Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 20: King me! [Part 3]

"I'm coming again!" Blitz exclaimed.

Silver's manifested big dick was still pumping in and out of Blitz's pussy.

"Hey, Jeopardy! Do you want to stick your dick in your wife now?!" Silver asked.

There was no response. She looked at him, and she saw a bright crown hovering over his head. There were small floating star-shaped trinkets with hovering jewels inside. Desire's mouth was open from shock.

"Come on, Russ! Fuck me too!" Blitz said. "Are you tired already?"

Blitz went wide-eyed when she saw that Russ was her King.

"What the hell did you do?!" Blitz asked him.

Russ shrugs then speaks. "It asked me if I wanted to become a Guardian King, and I picked yes." Blitz and Desire looked horrified

"Why the hell did you do that without asking me first?!" Blitz yelled with panic in her voice.

She frantically looked around. Russ raised his eyebrow. He wanted to say 'he can do whatever the hell he wants to do.' But by the tone of her voice, he did something incredibly stupid. It also felt like deja vu...

Russ saw a message from someone he knew.


Knowing you, you're not decent. Guardians are coming, so disguise yourself quickly, young Lord.


Russ transformed himself into the mountain man with his Guardian eyes flickering from black to red. He chose this form because that's what they saw him as at the Chapel of Union. Desire didn't think anything of it; she sees it as him trying to look tough. And the other form was just more natural to move around or to hide with.

"Maybe they won't notice... Maybe.... We.... could..." Desire was saying until she saw hundreds of thousands of Guardians looking at them. They had outraged faces.

Russ sighed. 'Do I really have to deal with this AGAIN?!' he thought.

"What the fuck do you folks want now?!" Jeopardy yelled.

Lavender, Chuckles, Mighty, Onslaught, and many other Guardians were there.

"Husband! What is the meaning of this?! Why did I get a message that-," Kilo was saying until she saw the multitude of Guardians.

Silver just sat there awkwardly.

Onslaught stepped forward to Russ. He was a male again.

"Because of you, you fiend! I had to stay in a prism until they figured out how to take your slave hold over me away! Do you know how shameful it was for a guardian of the law to be locked away?! They were able to change me back! But for some reason, I still have this ridiculous slave trait! You will release me now!" Onslaught yelled. He had a toothy snarl.

Russ was going to let him go anyway. But Russ felt like if he'd released him now, it would make Russ look really weak.

"No! You will bow to your King!" Jeopardy said.

Onslaught got on his knees, then Russ waved his hand, making him turn back to a woman. Her facial expression was full of Rage.

"If anyone changes you back, you will stop them by my order! Now suck my dick!" Jeopardy said. Russ was not in the mood. Female Onslaught crawled to Russ's crotch and stuck his dick in her mouth. Then he looked up to the other Guardians. "I don't know what this is about. But one of you will speak plainly before you all piss me off! And you all will not change Onslaught back either! Now, Speak! I want to fuck my women in peace!"

Lavender and Chuckles stepped forward.

"Greetings King Jeopardy, I'm Lavender," Lavender said. He gave Russ a look that says 'to stay calm.'

Kilo may be Lady Annabella's Guardian. Other Guardians also protect the Yule family. Kilo supports the women of the family, while Lavender assists the men. The reason why Lavender was pretending not to know him. Was because Jeopardy was supposed to be a far-off Guardian somewhere the other Guardians don't know. Also, Jeopardy being Russ was supposed to be a secret. Of course, Lavender and Chuckles knew. Lavender feels like his sister Kilo was very sloppy with her plans of secrecy...

"Lord Lavender? Why are you here? I thought we scheduled for you to come tomorrow?" Silver asked. "I knew you were going to bring other guardians. But why so many?"

"My apologies Miss Silver, it was not my intention to offend you. I fully intended to see you tomorrow, as we discussed with Lady Auly. But we are here on Guardian business, Miss Silver. Again, my apologies." Lavender said.

"Not a problem. I just don't appreciate this hostility from the other Guardians! If you all here come to see me for my coin! I will see you all tomorrow!" Silver said.

"Yes, Miss Silver. Lavender and I wish to speak to you about that too." Chuckle said with a smile. Then he pointed to the other Guardians. "But that's not the reason why they are here..."

"Okay... Out with it! if no one talks, then leave us the fuck alone!" Silver yelled.

