Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 18: King me! [Part 1]

{In Silver's Magic Room, after Russ's fight with Lady Annabella, late that night}

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH-" Silver exclaimed.

"Push! Silver! Push!" Margolin said.

"AAAAHHH... Guh! Come out, you stupid baby!" Silver yelled.

Silver's 'baby' started crying.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT SEXY! I'm not STUPID! You are so mean, mommy!" Tess said while still crying.

"Just shut up and come out already!" Silver spat back.

"I'm trying! Don't yell at me, SEXY!"

"Stop calling me that, it's weird!"

Margolin shakes her head to the situation. Most Ladies Of Grace expect orders and casually sipping on tea. However, chances of that happening around her former brother were slim to none... Margolin hoped her older brother would grow up after this. Being a mother was considered a blessing in Margolin's mind. Margolin always wanted a child for herself one day. She just has not found the right suitor, that's all... Surely there's a man who was right for Margolin... Although truth be told, she's not sure if she wants a guy. She has so many girls that look up to her and now that she was Silver's maiden. Whatever that was. Asking a guy to help deal with all of this wouldn't be easy.

"Wah-wah! I'm coming out, mommy!" Tess exclaimed.

"Good! Now get your ass out of ME!" Silver yelled.

"UHHH! I think I can do it! If I wasn't so slippery this would be so much easier to grab her!" Fragment said.

Fragment pulled on Tess's arms, trying to help Tess out of her mother. Margolin and Mille join in to help pull.

"Push! Silver!" Margolin said.

"I AM PUSHING!" Silver exclaimed.

Silver started yelling incoherently as the women pulled Tess entirely out. Tess looked like a small blob woman. She had a very lean and stretchy body. Maintaining her figure was difficult for her.

"NO MORE! I thought I could make more babies for my army! BUT NO MORE!!!" Silver screamed to the top of her lungs. "Having a baby sucks! And not in a fun way!"

Margolin never thought she'd hear Silver say that, in a million years. It does stings somewhat for Russ to have a child before her... Margolin has just been so busy, that's all... There's absolutely nothing wrong with Margolin...

"I... I need to get some air, Honored Master..." Margolin said with a sad face.

"What? Where the hell do you think you're going? I need FOOD NOW." Silver said.

"Y-Yes, Honorable Lord..." Margolin said then drifted into the kitchen.

With all that has been going on, Silver, Fragment, and Margolin have been talking about what to do. Thanks to Jeopardy, no one has been openly attacking the flag. There is still some misunderstanding, but not too big.

The reason why Margolin asked Silver to stay put, was because there are still people out there who do not care or don't know about Jeopardy's efforts. So they've been holed up in this magical room for hours until Margolin feels it was safe to go out.

After Margolin fed Silver. Silver went to sleep to heal her body because of the pregnancy. Fragment and Mille joined her. While the twins helped Tess get some clothing, leaving Margolin to think by herself.

‘This is too much all at once...’ Margolin thought.

Even though Ala has gotten 100 million, her's and Silver's gold has been running dry fairly quickly. Margolin used their gold to help families to make houses and build a kingdom.

Russ's and Silver's two castles are currently being built. Kilo has a mountain, but no structure there yet. Some guilds that are in the flag have their places also.

Margolin decided to demolish her family's home to build it within Silver's land. It took a lot of convincing to get her sisters on board. Although, she has not told Auly yet, which reminded her to call her through the Magic Window. Margolin stepped out the Magic Door from the room and saw Origami and Elan still watching guard. Margolin opened her screen then made the call.

Margolin: Greetings Honorable Auly, how are things on your end?

Auly: Good afternoon, Lady Margolin. Several Guardians have attacked us, but all is well now. Lord Lavender and Master Chuckles wish to speak to Silver...

‘It would seem that Auly hasn't had a fun time either...’ Margolin thought.

Margolin: Auly, tell the Guardians who want to make peace, they’ll need to come tomorrow. We will speak to them then. Silver just had a baby, so she must rest.

