Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 17: Silly Russ, tricks are for kids (Russ)

{In Russ’s old bedroom}

"When he pushes his dick in you, push your ass-backward towards him, meet him halfway!" Lady Annabella said to May. May, one of Russ’s dolls, pushed back to Russ with all of her might. "Good! Now Russ, seize her bottom tighter! You need to feel her body as you make love to her!"

Russ mechanically squeezed May's ass.

"Yes, Russ! I said to feel her! Feel her, son!" Lady Annabella demanded. Russ grabbed her ass and pounded her harder. "Yess! Now move your hips t-"

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! I can't take this anymore!" Russ bellowed, cutting Lady Annabella off. Lady Annabella has been teaching Russ's dolls how to take a dick for hours now. "I'm used to you controlling my life, but for you to actually control my sex life! Noooooooo!!!!! Just, NOOO!!!! Please! Go away!"

"Son! If you want to entice anyone to make a contract with us. Your darlings must seem real!" Lady Annabella said in a reasoning tone. Russ audibly sighed loudly while messing his hair up with both hands.

"FINE! FINE! But not when it comes to SEX!" Russ exclaimed. Russ was panting as he glared at his mother. "How about this! You take some of my girls and teach them various things about how to be a lady. But I'm taking my women to a brothel or something!”

“No, no! That won’t do, son! If you want them to behave like proper ladies, they’ll need a real lady’s touch!” Annabella yelled.

“No, I don’t! Most men want to just fuck and go! Especially if they’re not romantically involved with the woman!” Russ yelled back.

“Is that so?! Alright, son, show me! Have fun at that foul place! When you get back, you’ll see that you do need me!” Annabella said as a fact.

“How about a deal?! After I am done training my dolls, we will test this! I will bring lots of men. We shall see if it is the girls you trained or mine! The one who gets the most contracts by midnight will be the victor! You’ll see that I won’t ever need to fuck in the way you’re talking about! Now, byyyyeee!!” And just like that, Russ warps away from the evil demon, taking nine dolls with him. He plans to do things his way.

“Wow, the nerve of that woman! She always thinks she owns me! But I’ll show her once and for all, I can do whatever I please!” Russ yelled to no one.

This wasn’t the first time he and his mother made a deal like this. Over the years of them trying to cope with one another. They made thousands of ways to piss each other off.

‘Mothers know best, my ass!’ Was his way of thinking.


After teleporting to a new town, Russ morphed into the mountain man he was before. The girls he took with him followed behind.

‘Okay, the best way to do this is to talk with the owner first. It will be weird to throw girls into the brothel to have sex suddenly. There would be questions like 'who are they?’ Russ thought.

Pimps do this all the time. They would take their girls to the streets or an establishment to spread their gain.

The dolls are not real women, so he wasn’t very picky with where they are placed. Because he took nine girls with him, he’s able to have various options. Three of them took themselves to the streets. The other six followed him into the brothel.

The brothel in question was located in a backwater-cutthroat type of town called, Nefflou. It’s a place where no one would know him even if he were his average self. A place where the law would not be enforced.

Russ waited in a room to talk with the owner. The dolls stuck to him like glue. They weren’t actively scared, but as far as they knew, Russ was like their father, which was why they felt more comfortable around him.

“Mr. Romain will see you now.” A sexy elf said to Russ. He got up to follow the woman.

The office was midsize and very tacky. It seems like this guy did whatever he likes. He didn’t think about natural style or which colors went where. Some things also weren't evenly placed.

Mr. Romain was a basic elf. There was light and dark elfin, but the neutral elves had no affinity to either side.

“Hello, Mr-?“ Mr. Romain hung his question in the air as Russ walked towards the elf.

“John,” Russ said as a disguise.

“Mr. John, I hear you want to place your girls in my establishment for training purposes. May I ask for what reason? I don’t make a habit of hiring just any kind of girl.” Mr. Romain said.

“Well, because I’m the kind of person who gets straight to the point, I want to make a forward deal with you. The girls I bring are not normal females. You can pretty much do whatever you want to them, and they will not complain. If you have some customers who’d get violent, that would be fine by me.” John (Russ) said.