"Enough! Quiet Human! I will not tolerate such a chattering woman any longer! Women should be noiseless!" A guardian screamed. Silver had a shocked look; then, she stared at him bitterly. The pompous Guardian walked past Silver and stepped towards Jeopardy. "You! Delinquent Guardian! There has never been a Guardian King for several Generations! But you, an outsider, will never be accepted as one of us. And certainly NOT our KING! So, you will hand over the crown, for it is rightfully mine! I'm one of the High-Guardians!"

Russ raised an eyebrow; then he looked towards Lavender. Russ doesn't know what's going on. But he was definitely not going to give up something that he was given.

"Lavender, was it? Because you've shown me so much respect. How would you like to be on my team?" Jeopardy asked.

Lavender calmly nodded. Lavender was the one who warned Russ they were all coming. Although Lavender never officially became Russ's Guardian, Lavender has always shown Russ respect.

Lavender slightly bowed then spoke. "I am honored, my King. But if I may? I also wish to invite my brother Chuckles."

"You may," Jeopardy said.

Russ already knew he was going to invite Chuckles. Those two Guardians are inseparable like Russ and Ala after all.

"What the hell Lavender?! You are a traitor!" Several Guardians protested. "Lavender, you're a High-Guardian! Oh, how the mighty have fallen!"

Lavender completely ignored them all; he may not be a proud Guardian. But he does think lesser Guardians are beneath him. They just seem so foolish to him. He primarily loves to surround himself with great thinkers. Russ has always been the most intriguing Human he ever met. So he has no problem taking his chances with Russ. Russ stopped a full-on war by touching breasts and kicking dicks. Lavender has tried to find such a follower like Russ. Or at least remotely intelligent, but sadly he has not discovered such a human.

"If you insist on staying the Guardian King, I will let The All-Fathers know. Now give me the crown!" The pompous Guardian said.

"And I'm saying no," Russ said plainly. "If you all don't get the hell out of my face, you will see my fury."

The pompous Guardian had contempt on his face. He regarded Lavender and Chuckles. They were standing near Jeopardy. There's no doubt in Lavender's mind that Russ can handle himself in situations like this.

"Get out!" Silver screamed to the top of her lungs. The opposing Guardians looked at her with anger. "This is my Kingdom! And I will not be silenced! I DECREE THAT ALL NON-FLAG MEMBERS AND GUARDIANS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN MY KINGDOM UNTIL THEY HAVE PERMISSION FROM ME OR MY GUARDIAN KING! So if you all don't leave NOW! YOU ALL WILL FACE THE FULL FORCE OF MY FLAG AND THE GUARDIANS WHO PROTECT US!

The hostile Guardians looked at the so-called protectors of Silver's flag. The only official Guardians that are in Silver's Flag are Jeopardy, Kilo, and Fragment.

"But they're mostly women!" The guardian crowd started laughing. "What are they going to do? Blow us to death! That's what they are all good for, isn't it? This human woman is stupid."

A guardian warped right in front of Silver. With only pants on, he started flexing his muscles.

"Hey, human! I know that your brain is dull as a butter knife! But men are talking! How about I plug your mouth with my dick?! Hahahaha-"

The guardian crowd laughed even harder.

"Lord Lavender! I accept you and Mr. Chuckles as my flag's guardians!" Silver said.

"We will have to talk more about it later, but we will accept it!" Lavender said.

When the two Guardians both accepted, they no longer had Red Skulls, instead, a Silver's flag over their heads.

"How dare you, Lavender?! I treated you like my direct brother! And you betray me like this?!" The pompous Guardian said.

"Well, seeing how me and Kilo have the same mother. She is my real direct sister. Wouldn't it only be right if I side with her over you, with your logic?"

"Yes, but she's a woman! You are supposed to side with Brothers, not a woman!" The pompous Guardian said.

"She is still my direct sister! I don't always agree with her plans, but she is far more intelligent than you'd ever be!" Lavender screamed back.

Kilo was shocked. She has never heard her brother compliment her or yell. Lavender was tired of dealing with these idiot Guardians, and they're old ways of thinking. Lavender believes in expanding one's brain and reaching for higher outcomes. These other Guardians have been holding him back for all of these millennia. Lavender does think Kilo sucks at planning, but not because she's a woman. She just doesn't think about the full picture sometimes.

"You think you're so smart! Do you realize that you're outnumbered?!" The pompous Guardian said. "It doesn't matter if you are a rank of a High Guardian! Why be in that useless flag?!"

Lavender looks towards Silver and Jeopardy.

