Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 15: The Big Bang (Russ)

{At The Chapel Of Union}

Russ saw so many male Guardians appear, then him and Blitz were surrounded. Cherish herself was still there, but she had a smirk on her face.

"Brother Guardians! I thank you for coming on this fine day!" Desi exclaimed. He even did a little jig, and he was quite good at it.

"So? Out with it. What's this all about?" A loud voice asked. He was a short and wide muscular man.

"All-Father Big Daddy! I am glad you could make it! Before I say, can you please lock them from leaving?" Desi asks, pointing at Russ and Blitz. Big Daddy knew Desi for a long time. So he started piecing together what's happening. So he locks the two in. They can no longer warp out. "This Guardian's name is Jeopardy! He was the Guardian who came to our universe unannounced. He's the one who gave that silver-haired girl that powerful coin you all want!"

The Guardians in the room started looking around at each other. Not all wanted him gone. Like Kilo, some see the value in adding him to their side.

"But before all of you break out your swords and fight over him," Desi said with his arms up, stopping his brethren. "There is an issue that must be dealt with! Our dearest sister Blitz has gotten married to him! I know why she did it. It's for the same reason you all want to ally yourselves with him. She wants something from him. Like, stop blowing all of you, and come on top. I know some of you were up next to fuck her face, so this is a problem. We tried so hard to keep her under us. We didn't even give her really anything, so she can continue to be a bottom feeder. By law, we can't do anything about that. However, we can throw her a bachelorette party! This is also a punishment for Jeopardy. He ate my darlings fruit twice. So have at her boys! He can't stop a bachelorette party, even by law. She won't even leave this place until she sucks everyone here. You know what? Bring more Guardians. So, they may have a go at her too."

Blitz was petrified. She didn't want this. She looked at Russ, and he saw how scared she was. Russ was waiting. He wanted to see if she meant what she said before. He wanted to see if she would make a stand here and now. He doesn't want a girl who would slide back into her old ways just because it's convenient for her.

That was why Russ loves Ala and Margolin. Both of them 'want' to be with him. Not because life was hard, so they would use him. If anything, he needs them more, then they need him. Well, Ala, anyway.

Margolin wants something, but she'd never sell him out just because it'd make her life more comfortable, or she would have done it a long time ago. They have been through a lot with each other. No matter how messed up Russ was. She still calls him ‘Honorable’, you only say that when you hold someone in high regard, and she actually means it. That's why he loves her, but this Blitz, he was not too sure about her.

"Russ! Do something!" Blitz exclaims. She looks around rapidly. She saw even more Guardians pop in. Some of their dicks were out. "R-Russsss, Please! I am weak! I can't do this on my own! I'm yours, take me! Make love to me only!"

Russ, for his part, walked to her, then spoke. "Hold onto my dick and get to work on making me cum. Your one and only job. Make 'me' happy, and no one else. Then I will do the same for you. My personal Blow Guardian."

All of the other Guardians were stunned by his words. They heard what Russ said about Blitz only blowing him. Blitz ignored them and dropped to her knees. She then held on to Russ's manhood and got to work on making him cum. Desi looked around at his brethren, then back to Jeopardy.

"Excuse me, bro. I believe you don't understand your situation." Desi said to Russ. "I don't know how things worked in whatever abyss you came from. With the fact remains, you will pay for the disrespect that you did with my wife. So I have the right to take yours and do whatever I want with her!"

"No! You have the right to shut the fuck up," Russ replied. (Slurping sounds were heard below) Then he looked at Cherish. "I may be a proud man, but because I offended you, I understand I did wrong. I am willing to give you 2 million gold. Which is 1 million for each fruit that I ate."

(Blitz started licking his balls)

Cherish didn't know what to say. 2 million was quite generous. Cherish would be able to give this money to her followers. With that amount, she can fix up a lot of churches and other venues that she wanted to build. Her husband has a temple, but sadly she does not. With this money, she could-!

"She will not take your money. Nor does she need it." Desi said while his hand was blocking Cherish's mouth- to stop her from saying anything. "I don't know what you're trying to accomplish here. But my wife will not have any part of what you're trying to do. Also, I will not let you put ideas in our sister Guardian's heads, which reminds me. You need to get a better hold of Kilo. She now has a mountain. Before I came here, I was keeping an eye on her. I saw that our record says that it came from your money. But she's the one who bought it. And not only that. She bought a large shipment of things with her group. I'm not going to tell another man what they do with their women, but you're breaking the system by letting a woman do what she wants with that much money."