Mr. Romain sat in his chair, dumbfounded.

“I’m confused, I’m not sure what you are trying to accomplish here, but we don’t mistreat our girls, human.” Mr. Romain said as a fact.

Being an ex-soldier, Russ has seen many things in this world. He has seen men who will rape and even kill women who are on the battlefield. He knows there are good men and equally bad men as well.

Russ walked up to his doll then gave her a hard slap. The girl didn’t flinch or complain.

“Mr. John! That’s quite enough!” Mr. Romain yelled.

“Calm down; these girls aren’t real. They’re literally me. I have taken quite a beating in my life; I’ve been stabbed, bruised, and left half dead at one point. These dummies are just part of my skills, nothing more than just dolls.” Russ replied.

“Wait, what?!” Mr. Romain questioned.

Russ made ten more girls within the room. They were of different colors and races, from Humans to Elfin and Dwarfs of various sizes.

“As you can see, they are fake. Because I am challenging someone, I am pressed for time. If you do not want this free offer, then I will look elsewhere.” Russ said.

“O-okay... I am not sure what’s going on here, but I will take them. Although I am concerned about these ‘dolls’ of yours. Are they dangerous to anyone? How did you get this skill? Are you sure you want to do this? What are the side effects of your skills to you?”

Mr. Romain kept rambling on with questions. Russ tried his best to mend his concerns. Long story short, Russ eased his worries.

The deal was made. Afterward, Russ ventured to multiple different places to place his girls. When he was done, he morphs back to his original form. Although he loved his Mountain Man look. He didn't want anyone to connect the two men together, so he chose when to take his other persona. After he completed his transformation, he teleported back to his mother’s mansion.

“Ah, Russ! You made it back! Did you have your fun?” Annabella asked.

In the big room, several people argue amongst themselves. Russ suspected his mother was the culprit.

“Don’t mind them. With your dolls, I muscled them into debt.” Annabella said casually.

His mother was a wealthy woman, so he didn’t think she asked for money.

“What did you do exactly?” Russ asked.

Annabella gazed upon the crowd of chaos she caused. Funny enough, they weren’t mad at her. “How could you cheat on me?! We have children!” A lady cried out in rage to her husband.

“Well, ’I’ didn’t do anything, my dear son. Your dolls simply were given a task. Then ‘I’ just so happened to use the information that was given to me. It’s not my fault this information was not well received.” Annabella said as a fact. “These people will forever be under our contracts from now on. These parents pulled my girls from my school then called me a traitor. Now that some of them have done terrible things, it’s up to me to take care of them now.”

Russ frowned at her words.

The parents initially came to get a refund from his mother’s school. They didn’t know what they were walking into...

People have always wondered why or how Russ turned out the way he did. Most boys take after their fathers. However, this was not the case for Russ. His mother was a conniving backstabbing demon who should rot in hell!

“Son, do you now admit defeat? We can stop this silly game of yours. You need my help like you always do. There’s no way you can do anything by yourself... Even your girl-self needs help.” Annabella surmised.

“Maybe so, but that doesn’t mean we won’t try! Just you wait. When my dolls are ready, I will capture more contracts than you! Only if I lose, I will do what you say!” Russ said in a determined tone.

His mother just shook her head. She tries so hard to help him see she’s not the enemy. Does she go easy on him? No. The only true way to teach him a lesson is to show him how useless he is. That’s how she thought.

“Very well, my son. If both you and Silver will like to remain as children, then you two will be treated as such.” Annabella said.

Hearing this over and over again his entire life made him hollow to her words.

“I am going to check on things. When I am ready, I will need your contracts.” Russ said, then walked away.

“Oh! Before you go, I’ll need more darlings!”

Russ thought about denying his mother any more of his doll skills, but seeing how he needed her own skills to make contracts. It wouldn’t be fair to the challenge that they made.

“Alright, fine, mother!” Russ spat.

He did his doll skill for her then went his own way.

