She Who Became Immortal

010 – She, Who Mocked Their Suffering

The vast forest that stretches between the borderlands of Escard and the territory of demons is commonly referred to as the "demon realm" by humans, though it's more a matter of convenience than an accurate depiction of its inhabitants. Despite being home to many demons due to its untouched nature, it is, in essence, just another forest.

What sets it apart from Earth's forests is its endless expanse stretching across flat ground.

"Hmm~ humm~"

As I strolled through the demon realm on a particularly dark night, I found myself humming softly. I didn't bother to conceal my presence; in fact, I almost wished to be discovered. It amused me to think so.

"No one's found me yet. What a letdown..."

How long had I been walking? Maybe five minutes, maybe twenty—it was hard to tell in the dim light. Suddenly, something snared around my ankle, and before I knew it, I was hanging upside down in mid-air.

It was a primitive trap, using ropes—a cliché I hadn't expected to encounter in this day and age.

"...Hey, who are you?"

A voice broke through the darkness as I dangled, crafting self-deprecating jokes to pass the time.

"As you can see, I'm a lovely young lady. And who might you be? Sneaking around in the darkness without showing yourself, then questioning a woman hanging upside down... You've got quite the style. Truly, you should thank me for the entertainment," I retorted, arching my back while suspended. It felt oddly pleasant, perhaps due to my "immortal body"—no rush of blood to the head, just an amusing sensation.

"A human... right? Why are you here?"

Emerging from the shadows, a tall demon with pale purple skin and black hair, named Junos Yunofeliza, regarded me with curiosity.

Well, it was hard to discern much in the darkness of the forest, but Junos belonged to a race of demons known as the Demonkind—a superior version of humans, possessing both magical power and physical prowess.

My first impression of Junos was his "friendly demeanor."

Unlike the ostentatious Gillette twins or the cold Leopold Illyrius, he reminded me somewhat of my ex-fiance, Eckhart Muller—genuine and innocent.

"Just because I'm human doesn't mean I side with them. In fact, humans have persecuted me. I'm guessing it's been the same for you, right?" I said, offering my warmest smile as Euphemia Grimwood.

Among the demon race, rumors circulated that those on the brink of expulsion were encroaching into human territory beyond the demon realm. Upon confirming with Junos, I found these rumors to be generally accurate.

Once released from my aerial suspension, Junos, who had bound my hands, ushered me deeper into the forest toward their makeshift camp.

Was he planning to use me as a hostage, though I was hardly valuable for such a purpose, or was this merely a temporary detainment while he figured out what to do with me?

It wouldn't be accurate to call it a camp; it was more of a gathering of individuals tucked away in a corner of the forest.

There, roughly thirty members of the demon race lay, some wrapped in blankets, worn-out faces pressed against the earth, likely weary from the day's battles.

"I'll take you to the chief. What comes next, I can't say. Brace yourself," Junos said reluctantly.

Surely, he wasn't swayed by my appearance.

The chief, seated on a fallen tree at the center of the camp, was as tall as Junos but with a more robust frame—a muscular, macho demon.

If I were to judge solely by appearances, he seemed like the type who would devour a comic book while laughing boisterously.

His name was Janus Yunofeliza.

Given his clan name, most of the camp's inhabitants were probably Yunofelizas.

"A human brat? And a girl, no less. How did you end up here?" he bellowed, his tone fitting of a barbarian, which was mildly disappointing. But considering the circumstances, encountering a prince on a white horse or a vampire princess craving an endless supply of blood seemed unlikely.

"I am Euphemia Grimwood, a hapless maiden cast out from the human race. I sought you out to understand why the demon race is encroaching from the demon realm into human territory."

"Bound hands, huh?" Janus grunted.

"Whether it's my neck, waist, or legs, it doesn't hinder my speech," I replied calmly, meeting his disdainful gaze with a smile.

To my surprise, Janus raised an eyebrow, then broke into a cheerful smile.

"What an intriguing brat you are. Hey, Junos, untie her and fetch her something to drink. I quite like this one."

While being favored by a barbaric-looking demon leader was a tad unsettling, I didn't sense any imminent threat to my chastity, so I decided to go along with it.

Anyway, establishing dialogue was a relief.

Though I didn't believe our emotions reached each other, nor did I think our hearts connected any further. Conversation was merely a medium for misunderstandings. As long as information was exchanged, that sufficed.

Moving forward, regarding the plight of the demon race—specifically, the Yunofeliza clan.

They had lost what could be likened to a political struggle within the demon realm.

The demon realm appeared to operate as a primitive state centered around the demon king, resembling an oligarchy.

By the way, an oligarchy refers to governance by a few individuals. Janus and Junos didn't delve into details, but presumably, a demon king and his four heavenly kings concentrated power among them.

Fundamentally, the long-lived and powerful demon race didn't require nations like humans did. Society was a system crafted by weak individuals in small numbers to counterbalance everything else. Lions formed prides but not nations. It's akin to that.

So why did the "demon realm" come into existence? Well, it was because other demon races inhabited it alongside the demon race.

There were potent races akin to the demon race, as well as weaker ones. Races with dexterous hands, eloquent tongues, specialized in specific magic... These races desired a "demon king," and the demon king obliged.

The demon king, reigning but not governing.

In the nascent stages of their nation, a few individuals toiled to establish a system. It was akin to attempting to create a society where hippos, lions, rabbits, and rats all congregated, even though it shouldn't work, they managed to forcibly make it work.

They had a common language, a lingua franca, that even idiots could comprehend. ---Violence.

In essence, they formed "clans" centered around powerful demons.

By doing so, they managed to somewhat forcibly create something akin to a society and purportedly governed this group.

Now, the political system of the demon race was quite intriguing.

Similar to primitive religions on Earth, sacrifices were demanded in the demon realm.

A political system that demanded sacrifices at every turn.

Truly fitting for the demon realm.

Of course, sacrifices varied in severity.

For instance, offering a clan member as a slave to another clan.

Or, venturing into human territory as a whole clan every few years and perishing there.

So, what did the Yunofeliza clan do?

Believe it or not, they didn't do anything in particular.

Simply put, they faced expulsion in a demon council meeting—yes, the same answer I heard from the Louisse Kingdom's side.

They incurred the resentment, bitterness, and envy of other clans.

For no discernible reason, they were persecuted by the nation and hastily forced into human territory.

"Well, there's nothing to be done. That's just how it is. If you dislike it, you'll have to overthrow the demon king. Since we can't do that, here we are," Janus said resignedly, quite literally.

There was resignation in his tone.

Like enduring heavy rain, earthquakes, or prolonged droughts—it was the same, accepting the misfortune that befell them.

For Euphemia Grimwood, it was a difficult resignation to accept.

I spoke up.

"Hah, how disappointing, Janus Yunofeliza. It must be so excruciating pain in the ass for your clan, forced to deal with a chief like you, dragged into such a pathetic resignation like yours. Fine, after you all pass away, I'll erect a tombstone engraved with: 'The defeated dogs of the Yunofeliza clan, lying here in disgrace. Wahahaha!'"

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