Auly: Silver had a baby... By whom may I ask?

In reality, Auly was freaking out, but with her lady training, she was taught to suppress her emotions.

Margolin: A lot has happened, we will speak about that matter later. The next thing I want you to do is get here and be safe.

Auly understood, then nodded.

Auly: I’ll get there as quickly as I can but I fear that I will be followed...

Margolin: I am OK with you catching a ride with Lord Lavender. They can drop you off here, but Silver will still not talk with them until the morrow.

Auly: Very will, Honorable Sister, I will find my way to you.

Margolin gave Auly her location then ended the call.

‘Better call Lady Annabella now, she would want to know what’s happening.’ Margolin thought.

Several hours later she found out Lady Annabella and Russ had worked together. They were bringing people to their location. They also scheduled a meeting for tomorrow. When all of her calls were done. She went back to the magic room to see if Silver needed her.


{The next morning}

Everyone made it to Silver’s location. Russ, Lady Annabella, Auly and her group, Ala, Samuel (The cat girl), the people that were contracted to Silver, Lispa and her mother, Russ’s other sisters, and their guilds, [The Broken], [The Ladies Of Grace] and their families, has all converged to one place. It took a large portion of the day to get everyone settled. During this time Silver was still resting, not wanting to move her aching body too much.

While Lady Annabella was managing the groups, Russ walked up to Margolin to greet her.

"Margolin! Where is Silver?!" Russ yelled.

Margolin turned to see her brother, he had a very annoyed look on his face.

"Lord Russ. I honestly didn’t expect you to actually show up." Margolin said.

"Well, I was planning on coming sooner or later. Now, where's the other me? I need to speak with her about our demon mother!" Russ said.

Margolin frowned, then spoke. "Lord Russ, you shouldn't speak ill of your mother. Now tell me, what's the matter?"

Russ told her what happened with his mother.

"Lord Russ, I too have a lot to deal with as it is. If you can help me house all of the families under our flag and other more pressing matters! I would very much appreciate that, Lord Russ!" Margolin said with a little hostility.

Russ raised an eyebrow. He never saw her lose her cool.

"Have you even slept yet?" Russ asked with a little concern.

Margolin went wide-eyed. "You-... You care about me?" Margolin said. She was shocked.

"Hmm? Why wouldn't I? Did you talk to Silver, and tell her how you feel?"

Margolin gazed to the side.

"Well... No... I didn't think you'd care..." Margolin said sheepishly.

"Well, I do! And I'm sure Silver feels the same way. You always help us with our problems. So if you need anything, just ask. The records show that you have used Silver's money. That alone should tell you that Silver is not against you in helping the people. Or doing things your way. I know she didn't help people on her own... So just talk with her."

Margolin eyed him suspiciously. What he says makes sense, but for him to comfort her was new, and he spoke as if he was a leader.

"How about this? I'll handle the housings. It won't take long for me to do it anyway. I need you to take my dummies and teach them how to suck dick. Deal?"

'Oh, my guardians. There it is!' Margolin thought. 'Did he get a new girl just for that?! And he called them dummies! I sometimes just can't with him!'

Margolin suppresses her anger.

"Fine... Lord Russ... If that is what it takes to get you to help. Then so be it...."

Russ nodded, not catching her mood, then made his girls. Margolin examined them.

"Oh my! And you're saying you can make these women act like ladies if you teach them?"

"Yess. These dummies can pretty much learn anything. If they can see it and mirror it, that is."

"Lord Russ, I'd like to ask if you wouldn't call them dummies," Margolin said with a scowl.

Russ regarded them then shifted his gaze to his sister. They look like dummies to him. He just shrugs.

"How would you like me to call these dolls?" Russ asked.

"I think you should actually call them dolls! That will be really cute!"

Russ grimace.

"Mother was saying the same thing! Although, she was calling them darlings. I am not a girl who plays with dolls, Margolin!"

