Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 19: King me! [Part 2]

{Somewhere in Silver’s castle that Russ has built for her}

She stood in front of her crowd of flag members.

“Okay, everyone! Just keep your hands up! I won’t take too long!” Silver announced.

With everyone’s hands still up. Strong colorful swirls filled; B the air; blobs formed throughout the people of the flag. All of the blobs gather towards Silver. She shaped it into a colossal blob of stupidity. She was preparing it for her coin flip.

“Okay! As I said before, with this stupid energy, we will defend ourselves against the King!” Silver yelled.

She didn’t explain how, or what the fuck just happened with their energy. She just smiled while taking what she needed. The reason why she was keeping quiet about this. Was because she didn’t want Bastion to find out.

The entire flag itself didn't know what to make of this situation. They were confused on many levels. Silver told them that she was going to take their stupid energy away. To top that all off, there's a possible chance that she was willing to fight against the King! So understandably, the flag was very confused.

"What?! What did she say?! So... are we really going against the king?!" Some of the crowd started outraging. While others didn't give any opinions, nor did they care. The elves have been battling the King for generations. So it made no difference to them.

Silver moved her blob of stupidity to the side for when she was going to use it for energy.

"Alright, everyone, listen up!" Silver said. "I have no intention of wasting this blob I have gathered. So before I start handing out anything from my coin. I would like to ask everyone who's not willing to stay in the flag, to leave now! If you choose to leave peacefully. You will receive a blue flower. This flower represents those who wish not to get in our way. You will still have a good relationship with us, and you can continue living your life with the King. However, the moment you decide to take arms against us. You will receive a red flower. Now, what does the red flower do? Well, that was not decided by the council as of now."

Silver would love nothing more than to punish any traitor that comes her way, but she did promise Margolin and Mille she would talk to them first about stuff like that... Which sucks...

Silver glanced at Margolin, she nodded even though there's no official Council in Silver's flag. Although Margolin definitely sees herself as a council member. But that was the kind of stuff Silver should probably keep to herself.

"I understand everyone still has loved ones within the Kingdom. I don't expect an immediate answer. As I said, it's a possibility. I would like you all to look around our Kingdom." Silver said, then gestured to Ala, Auly. "If you need anything soldier-related talk with Auly and Ala. If you don't have a class, go into the store and pick what suits you. Ala is then more than happy to make you stronger!"

Then she pointed at Mille. "I have two secretaries. You all know who Margolin is. If you ever ask her to help you and your families, she is the one that you talk to. However, Mille is the one you talk to when you want a place to stay or workshop or anything Kingdom-related. So, if you want to do business within the Kingdom, talk to Mille."

Mille nodded in approval. Both Mille and Margolin thought that Silver wanted Mille only there for sex. Mille was one of the leaders in her previous guild. She handled bookkeeping, so this is no issue for her. Now yes, of course, she misses her glory days when she was able to run around on adventures. On the day when they got rid of her, they didn't even want her working on the books. Although, they never said why.

"Ala... I think it's time..." Silver said to her. Then addressed the flag. "This message goes to those who have a high-rank class! Ala here is a level 42 creeper, and she had that level for years! But even though I recently just got my [Class]. I am a level 46 temptress. And I'm still leveling up quickly. So for those who feel like you want a better class in the shop. Ala is going to sell her class and experience to create a new class for herself. This will show you all we can level her and anyone else quickly and more efficiently. Even one of my flag guards, Hanna, just got her class yesterday, and she's already level 44!"

"Bullshit! Is this some kind of joke?!" The crowd roared in disbelief. "Is this some kind of trick?! Why is she lying?"

Silver nodded to a lady of Grace member. The woman had pale skin with reddish-brown hair.

She wanted to quell everyone’s hesitation in the situation.

"I want to start my speech by saying you all need to get over your reluctance to fight the king. For those who don't know me. I am Maxine Snyder. The Snyder's have been under Al Bastion's Kingdom our entire lives. I know you are all tired of all of the wars the King decided he wanted. We lost so many husbands, sons, and daughters to this War, and the last War, and the War before that, and the one before that. The ladies of Grace are sick and tired of this cycle. The second thing I want to say is, what Lord Silver says is true. We have all acquired a class from the shop Honored Silver has spoken of. There are some leader classes in the shop that the Lady of Grace has chosen to level up our group quickly. I, myself, am a level 37 healer class called [Soul Power]. I only got it this morning. I know you all have noticed that the ladies of Grace have the ability to warp people to our holdings in among other things. So doubting the Honorable Lord's words is a mistake. Now watch!"