About six hours later, he was in his old room. He waited for his dolls to get experience to fuck over Blitz’s men. Blitz and Desire were ready to bring their victims.

Russ took a deep breath and released his skills over his dolls. He did this to gather all the information they had so he can spread it with new dolls. Unfortunately, he saw visions of what his puppets did.

He saw one Patreon from the brothel. He was drunk; he had his way with a doll. He smacked her ass a little too hard, then she yelled in pain.

He saw some men playing rough in other ways. There were also men with huge dicks. The typical exotic girls could handle big dicks, but there is such a thing as too big. This was all completely fine to Russ. The impression he got from his dolls, they had a good time. Some bozos had a tough life. Releasing their anxieties helps mend wounds. He knew letting them take it on his dolls would be therapeutic. Even if they took severe damage.

What he didn’t expect was some of his dolls were brutally murdered...

Experience of all his dolls rushed in his brain. Regardless of what his dolls went through, still didn’t move Russ. He lived his entire life with a psycho named Ala... She often lived inside of him. She has killed; he has killed. The wars they fought didn’t break them because they are already broken. People expect him to break down and cry, but he won’t, at least, not anymore. He feels nothing but an empty void, so the violence done to his dolls meant nothing to him.

‘Okay, I guess I am ready to claim Blitz‘s and Desire’s people.’ Russ thought.


In one room, there was so much fucking going on. Blitz and Desire brought thousands of people there. The trio (including Russ) destroyed many lives in their wake.

For his mother’s room. She continued to pressure people into her debt. At the end of the night, they had a meeting in her office about who won the challenge.

“Son, what’s wrong? You’re not feeling well?” Annabella asked in concern.

“Don't patronize me, woman! You know why I'm upset! How did you win anyway?!” Russ yelled.

“Oh? Is that all? I already knew I was going to win, so it's not a big deal, son.” Annabella shrugged.

Russ, Blitz, and Desire had more people to swindle, but seeing the contract count from each party, Annabella was the victor. Her stupid son wasn't the kind of person to think things through. He didn't realize getting a bunch of men to drink and have sex would make them incapable of signing anything. Sure, he got some contracts. There were sober men, but it wasn't nearly enough to win the challenge.

“This is bullshit! I need more time! How about we can keep going until the morning?!” Russ demanded.

“Russ, I taught you better than this. You should take your beating like a real man. You said the challenge would end tonight and that is how it went. Besides, about the time the men sober up.

From their massive headaches. The men will not take your deal. They’ll realize they’ll be under a flag of traitors. You should think before doing anything, son...” Annabella shook her head.

“Yeah, I know... Sorry, I guess you're right, but still, this sucks.”

“Well, life sucks, that is just how it is. I hope this shows you, you do need me. You told me that you will listen to my terms if I win.”

“Oh yeah?! And what terms would that be?!”

“In the morning, you and I are going to meet Silver. I know you want to hide from her, but whatever reason you have, I don't care. We're going to have that meeting like you promised. No more stalling, son!”

“Yes, yes, fine! I'm going to sleep now, bye, mother!”

“Good night, my son...”

Annabella then quietly watched him storm from her sights.


{In Russ’s old room}

“This is fucking shit! I thought I could really win!” Russ exclaimed.

“Calm down!” Blitz said then sighed.

“It's no point worrying about it now...”

Now that the party was finished, she no longer had to deal with her guardian brothers, or her smelly ass men. Russ took full control over them. Blitz couldn't stand those men, she always hated them. That’s why she can't wait to see what Russ decides to do with them. Other than that, all she had to do was fuck her new husband and be lazy.

“Okay, fine! I’ll get over it...” Russ sighed.

“Well, now that all of that is done, now what?” Desire asked.

Desire and Blitz, both relaxed on Russ’s old bed. It was strange to see his new life combined with his old life.

“Nothing to do but to move forward, I guess!” Russ answered.

All Russ knew was he didn't want to stay here. He wants to go on an adventure and live his life the way he wanted.