"But you are a girl, Lord Russ," Margolin said while smirking at him. Russ visibly started getting upset. Then Margolin raises her hand. "I'm saying more like a sex doll, Russ. Although it would be nice to dress them like an actual doll."

"Wait. Do you want a doll? You sound like my mother!"

"Did Lady Annabella ask for a doll?"

"Yes, I gave her three. She is teaching my other girls for me. But I officially gave her three. She even wants me to make dolls of real girls so she can do her scheming as well."

Margolin went mouth wide, then she closed it.

"Russ, how many dolls can you give me? And is there a way to name them?" Margolin said with a gleeful tone.

Russ told her about the [Lore Master] Class, and she immediately picked it up. She described how the girl should look. He made eight in total. Six of them were going to be Maids for Silver, and two were for Margolin for her personal use. While Margolin dressed them, Russ wanted to make the housings.

"I need you to stay very still while I make our kingdom, tell everyone else to do the same," Russ said.

"Wait! You can make a whole kingdom?!" Margolin was shocked.

"I don't see why not. We can do whatever we want with our flag." Russ said.

She nodded as Russ went into the system, he then reshaped the landscape around him. The Kingdom was massive, Renee bought this whole forest. Russ was able to go wild. The buildings and other stuff the flag already bought. Russ asked the entire banner to sell the materials they were going to use to make their buildings to the shop. Some were reluctant until he said he'd make their buildings bigger, and they get more land. When Russ was done, the castle and housing were in the shop, they could buy a full building there.

Russ made a full castle, it had a courtyard, archways, walls, massive gates, everything that screams fortress. The housing was inside of the area, there were barracks as well. Russ has his own Temple District. He literally made a kingdom, the only thing they needed was an actual King.

"Wow, Russ. This castle looks amazing!" Margolin said.

"Thank you, thank you! It was no issue!" Russ bowed.

Although Margolin was happy she began to frown. "I am really happy we have a kingdom to ourselves, unfortunately, Silver is a girl. Therefore she can't be a king…"

"Oh, really? I didn't think that would matter… Currently, I cannot make that happen. Guardians are forbidden to directly help mortals, I am told…" Russ said sadly. "But, don't worry! I'm sure we'll find a way!"

He said the last part cheerfully, which made Margolin smile a little.

Russ then spotted the maids. Margolin dressed them up like actual dolls...  "Oh, wow... You really did dress them up as you did with Auly..."

Russ always hated his sisters for doing that to his little brother. It made him weak.

"Lord... Russ... Auly is very happy with her life. She was fine with us dressing her." Margolin said. She had a serious look on her face. "We don't appreciate how you treat our little sister. When will you accept her as a girl?"

Russ looked at Margolin's cold gaze.

"Never! I will never accept him as a girl!" Russ finally said. Then Russ raises his hand. He then warped Auly in front of him. Auly was in a sitting position in the air. Then she fell to the ground.

"Ouch!" Auly exclaimed. Auly then surveyed her surroundings. Then spotted her siblings, so she stood up. "W-... What's going on? Is there something wrong, Honorable brother and sister?"

Russ had a cold gaze, then spoke to her. "Auly, do you truly want to be a girl?!"

Auly awkwardly stood there. She then glanced between both of them with confusion on her face.

"I... Umm... Well-" Auly stated while looking around for an escape.

"Auly, your sisters made you a damn puppet! What do you have to say for yourself?! Are you still even a man?! Do you still have your dick?!" Russ said with rage in his eyes.

Auly coward under Russ's shadow then curls up. Then she started crying.

"Russ! Stop this! Can't you see you're scaring him!" Margolin said then she covered her mouth.

"See?! I knew it! You don't think of him as a woman either!" Russ said to Margolin. Then turn to look at Auly. "Speak up, WUSS! Stand up for yourself!"

"Russ, you know what I mean! Leave her be!" Margolin said. She wiped away Auly's tears.