"I will take my chances with this flag over you any day," Lavender said.

"Now, as I recall. Our Lady Governor asked you all to leave. And you'll be wise to do so." Chuckles said.

Chuckles was what a human would call a brother-in-law to Lavender. He's related to Lavender's beautiful wife named Joy.

"Just like a typical woman. She has some big strong Guardian males to protect her." The guardian crowds said. "Yeah! What a slut!"

Silver pouted her lips then spoke. "Mr. Chuckles, Lord Lavender. Can you step aside? If any of them attacks me. I would very much like for you two to help me. But I have the perfect solution for these guys who are so-called males!"

The one thing that Silver knew when it comes to people like them. Was to show them who has the bigger dick. But if that bigger dick was a woman. That would really get under their metaphorical skins.

"If you don't all back down now, I won't have to shame you, Guardians!" Silver said.

The Guardian's continuous laughter was so loud; it was almost deafening. They were also rolling their eyes.

"Okay... You all asked for this! Oh, GREAT BEYOND! I wish for you to become my Guardian! If you protect us from other Guardians! I will find breeders for you!" Silver yelled while raising her hands in the air, and her head held high.

The guardian stopped to survey the surroundings, then went back to laughing. "Human, you're so funny! Hahahaha~ She almost had me for a second there! Women are so ridiculous!"

"I will give you so much more stupid energy!" Silver ignored the laughing. She used her blob ability to take the guardians' stupidity away. Silver didn't expect such a large amount of stupidness. It was so much bigger than the first one.

"Oh, wow, that looks so amazing!" Beyond warped. She had men with her. "These are my lovers! I told them about this amazing and excitingly new treat! Begin eating my lovers! But save some for me, I must make my bond with this Human!"

Beyond's entourage of men examined the Blob of stupidity. They can't devour it in one go as she did, but they bit into it slowly. Some of them learned the hard way that Beyond's sense of taste was out of this world. So even if she likes it, it doesn't mean that it's all that edible to them.

"This tastes so grand, my love!" One of them said.

One by one, they all took their bites and were not disappointed.

"Oh my, Oh my! I finally found something they all like!" Beyond said. Beyond looked directly at Silver. "Human! I will accept your terms! However, I have my conditions, though. Most humans don't know this. But there are other things, other than a guardian. We were told to keep it simple because humans can get confused about what we all are. The Guardian's duties are to protect something. This can be a human, a structure, or even an entire planet. I know most Guardians don't perform their duties. But I take my responsibilities very seriously. I'm what you call an Omni. I don't protect, I create or destroy."

Beyond gazed into Silver eyes for a second. Silver suddenly got chills throughout her body. And then it suddenly stopped. Silver did not know what she just did, but something happened. Beyond looked at her eating husbands.

"I will help you this once as a good favor; you did give my husbands something good to eat. And I definitely want you to give me more of this good food. However, I can't constantly help you as you wish. I want you to make me a temple for my lovers and me to have fun and eat or even mingle with your people. I think they will be thrilled to see that. These are my conditions if you want me to be your omnipresent, human." Beyond said.

"I accept!" Silver said.

Beyond didn't get a silver flag; she got something else. It was a hollow shape that Silver has never seen before.

"Excellent! Beyond said. Beyond walk towards the opposing Guardians. "I am watching over this flag now. So you can all leave. I wish to savor my meal with my lovers."

The Guardians weren't dumbfounded because their stupidity was taken away, just really confused.

The pompous Guardian blinks several times while looking at Beyond. She was powerful, or even more so than an All-Father. 'Maybe we should do what she says because there's nothing much we can do to her.' he thought. The more he thought about this; he realized something. He knows himself well enough to say what he'd do in this situation. He would typically get an All-Father anyway to deal with this woman. And he definitely wouldn't think they are weaker than she was. All-fathers are stronger, period. Because Beyond was a woman! And men are stronger! Even if she has more power! 'Maybe it's the human's ability that was causing me to think like this!' the pompous Guardian thought.

"Human! I don't know what you did with that ability. But how did you affect us Guardians with it? You're just a human, nothing you do should impact us. You took away my logical sense! All-Fathers are greater than this female!" The pompous Guardian said while pointing at Beyond.

Silver was not surprised. If something came from her True Guardian, anything's possible.

"What! What did you just say?!" Beyond yelled. "All of them got their asses whooped by me several times over, and you dare say that to me?! I've beaten them with strength and smarts!"

