Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc I Chapter 3



Arc I Chapter 3


Clad in her usual black kimono, Asami returned to her playground and her favourite sandbox, her eyes sparkling and her heart beating rapidly with anticipation. Okaa-san was at her side, holding her tiny hand.


It was her playground and her sandbox, although it was, in theory, located in a public playground, so open to everyone, which was, however, just a minor detail. Nothing but a mere formality. Nothing but a trivial nuisance. Certainly nothing that would stop her and her hereditary claim on her favourite sandbox, fairly and squarely acquired through the age old and honoured right of conquest! It was her sandbox! Hers alone! Nobody else was allowed to enter her kingdom! After all, she was a princess, and every princess needed a kingdom.


Naturally, it took some time and effort to expel certain undesirable individuals, such as other children, from her sandbox, but ultimately she succeeded through the skilled use of intimidation, coercion, and persuasion. Her glare sufficed to convince the remaining unwilling. The troublemakers were forever banished, forever exiled from her little kingdom, their names purged from the annals of history! The sandbox was now hers, her imperial authority unchallenged! Now, she ruled over her sandbox with an iron fist, much to her delight!


Armed with her own two hands, a cute little shovel, the great shovel of imperial authority, and an appropriate bucket, the bucket of bountiful opulence, Asami proceeded with her construction works on her grand sandcastle that she had built all by herself. Her Okaa-san was watching her work from a nearby bench with a happy smile across her lips. Okaa-san loved watching her little treasure.


Asami clenched her fist, determined to continue her work. Her goal for today was to complete the inner ward. The walls had to be strengthened, and the towers had to be reinforced, and the keep had to be raised.


Thus, Asami commenced construction, humming. Her shovel performed its duty diligently, shovelling plenty of sand into her bucket.  “♫ ♪♩♪ ♫ ♬ ♩♫ ~. ♫ ♪♩♪ ♫ ♬ ♩♫ ~. ♫ ♪♩♪ ♫ ♬ ♩♫ ~.”


Yet unbeknownst to little princess Asami, grave danger loomed on the horizon, threatening her peaceful kingdom and her magnificent castle alike. With all her attention focused on her construction works, she didn’t notice the ominous group of boys approaching her and her sandbox.


“Hey, you ...”


“Eh, ...” Asami reacted, surprised, turning her head. A large group of boys greeted. They were numerous, seeking safety in numbers. For some reason, they all looked angry and displeased ... with her. “...”


“...” The boys glared at her without exception.


Asami tilted her head, pointing at herself. “Are you talking to me?”


A boy nodded, his arms crossed and his glare unyielding. The boy represented the group, being their spokesperson. “Yes, we are. We are here to talk, girl, and we are not alone.” The group scowled at her, their hostility palpable.


Asami beamed, unfazed by their antagonism. “I notice. What do you wish to discuss then, my friends?”


The boy frowned, gritting his teeth. “We are not your friends!”


Asami smiled. “And yet here you are, standing before me, clearly wanting something from me. So state your purpose, or stop pestering me.”


“...” The boy clenched his fists, a vein appearing on his forehead. “Right, we are here to take our sandbox back.” The group of boys nodded in agreement. “This is our playground, and you have no right to keep it all to yourself! The sandbox is for everyone!” 


What? His venomous words almost made her sound like a villainess! As if they were here to end her terrible reign! As if she was the mean bully, and not them! Outrageous! Of course, they were the evil enemy besieging her castle, and she the brave and noble heroine defending her kingdom! Their roles were clear!


“Ah, I see, so you intend to reclaim my sandbox?” Asami narrowed her eyes at the opposition, realisation finally hitting her. Among them, were some of those she had previously exiled. It all made sense now. It all came together.


The boy nodded, pointing his finger at her. “Yes, we do. And we want you to leave right now. Leave this playground and never come back! We don't want you here! I asked every other kid in the neighbourhood, and nobody likes you! You scare everyone! They think you are an evil spirit! But listen, we are not afraid of you! Not any more, weird girl!”