Russ stared daggers at Auly.

"Russ... Please! Don't hurt me!" Auly said.

"You know what, Margolin? Maybe he should be a girl! And I'm going to treat him like one!" Russ said coldly.

Auly went wide-eyed with fear. Auly was shaking her head at Russ. She wanted to run.

"What?! What does that mean?!" Margolin yelled.

Russ then warped himself and Auly away from Margolin. Margolin frantically looked around for them, while screaming at Russ to come back. Margolin was a crying mess when they both reappeared an hour later. When she spotted them, she immediately saw what Russ did to her. Russ had a smug look.

"A-Auly?" Margolin said with tears flowing down her cheeks. She smiles then laughs at Auly. Russ's smile disappeared.

"What!? I just made him a girly doll! Just to spite you!" Russ said.

"Well, I thought you were going to do something else!" Margolin said.

"Like what?" Russ asked.

"So you can go and do it? No! I'm not telling you!" Margolin said.

Auly was made up like a cute little doll. She had a lacey white and pink dress, it had a bow and everything. Margolin liked what she saw, it kind of turned her on. She stepped closer to her hot sister.

"Where did you even go to get this?" Margolin asked; almost cooing.

"Well, because you treated him like a doll. I decided to go to a toy shop. However, Auly couldn't decide on what to get. So I ended up buying all of the dresses..." Russ said with annoyance. "Now, in my mind. I was just getting the ones that look like this... But the girl told the owner-... Let's just say I ended up buying the shop as a whole. I told them I don't want it, but they find it pretty amazing to see their clothing on real people. All I did was sell it to my shop and then make it a real dress... They even went as far as putting makeup on Auly. Also, they want to make more outfits for our flag."

Auly had red rosy cheeks. It looks like she's blushing all the time. Russ being a doll keeper was ironic and funny to Margolin. He can make dolls and have them dressed up now! Margolin wanted to laugh her ass off. But that wasn't ladylike, so she didn't. Being a lady was hard on Margolin. She wishes to have fun too and not be the responsible one.

"Auly! Say something! Get mad! I just made you a girl!" Russ said.

"Umm... Margolin... Can you ask him to give it back?" Auly said sheepishly.

"Give what back, sweetie?" Margolin inquired.

"Well... He.." Auly said while shifting her gaze from side to side in embarrassment. She was holding her crotch area. "He... He TOOK MY PENIS!"

"So?! You won't use it anyway!" Russ yelled back.

"Oh? That? Okay, sweetie." Margolin said calmly.

Honestly, Margolin couldn't care less about that. She'd preferred that thing gone anyway. She reluctantly looked at Russ.

"Lord Russ, can you please give her back....her penis..." She said it was so dry and low, she did want to be heard. Auly was such a perfect woman. She was well-behaved and not a jerk like Russ.

"No! Auly! Make me give it back! Fight me!" Russ said. "Prove to me that you're a man and take back your dick!"

Auly whimpered, then spoke. "But you're too strong! I can't win against you!"

"Well then, we could just play a game where anyone can win then!" Russ said. "Margolin, let's finish this meeting with my mother. I plan on battling later. We're all going to have a competition together!"

"What about me?! I'm in! Let me join!" Silver said.

Russ turned to look at her, then spoke. "How long have you been there?!"

Silver raises an eyebrow then points at Margolin and Auly. "There's a bit of Ala in each of them. Did you really think I wouldn't find out? And besides, I know it's not me you are truly running away from, it's Ala…. But don't worry too much about her, it's me who will be holding her, so you're free to do whatever. I already told her I love her. So... she knows already."

"What?!" Russ said, he looked horrified. "Why the hell did you do that for?!"

Silver shrugged. "Maybe I'm tired of running… Now that I have people to take care of, I don't have time for myself anymore. Me and Margolin have been sorting people for hours now. We are trying to make sure they are safe. This is also why we need to see if you're not a threat."