"NOOOO! Males excel at both! Your only female! If you were also an All-Father, then you'll be considered much stronger than them!" The pompous Guardian spat back.

"Hey! I don't care! I am wondering why you all are still here. Didn't I tell you all to leave?!" Silver said. Silver has no idea what he's even talking about. All she did was take some of his stupidity away...

"I don't know what you did, but we can not let you run around affecting us Guardians with your abilities. That is something we can't allow! Demon!" The pompous Guardian said. "Brethren! Get rid of that giant Blob! It's doing something to us! And kill the demon!"

One Guardian warps near Silver to grab her, but Lavender quickly jabbed him in the ribs, making the Guardian go limp on the floor.

Although humans can not damage a Guardian, other Guardians are on equal footing with another. They can even kill each other if they want too.

When another Guardian swung his ax to kill Silver, Onslaught pulled out her hammer to intervene, stopping the blow.

"Onslaught! What the hell are you doing?! Have you betrayed us!" The ax Guardian said.

"No, brothers! I was commanded to protect this Human!" Onslaught shouted back. "Put me back in the prism!"

"Onslaught! Don't let them defeat you in any way, shape, or form, and you will protect the flag by my order!" Jeopardy shouted.

When another Guardian came to lock Onslaught with the prism. Onslaught saw him then shove the ax guardian into the prism holder. When they collided, the prism fell to the ground, which Onslaught uncontrollably smashed it with her hammer.

"What in the blue galaxies are you doing, Onslaught?!" The ax Guardian asked again.

"I am so sorry, my brethren! You must stop me!" Onslaught said.

Another Guardian tried to hold Onslaught. When she saw it coming, she ducked down to hit him in the gut with the bottom of her hammer. The Guardian stumbled back. Onslaught spun around and smacked his face with the heavy hammer, making him pass out. All the opposing Guardians backed away from Onslaught.

"If you're going to be a nuisance to us Onslaught, we may have to kill you!" One Guardian said.

"No brethren, don't give up on me just yet!" Onslaught said.

"What I don't understand is why is he still strong as a woman?!" Another Guardian said.

The opposing Guardians stared daggers at the speaker.

"No, that can't be right! We're just not fighting her seriously, that's all!" An opposing Guardian said.

A guardian with a sword slashes down to cut Onslaught. She tossed her hammer at him, making it explode in his face. More Guardians surrounded her. She got a new hammer and smashed it on the floor, causing a small earthquake. The shock waves force them to become disoriented, giving her an opening to smack them all in the face with a hammer spin. When she was done, she stood there looking at her hammer in her hand.

"Die, you useless woman! You are weaker!" more shouted.

Onslaught steeled herself. And went back to crushing some heads.

"I think this Blob is making us weaker! Those men are literally eating our senses!" A far-off Guardian said. "Destroy the blob!"

A guardian lunges towards the Blob. But a lover saw him approach it. The lover swiftly ducks down under the Guardian to do a spinning punch with energy swirling around his body.

"Raising Dragon Uppercut!" The lover yelled while punching the Guardian's chin. "Hands off our food! We don't care about your squabble with the silver-haired girl. But a man gotta eat, and we want this food!"

The lover had short spiky red hair. He had a black karate outfit with a red sash around it.

"But Tazzi, we don't even know what this 'food' is…" Another lover said. He was petite with long light blue hair.

"Maybe, but it's still ours!" Tazzi said.

"It's stupidity." A buff man said. He had three swords—one on his back and two on the side.

"We are eating stupidity?! But why is it so good?! And how do you know, Boris?" The petite lover asked.

"Because I've eaten it before. But it didn't taste good. Which is why I am curious about this 'food.'" Boris said.

"Well, if you want answers, you can always ask that silver-haired girl." A white-haired lover said. All of his clothes were white except for his red sash.

"Assuming she survives this skirmish. Hahaha!" A bulky lover said.

"Well...We can always assist her." The petite lover said.

"For what reason? What's happening is none of our business." Tazzi said.

Boris looked at the Blob and then at the lovers and spoke." I'm going to help. I normally keep my nose out of other people's business. But the girl did give us good food and agreed to let us stay here in this Kingdom. So it's only fair that we show our Host a little hospitality as well."

"Hmm...When you put it like that, I guess you're right…" Tazzi said.

Eventually, the other lover started to agree and joined the battle.

The pompous Guardian surveys the battlefield. He saw Onslaught take several of her brethren, and the lovers also joined. Lavender and Chuckles were single-handedly taking out their own hundreds of Guardians.