Ala stepped forward. She sold her creeper class. Silver, Jeopardy, Auly, and Margolin felt a massive weight of despair lifted from them.

Silver shifted a bit, but it's not because she cares Ala's feelings are gone, okay?!

Ala's class was removed entirely. Her class created a new one called [Rorschach]. Silver was cooped up in her room. But that doesn't mean that she did absolutely nothing. Silver and the ladies of Grace have done tests for the shop. They have learned that if you have a lot of experience like Ala did. You can request a high-tier class to be the way you want it to be. Hanna and Cliff didn't have any class at all. So the coin giving them a powerful class was different from selling what you already have. For one thing, it still takes money to buy classes that were already in the shop. They are still learning how to utilize the shop better.



Are you crazy, or are they? You can test and challenge your targets to their breaking point. Some of your skills and passive causes 'Hysteria.' which can drive them crazy. However, you have some skills that can block mental attacks for you and your allies.



Active: Hit your target with a mental attack. It can cause them to have a mental breakdown.


Passive: You can convince someone that they are safe against mental and physical damage. You can also convince them of other things that may or may not be true.

[Not all there]

Active: You can leave an image or an impression of yourself on your target. You are giving the ability to communicate and warp quickly to that target.


Right before their eyes, Ala was continually leveling up and getting skills. Everyone was shocked. All Ala was doing was standing there. This didn't surprise Silver because this class is not exactly an aggressive one. Her job is mainly to test and see if everyone was ready for the battle.

Ala divided herself into miniature ink forms. She proceeds to infuse herself into various people. One merged into Silver; markings were now on Silver's body. The tattoos moved and shifted on Silver's skin.

"Wow, I don't even feel depressed! I guess those effects are all gone!" Silver said.

Silver surveyed her surroundings and saw some interesting results. Margolin was forcing herself to stay still. While other people were scratching their arms and other body parts, it was like they were trying to get spiders out of their skins. To be more efficient, Ala went into leaders to teach the individual groups on how to fight. Although, everyone else couldn't seem to handle Ala's tattoos. Auly was always okay with Ala's effects. Auly always felt alone and sad. If anything, Ala's presence has always helped Auly.

"For those who have decided to train, we have a coliseum in the Kingdom." Silver said.

Silver then dismissed the flag and let them do whatever they wanted until the time of the battle. 'I'm so horny. I guess I'll go fuck.' Silver thought, but then she got a message.


Council meeting, Now!

Conducted by Margolin Knox.

Attendees: Silver, Margolin, Jeopardy, Kilo, Fragment, Lady Annabella. Message: Everyone come to the Council Hall.


Silver sighed.


In the Council Tower. Margolin was pissed. Of course, she didn't say that. But Silver definitely could tell. Margolin surveyed The Council Tower. It had windows, but no doors or stairs. They all sat down at a Roundtable.

"Silver. You know that I'll support anything that you do. But now that we have so many people that we must take care of, I need you to be a little more flexible..." Margolin said. "The first thing I would like to know is, what is that blob thing that you created? And what did you mean about using it for your coin flip?"

Silver can tell that this was going to be a dragged-out conversation. Silver told Margolin everything that she needed to know. She skips the parts where she talks about her true Guardian. Margolin got a little frustrated that she was avoiding that topic. But after Silver told Margolin and the whole 'Council' if she says anything about her true Guardian. Then Silver's Guardian will punish her, so they reluctantly let that topic go.

After Silver was done, she told what she wanted. Margolin looked at Silver with a severe gaze.

"Silver... How about you, blah-blah-blah help mo everybody, and lalala with bullshit?" Margolin asked with confidence.

"Yes, Silver! I should definitely suck some dick! If I get fucked all the time, then I won't be such a pain in your ass." Lady Annabella said sternly.


Silver sighed while Russ was laughing his ass off.

"Why must they give us so much shit?" Silver said to Russ.

Russ shrugs.

"I think that we are idiots, so we must do what they say," Russ said dryly.

At some point, Russ and Silver stopped listening to 'the snore-fest' of Margolin and her band of fun takers. It was all 'you need to be doing this or that.' Basically, them telling Russ and Silver they should be doing things their way.

Now that the meeting was over. Silver and Russ just wanted to talk to each other. Russ created clones to train as animals and people alike in the meantime.

"So, love. What did our Guardian really say to you? You out of nowhere made that blob. You told us that you did it for your flip. But I do like to know more." Russ asked Silver. Russ decided to warp the blob near them. "Did you make a deal with our Guardian so you can use it for energy?"