With speed, a part of Ala jumped into Russ. The man didn't resist as Ala told Silver all of Russ's plans. She also made Silver aware of Russ being legit, and not some unwanted entity.

"So, you plan on having Cliff use his Battle Flag to teach our new soldiers? I like it!" Silver said. She smiled, then looked around. "Anyway, with Ala in us all, we can all prepare to get stronger. Mother and Margolin think we are not fit to rule, let's show them! Me and you, both, will show them, Russ!"

Silver tilted her head. "Wow, that feels so weird to say to you... Russ, Russ!" She nodded, then tried her name again. "I AM Silver! Silver! Silver Coin! NOOOOO, damn it! WHY?!"

Silver glared at Russ. He raised his hands.

"Hey! Don't look at me like that!" Russ said to Silver. Russ wanted to tease her. But because he knows himself, he knows how that will go...

"But it's not fair! I can say Cliff even though he is Judgement. I can call you Russ, although you're Jeopardy. Why was my name the only one that has changed?!" Silver said as she stared at Russ. "Now, say your Russ!"

Russ sighed. "I am Russ..." He said slowly.

Silver was turning red from anger. Russ knew any comforting would fall on deaf ears. That's why Ala and Margolin said nothing either.

"Fine! Whatever! I don't CARE! Let's just show our dearest mother that we can be leaders!" Silver scream. Then she looked at Auly. "Auly, send you the rules later, just get the men ready. Tell them we’ll be doing [Take Over!]"

“Oh... okay honorable sister...” Auly said softly. She had no idea why Silver chose her to command over the army, but she will do her best…

Silver then looks at Russ.

"Is it okay if I call you Handsome? I refuse to call you Russ! It pisses me off!" Silver yelled.

"Sure, Love! I don't mind! You do what you want anyway!" Russ laughed.

"You damn right!" Silver kisses him on the mouth as they tongue kiss.

They didn't seem to care if they were the same person, or there were other people around them. Russ grabs Silver's juicy ass, then he lifts her up as he warped them away to have sex.

Margolin shook her head, then messaged the entire flag the rules.


[Take Over]

It's a form of war game where two teams fight over three bases. If a team captured two bases, they would gain points. If you capture all three stations, your points earnings double. The team that gets the most points before the time wins.



{In Silver's courtyard, hours has passed}

Later on, after Silver and Russ had sex. Margolin managed to get the entire flag here. Silver wanted the whole flag to evolve. Although she was supposed to be leading [The Broken]. She has learned some of them wanted to stay loyal to King Al Bastion. So she released those men from the flag and only kept the ones who wanted to stay.

She now decided to see who was remaining through the system.

"Ehh?! We still have like 1600 people in our flag?!" Silver exclaimed.

Even though a lot of [The Broken] abandon the flag. There's a lot of demi-humans, dwarves, halflings, and even elf folk in her banner. Because Fragment was a Guardian, not a single Kingdom can do anything about who she has under her. She chooses to cater to any and all people of race. It would seem [The Broken] had the world's trash. In truth, Silver doesn't really like King Al Bastion anyway. Her previous King was a pain in the ass. Silver was perfectly fine with having another kingdom's fallen warriors. Although she's not that surprised that King Al Bastion's fallen knights went back to him.

Personally, Russ hated the King. King Al Bastion was the reason Russ's father had died. Russ's father, Travis, was a very caring man. Travis supported his children to do what they wanted to do. That is why most of them are considered spoiled. Unlike Russ, Travis loved Auly for who she was. He never belittled Auly, and Travis was loved by his men. King Al Bastion hesitated to help Travis's troops, which was why Russ decided to end the war his way with Ala. They both touched a lot of breasts and ass. Of course, Travis didn't like that part of Russ, but he still loved his son.

‘Okay, I have hundreds of people who can fight and some who cannot. Although war games are a good way to see their capabilities, can I trust them to fight for me?’ Silver thought.