"Take it back!" Beyond said to the pompous Guardian.

The pompous Guardian jumps back with a surprise from her sudden outburst.

"W-What?!" The pompous Guardian said.

"I want you to take back what you said! No way I heard you right. You said that those lazy ass All-Fathers are stronger than me!" Beyond said. She had heat in her voice. "I want you to admit that you Guardians are weak, and it doesn't matter that I'm a woman, because I can kick all of your asses! Now say it!"

"Noo!!" The pompous Guardian said. "Brethren! We are leaving!"

Usually, a Guardian wouldn't leave things like this, but there's no way they can win. So they all started warping out. As the pompous Guardian was about to warp. Beyond laid her hands on his shoulders.

"Get your hands off me, woman! Why can't I warp?!" The pompous Guardian said.

"I am still waiting for you to say that I am better than them assholes!" Beyond said.

"No, I would never! You are weaker!" The pompous Guardian said.

"Oh... we'll see about that," Beyond said, lifting her other hand to destroy his whole existence.

She had no fear killing penalties. For she was the goddess of Life and Death after all. It was the same as asking the sun not to be so bright. She was the balance of between.

She looked at her lovers. "I will be back later, my loves. I must take care of this problem. It is against the rules for them to start a war like this. So, I will be doing my job now. You all can do whatever you like while I'm away."

After they all said their goodbyes, she warped away. Her lovers just shrugged. They know she can take care of herself.

As the other lovers went their own separate way, Boris walked over to Silver.

"So, whose kingdom is this by the way?" Boris asked Silver while looking around.

"It is mine!" Silver said.

"Then why do the records say that you were just a temptress and head leader of this flag? Shouldn't it say you're a King as well? In fact, it would make your flag a king flag Instead. But your flag is still a normal one." Boris said.

"Well… because I'm no longer a lord. I cannot upgrade to a King… Also, it's because i am a girl…." Silver said sadly.

"What?! That's ridiculous! If this is your land and you are royalty. All you have to do is say you are the King of this place. The System would just make it so! Hahahaha." Boris said.

Silver went wide-eyed. She never heard anyone claim to be a king. She was noble, and this land was hers. To top it off, she's the head of the flag! So maybe this could work!

Silver stood up straight and spoke to the entire flag through the flag's System. "I hereby make this land my Kingdom and part of the Silver's flag! So, therefore, I am the King of this Kingdom!"

Silver quickly looked in her stats to see if it worked! But nothing changed...

"It didn't work…" Silver said dryly. She was very disappointed.

"Umm… Did you go into your flag's settings and set this place as a kingdom? After that, continue into your settings. It will ask you who you want to name as a king… You didn't have to shout it…" Boris said with confusion.

"Ah!..." Silver stated. She then did what he said and made herself the King of the flag.

Hello everyone. The only news I have as of now. Is I am so exhausted, I don't have the energy to get around making that sex scene like I said I would. Let's just say that I ended up writing 2 chapters unintentionally. And seeing how each of my chapters is like 4K long. I just don't have the energy to do any type of editing. And it has already been a long time since I last post.

Now that the king chapter is done. I can move to why I am trying to do the big flag battle in the first place. This may sound silly, but I wanted to make Silver the king of her own kingdom before I did a battle. Hopefully, I can explain it better in the next chapter. But I feel like I have a good reason for doing this first.

Lately, I have been thinking about the direction of a book. Just in case everyone has forgotten the goal of the main character. It is to prove that she is capable of coping with Society. That is and still will be the main goal for book 1. Now you may say because she is King now she has accomplished her goals. But I disagree. She really has not learned anything yet. The reason why I have all these Guardian stuff and King drama is to shape the character. The guardian stuff will linger throughout the series so I didn't want to quickly defeat the all-fathers in book one so I merely talking about them and to show you the personality a little bit but book one is not about them or the king. It's about accomplishing the goal that I have set. But I wanted a big battle for the series. I did not want to do with the Guardians just yet. And I don't want a full-on war with for now. So for the next poll, I am going to ask you all what should be the main Saga for book 1. In case you're wondering. The choice will affect the entire world.


The first option is [THE AGE OF DRAGONS] Now, what does that mean? I don't want to go too much in detail. But there will be lots of dragons and a dragon lord.


The next option is [THE OMEGA GUARDIAN]. I don't want to get into details like as said before. But let's just say the battle will be big.


What should be the next saga?




Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there!   Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif 

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