Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc I Chapter 2



Arc I Chapter 2


Asami was staring into her mirror, admiring herself. It was a well crafted mirror. A golden frame carried the glass. Her appearance was that of an adorable little girl. She was sweet, cute, and cuddly. Even Okaa-san said that she was adorable, the most adorable girl in all of Konoha. So it must be true.


Her black eyes ... Her black silken hair ... Her soft and tender cheeks ... Her fair complexion ... Her wonderful lips ... No wrinkles ... No moles ... No blemishes ... She was true perfection ... Her appearance was ... impeccable, that of a human girl in the body of a doll.


The girl in the mirror looked right back at her, imitating all of her movements. Asami raised her hand. The girl raised her arm. Asami tilted her head. The girl tilted her head. Asami furrowed her eyebrow. The girl furrowed her eyebrow. Asami smiled. The girl smiled. She was the girl, and the girl was she. Yet no matter how she looked, in her heart, she was still the same. Nothing had changed, she was Asami and Asami was she. This was her new self.


“...” Her hand touched the cold glass and both of their palms connected. Asami lost herself in her beautiful black eyes. Her eyes were ... wonderful. Two gems of abyss like darkness that gazed into your very soul. She treasured them with all her heart, even when they lacked her old colour.


Her delicate lips moved, whispering in the air, “Am I not an adorable child ...


“Asami-chan, what are you doing there?”


Okaa-san admonished her, “Asami-chan, that's the tenth time I have caught you staring at the mirror. Be careful that you don't starve to death one day. I don't want that to happen to my cute little treasure.”


Okaa-san pinched her fluffy cheeks. Asami pouted, protesting. She didn't like being pinched, and Okaa-san knew that. Nevertheless, she wouldn’t stop tormenting her by squeezing her to death with her love.


Okaa-san threatened her with a smile. “Otherwise, I might need to take your beloved mirror away, Asami-chan. And you don't want that, right?”


“...” Asami paled. No, her mirror was in danger! She needed to act! She needed to save her mirror!


Asami lowered her head in guilt, looking heart broken, saddened. “But ... But I was only curious if I will ever be as beautiful as Okaa-san.” Her eyes grew tearful, about to cry.


Her plan succeeded. Okaa-san's face lit up with happiness, her arms hugging her with much love. “How sweet of you, Asami-chan. Don't worry, I am sure that you will break the hearts of many men in the future.”


“...” Asami raised her hand. “Okaa-san, I have a question, why were you searching for me? Do you need me for anything?”


Okaa-san clapped her hands together. “Yes, I do. I was searching for you because we are expecting a visitor today, Asami-chan. And that means that you need to be presentable.”


“Presentable?” Asami shivered. She knew what that meant.


“Yes, presentable.” Okaa-san smiled.


“...” Asami frowned. No, no, no, no, no, she would certainly not be dressed up like a doll again. She was a human being. One time was enough for the rest of her life.


Asami opted for a tactical retreat. Very, very, very, very slowly, she was moving towards the open door in the hope she could escape, yet her hopes were crushed.


“Where do you think you are going, Asami-chan?” Okaa-san grabbed her by her collar, preventing her feeble attempt to escape. Okaa-san grinned with a glint of evil glee in her eyes. Escape was impossible. Resistance was futile.


“Hmm, eh, ... Okaa-san ...” Asami stuttered.


Okaa-san kidnapped her and commenced with her work, an activity that Okaa-san enjoyed very much.  She was her cute little treasure, and her doting Okaa-san loved to dress her up.


Asami wore a small kimono, specifically tailored for her. It wasn't her only kimono. In fact, she owned many of them. Maybe too many. By now, she had an entire collection of kimonos for every occasion, for every season, for every week, for every day of the year, to the point that her wardrobe was full of them. And their number kept only growing. 


It was no secret that Okaa-san possessed a strong infatuation for kimono, and that her stylistic preferences might have influenced her choice of clothing. Not that Asami protested against being clad in silk. Deep down in her childish heart, Asami enjoyed being treated like a little princess. For Okaa-san, she was thus always the one and only Asami-hime.


Okaa-san tightened her belt and adjusted the cute ribbon on her head. Her lips beamed, immensely proud of her work. “And finished! What do you think, Asami-chan? You look marvellous, don't you?”


Asami gazed at the mirror. It was perfect. She was ... adorable. Cuddly, huggly and sugar sweet. As usual, Okaa-san dollified her to perfection.



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