Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc I Chapter 4



Arc I Chapter 4


Asami woke up early, rubbing her tired eyes. Today was Asami day. Today was her birthday, which was of course a very special day. Thus, she was excited to see what presents she would receive this year. Samako, her personal maid and confidant, helped her to get dressed in her favourite kimono. It might seem strange, but it was only natural that she possessed a maid. After all, she was a young and rich ojou-sama hailing from a wealthy family. A maid clearly befitted a girl of her standing.


After getting dressed, Asami navigated towards the living room with Samako accompanying her. Samako opened the door, allowing her to enter. Okaa-san was already awaiting her with a big smile on her face. Even her grandparents were present.


It was of course Okaa-san that handed her the first present of many to come. It was a golden hairpin made of pure gold.


“Oh ...” Asami marvelled. The hairpin was love on first sight, and she put it on immediately. It made her feel like a princess. At least, Okaa-san and grandmother said so. They must be right.


The second present was a porcelain doll. The doll was dressed in the same kimono just as she. 


“...” Asami hugged her doll. It was her doll now. She had now one friend more, which made one friend in total. Regardless of how cheerful Samako was, she was her maid. And Okaa-san didn't count.


The third present was from her grandmother. It was a calligraphy set, consisting of brushes and ink. A reminder that an ojou-sama should never neglect her studies.


The fourth present was a box of delicious confectioneries wrapped in paper. Unfortunately and much to her disappointed, their existence was rather short lived as they were quickly consumed by her, Okaa-san, her grandparents, and Samako in a united effort.


The last present was once again from Okaa-san. It was another exquisite kimono. 


“Oh ...” Asami was awed. Not that she needed another one, but you could never have enough of them. It was always better to have two kimonos rather than one kimono.


The presents satisfied Asami. They were good presents. Especially, the doll. And the kimono. And the hairpin. And the calligraphy set. And the box of confectioneries. But something was sorely missing, something important. Something she had long desired, but never received. A proper princess also needed a proper sword. She didn't. It was a circumstance that must be remedied forthwith!


Asami tugged at her mother's sleeves. “Okaa-san~... Okaa-san~... Okaa-san~...”


Okaa-san beamed. “Yes, Asami-chan?”


Asami deployed her feared kitten eyes. “Okaa-san, can I get a sword~? Pweashe~.”


Fumes of molten steel permeated the air. Smoke and ash were everywhere as the furnaces burned day and night without respite. The forges never ceased their work, as Konoha was always hungry for more steel, more iron, more weapons. The comforting smell of industry in the morning was a beautiful sight.


Asami bounced in joy with Okaa-san holding her hand. Okaa-san was accompanying her, being protective as usual. After all, a foundry was a dangerous place, and Okaa-san didn't want anything to happen to her precious treasure, but she didn't mind. Okaa-san's hand was soft and warm. They had come to explore the foundry area, visiting workshops and forges. They were looking together for a sword.


As it turned out, the foundry belonged to her family. It was rather obvious, but she wasn't born into a poor family. Quite the contrary. The name Minami carried weight within Konoha. Her family amassed immense wealth, wealth that was only rivalled by the most prestigious clans.


This made the heiress of a vast fortune and large empire built by her grandfather and his father. Since the founding of the village by the First Hokage, her family was Konoha's principal steel manufacturer. They were producing the steel that Konoha needed to grow.


It was their steel Konoha was built upon. It was their steel that Konoha's wars were fought with. Kunai. Shuriken. Swords. Armour. It was her family who armed Konoha's ninja ever since the First Great War.


And yet her family were merely civilians. They were not part of a clan. They were not ninja. In the end, it was the major clans that held all political power within the village. The influential ninja clans and their army of bootlickers controlled everything. They controlled the administration, the military, the police, and even the economy, ever eager to maintain their power.


Eventually, Okaa-san and she arrived at their destination, entering a dimly lit workshop. Two people greeted them, a man and a young boy, a smith and his apprentice. The old man evaluated her, examining her. The man lowered his head. “Greetings, Kurano-sama, we have been already awaiting you. We have been informed that you are interested in acquiring a blade for your daughter. We are, of course, glad to oblige.”


“Greetings, Mitsuzuka.” Okaa-san bowed in return, before introducing them. “Asami-chan, this is Mitsuzuka. He is one of the best sword smiths in the village, a true master of his craft. I have no doubt that we will find here what we need.”


“Oh ...” Asami mumbled, her interest piqued and her gaze drawn to a table with a number of swords and metal bars lying on it. “What is this?”


Mitsuzuka wore a proud smile. “This is a collection of my finest products. I am not considered one of Konoha's best sword smiths without reason, although I have my doubts that my services are required.”


Asami raised an eyebrow. “How so?”


“...” Mitsuzuka hesitated. “With all due respect, Your Ladyship, but a lady of your age shouldn't wield a sword. A sword isn't a mere toy. It's a dangerous weapon. A blade isn't meant to be wielded by a child. That is why I urge you to reconsider, Your Ladyship, you should rather go playing with your dolls instead.”


Okaa-san merely giggled. “Well, I told her so, but Asami-chan was quite adamant about her needing a sword.”


“...” Asami clenched her fist, pouting. No, even Okaa-san betrayed her! “But I don’t want to play with my dolls. I want a sword.”


“Tch, if you think so, then prove your worth. Show me that you are capable of wielding a blade, and I might consider your request.” Mitsuzuka clicked his tongue, crossing his arms. He didn't believe in her, at all. In his eyes, she was nothing but a little girl, nothing but a spoiled and pampered little rich ojou-san. Admittedly, it was true that Okaa-san spoiled and pampered her all day, but that was beside the point.


Asami grabbed one of the swords from the table. They were lying there in front of her, only waiting for her. The grip was sturdy. The blade well balanced. The steel didn't show any signs of impurities. The durability and hardness were adequate. The elasticity satisfactory.


Her hand swung her blade. It wasn't perfect, but it was good enough. And good enough sufficed.


“Asami-chan ...” Okaa-san held her hands, looking worried.


Mitsuzuka observed her. “Seems like you know at least how to swing a sword without hurting yourself.”


Asami tightened her grip on her blade, her gaze drawn to a nearby metal bar. It was lying around unused in the corner. “I guess that means that a little demonstration is in order ...”


Mitsuzuka raised an eyebrow. “Such as?”


Asami went and took the metal bar, ramming it directly into the ground. The bar dug into the soft earth. Unbeknownst to everyone, traces of purple chakra coated the edge of her blade.


Mitsuzuka didn't look convinced. “What are you trying to do there? Do you really think a metal bar will convince me ...”


Asami struck right in front of everyone. Her strike was swift and fast. In a single strike and in the blink of an eye, her blade sliced the metal bar apart. Imbued with chakra, her sword cut hardened steel like it was nothing. It was a diagonal upward cut. Her cut was clean.






Okaa-san clapped her hands, applauding. “Amazing, Asami-chan, you must be a natural talent.”


“... ... ...” Mitsuzuka fell silent, his eyes inspecting the sliced metal bar. He had seen many swordsmen come and go in his life. He all found them lacking in skill and dedication. They were nothing but a disappointment, wasting his time and blades alike ... To think that he would witness a girl this skilled in this day and age ... “I think that I can make an exception in your case ...”



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