Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 14: A home away from home

{In Margolin's carriage with Silver}

Although Silver was sleeping, all of a sudden, she woke up.

"Stop the carriage!" Silver yelled. When the driver stopped. Silver opened the door and threw up out of the carriage. "Uu-ahhh... I don't feel so good...”

Margolin patted her on the back, then spoke. "You didn't eat anything rotten, did you?"

"I don't think so..." Silver said weakly. "It's been this way for a while now; I just feel so tired and sick... I didn't want to say anything, or you'll worry over nothing."

"Hmm, this can't be morning sickness, right?" Margolin said. "I know you are not a responsible person, but even you with all of your wild sex. You do use protection, right? There is just no way. Right, honorable sister?"

"Umm..." Silver stated. "P-Protection?"

"S... Sister?" Margolin said out of fear.

"Hahahaha," Silver laughed. "I got you good, Margolin. You should see the look on your face. Of course, I use protection. I'm no idiot! I was a guy, so I couldn't have gotten a baby. You're so silly."

Silver then threw up again. Then continue. "I likely did eat something bad. You are funny. Me with a baby. That's rich!"

Margolin stared at her sister, then spoke. "Wait, are you saying. Just because you were a guy, you can't get pregnant? Is that what you think?"

"Yes! You can't think that I can get a baby, do you? I'm a guy!"

Margolin started to get really mad at her dumb sister...

"Margolin! Calm down! When I turned to a girl. Renee only fucked my ass. Then with Hanna, I only sucked her. I am not stupid! So I could not have gotten a baby! My pussy was untouched!" Silver said while rubbing herself.

"What about, Ala?" Margolin asks.

"What about her?"

"Did she tell you that she has your child?"

"What?! What are you talking about?! And what does that have to do with me getting a-“ Silver said then stopped and thought. "Ala! Come out of my body!"

"No. We need to rest. So, go to sleep. I'm really far from Auly. It's hard as it is to move her body, being this far. So, sleep so I may control her better." Ala said from within Silver. "Thay are in trouble."

"You are hiding a baby in me, are you?!" Silver asks. "Was this what you wanted to tell me all this time?!"

"Will you be my lover?" Ala asks.

“Ala, You kno-”

"Then- no! It is not your baby! So don't worry about it!" Ala yelled. "Your punishment is to let this child consume you! You Ass! We both will feed off you. How do you like that?! Ass!"

Silver sighed. Silver wondered, why must she deal with this woman sometimes...

"Ala, I love you!" Silver yelled.

Ala froze in shock, releasing her partial hold over Auly. Auly’s body just laid there, unmoving near Hanna’s group.

"Ala? D... Did you just faint? Oh, my Guardian Ala... You're so uselessly hopeless sometimes." Silver said to Ala, who is still in shock.

Not knowing what to say, Ala went dormant. Ala had always been like this, even as Richard. Ala was always ready for a fight, but when it comes to love. She just doesn't know what to do with herself. So useless!

Silver rolled her eyes at her silly friend. She then looked at the women in the carriage, then back at Margolin.

"Okay, Margolin. Tell me what is going on. I have not recently fuck Ala. So tell me! And yes! I know you are all in on this joke." Silver said.

"What do you mean? You fucked Ala pretty good in the woods. By three blobs." Fragment said while laughing.

"Wait! you mean this baby is something from [Manifestation]?!" Silver exclaimed.

"Well, Ala told me everything about the coin. I have part of Ala in me also if you didn't know. She told me that she had so much cum in her. She wanted to dump it in you so that you may create life. This way, you can maybe make your own life energy. This is not like your mindless blobs, but a being from your body, so you can use it for your flip. Something that we can use to take life energy from." Margolin explained.

"Wow, that's a great idea. However, if it's a child of mine, it won't just do something, even if it's its destiny. If I were that being, I'd screw us all over. Then laugh about it." Silver said.

"Hmm, we shall see. Ala told me, the child can hear us already. So just talk with it. Make a deal with it, see what it says." Margolin said.