"Well, Handsome. She told me that she prefers life force. However, she is willing to use other energy as a condition for us making a baby for her body...." Silver said.

“Ehhh?! Was that all?! I can fuck you here and now!" Russ said.

Silver frowned at him, then spoke. "Okay, fine! Handsome, you will have the baby! Once was enough for me! But if you want to get pregnant, then you can go right ahead! I’ll just get my imaginary dick and fuck you this time!"

"Wait, you had a baby?!" Russ asked.

"Yes, I did! But she's a nuisance! Enough about that, Handsome, what's this about an orgy? You didn’t even invite me! You jerk!"

"Oh yeah, about that! We got so many contracts under you! Lispa and her mother are all yours.”

“Really? It seems you have been busy.”

“Well! You know me, love!” He laughed.

“Yes... I know you,  Handsome... Are you going soon?” Silver asked.

“I don’t know yet... As you know, this life isn’t for me. You have people that depend on you. While I want to venture on my own...”

“I see... I knew you’d say that... I feel the same way...” Silver said sadly. “Anyway! I am really horny again! I don’t want a baby with you, so we’ll have safe sex like we did last time! Please, fill me up good before you go!”

“Okay, okay!” Russ said as he placed a pregnancy protection spell on her.

He gently laid her down on the grass as he kissed her deeply.

There were no people around them. They were in a secluded part of the kingdom. This place was reserved only for Russ. Not that they care where they did it. Margolin only asks them to do it privately if they want to go crazy with their sex.

“I knew I loved myself, but I didn’t think I’d love myself this much.” Silver giggled.

“I know what you mean. It’s weird we have an intense attraction towards each other.”

They were building a strong closeness between them. Not because they are one of the same. It’s because they can feed off each other‘s lust.

“So... How should we do this? I was ‘OK‘ with the last time because it was our first time. However, I don’t want you to have sex with me like I am a woman...” Silver said.

“But you are a woman... I’m not sure how you want to do this...” Russ was confused.

“My body may be a female, although I don’t feel like I am one... I have tried several times to make myself have a dick, but it won’t work. Our guardian is stopping me. I can feel her doing something to my body.” Silver said as she pressed her hand on her chest. “Can we add someone to our sex? I think I‘d feel better if someone else had the girl role. I’m not sucking your cock! So get that out of your head!”

“Sure! I have someone in mind to help us, don’t worry. Let me see if Blitz and Desire have finished their task." Russ then messages both of them to come and tell him their progress.

After the great success with the contracts. Russ told them to get more losers.

A few minutes later, they both warped to Silver and Russ.

"Hey honey, how's it going?!" Blitz said.

"Not too bad. We plan to do a little Flag sparring match." Russ said with a shrug. "How many people you two ended up getting?"

Both of them looked at each other for some reason.

"I'm going, to be honest... But I ended up getting every enemy I'd ever hated." Blitz said. "I'm not even done gathering them all. I want to see them all suffer! I told them all that they get free women and wine. Is it okay if you give me more time? I want to get as many enemies as I can!"

"Sure, we have a lot going on here anyway," Russ said. Then he looked at Desire. "What about you?"

Desire shifted a bit.

"Same here," Desire said. "Please don't get upset with me. I have used your name to get many things that I wanted. I told some Guardians that you would be willing to talk with them if I get things for you..."

"What?!" Russ yelled.

Russ started walking towards Desire.

"Just hold on for a second. This is a good thing! You can put those Guardians under your thumb with your plans!" Desire said.

"Don't you mean under you?!" Russ asks.

Desire pouted her lips, then spoke. "I hate to admit this! But you have a much bigger dick than me. Even when I was a guy, with all of my schemes and plans, it doesn't matter. Because just by using your name alone. It has gotten me a bigger temple and many other things. It's not fair!"

Russ had an angry face. Desire got on her knees and opened her mouth.

"I have no intention of going against you! The moment I turned into a girl, everyone left and betrayed me! Those bastards! They took all of my women and everything else from me! So if I have to suck your cock to get what I want! I will do it!".

"Wow, she is so annoying!" Silver said. "She seems more trouble than she's worth...."

"I should just get rid of her, right?" Russ said.

"Well, if you don't want her. I'll take her." Silver said. "Can I use her to make me an army?!"

"My clones are not enough for you?" Russ asked with a laugh. "But I'm fine with that."

"Fine, with what?" Desire asked. Her eyes were shifting between both of them. "Do you want me to pleasure this silver-headed girl? I will do it! Just don't get rid of me. I don't want them to have their way with me!"

Silver laughed.