Asami smirked, evil glee crossing her lips and her eyes glimmering with a dangerous shade of purple. “Oh my, how brave of you. I commend your courage. But tell me, my friend, what reason do I have to abandon my sandbox?”


“...” The boys gulped. One of them whispered, “I told you so, the girl is an evil spirit! If we stay any longer, she will curse and hex us!” 


“Shhh, be quiet! Don't say that aloud!” their leader silenced the doubter before returning his attention to her. “Don't think you can scare us!”


Asami giggled, the sleeve of her kimono hiding her lips. “You say so, and yet your knees are shaking. I can sense your fear. You are afraid, aren't you?” Her icy stare petrified them.


“...” The boy clenched his fists in a display of false bravado. “We aren't. And now leave! We are serious.”


Asami laughed, amused by his words. “Or what? What are you going to do, if I say no? What then?”


The boy fumed, his blood boiling. “... ... ... Don't think that we won't hit you just because you are a girl! We will do what needs to be done, if necessary.”


Asami giggled, playing the dying swan. “Oh my, so you are going to use violence on an innocent, defenceless little girl? How outrageous.”


Asami rose from her sandbox, approaching the group of boys directly. She halted right in front of him, her eyes looking up to the taller boy. Their stares met, interlocking. “Do you really have what it takes to hit a girl, boy?”


“...” The boy hesitated, but his resolve hardened. “Don't underestimate us.”


Asami smirked. “Oh, so you are going to hit me?”


The boy nodded. “Yes.”


“Right here, right now?”


“Right here, right now.”


“Right in front of my Okaa-san?”


“Right in front of your Okaa-san ... What?”


Asami tilted her head innocently. “Yes, didn't you know that my Okaa-san is here with me? She is watching me~.”


Asami waved at her mother with a happy smile. “Okaa-san~. =^.^=”


Her Okaa-san waved back, beaming at her. “Asami-chan~.”


“... ... ...” The boy fell silent.


Asami grinned, her plot revealed. “If you hit me, I will cry. And then you all will get into trouble.” 


“... ... ...” The boy clenched his fists, his anger rising up. “It's not over yet, girl.”


“It is. And now begone! As things stand, you have already wasted enough of my time.” Asami gestured dismissively, returning to her sandbox and her castle.


“...” The boy boiled, his knuckles turning white. “Mind my words, we will be back. Your Okaa-san can't protect you forever.”


Asami halted, an ominous, sinister giggle escaping her lips. “Do you think so? If the day comes, you are, of course, welcome to try your luck.” A flaming purple aura surrounded her like a veil of fire, her eyes shimmering vibrant purple.


“... ... ...” The boys froze solid in terror, all blood drained from their faces and their words stuck in their throats. They were whiter than white, white than snow, their fear palpable.


Asami tilted her head cutely, a beatific smile gracing her lips. “...”


“Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!” The boys ran, fleeing in all directions as if their very lives depended on it. Asami meanwhile returned to her sandcastle, her shovel and bucket in hand ...


“Asami-chan~.” Her Okaa-san appeared, a worried look on her face. “What were the boys up to? Were they bullying you, Asami-chan?”


Asami shook her head. “Oh, no, not at all, but I think that they wanted to play with me and help me with my sandcastle ...”


“I see, but why did they suddenly run away then?” Okaa-san was confused.


So was Asami, tilting her head. “I don't know, maybe they had something better to do. Maybe they are playing hide and seek. Okaa-san, do you want to help me with my sandcastle? You can either wield the bucket of bountiful opulence, or the shovel of imperial authority.” Asami offered Okaa-san her beloved shovel and bucket.


Okaa-san beamed, her hand accepting her shovel. “Of course~.”


And thus her construction works continued together with Okaa-san at her side. The sun stood high, and the sky was a clear azure blue.  It was a happy day, one of the happiest days in her life.





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