"..... Yes... I... . C.. can talk... But I need to sleep. So, if everyone can please quiet down, that would be nice. Thank you." A low voice said from within Silver.

“What... The... Fuck??!!!” Silver exclaimed. “Y... You can actually talk?! I thought you were joking, Margolin.”

"Of course, I can. Don't be so mean, mommy..." The low voice said.

Silver was so shocked and speechless.

"You... Don't love me, do you, mommy?..." The voice started crying. Then it went silent.

"Is... Is it gone?" Silver asked.

"Honorable Sister! Don't say it like that. You're going to make the child think you don't love it!" Margolin said with hurt in her voice.

But the thing was... Silver really doesn't love 'it' or this situation...

"Okay, okay. If you're going to be my weird manifested baby, I need to know. Can you fight?" Silver asked, 'it'.

Silver loves [Manifestation], but it only lasts at least 2-4 hours tops. Depending on how much energy was used for the creation. Silver really wants to use it to make a full army of blobs. 4 hours was not long at all for war. Silver was fucked in the woods for an hour. Then used [Manifestation] on her own body to get this big ass and tits she now got, then used it on Mille's legs. The blob men are now gone, but Silver and Mille's bodies are still running on [Manifestation], she was very tired because of all of this. If this child can fight and never expire, she was willing to get lots of breeders to make her an army!

"But, Mommy! Fighting is bad!" The voice said.

First, Silver must teach her child to fight and be a killing machine.

"Me and Ala are fighters. So, you will learn whether you want to or not!" Silver yelled. She plans to be a great mommy!

"No! You're a meanie! I hate you, mommy!" The voice replied, then it started crying again.

"Silver, you must teach your child how to be good!" Margolin said.

Silver couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She wants her powerful army to lay waste to all of her enemies. Instead, she got to baby this 'thing'. It's not even a real baby. 'It's a Monster!' Silver wanted to say... But she thinks that’ll get her nowhere.

"Alright, Alright. Mommy is sorry. I just want-.... whatever you are, to be big and strong. That's all." Silver said, regarding her stomach.

"Really, mommy?" The voice said with a bit of excitement. "So, you really do love me?!"

'Well... I wouldn't go that far,' Silver thought.

"Yes... I want to make you 'strong'." Silver said.

"Well, now that you mention it. I'm starving, mommy." The voice said.

"Alright. First, what should I call you?"

"Umm... Mommy Ala and Margolin called me, Test subject. Whatever that means..." The voice said.

"Ah, so I can call you Tess." Silver said.

"T-Tesss..." The voice said, trying out the word. "I like it. Tess. I am Tess! I have a name!"

"Right... So what do you eat?" Silver said. Silver doesn't want to get attached to this 'thing.' (Even if it's in her stomach) Silver wants a killing machine!

"Oh. By the way, mommy. I think you should eat right. Your body lacks healthy food. Junk food is no good!" Tess said.

"Have you been talking with Margolin!?" Silver asked Tess, looking at Margolin accusingly.

"Well, no. I've not too long become a being. I live in your body mommy. I can see that you ate like you were a guy. You should watch your beautiful figure. You have a very sexy bod, mommy."

'I-Is... Is this monster hitting on me?' Silver thought.

"I'd fuck you here and now if I was not in your stomach, Mommy."

'Kilo's massive tits, 'it' is!' Silver thought. Then spoke to 'it.'

"If you want to fuck me. Don't call me mommy at the same time. It's weird..."

"Oh, I see. You got it, Sexy," Tess said with a flirting tone.

"Ahhh... That's actually worse!"

"Mmmm. I can't wait to get to your ass...." Tess said.

"So! You said that you were hungry! What do you eat!?" Silver yelled, wanting to change the subject.

"Cum, and lots of it. I came from lust. So I want it from a dick." Tess said. "Blob men won't do. I need real cum to grow big and strong for you, Sexy."

"Oh, me! I can give it to you!" Fragment said. Then she looked at Silver. "And you did promise I can have you.