(Russ then sticks his dick in Blitz's mouth)

"Which is my business and none of yours. Kilo knows better than to cross me. So, I'm not worried about her." Russ said.

Because Kilo was bound to him, he saw her warp to the chapel, but she decided to hide in the crowd. He also got notified about the things that Desi said. Kilo bought a large area in Jeopardy's name and claimed the land as a kingdom.

As a guardian, Jeopardy can no longer rule as king of a land. Of course, Russ doesn't know he's a Guardian yet. All he knew was he's pretending to be a guardian. So when everyone says Guardian or Jeopardy to him, it went right over his head. He doesn't feel any different before he made the wish. Although he does feel it's strange that no one notices that he's a human. Even The All-Father recognizes him as a guardian.

(Blitz started to headbang on his dick. She took it out of her mouth to lick the shaft up and down.)

Russ decided to go into his inventory to see if there was a mirror in it. When he saw none, he Shrugged. So, Russ went to the Guardian's shop. He saw none there either, Russ shrugs again. Russ decided to request for a hand mirror in the shop. Almost immediately, he got a notification. It said that the mirror he asked for was now available in the shop. He thought that the shop was really useful. The ladies of Grace are currently shopping, and they were told that if Russ asked for anything, buy it as fast as they can. They were making other requests also. They were told doing the request would give more experience to level up the shop.

During this time, they heard that Silver and Margolin had made the Mysterious Room Wishlist told Russ about. You can make it the way you like for your own personal use. So they decided to buy furniture and other things for it.

When Russ got the mirror, he looked at his eyes and saw no iris. He saw a red-black glow in his eyes. So he Shrugged and put his mirror away. Wait a minute! He took his mirror back out to do a double-take. Russ saw that he was a guardian. A real one! He couldn't even use his disguise ability to change his eyes.

(Blitz wanted to get fucked now, so she turned around to stick Russ's dick in her pussy).

"Alright, bro. If you continue to walk this path, then I will show you the error of your ways." Desi said in an intimidating tone. Desi then looked at his brethren. "Get him, boys! Show him what we are all about. And when you are done beating him up. Make him watch how real guardians can fuck his wife!"

Russ was still looking at himself in the mirror. Russ was a real guardian!? He cannot believe it. He knew his Guardian was powerful. But this? When he saw figures drew closer to him, he decided to do what he does best. Bullshit his way out of this situation.

(Russ noticed Blitz changing position. So he put his mirror away and grabbed onto her waist then fucked her doggy style)

"If any of you lay a hand on me or anyone in my care. You'll be considered an enemy to me!" Russ said to them.

All of the Guardians stopped. They looked at each other and then laughed.

"You think just because you have a flag and a couple of Guardians in it. You would scare us?" Desi asked. "Us Guardians are going to destroy you. Although we are not allowed to hurt humans, you, Fragment, and Kilo are all fair game. We even have followers who could kill your flag's losers in a blink of an eye. Just sit back and take your punishment like a real man, bro."

"Aren't you all forgetting something?" Russ asked them. "If any of you plan on getting on my good side. Or even use the silver coin for your own gain. You can forget all of that if any of you touch my flag. If you become an enemy of us. All deals with all of the dealers will go straight to the house. So if you plan on getting money from the coin it will come back to our pockets instead. Even if you win a flip."

The ones that actually wanted to use Jeopardy or the coin stopped and backed away. While the other Guardians stopped and waited.

"What? What are you talking about?" Desi asked Russ. He looked around and saw his brothers. They had an unsure look on their faces. Some of them have a face that says 'You're on your own bro.' While some looked like they were willing to fight their own brothers. This was a chance to get on good terms with Jeopardy. Desi thought about attacking without them. However, he's started to get the feeling if he attacks. His own brethren would defend Russ and ally themselves with him.

"If I were any of you. I would tell all of your followers to stop going after my flag, right now. Any attack against the flag would release my Fury." Russ said with a hateful tone. Some of the Guardians immediately started messaging their followers.

Russ then looks at Blitz. Most girls don't really like to get fucked while a crowd was nearby. So, he was very impressed with her. He likes his women to be open perverts like him. Doing business while fucking was something he can get into. The idea of a woman sucking or fucking while he was talking is very appealing. He started pounding her faster and faster. He decided to ignore the other guardians. He leans her back to kiss her neck. She then cooed in his ears. He grabbed her breast and fondled them. Blitz then rubbed her pussy as Russ constantly impels his dick inside of her pussy.