"I will use your body, but not the way you are thinking." Silver said. "I'm going to impregnate you."

Desire looked at Blitz, then back at Silver.

"But you are a human. Only an All-Father or higher can do that." Desire said.

"What about The Great Beyond?" Silver asked.

"Are you serious?" Desire asked.

"I am very serious," Silver said.

"You want a guardian baby? Why would the great beyond ever bother with a human-like you?" Desire asked.

"What does it want?" Silver asked.

"No one really talks to her, so we don't know," Blitz said.

"Well, then I guess I'll ask." Silver said. She cleared her throat. "Oh, great beyond! I am a humble servant who wishes to give thee a guardian name, Desire! She wants to have lots of babies for my flag! Please accept our offering!"

Blitz and Desire blinked a couple of times. While Russ and Silver looked around. "Oh well, it was worth a shot," Russ said.

"Is this the offering?!' A voice said. "I have never seen anything such as this. I wonder if it's delicious!"

A tall skinny woman was standing near the blob. Seeing the woman was like gazing at the galaxy itself.

"Well, if this is your offering, I will gladly take it." the being opens her mouth. Then she placed her lips on the stupid blob and sucked it all up. It looked like she was sucking noodles. And just like that, the giant blob of stupidity disappeared in one go. Silver's mouth was open wide from shock.

'I was saving that for my flag flip!' Silver thought to herself. 'Although, I did tell her that I had an offering...'

"That was the most delicious thing I've ever tasted," Beyond said. "Do you have more of this type of delicacy?"

"Wait a minute, are you going to make Desire a breeder?" Silver asked.

Beyond tilted her head and looked at Desire. And then she spoke to Silver, "But I have already done that before I ate... Would you like to become one as well?"

Silver looked horrified.

"Well, I already have a child. But I thank you for your service!" Silver said.

"Who is your child?" Beyond asked.

"Her name is Tess." Silver said.

"Oh? You're that strange human who had a monster, baby!" Beyond cheerfully. "For a human to go far beyond what they're comfortable with amazes me! When Creature and I saw this perfect child. We immediately gave it life for you! I will be more than happy to make you the harbinger of monsters!"

'Noooo!' Silver thought.

"Oh, great one! You have already blessed me with a beautiful perfect child. You don't need to trouble yourself any further!" Silver yelled, then she bowed. "I bid you farewell, OH GREAT BEYOND!"

"But, human! You can be the Mother Of Dragons! And free your people from suppression!" Beyond said.

"I have an amazing kid as it is! I AM GOOD!" Silver said.

"Well, if you ever change your mind. I'll be ready." Beyond said.

"Oh, I won't!" Silver yelled, she was very sure.

Beyond nodded and disappeared. Desire and Blitz had shocked faces.

"Well, I guess I'll get started then," Russ said. While Desire was still shocked from seeing Beyond, Russ walked over to her. He took out his dick and swirled it in front of Desire's face. "Kiss my cock, bitch. Make it nice and wet."

"Wait a minute! You're actually going to breed me?!" Desire asked. Until Russ said something, she didn't realize she was now a breeder!

"Of course I do. You said it was okay for me to do whatever I wanted to do with you. If you change your mind, I can always give you to your brothers, and let them have at you!" Russ said.

Desire then immediately kissed his cock like it was her only lifeline. She showed his balls some love as well.

"Say AAHHH!" Russ said. "AAAAHHHH~~~"

Russ shoved his dick in her mouth, making her swallow it whole.

"Good girl," Russ said.

Russ went to the system and made himself a chair to sit on. As he did so, Desire licked all over his dick.

She cleaned it thoroughly. She lifted his dick to lick his balls and sucked on it. She kissed it all over it like it was her lover.

"I am a greedy bitch. I can admit that!" Desire said. "I know I have no right to ask you for things. But I would like you to get me things too! I'm not too fond of getting pregnant, but if that is what it takes to get what I want, I will do it!"

"Stand up and turn around!" Russ said.

Desire popped Russ's dick out of her mouth and stood. And without any further instructions. She impaled herself with his cock as his dick slid In-and-Out of her pussy. She arches her back as he grabs onto her arms. He pounded her hard as she cooed and moaned.

"Yes, fuck your bad bitch! I want more things!" Desire exclaimed.

Blitz was getting turned on. She started rubbing her own pussy, and then she felt some other hands on her wet clit.

"Allow me to help you with that." Silver said.

As Desire screamed. She didn't notice that Russ had made a clone of himself. She was surprised when it rammed its dick right into her open mouth. Her face and pussy were hammered hard. Her throat was a slobbering mess. Russ pulled on her hair, making her squirt all over his big dick. Eventually, she fell into the rhythm of getting pushed between the two cocks.