"Umm.. wait a minute." Silver said.

She looked to Margolin, who had an evil grin on her face that says, 'What goes around, comes around, and you're getting what you always wanted and deserve.' Margolin is an evil minx. But she doesn’t show it. Silver looked around and noticed all the women in the carriage had their clothes back on because Silver was sleeping. Silver then looked at the two other Ladies of grace in the carriage, then noticed something else... Their appearance was the same, their hair was covering your face, so Silver had to pay attention.

"Wait! You two are twins? Since when?" Silver said, just realizing...

The twins looked at each other.

"Well... since birth... You didn't see us?" One of the twins asked.

"A lot happened at once. So, no. I was mainly looking at Fragment's big dick..." Silver said.

"So you 'Do' like it. Good! You may look at it for as long as you like. Hehehe, it'd look even better in your mouth." Fragment said while squealing and blushing like a schoolgirl. She had a hungry grin on her face. Like a fox. She even showed Silver her dick was ready to go, by stroking it.

"Well, the thing is. We are in a carriage. Yes, it's a bigger one than most, but I'd like to fuck on a bed and then get more sleep. I'm still not rested. Can we make camp or something first?" Silver asked.

"Oh, yeah. That reminds me. Your Guardian... Jeopardy, was it? Jeopardy created a shop that is in our Banner. I was told there is a room we all can use for traveling. I never saw this room. And all the other Ladies were scared to try it. So let us test this room out." Margolin said. Margolin then poked her head out the window and looked toward the drivers. She told them that they want to go to a place to make camp. The driver, Origami, nodded at his mistress and took them close to a mountainside where a small cave was.

The Ala that was in Silver was still dormant. However, the 10% that was in Margolin. Purchase the room for her master. That way, she is the only one that can allow anyone inside to sleep with her loved one. Ala doesn't actually mind Silver sleeping with some other women. She has slept with them too, even without Silver.

All Ala really wanted was for Silver to love her back. That and to live within Silver. Ala hates dealing with other people. Margolin was only letting Ala inside for information.

Margolin hated this feeling of dread and despair Ala gave when she was inside of her. Ala also moves while inside. It feels weird and wrong. Margolin doesn't know how Silver can deal with this and can still be so active and horny. She feels like Ala was taking her life away, but what Margolin doesn't know was that when Ala’s essence went dormant. The feeling of despair and pain was double, and Silver has 70% of Ala inside of her. So Margolin's 10% was nothing. Silver just knows how to deal with Ala...

The 10% Ala then lays down a door by the mountain. It stood up without anything holding it up. It was just a black door. It had an eagle statue on top of it. Ala was able to design the door and what was in it. Ala also got furniture for the room.

Margolin then looked at her two drivers of the carriage. Origami, Elan. set up camp here and be our lookouts." Margolin said to her drivers.

The female, muscular Soldier, Elan grunted. And the tell man named Origami The Owl just nodded. They both don't talk much. Margolin knew they fucked each other, but when it comes to duty, they'll never let Margolin down if they can help it.

Silver walks up to the room the 10% Ala put down.

"So... What is this? It's just a door. Is there really a room inside?" Silver asked while looking around the door. She saw nothing behind it.

"Well, yes. I think... Ala told me that she hopes you like it. She added the clothes and food from her inventory to the room. Ala got it all just for you." Margolin said. "I just hope all the food we got didn't expire yet. I'll ask the guild to buy more food and add it to the shop for us. However, it will also expire. Ala did add a box that can preserve the food, which is not too bad."

"This is my room?" Silver asked Margolin, who nodded.

Silver went to the door and opened it. Silver saw one big room. There was furniture in it. There was a kitchen, a pool area, a bathroom, one storage, and a small room in the back. It was the maid quarters—enough Beds for 6 Maids. Wishlist's rooms have a modern look to them. No one here in this world has ever seen anything like it. The group was all over the place. One of the twins went to the bathroom. She saw something that was called a shower. She turned it on, it was amazing. They are used to maids doing things for them, like heating a tub up. The twin decided to take a shower. She may even try to get a room for herself and her sister.