"I'm cumming!" Blitz exclaimed. After she came, Blitz started panting. "You didn't finish, did you? I'll get right on that.".

Blitz turns around to his dick to suck her man's meat. Russ laid his hands on her head. 'Such a good Blow Guardian she was.' He thought to himself. As he was going to work on her face. He got distracted because of a message.

* * * * *

As a Guardian of the flag, you can issue a Guardian's decree. But because you're not the only Guardian in this flag. All Guardians must vote on a decision that will affect the entire flag. If a decree is passed. The leader of the flag can decide to add the decree to the flag.

Would you like to issue those decrees?

"Anyone who attacks the flag is considered an enemy to the whole flag."

"Enemies of the flag. Would forfeit the right to get the winnings of a deal from any of Jeopardy's dealers."

* * * * *

Russ was shocked. He never knew how to follow through with his demands. He just said what he wanted to say. But he has a feeling that this was due to Wishlist. He decided to issue both of the decrees. In Russ's mind. Anyone who attacks should be considered an enemy.

He has been around Kings. He knows there are some Kings who would play it nice and would not immediately go to war. It's quite possible that Kilo would never just attack back. He has no idea who this Fragment was. So who knows what that Guardian would do. He does, however, feel it was weird. He would have to ask permission for his own dealers or anything he does. (Even if they were not his. His real Guardian does not want her name in anything. That way she can hide all she wants.)

'Hmm, maybe I have to ask permission because there are some guardians who would just do their own thing. Regardless of what the flag or other Guardians want.' Russ thought to himself. 'It would really suck for a pig-headed guardian.'

Russ shrugs. Things usually don't go Russ's way. So if this decree doesn't pass through. He would just have to find another way to help the flag. Russ went back to focusing on his wife's face. He started pounding her face like he did her pussy, she took it like a trooper.

"I am going to cum! You're going to swallow it all," Russ demanded as he came.

She didn't even gag. Her being a guardian was amazing. When she finished swallowing it all. She laid on her back and her legs wrapped around his waist.

"As you can see, I don't care if they're here. You're going to fuck me, Russ! You're not getting out of this!" Blitz said.

Russ feels so different from the other guardians. She was not scared of Russ getting mad at her for wanting something in return. Other Guardians would have punished her by now. They don't like women demanding anything. She feels so free with Russ. She likes it, it feels so good to be equal to a man.

He leans over her and kisses her deeply while still banging her. She felt chills throughout her whole body. She was going to cum again!

As for Kilo. She looked at the decree Russ created. She read it word for word. While Fragment said [Yes] without thinking about it too much. Fragment was busy fucking with Silver at this time. She just doesn't have the time or patience for silly things. Kilo hates that she would have to fight her own brothers and sisters. At the same time, this would prevent them from straight-up attacking her girls. Also, she knows how much a lazy ass her husband was. So she knows he's not a warmonger. And because she's there in the chapel. She can see that he's only doing this to protect the flag as a whole. So Kilo ultimately agreed. When all three guardians agreed. Silver, Margolin, and Mille saw the decree. Margolin and Mille are Silver's secretaries. They are mainly there to advise the leader. So, they can't accept or deny any order, only see it. Silver immediately accepted. It did annoy the two other women, though. Because they were not asked. But just like Kilo, they ultimately understood. Margolin would just have to talk to Silver about this later.

"Well, if there is nothing else to say. Me and my wife will be on our way." Russ said with a happy tone. He can't wait to get out of there. Even though he doesn't mind fucking in public. He is tired of looking at these guardians. So, he just wants to be with his wife. When he looked for the mirror. He saw that the room his Guardian was talking about was done. So he wants to give it a try. He told Blitz to get up, so that they may go have more fun. As Russ looked around at the guardians, to see if they were going to do something to them. Russ saw a bunch of alerts. Unfortunately, Russ's king was not told in time. Tilda, who is part of the flag. Was getting tortured. So the whole Kingdom became the flag's enemy...

Everyone in the flag stopped what they were doing. Kilo and her girls were speechless. Some of the grace family members were part of the Kingdom.

