" So, perhaps the question itself is foolish.

But it piqued my interest.

Things are relative, multifaceted, and irrational.

What I've witnessed thus far may not be absolute truth.

Even on Earth, most theories considered correct are merely prevailing opinions, definitions subject to change. If a more accurate theory were to emerge, the prior one would be readily discarded.

At that moment――when I ended Count Muller's life――I pondered this.

Is Euphemia Grimwood's "ineptitude" due to her limited range of magic? Perhaps the crystal didn't react because of this. Or could it be that I failed to recognize the crystal's response?

As someone with memories from a past life, I am aware.

That there are colors imperceptible to the human eye, and sounds unheard of, beyond visible light and audible frequencies, for instance. That there exists a world only visible through a microscope――I am familiar with microbes and atoms.

I require data.

One can never possess too many cards in their hand after all.

As we arrived at the borderlands of Escard, the war with the demon race was already underway. Over a hundred soldiers from the border count's army were engaged, with several casualties on the side of the demons.

This was indeed a battle against the demon race.

Coming from a background of peace in modern Earth, and memories of being an innocent noble lady, war was foreign to me. It differed greatly from what one might expect from medieval conflicts on Earth.

With the advent of long-range weapons, traditional organized armies seemed to have faded from the forefront. In this world, such armies were vulnerable to powerful sorcerers.

Unlike Earth, however, the availability of these tactical weapons was limited. Formations like spear-wielding phalanxes were absent from the battlefield. Instead, small units of a dozen or so soldiers were scattered to prevent clustering.

The headquarters overlooked the forest, known as the Demon Realm, where the demons emerged. Units of the Escard army were deployed to monitor the area.

The uncertainty of the demons' movements and the presence of sorcerers added to the tension. It was only a matter of time before they made their move.

That time came almost immediately after our arrival.

While the twins were summoned to their superior officer's tent, I remained alone. I busied myself with brewing tea, understanding the importance of treating Louisse Kingdom's intricate tactical weapons properly.

Using magic to ignite fire and operate magical devices, I boiled water when a rumble interrupted.

Initially, I mistook it for an earthquake, but it was the clash between the Escard army's third unit and three demon fighters. This signaled the deployment of the Gillette siblings to the battlefield.

After their departure, I, Euphemia, calmly proceeded to the demon realm. Having dispatched the Gillette twins without hesitation, despite being their target numerous times before, I descended the hill and entered the demon realm.

In all honesty, their death was unremarkable, occurring as night fell.

The act went unnoticed amidst the chaos of battle. My solitary journey to the demon realm went unchallenged, as there was no concerted effort to pursue a lone intruder amidst the formations.

And there, amidst the shadows of the demon realm, I encountered the demon race.

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