During this, Silver and Blitz had fun. Silver rubbed Blitz's clit hard and fast. Blitz was soaking wet from watching her new husband destroying Desire's pussy and throat. She has never been the one to see another girl get treated that way. It had always been Blitz who was done that way. Seeing someone else get wrecked, turned Blitz on.

Not sure if this would work or not, Silver manifested a big fat cock. Wishlist seems to only let her have a cock sometimes.

Silver was able to manifest a dick onto herself. She couldn't completely change her gender. Of course, she tried several times, but when the coin does something, like turn her into a girl in the first place. The coin doesn't play around. It uses life force to manipulate its surroundings. So it did not surprise Silver the life force completely changed her entire body to be a woman. As far as Silver knew, there was nothing, no item, or any spell that could change her back in any way.

With her newly formed dick, Silver thrust it all the way in Blitz without warning.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!!!" Blitz exclaimed.

"You like that, don't you? Don't worry; I'll give it to you!" Silver said.

Silver then fuck her with the big dick, hard and fast.

Silver guided Blitz to the floor. Silver then sat on Blitz's face while the giant dick was going in and out of her pussy. Blitz licked Silver's pussy as Silver moaned.

"Here It Comes!" Russ exclaimed.

Because Russ's clone couldn't cum, it furiously pounded Desire's face while the real Russ shot his load into Desire's pussy.

"MMMMMmmmm!!!" Desire muffled as the clone kept throating her. It wasn't going easy on the hair-pulling either.

"From now on, you will only do things for Silver and me. If you want followers, you will do it for our flag. You will also protect its members." Russ said. "Destroy your new temple and give me all of the materials that you have got in my name. I will sell it, and I will give you limited access. But you would be able to create a temple within our Kingdom. Do you understand?"

The clone took its dick out of Desire's mouth. "Yes, I do! I will serve the flag!" Desire said. Russ saw a message.


You have unlocked a new class! [Guardian King] Do you accept it? Yes/No.


Russ went wide-eyed.

"Huh?!" Russ said.

Now that I have finished this chapter. I can go and fix chapter 18. As I said before, I may add some more to the sex scene and other stuff that I may need to fix. Thank you all for bearing with me on this series. I decided to do 3 parts for this King Saga. Chapter 18 will stay 18 unlike how I've said before. I 1st wanted to put this Saga in front of that chapter. I didn't want the back-and-forth thing that I was doing recently. But then I realize that chapter 18 is not exactly the main story that was more of a filler. So, in the end, I've decided to just keep that as a filler and then have the main thing to be a 3 parter.

I have now made the Kingdom. Silver and Russ are starting to become Kings. The next part is them fighting for the right to be that position. Silver has always been the leader of the flag, but her members don't believe that she's a good leader yet. Once I have finished the Saga I can move on to Silver going against King Al Bastion.

I don't know how to much people like flashbacks. So I don't know if no one wants to hear about the last war like what happened to Russ's father. But I don't think that I'm going to do a full-on flashback. I'm just going to talk about it in passing for now.

Now let's talk about the Cliffhanger. I normally don't like Cliffhangers. Normally I do it because I'm going to ask all of y'all opinions for a poll. Of course, I wouldn't ask should he became a king or not. I'm going to make my own decision on that one. However, I decided to end it there because I wanted it to sink in into you reader's brain cells. I could have continued on and done what I was going to do right after. But I wanted to sizzle a bit.

Now the poll! I am pairing to write a new series. I actually wrote this before I did Silver Coin. I just never edited it and posted it. I was going to wait until this book was finished. But with everything that's going on. I feel like I should just do it. I may not get a chance to ever do it. Now the question is, do you all want a series where it's based on choices? I've been doing some polls now. But do you all want a series that focus on that? I will have every single chapter you deciding on what the character should do. Or you all want to just sit back and watch. Either way is fine by me. I love to include you all and leave it in your own decision of what should and should not happen.

The next one is a gender bender of course. But horror-related. Normally the main character does not die. But all of y'all decisions will get her killed over and over again where she needs to start over if she dies. I find this concept very exciting. It's a litrpg where the main character can die over and over again. Word of warning. It will have rape in it. But just so you all know, I don't care for blood when it comes to sex. So I will keep these being separated. Not that that will be any blood in this next series she is a spirit after all so it'll be no gore. It would have sex, sex and more fuck as a nightmare. So it's not a full-on horror.


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there!   Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif 

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