Margolin got to work immediately. She told the ladies of Grace not to panic. She ended up adding all their family members to Silver's Flag. And come to Silver's land. Margolin then asks Ala to buy houses for the families. Ala did get 100 million after all. The Guardian that's over the Kingdom told the king to stop harming Tilda. Then the Guardian told the king what happened. The king offered a truce to Silver's Flag. Silver told Margolin to set a date, so that they may talk. The Kingdom had a red skull over their heads as enemies. But when the truce went through. The skull changed to a white flag.

"I don't care about your stupid Flag. I will not let you break our rules!" Desi said.

Honestly, Russ forgot all about this guy. Russ then looked at Cherish and spoke. "Why are you even with this guy? If you want the two million. It's yours. Just speak up.".

"Well, I do want it! If thy can give it to me. Then I will forgive thee for thine transgressions." Cherish said with a bit of eagerness.

"Wife! Keep your mouth shut! I've already told him that you will not be part of whatever he's doing. And now you're making me into a liar!" Desi screams. Then he grabs Cherish hair by the roots. "You dumb slut! How dare you make me look bad!?".

"I'm sorry, dearest husband. I just needed the mon"- Cherish started to talk, but she got hit by a backhand.

"I told you to shut up, slut!" Desi yelled. Russ didn't know the guardians could get red in the face. But Desi was pissed. "You know what!? You can have this bitch for 5 million!! But first. She needs a lesson in respecting men. Us guardians are going to have our way with her! I only married her for her fruits. I decided to keep her with only guardians I know. But it's time to fuck her the right way. The way she is supposed to be fucked. We are going to show you what a real man can do!"

"What? You mean like this?" Russ kneed Desi in the groin. Desi became winded. He started to wheeze. Russ then looked at Cherish. "Don't think I'm doing this to help you. He is right about one thing. Your fruits are good. I'm willing to give you 5 million to join under our flag. You'll be under Kilo's care- not mine. I don't care about you."

Russ then heard Desi cough in pain. Then spoke to him. "And you. If you really want to prove that you're a man. How about I roll my dice to see if you are man enough to remain as so.".

Desi looked at Russ with confusion. Russ looks at Kilo. She was still hiding. He finally spoke to her. "Kilo. Can you please come over here?"

Kilo didn't want Big Daddy to know she was here. However, she saw that Big Daddy was busy fucking two girls. He lost interest in what was happening around him a long time ago. So he summoned his women.

Kilo walked to her husband.

"Kilo, I want you to use the red dice on this guy," Russ said while pointing at Desi. "I'll pick the rule for now. I'll let you do this all on your own for the next time. If it's Even. This guy will turn to a girl and pleasure all his brothers he is trying so hard to please."

"Wait! What?!" Desi exclaimed.

Without remorse or even talking about it. Kilo took the red dice out from Russ's inventory, then threw the dice at Desi's face. Kilo tried to stay quiet this whole time. But she was very pissed at Desi. She knew how Desi felt about the Female guardians, but she didn't think he'd go this far. Of course, it was all due to Russ, and his silly feelings ability. Even Russ forgets about that and Russ would never blame himself. (Although it's technically the Guardian who gave him that ability was at fault.)

When the dice came up, 'Even.' Desi started to shrink. The groin that he was holding began to disappear.

"What in the blue galaxies is going on?!" Desire said. She had a very high pitch and an annoying voice. Russ gave Desire a hand mirror. Desire saw a short pigtail blond. She looks like a know-it-all, rich girl. "How dare you do this to me! I'll make you pay fo-"

Russ's cock entered Desire's mouth, cutting her off from speaking. Then Russ talked to her. "You know. I thought maybe you would turn into a sexy woman. But even as a girl, you sound so obnoxious. You have two options. I'll leave your ass here with your brothers to have their way with you. Or, if you like. You can pledge your service to my wives and myself. Whenever my dick gets hard, you will be there to suck it. That way, you can see how a real man handles a slut. First hand!"

Desire's eye socket went wide. Russ pulled Desire's pigtails, which made Desire come. The vibrations from her mouth were so pleasant to Russ. Russ decided to pull the braids again, which made her cum again. Desire's pussy juice gushed out from her pussy every time Russ's pulled Desire's pigtails. The discharge from her orgasms was not a small squirt either. She came so hard- her eyes grew dull like how a human's eyes rolled back in their heads.

"You like this feature? I hope you like that slut. Every time I pull your pigtails. You will cum for me. And because you're a guardian. You will never go dry. So what say you? Do you want your so-called brethren to give this feature a try? Now, you may think you won't get fucked by them. But what if I tell them I'll only talk with them if they cum down your throat! Are you brave enough to take all of their dicks, slut?!"