“Okay, fine! But right now, I want to fuck! I've been waiting! Give me more of your loving!” Blitz demanded.

“Yes, fuck me too!” Desire joined.

She was not sure of her new feelings, but she has always been a bitch in heat, especially when she was a guy.

Russ regarded his new companions. He wondered what they really thought of him. He didn’t even know why he cared; he realized he was now responsible for them.

“Okay, well, I guess fucking is better than moping around and thinking about my mother,” Russ replied.

“Please don't mention your mother while we are having sex, it's a little weird.” Desire said.

“Yeah, yeah, sure!” Russ nodded.

Russ changed out of his clothing then approached the two Guardians. That fucking party aroused them. They could’ve fucked during, but they were very professional.

Not holding back anymore, Russ’s hard dick was sprung to action. After today,; Bitz was definitely more than ready. She normally doesn't like sex, she does it because she felt she had to keep strong men. Right now, that wasn’t the case. Russ was strong, but she actually liked him. He made her legitimately horny.

Russ boldly stood next to them. Because Desire wanted to call first dibs, she wrapped her lips on Russ’s throbbing cock; bobbing her head as she laid flat on her stomach. Russ started pumping at her face with eagerness.

Blitz pressed her nipples onto Russ as she kissed him. Desire didn’t expect Blitz to mount her back. Then tightly grab with both hands on her pigtails. Blitz rode on her back while pulling her hair. Every time she pulls, just like before, it makes Desire climax.

Desire’s moans sent vibrations on Russ’s cock. This made him want to push harder and harder in her throat. He fucked her face senseless.

“Yes, Russ! Own her! Pound it like a pussy!” Blitz yelled.

The muffled moans echoed throughout the room. As desire squirts again and again from the hair-pulling, Russ was not going easy on her face. He kept his hands on her head as it went all in. Desire didn’t bother moving her head anymore. She just let it go in her open mouth; giving him easy access to her throat.

“I am coming!” Russ exclaimed.

“Yes! Plunger your cock down her throat! Release your seeds! Make her all ours! She is now our little bitch! I want you to keep claiming her like this! Never let her forget she’s ours!” Blitz has been yelling throughout this whole experience. She loved this, this feeling of holding a guy who was terrible with women. She felt a small victory over her. This feeling made her hopeful. She now wanted justice against her men. She also felt she didn't make a bad decision for trusting Russ.

“Agh!!!” Russ yelled as he discharged his sperm down Desire’s throat. This didn't stop Blitz from her hair pulling and rubbing her cunt on Desire’s back. Desire was getting treated like a toy, and she loved every minute of it.

Russ started to pull out, Blitz stopped him.

“Wait...” Blitz said. “I have a request. You and me are going to fuck tonight, that is for sure, but not yet. I want to see what else you can do to Desire. I want you to punish her. This bitch tried to have you first. Even though this tonight was supposed to be our special wedding night. She throws herself at you first. So, we should punish her! If she wants to take you for herself, then I'll let her. I think I get more joy and watching her suffer more than me getting fucked! To be honest, I’m tired of being the one who gets fucked!”

Russ stared at her, she nervously looked back at him. She could admit she was getting too bold. Men hate being told what to do. Especially when you tell them you don’t want to have sex with them often.

“If that's what you want, I can do that every night.” Russ shrugged.

“Are you serious?! Yes! That is what I want! I want exactly that!” Blitz had a look of joy on her face.

“But, here is what ‘I’ want. I don’t like doing too much work, even in sex. Sure, if the girl asks, I will switch up positions every now and then. However, all I want to do is sit down and let the other person do the work. So here’s what I’m gonna do. You are gonna take my dick here and now, and I’ll push it into you. We can fuck only once tonight like how you like. When we are done, I am going to lay down and let Desire do all of the work. You can just watch for the rest of the night, deal?”

“Yes! I can do that!” Blitz squealed.

Blitz realize having sex was not viewed the same way by the three of them. Blitz uses it as a tool. She never once enjoyed it. Russ was the first man she actually wanted to have sex with. Does that mean she’s eager to do endless amounts of it? Not really... She hasn't yet figured out why the other two wanted to have sex. She; think’s they enjoy it. She has no idea...