The thought makes her want to do multiple tests on them.

‘I am in no rush. When it comes to seeing who is loyal, it’s best to take it slow. Not everyone is an enemy, if I start saying accusations it will turn bad for me.’

She then thought of something else.

‘The next problem is how do I make my flag itself stronger? I don’t just have soldiers in my flag. I have citizens, families of all of my guilds and my warriors, how do I help them all?’

As she thought about what to do, she thought of her coin.

‘Maybe I can use the coin to make my problem go away! But- the problem with that is, it will take a lot of life energy.... Hmmm- maybe if I use Tess's Life Energy, I can make my flag stronger!' Silver thought while smiling.

**Wishlist** 'Silver... All life is precious. If you use her life force to get what you want, that will piss me off.'

'What? I didn't think you care about her?!' Silver thought to her Guardian.

**'Nice try, but I ‘do’ care. If Tess were just a blob from your skill, then I wouldn't. But she was given to you by a being named 'The Great Beyond' and a guardian called 'Creature’. They also would be pissed. I honestly care about monsters more than I do humans, I am considered a monster myself after all. So if you take all of her life energy, I'd kill you where you stood. Also, I won't stop torturing you! That's a promise!'

Silver sighed.

'Can you at least tell me what I can use for the coin flip without killing anything...'

**'Hmmm.... No! Those are my rules, and I won't change them! I won't give away my power for free! Also, I will take everything from you one day! Like you tell all of your girls. Your soul is mine! I will eat you when you die, and you will get me what I want for eternity!'

'What! You will eat me, and I still will be working for you?!'

**'Yes! You will understand when it happens. I can't wait to have at you!'

This doesn't sound all that fun to Silver. But wait a minute! Did she say 'If I use a blob from my skill, then she wouldn't care?!' Blob can only come from emotion, and the flag was feeling a lot of that with everything that has been going on.

**'Oh! How clever of you. I honestly don't mind this arrangement. Emotions are not Life Force, but I will accept the currency. Here is a word of warning, if I eat their feelings. They won't get it back. Are you okay with this?'

'If I do another random coin flip. Would it take a lot of their emotion?'

**'Hmmm..... It won't. You have over a thousand. But it mainly depends on what you're asking the coin to do.'

Sometimes Silver doesn't get her Guardian. She can be menacing and helpful at the same time. 'You are willing to use other things other than life force, yes?'

**'Life force is the most potent of all energy. But I'm willing to eat other Energies if it amuses me. It will have to come from a being only.'

'What about their age or levels?'

**'...Lifeforce is more delicious, but I don't mind taking those currencies. FINE! If you feed me more energy from beings, I will accept with one condition.'.

'And that is?'

**'You must fuck Russ. I require a body... The one I currently have is decaying. You saw me in the inn, remember? My body is falling apart...'

'Wait a minute! Is that why you're asking for Life Energy in the first place?!'

**'.......Maybe... Shut up! Just give birth to me! But I still want you to give me energy now! The Great Beyond will help make me a body that will sustain my essence. But I need you to get a lot of energy. If you can get lots of Life Force, I would greatly appreciate it. Beware, another type of energy is okay... It's just not as potent. Meaning, don’t think one energy will get you the same results as another!'

'So this was what you wanted?'

**'....I'm done talking! I need more sleep. Just give me some stupid energy! Now!'

'Okay then, you ask for this.'

Still standing in front of the crowd Margolin had instructed to be there. Silver looked at her full flag to give her speech. "Everyone raise your hands in the air! I need your stupid energy!"

The flag was confused, but they lifted their hands to the sky. Silver conjured multiple stupid blobs from the flag.

"All right, everyone! We are going to use your stupid energy to flip a coin and get lots of money and levels. I will fix the broken, and we will fight King Al Bastion if necessary! And one more thing! If anyone has a problem with that! Then you can all get the fuck out of my flag!" Silver shouted.