Russ pulled Desire's head to the floor. And hammered her face while pulling her hair. Desire was feeling dizzy from all of this. Blitz went behind Desire. She then started pelvis thrusting Desire's ass and fisting her pussy. Russ cummed very hard down Desire's throat.

"Did you already pass out, slut?" Russ asked. "I hope not. Because Me and my wives are going to go now. So, if you don't come with us, your brothers are going to have you. And I'll make sure you don't ever leave here. Aren't I nice? Everyone will have so much fun with you!"

Russ had A devilish smile as Desire coward in fear. It’s funny this whole mess started because Desi wanted to teach Russ a lesson but the tables have turned.

So as I was recording chapter 14. I noticed so many mistakes I did. Unfortunately, finding an editor is not easy. For example, one of them didn't like the humor. So, finding a suitable editor will take time. Now yes I could try to do it myself. But not only that I don't always catch it. I usually type how I talk. So my improper English would show anyway.

But enough about my bad English. (I'm American. I just have bad English...) I may add this as a bonus chapter. But I plan to record chapter 14 to see if People like for me to read the story as well. I think that I got Silver's voice down. But I love talking for Tess. I can't wait to see just how bad this would go! (I hate my voice. But I still had fun.)

I said this a thousand times. But I get bored very easily. That is why even though they're talking about serious things I had to add that Blitz sex scene between the talking just to be funny. Now, I put it there to distract from what's Happening but I did not want to take away from what's going on. (If y'all know what I mean.) I hope it didn't come off as annoying. If it did, tell me. I didn't really want Blitz to be just there and everyone forget she was there. Also, why added it, I wanted to prove that Russ was not that different from the other Guardians. I would consider Russ as a bad guy too.

Someone told me that Silver's goals that she set out to do in the very beginning were a bad choice as a [temptress]. One of the main reasons why I asked what class you all want. Was because to avoid someone saying I picked a bad choice. You know how you read a book and the character chose a Class but you wished they chose a different class? The idea of the polls is to give you all an opportunity to make an opinion. So if none of you vote for something. I feel it's unfair to say me or anyone else made a bad choice. This is for if any of you truly want a say on what happens. (especially when the big flip, because big things will happen) I feel, that all of you should vote. Or forever hold your peace. (And I say this in a respectful way) The thing about me is. I can deal with whatever vote that happens. The original plan for silver was being a [mistress] class. So when I chose sweetheart for the pole. I only pick sweetheart because they needed a Healer. But I can deal with whatever choice is made. Also just so you all know. Any small choice like the one I'm going to ask for in this poll can affect the whole story too.

You saw what Russ did. Him making an enemy with the king was a very big deal. The entirety of the flag is a risk. And that's why I like doing it the away I'm doing it. Because even if Hannah does something, it can also affect Silver. I want to give the feeling, that they're all in this together. One can affect all. Silver doesn't mine. She wanted to talk with a king anyway. She wants Tilda back. But the many people that are in the flag may or may not suffer for their actions. And to me, that's the goal of Russ/Silver's journey. Them growing up. Thinking about everyone as a whole. Which is why I did this flag idea. So, I hope you can understand where I'm coming from.

Now onwards to the polls! We have two this time. I don't know if everybody was able to keep up with the timelines I set. 1st poll is if you all want me to create a diagram explaining the timelines. To help you with the timeline. I try to add things that will parsley be between the POVs. So think of it like this. Silver left first, so when they were in the carriage talking about the flag. Around that time, Hanna, Ross, and kilo's POVs began. In my head, all the timelines somewhat match. But if any of you are confused. I will gladly try to write it all down. If not, and y'all get it. I won't bother. The second Poll was for the obvious reason why I decided to end this CH the way that I'd did. What should be desi decision be? Like I said before. It can affect the whole flag. So if you're not willing to vote. Forever hold your peace on what's to come. (And I mean that in a respectful way. If you're not a voter, I don't mind if you just want to read. I am happy that you're here and I hope you are enjoying yourself.)

Poll 1 Timeline diagram.


Poll 2 Desire's decision.

Go with Russ and his wives.

Or take her chances on her own.

Desire demands that Russ, change him back.

P.S: I added how the room looks like in a picture for the magic room. It can be found when they talk about the room in chapter 14.


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif


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