“Okay, Good, now turn her over!” Russ demanded.

Blitz quickly did what she was told. Her brother- now sister span around with Russ’s cock still in her mouth.

Russ went into his special shop to request a sex strap. It was designed to constrict Desire’s face to whatever they wanted.

Desire laid on her back while Blitz’s pussy sat on her face. The sex strap wrapped around the back of Desire’s head; stopping her from moving too far from where they set it. Like this, Desire could clean his dick or lick her pussy.

With the loop supporting Desire’s head, Russ took his dick out of her mouth then plunged into Blitz's pussy. With this strange setup, Desire was locked under Russ’s balls and his dick was inside of Blitz’s cunt.

Blitz pulled Desire’s hair while getting fucked. She seems to really like doing that. Desire was a piece of shit who loved making other girls have sex when they didn’t want to. So even if she doesn’t have sex often, Blitz wanted to make Desire’s new life, hell! Punish her as much as she wanted to.

“Mmmm!” Desire’s echo screams were muffled under Russ’s balls.

Again and again, forced to smell pussy and dick, having orgasm only when Russ and Blitz wanted. Desire was having a good time. She didn’t want them to know that, but she loves cocks! Even before this. Same-sex relationships were frowned upon, so she hid from her brothers.

”I’m coming!” Blitz yelled.

She crashed downwards onto Desire.

Russ continued to pump until he came as well. He then pulled out to make Desire clean Blitz then his cock.

For Blitz, one time was more than enough. It’s not that she didn’t enjoy it or didn’t want more. This was simply not something that she wanted all the time. She also didn’t want Russ to get a custom with having sex with her all night. ‘Stop now, or it will never stop,’ was her way of thinking.

“I am done, you two can have fun.” Blitz rhymed.

And have fun, they did. Over the night, Russ and Desire had lots of sex. Sometimes Russ used his clones. At the end of the night, Desire’s mouth was strapped on Russ’s cock.

Russ eventually fell asleep but he woke up to find Desire still attached to his dick. She was partially awake but exhausted. Russ unhooked her and pulled her off the dick. He laid her head on his thighs. She for some reason was still kissing his cock and licking it.

“You did enough for today. You can stop if you like.” Russ said.

Desire stopped, but not really. She was still kissing a little bit. She had a weird look on her face.

Russ wasn’t sure if he cared or not, but he asked. “What’s the matter? Are you angry at us?”.

“No, I’m not sure how I feel about you.” She pouted. “When you changed me into a girl. Added your ‘special feature‘ to my hair, did you change my personality as well?”.

“No, I didn’t. Even if I did have that power, I wouldn’t use it. To be honest, if you were still the same way you were before. I probably wouldn’t care. Your anger would’ve made this revenge much sweeter. However, you didn’t do what I’d expect. You sucked and were very obedient all night.”

“Mmm... I don’t feel different from my old way of thinking. I still think guys are superior and I am pretty much filling the role I was given.”

“And you’re okay with this new role of yours?” Russ asked.

Desire hesitated. “I am. You’re not as cruel as I thought you would be. If you were to leave me with my brothers. I’d probably still be having sex with them even now. There would’ve been hundreds of them until they got tired... which they probably would make more come... Only sucking you, is way better.”

“Well, it seems to me that you like me. If that’s the case come over and kiss me.”

“No! I don’t want to do that! If you make me passionately love you. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. Please, just continue to punish me the way you have been. At least until I figure out my feelings...”

Russ regarded her, she had tears in her eyes.

“Very well, I am going to go back to sleep. If you want to rest, you may. If you want to continue sucking, you can keep sucking until you feel better. Whatever you do, don’t betray me!”

“Yes, master!”

Russ relaxed to sleep. Desire sucked him all morning. Throughout that night, she bobbed her head, kissed his cock and balls. She secretly pretended the dick was his lips, and it was passionately kissing her back. Every time she felt he was going to come, she wrapped her lips around his dick and took him to the base. She ate all of his seeds until his cock rose again.