As a Wish, Wishlist has been all over the universe. She made hundreds of these. All she needed was the materials to construct whatever she wishes. Her wishes are not free, but if she obtains what she needs, reconstructing was a simple task for her. That was why she made a shop to trick Kilo. Kilo and her girls would get her things. Then she can make everything without revealing her true power.

Silver looked at a dresser. Then she went over to it to see what's in it.

"You said Ala got me lots of clothes, right?" Silver asked.

Ala added two dresses to Silver's inventory. Silver wanted to see if there was more.

The dresser was like magic. You can choose different categories of clothing, so if you want to go to bed. You'd go to the (Nightwear) category, and get some nighties, which were also modern.

When Ala was in the town of Lakaf, Ala bought a lot of clothes for her mistress, but when she saw the Magic shop. She then sold all of that old-fashioned stuff in the shop to see what Wish can make out of that stuff.

Ala was blown away to see all the sexy things that her mistress can wear. There was some very sexy lingerie. They all left nothing to the imagination. One nightie was a silver net bodysuit with a cutout hole around the pussy and ass area. Silver doesn't know why she did it, but she tried it on. She was so turned on by it. Unfortunately for Silver, Fragment was also in the room. Her dick was shooting out of her dress.

"Are you going to take responsibility for this?" Fragment asked while stroking her cock. She was panting heavily. She was a fox who saw her food and was now ready for the kill.

"Umm... Hold for a minute. I need food first!" Silver yelled.

"Oh, come on... Fine, but you're not allowed to take that off. You won't get my men or anything from me until you fulfill our deal. And no, I don't just want a one-time thing. I'm going to fuck you, and fuck you good." Fragment said.

"Margolin! Can you get the food ready?!" Silver yelled, Margolin nodded.

Margolin, Mille (she was in a wheelchair), and the other twin went into the kitchen. It was only Silver and Fragment still in the big room. Silver strolled over to Fragment, still wearing the silver netted bodysuit. Then gave Fragment a white one she got from the dresser. She puts it on quickly. Her dick was poking out of the white netted bodysuit's pussy hole. Fragment's hair and skin were all white. Silver already knew why. Fragment was the Guardian of Seeds after all. She was like a person made of cum. Silver was dripping wet from looking at this very hot Guardian.

"Alright, we can do this until the food is ready." Silver said.

Silver took Fragment to the long couch. Silver then sat down on the couch and then turned upside down then opened her mouth. Silver had a look that says 'Fuck my face.' Fragment was not someone who takes a long time to realize when someone wants to get fucked. So, Silver didn't even have to say anything else.

She slides her dick in Silver's inviting hole. She stuck her rod in Silver's mouth really slowly at first. But before long, she pushed her big fat cock in. There was now a huge bulge in Silver's throat now. For some reason, Silver didn't feel pain. Silver's pussy was so wet now. Fragment pounded her cock in Silver's throat. She wasn’t going easy; she kept smashing Silver's face. Her balls were slapping Silver’s face over and over again.

She then grabs onto Silver's throat, basically using Silver's throat as a masturbating toy. When Fragment came. The cum shot directly down Silver's throat. Silver had drunk all of it- feeding Silver and her baby the seeds.

"MMMmmmmmm, Sexy Momma! Thank you! I love this taste! It tastes so good!" Tess exclaimed. Tess fed on the cum, making herself stronger. "More, more! I need more nourishment!"

Silver's throat still had a dick in it. She only wanted to do this just once for now. Unfortunately, with Tess's words and Silver being unable to speak for herself, Fragment planned to fuck her face until the food was done. Silver's monster baby was so happy to eat such a good meal.

With her legs wrapped around Silver‘s head, the guardian was enjoying herself. It was very rare for her to go all-in like this. She was so happy with releasing much stress over the millennium.