{At King Al Bastion‘s court}

Now that [The Ladies Of Grace] were seen as enemies. The King raided their homes to find them nowhere to be found. Even their families were missing. Because the ladies didn't want any casualties on either side, they just ran. Apparently, The Grace has learned to use warping skills.

“Any new?!” Bastion yelled to his messenger.

“N-No, my lord! The traitors are all gone! They are learning powers we don’t understand!” Messenger announced.

“Quiet! I don’t wanna hear any more excuses! They shouldn’t be this hard to find!” Bastion yelled.

When it comes to flag enemies, Red Skulls would be over their heads. This practically told them who were enemies or not. The truce with the flag was still ongoing. The King did stop torturing Renee. However, that doesn’t mean Kingdoms were friends. Al Bastion only wanted the coin’s power, nothing more.

“Sire! I have news!” A soldier said.

“Yes?! What is it!” Bastion spat.

“Silver has let go of some of her men! They are still loyal to you! Sir!” Soldier said.

“Excellent! Finally some actual good news!” Bastion said.

There was a vast distrust between the Kingdom and Silver's flag. The people knew for a fact that The Grace was part of the Silver’s people. The King held off on killing The Grace until they resolved this chaos. Not everyone in the Kingdom wants to fight each other. Some of the knights are related to the members of Grace after all. The killing could even create a big riot on Bastion’s hands. This was why he was treading lightly.

“Get as much information on Silver as you can! I need to know everything she does from now on!” Bastion demanded.

With that order, soldiers in Al Bastion’s kingdom were forced to sell out their fellow men.

Some people who were in Silver's banner openly betrayed her. This didn't really earn them any favors with the King either. Instead, like The Grace, [The Broken]’s entire guild was abandoned within the Kingdom. After that, no one else stepped forward.

Silver being Silver, she didn’t care if they did it for their families. She marked them all as traitors. She vowed to only protect those who are loyal to her, period!

As marked betrayers from both flags, the kingdom and Silver’s, they ended up with four marks altogether. Two different traitorous marks, and the Red Skull as enemies from both.

The mark of the traitor does nothing itself. It just tells people that they are not to be trusted, and any information you give them would not likely be kept safe.

As for the Red Skulls, that Mark depends on the settings of the flag. Within Silver‘s flag, every time an enemy does something, they are easier to locate. Also, her soldiers do more damage to them. Every Kingdom treats its enemies differently, but none of it was ever good.

When Silver didn't hear about Bastion killing anyone else, she fully attended to keep it that way.

So in my defense, I did not think that I was going to do a long chapter for this. The plan was to do a little bit of what would happen before the previous page then battle! But what ended up happening is me getting really into this chapter. So what I would do, is put this chapter before the previous one. Not now, because if I do that now. No one will read this new chapter. And there's also a 90% chance that I will add more to the last chapter as well. Like the sex scene and fight scene. I do apologize for this inconvenience. But it's like I told my friend before. I'm the kind of person that will rewrite a whole chapter if I have to make it make sense to you readers. If I feel like it's necessary that is. And I do feel like this chapter is necessary. Sure I could have continued the story but if I don't fix the flag as a whole. Getting more people like blaze's men is not that very wise. Fixing the people that are already in the flag, sounds like the way to go. Don't get me wrong the orgy will still happen. But compared to weeding out traitors and showing Silver is the boss seems like a more pressing matter. So my biggest problem right now is juggling our priorities. That also includes: Silver birth and showing why Auly must fight. 

Again, I do apologize if I don't make sense sometimes with my story. All I can ask you all to do is bear with me...

I did not prepare a poll for this one. I suppose I can ask what should be in a flip. But normally no one votes for none important characters. So, I'm at a complete loss, on what this poll supposed to be. 

So I suppose I can ask something simple. Like did you all understand the references? But I feel like the question is so basic. So I guess no Poll for this one, I can't think of anything. 

P.S: The Auly vote was a tie. So I had to make due... 


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope y'all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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