She didn’t wanna actually say this word, she loved this man. She loves how he was very harsh, but sweet at times. A better man as she ever was. It didn’t hurt that his cock tasted so good down her throat.


{The next morning, still in the mansion}

Out of nowhere, there were huge explosions that shook the mansion. It tore up a big hole in a wall. Fire arrows then flew inside.

Guards from outside were pissed. For the people who did not sign the contract with Russ. His mother got them to sign with her. She had her ways. Annabella forced who was able to fight to take arms. She didn’t trust them, but they were loyal by contract.

“Surrender yourselves, traitors! Lay down your weapons and we can do this peacefully!” A Captain soldier yelled to Annabella’s soldiers.

Another man walked beside the captain. “Where are my daughter and wife?!”

The screaming man outside was the old man from before. His name was Chris. After Annabella removed him from her office, he was placed in a jail cell. After he was released he called these guards.

Russ stood beside his mother. “Where is Lispa? I haven't seen her since you warped her.”

“I sent her and her mother to Silver. We three made a deal. I let Mr. Chris go, Silver takes Lispa. Ms. Eilani followed her daughter.” Annabella replied.

“Well, that’s no problem,” Russ said as he cloned figures beside him. “I'm going to see if I can settle him down or sway these arguments at least.”

“Very well, son.”

Russ nodded then approached the angry soldiers.

“Hello there!” Russ said in a chipper tone.

Chris regarded him. “Where is my wife?! She came out here to plead with your mother! Is she inside?!”

“They are here,” Russ said.

These Lispa and Eilani (Lispa’s mother) were fake dolls, they walked to Chris.

“It’s all right, honey. We were working on a way to get you out.” Eilani doll said.

“Yes, and you didn’t, but it’s time to go!” Chris yelled.

“No, we can’t father. In order to get you out. We have to work with Lady Annabella. If you make a scene, then you will die.” Lispa doll said.

“What?!” Chris exclaimed.

The soldier Captain steps forward. “By the order of your king! You traitorous scams will be handled!”

Russ looked serious. “Listen here, buddy. I don’t want any bloodshed. Think about this carefully.”

“Well, Master Russ! Unlike you, I follow orders.” Soldier Captain yelled.

“Then you will suffer...” Russ said.

All of the enemy soldiers were suddenly warped away. Russ wasn’t responsible, Annabella’s workers were on standby.

Old man, Chris was still there. His wife approached him.

“Husband... please go home. If you die here the deal we made would be in vain...” Eilani doll pleated.

“Noo! I won’t let you go!” Chris yelled as he equipped his spear.

“Mr. Chris. If you do this pointless endeavor, I’ll be forced to take action!” Russ warned.

Chris wasn’t listening, he had a look of resolve on his face.

Russ sighed. “Very well...”

Then he created ten large wolves. The big beast towered over the old man.

“Lispa! Eilani! Do you see this?! This is the reason why you mustn't get involved with this man!" Chris yelled in terror.

Russ could’ve told him Lispa and his wife were already part of the flag. They became the enemy of the king hours ago. However, Russ was trying his best to settle this civilized.

"Father, please! Go home, let us handle this!" Lispa doll yelled.

"Why, baby girl?! What did he do to you?! I know you don't have true feelings for him!" Chris said with anger. “I know you’re scared, baby! But you two don't need to be! I’m here, now! Don’t give yourselves to the likes of him!”

"Oh? My hero!" Another Lispa said.

"Mmm, my kind of man. Take me now!" A new Eilani doll said.

Old man Chris was surrounded by multiplying Lispa and Eilani, the dolls spread like wildfire.

Russ kept spawning more and more. Russ's toys wrapped themselves around Chris, the dolls hugged and kissed him all over.

Chris figured this had to be some kind of trick. Chris saw that Russ made some weird women and these big wolves to scare him. He realized Russ was a menace!