Silver just laid back comfortably. Her throat wasn’t sore. She felt the dick and tightening in her throat, but no pain. No matter how ruthless Fragment was. She was semi enjoying getting face-fucked.

Over and over again, Fragment went all the way to home base, then she suddenly stopped. She placed her hand between Silver’s pussy then started licking it. The tongue was almost thick like a dick, before long, Silver realized it was maybe really a dick!

‘Maybe this was Fragment’s powers,’ Silver thought.

Of course, that was just Silver’s mind playing tricks on her. She couldn’t actually see what was happening to her own pussy. She did have a cock obscuring her eyes after all. Fragment’s tongue was just thick.

“I’m cumming again!” Fragment climaxed.

Silver couldn’t get pregnant again or get a Guardian’s baby, so this was fine.

“Food is ready!” A twin yelled.

Fragment frowned. She promised Silver she would stop and let her eat when the time came, but she didn’t want to stop her wonderful pleasures... So, she reluctantly got off her face, helped her up.

At dinner, Silver had so much cum in her; she didn't really want to eat her food. She only ate a little, then went to bed after eating what bits she could consume.

"I'm ready for your pussy now, love." Fragment said to Silver.

Silver just laid there on the bed, sighing.

"Fine, but I want to suck on Margolin's big tits." Silver joked.

Margolin rolled her eyes while sauntering over to the bed with Fragment.

“I don’t want to directly participate in your activities, but I will if I have to,” Margolin said.

“Don’t worry, you don’t need to get too involved, just help.” Silver added.

“Yeah! I’ll be doing all the work anyway! That’s the way I love it! All you have to do, Silver, is take my cock!” Fragment exclaimed.

Silver grimaced. “Ummm... This is my first time getting fucked in the pussy by a huge cock. Sure, I had sex as Ala, but with this body, you'd be my first... So please go slow..."

"Alright, love." Fragment smirked.

She went over to Silver's pussy to lick it. Silver's head laid on Margolin's lap. Silver grabbed Margolin's hands, preparing for what's to come.

“Are you ready?” Fragment questioned.

“No! Just get this over with!” Silver voiced.

Silver felt the pressure in her pussy as the tip entered her. Margolin looked at her sister's nervous face. Silver's face was a look of when someone was afraid of needles. Silver even tightened her grip on Margolin's hands, trying to get herself ready. Margolin has never seen her sister look so cute and innocent before. Margolin seeing her sister get fucked in the pussy did make her feel bad, a little... Until she realized this was Russ who she was holding. So in the end, Margolin laughs at her sister's suffering. Silver was such a slut, after all.

"Okay, here we go!" Yelled the Guardian.

Silver hated Fragment for telling her when she was going to do it. She just wanted her to get this over with already. Margolin smushes her big tits onto Silver's face at the same time Fragment crashes her dick in her pussy hard and fast.

Fragment and Margolin planned for this. They plan to fuck Silver like the slut that she was.

Silver's pussy was demolished. All anyone in the room could hear was fast pounding slapping sounds with Silver's muffled squealing on under Margolin's tits.

"That's it; Take it! I am not letting you go off so easily! You like to fuck, right?! This is for all the women you fucked in my guild, you ass!" Margolin exclaimed. She was really into this. "Honorable sister, just so you know. This is out of love. You need to learn how you make people feel, how you make me feel... You are a pervert, I hate it, but I do still love you, Honorable sister. Just let me have this win over you. I can feel all the pounding you're getting."

Margolin was so turned on. Margolin put Silver's head on the bed, then quickly sat on Silver's face. Silver's yells were like vibrations on Margolin's wet pussy.

* * * * *

Level up! You're [Temptress] LVL 42. New Abilities:


Passive: No goodie two shoes are a match for you. Take their halo away, and you get a wicked bad girl/guy. The skill drains their goodness, allowing you to empower a hold over them. In other words, their own good energy will be turned against them.

Additional Abilities: If you have good energy. You can see their halo and use it to bind them or harm them. The more good energy you have, you can do other things with their halo.

* * * * *

'Oh, I see. I tempted Margolin into doing something she would never do. She said a swear word and now is doing lewd actions.' Silver thought to herself, although Silver didn't actually do anything.

Silver made Margolin's halo wrap around Margolin's body and then threw her to Fragment. Margolin's goodness made Silver feel so powerful. Silver saw Margolin lying on top of Fragment. Silver then wraps Margolin's halo around Fragment also. The two women were held down on the bed.

"I was trying to be nice to you two, but you two slut seem to want to play rough. I can play rough too." Silver uses [Widow's Kiss] on Margolin three times. Margolin was so horny, but the only thing she could get her hands on was Fragment's dick. Silver was more than happy to help.

Silver guided Fragment's dick into Margolin's pussy, and then her pussy got destroyed by it. Silver used a Manifestationed cock to fuck Fragment's pussy that was under her balls. Silver then spread Margolin's ass to insert a cock manifestation to fuck Margolin's ass. Silver used small repels on Margolin's ass to teach her a lesson not to fuck with Silver again.

"If you want a win over me, then prepare for me to fight back ya slut." Silver yelled.

"Ahh! Mmmm! Yeah! I'm a slut!" Margolin squirted onto Fragment’s cock.

Margolin was under Silver's charm. Margolin has not felt this good in forever. Margolin always wanted to become one of Russ's women in a way. She was just too proud to admit it.

"Honored Master, rule over me!" Margolin was under a charm, but even still, she can't believe she said that. 'Nooo!' She thought.

She knows never to praise Silver and never treat her like she was a king. Silver grew the manifestation cock in Margolin's ass bigger, then took away the charm on her.

Silver smirked. "Yes, Margolin. I am your ruler. I never told you this, but I have a conquered list on my flag. I think only I can see it. You'd be like my maiden, like Ala. I'll be able to take everything from you but give you nothing in return. However, I love you, Margolin, and I know you can make me a true ruler. Become my maiden. You wouldn't be my slut or anything below that. Just a woman who would make me and only me your one goal to be a true ruler. I wouldn't tell you what to do. You won't be doing anything you don't want to. Do you think Ala does what I say? I don't even bother anymore... She does things for me because she wants to. So it'll be the same for you. However, you will call me, Honored Master and stick with me until the day you die. What say you?!"

“I will do as you command!” Margolin exclaimed as she orgasmed.

As time went by, Fragment pounded Margolin’s mouth and pussy- both, constantly sending vibrations to Fragment's cock, again and again, they orgasmed.

During Margolin‘s punishment. Silver slept with a nice lullaby of moans and wet sounds right next to her.

Hello, everyone, I hope you all had a nice valentine with yall loved ones. I forgot to say that on the last CH note. I don't really have anything to say for this CH's note. The only new news that I have is that I no longer have an editor at the moment.

For this CH I try to keep the timeline with the other POV as bast as I can. I am sorry for any or all the mistakes you readers find. No matter how many times I go over the page, there is always something that I missed. It's not the lack of trying... I looked so many times.

I don't even have anything to ask for this CH poll. (I do, but it's way too soon to ask for that stuff.)
So I'll just make something up for now. I want to ask if you readers like POVs. Even if you say no. I love them too much to not do them. It makes my Flag feel bigger and full of characters. Like Naruto. And the reason I say this show out of any other. Is because even if the show is named after him (Like Silver Coin.) other characters still make an impact. They also have their own episodes by the way. I can't say that I like all the Naruto characters. So if you, readers don't care for my POV, I understand. So for this Poll, I'll ask which POV do you like. Oh and one more thing. Russ and Silver are all about who can get the most girls. I am saying this for people who didn't get that. Right now I am working on Blitz. Onslaught is for Silver. No, I didn't forget about her. I just want to do one big thing at a time. Blitz one is pretty big, so that first. Onslaught is not someone who would just switch, so how we get her will be fun.

Silver's POV
Russ's POV
Kilo's POV
Hanna's POV


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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