"Get them off of me, where are the real ones?! I will not fall for your tricks again!" Chris yelled. He then frantically looked around for his real family. "Eilani! Lispa! Where are you two?!"

"We're over here, silly! No, we are here! Don't trust them! We are here!" Various voices shouted to him, using the two girl's voices. There were so many of the clones. He couldn't tell them apart. They seem so real... They were all soft-spoken women, like the real ones. Russ hasn't gotten a chance to know the actual women very well, but he had a trick. The dolls Chris thought who were his girls, Russ’s dolls began mirroring both of their mannerisms. Eventually, they all acted the same way.

When Russ creates a doll, he uses part of his 'Mana' to make them. Unlike a mage who uses spells with their mana. The Mages get their mana back after they use a spell. This happens over time.

However, when it comes to Russ's Dolls. He doesn't get his mana back until he absorbs them or they expire. His toys have the ability to learn and grow smarter. Making a new girl, of course, was like having a newborn child. Russ planned to create a Doll, and have her learn several things. When he feels that the Doll has completed her learning, he will absorb that Doll. So he, and all the other dolls can get the experience and discovery that Doll gathered.

Right now, he was building a personality that fits the two real women. There are three Dolls in the mix, which were purely only watching Chris. They are looking at his behavior in this situation. Once they get enough information, they get absorbed. Then the others start acting that way. Then Russ makes more and repeats the routine.

'Good! Now that I have his attention, it's time to kick this up a notch!' Russ thought.

Out of nowhere, there were screams.

"Save us!" The dolls yelled.

The big wolves ate some of the dolls as they cried out to Chris. Seeing all of the blood and gore, Chris ran away. He didn't know which was fake or not, or if any of this was real…

Chris shouted as all of the voices begged for his help. As the wolves drew closer to him, he forcefully pushed himself away from the cries of the girls. They tried holding him tightly, but he punched the shit out of them to get off.

'Okay…?' Russ thought.

He wasn't sure why Chris suddenly changed his mind about saving his women.

'Maybe seeing the killing from the wolves broke the man’s mind…? Should I take this even further? I really want to see more of his reactions.' Russ then thought of a whole new way to fuck this man over.

Russ morphed his clones into more different animals as the wolves slaughtered them.

Chris went mad as his family was eaten like pigs and chickens.

"Ahhh!! Dead! They're all dead!" Chris screamed.

‘Yes, now for the kill!’ Russ smirked at his thoughts.

Before Chris knew it, the wolves were already bearing down on him. The surrounding dire wolves were massive. When they finally made it to him, the wolves bit him hard, he screamed so loud he hurt his throat.

"Enough, son! You made your point! You didn't need to actually hurt him!" Annabella yelled.

Russ could've ended this battle quickly in multiple ways. He could've used his dice roll and other means. He wasn't sure why he went this far...

"This hurts?! Why?! This isn't real!" Chris exclaimed in the background.

"Stop, son!" Annabella persisted.

The wolves dragged Chris on the ground then threw him in the air. While in the air, despite Chris was in so much pain, he felt he needed to do something. As he fell to the ground, Chris ready his spear to fight back. He didn’t know how he was going to win this fight... But he had to do something...

Russ snapped out of his thoughts of making this man suffer.  It wasn't like he wanted to kill the man for real… Sometimes Russ gets caught up in the moment.

"Okay! Fine! Desire, save him!" Russ yelled.

Pink fluffy clouds surrounded Chris to give him a soft landing. He didn’t know what was happening now, this could be another trick. Chris notices the fake dolls and wolves were gone. He was still unsure to feel safe…

“Lay down your weapon! If you give up, we will heal you, then send you on your way!” Russ said.

Not wanting to become a chew toy again. Chris immediately discarded his spear to show he wasn't planning on continuing this fight. (If you can call it that.)

The pink clouds carried the old man to Anabella's healer. Even though it was all over, Chris cried. Especially when Annabella told him, his women were already gone.

Russ had sadness for the man, but he wasn't sorry for his own actions. His Sensei Ala taught him things. Like whenever he fought a bully, show them you won't back down from the jump start. Always kick the bully in the dick hard and fast enough, he won't ever think twice before going after you again.

Long ago when Russ's father died in the last war. Russ has hesitated to kill, but he vowed never to show his hesitation to his enemy. Yes, he knew what he did seemed like overkill and unnecessary. As stated, Russ gets carried away… However, in his defense, he thought this guy would fight back at least. Russ regarded the man again, he looked so ragged and bitten… Even looking at his own handiwork, he was still not sorry, only remorse.

A woman walked to Lady Annabella. "Ma'am, he is falling unconscious, may we take him inside?"

Annabella nodded to the woman, then she looked at Russ. "Son, although I see you for you, now. You and Silver need Margolin and me more than we thought… Let us help you, please. I don't want to fight with you anymore. This flag is bigger than any of us. If we're going to help other people, we must have a firm hand along with a gentle one."

Russ sighed, "We'll see what Silver says, I don't even know if me and Silver have the same feelings. I haven't met her."

"Okay, son. We'll meet her together."

Russ narrowed his eyes. "Is there a reason you are calling me son? You usually just say my actual name."

"I know you see me as a nuisance, and you think I don't want to help you. So, starting today. If we are going to improve our relationship, I will no longer treat you like a child. As much as my tolerance allows at least… I want you to know I’m not your enemy. Can we please work like a real family, son?"

Russ shrugs. "Bye, mother. I will be in my room having sex while you leave me the fuck alone. I am willing to work with you, but if you want to change me, then you can fuck off!"

Lady Annabella shook her head. "I hope one day you'll grow up... Hopefully Silver is different from you…"

Without any more words, Lady Annabella walked away from her son. Her people followed. Blitz and Desire didn't say anything, they all just walked back inside.

When it came to the contracts Russ and his mother enforced onto people. They were directly contracted in Silver’s flag. This also made them enemies of King Al Bastion.

The King himself still wasn’t attacking until he had that talk with Silver. Silver herself was in pain. She was currently having a baby, so the date for the meeting was postponed until further notice. For now, Russ, Annabella, and Margolin plan to build her army of people from guilds and groups. It’s just in case the King decides to attack Silver during her time of weakness.

I hope everyone is doing okay out there. One of the biggest fears I have right now is the food. I have a large family to feed. So I hope everybody else is okay. And stay safe out there.

Now to talk about the page itself. I hope I didn't make everything too confusing, but I wanted to keep everyone in suspense at the same time. I don't know if every one of you is okay with the timelines going back and forth so I'm trying to stop doing it as much. What I will do for the next page is to talk about how we come to the end of this chapter and only talk about the important bits on the next page. So I won't go to a full-on pov. Just the meeting of the two Russ and why they are fighting their mother. Although honestly, I feel like that's pretty obvious to why... Spoiler: She wants to be queen... Which have already been said.

Now for the poll! I'm not planning on doing a rank up for Russ aka Jeopardy anytime soon. But I want to already have the votes for him. I can't think of the names for them yet so I will tell you a description of each class.

[Rank up one]: 'Hive mind' This class rank up. It will focus on his clones more. Right now they're kind of like Naruto to where if you hit them too much they will poof. However, in this rank up they will become like real dolls that can feel and when he changes to an animal. It can actually get that animal's senses. And to top, it all off his doll can actually pick up a class of Their Own. So, all in all, they will actual health bar. And they can all sense each other and a whole bunch of things that have to do with his clones.

[Rank up two]: He will lose his clones. This class rank will likely going to be called the Entertainer! If you have moves like Bedazzled, bonanza and things of that nature. It's going to focus more on stuns and roots he can even give real people a different role. So if they are a Warrior. He can change the role to a mage for a period of time. So he will lose his clones and work with real people.

[Rank up three]: She will be more like a mime. He can mimic skills. He can see a skill and store it. And use it for later. He will be able to teach someone how to use a skill as well. In this rank up he would also lose his clones.

Even though I love his clones I have no problem working with the other rank ups. So, no hesitation on which one y'all want.


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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