Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 21: The Lewd King

In the courtyard of the Kingdom. Silver looked towards the crowd. Margolin somehow convinced Silver to have a meeting with the full flag. Of course, Silver didn't want to waste her time with people who may or may not want to stay. But if she wants to be a leader, she has to do things like this…

"I hereby call this Kingdom, The Silver Kingdom!" Silver said. There was no cheering, only confusion on the crowd's faces. "I don't expect any of you to be happy with all the things that have been happening. Still, you all will follow my orders. For those who haven't heard. There's going to be a battle between me and my mother. I expect my army to participate. This is mostly because I don't know any of you. I need to know if you are all willing to fight if I ask. Of course, I know some Guild Members just want to remain as you are. I will not force you to fight in my army if you don't want to join."

Apparently getting attacked by another Kingdom and several Guardians on the same day of joining a flag- will make people very worried about what's to come next. Because they still had scared looks on their faces.

"If you have any questions, please convert them to my secretaries. They will handle all the questions that you have." Silver said. "There are a lot of families here who will never fight with us, and I do encourage everyone to bring more family members, if they want to be a part of this Kingdom. If you want to be a shop owner, as I mentioned before, you can talk to Mille about that. Both of my secretaries are more than happy to help you with your life here in the Kingdom."

Before Silver knew it, everyone started messaging her secretaries. Silver was told one of the main concerns was how they were supposed to deal with the guardians attacking again.

Silver thought long and hard about this too, though... So she can't blame them. Silver doesn't usually stress about these things. The constant attacks from them were a problem. Then she remembered what the pompous Guardian said. Her ability worked on them. Although she didn't know if the blob man was enough to defeat them. The blob man didn't last very long after all…

"Hey Boris, is there some kind of weapon that we can use for a guardian?" Silver whispered to him. The lover has been by Silver's side, telling her about things.

"Well, I'm not a guardian like many people assume. Beyond made us lovers ascend humans. We were bestowed upon the ability to fight against lower Guardians." Boris said.

"Wait! So that means that we can-"

Boris raised his hand up to stop Silver from finishing what she was saying. Then he continued. "Guardians don't tell you this but everything comes at a price. If you ever get an offer from a guardian just know it's not for free... Us lovers are bound to Beyond. She tells us to stay here, we stay here. She tells us to jump, we jump. She gives us everything that we want while taking whatever she wants from us. If you ask her for a favor, she will take something in return. She has already impregnated you for her help."

"What?!" Silver exclaimed.

Silver's mouth opened so wide, you can put a big dick in there.

"My point is, never ask a guardian to give something without being willing to give back, EVER!" Boris said. "And no, they will never tell you what they're taking. So please be careful when a guardian gives you a 'gift.' Nothing is free in their world."

Silver did not want to believe him. But she does remember her true Guardian telling her things like that. So, what he says makes sense. The wishes that Wishlist has done for her were paid or getting paid, according to her true Guardian. And not once has her Guardian told her what it was. All Silver knew was when she died, she was still Wishlist's little bitch. And now she's impregnated AGAIN!

**Wishlist**'Don't worry. I won't hurt you when I come out of you, my little coin. Hehehe~'

'What! This is you inside of me?!' Silver thought to her.

**'You know Silver... You are a very faithful follower. I told you to make me a body and you did! And what's even better! I don't even need to pay Beyond to do it anymore! You did all the work for me! If you ever wonder why I love you so much, and never give you away! It is because you and Russ do exactly what I want without even telling you to do so! If only my other assistants were like that... One of them can't even go through the drive-thru without my help. And I have to practically tell the other one to clean my car every single day!'

'Wait, what? What's a drive-thru and a car? What in the world are you talking about?!' Silver thought to her Guardian.

**'Oh, a car is- oops! You're not supposed to know about any of that! Now hush my little coin! I want to be big and strong! Eat lots of food to get me healthy! I'm going to sleep now!'

As Silver just stood there with so many questions, and her ass flapping in the wind. Margolin walked to Silver.

"Honored Sire. I sent the people away so we can figure out what we are supposed to do with the Guardians. Auly will take her army to go level them up inside of a dungeon, but you and me... And Mister Boris will figure out what we should do. Without asking for Guardian's help. Even your counterpart is of no help to us. We need a way to protect ourselves if Lord Jeopardy and Lady Kilo are gone." Margolin said. She doesn't know much about Boris, but he doesn't seem like a bad guy. However, Margolin still doesn't trust him, it is better to keep your enemy close.

"Mister Boris?..." Boris said with confusion. He's not very used to formality. "I don't know that much about all of you and what you are capable of. But if you want my help I will have to join your flag and have access to your resources."

"Mister Boris... I'm sorry but we can't do that right now. If we let you join, people are going to notice. And I thought you were Beyond's personal lover? Will she be upset if you are away?" Margolin asked.

"Oh, that..." Boris said with bitterness. "As I said... Silver has paid the price of pregnancy for my Lady's 'Help'... So she's obligated to do so. But how she handles these situations is to send one of her lovers to watch over whatever she was bound to do. As I said, guardians will not tell you the full deal unless you ask, but she left it to us lovers. I have chosen to protect your flag. We normally give it to a weaker lover but I am very interested in this flag. And I've already given Silver my baby seeds. So, why not?!"

Margolin and Silver blinked and looked at each other in confusion. Then Silver looked to Him and spoke. "Your seeds? What are you talking about?"

"I was the one chosen to be your baby daddy... Didn't I tell you that?" Boris asked. He looked at both of the women and they shook their heads. Boris was feeling very awkward now. He's not really used to a confrontation with women. He's good at killing and was very smart when it comes to politics, that's about it. "Oh... Beyond don't have a taste for sex... nor does she want us lovers to have sex with other women... But because she handles the creation of children. We are kind of just a catalyst to bear seeds into a breeder without sexual contact..."

"Wow! that sounds so dumb and lonely! If I had to choose to become her lover, just to get what I want. I would definitely not make a deal with her! You guys are losers! Why would you losers ever choose a life like that?" Silver said while laughing and pointing at him. "Wait, are you guys eunuchs now?!"

Silver looks at the man's crotch area to see if she can find a bulge somewhere.

"Well, I was kind of trying to save my planet at the time! So, it wasn't really by choice! And unlike you, I had no warning!" Boris shouted. This was a very touchy subject for him... He hasn't got laid in forever. "And yes! I still have my cock, and it still works! Thank you, very much!"

"Hmm, judging from what you just said. You are mine! And Beyond owes me. If she doesn't give me protection or one of her lovers. That would put her in a bind, wouldn't it? I think her not wanting you guys to have sex is her own personal perspective. So if I wanted to... I can have sex with you right now, can I?" Silver said.

Silver sauntered over to him with her hips swinging from side to side. He couldn't take his eyes off the manifested big-breasted Silver. He was getting a hard-on but he nervously just stood there.

"Technically you are correct. If you want to have me, there isn't much she can do about that..." Boris said while Silver placed her hands on his hard crotch. Boris has been so lonely he really wanted this to continue, but he was still afraid that Beyond will be very angry at him.

She grabbed his cock hard and he suddenly felt a presence filled his entire body. He felt all his stats being read by an entity. He jumped back and took out his swords. Silver just stood there ready to defend herself, but she did not press on her attack.

"Relax, will you? We don't trust you, but you know these things we never heard of. So if you're going to stay here, then you will be invaded by my friend. And she will stay with you at all times. If you do anything to hurt us. She will take you down, do you understand?" Silver said.

Boris had no idea who this was. Whoever it was, learned everything about him in an instant. It read his mind. It saw what's in his inventory. It knew what worlds he had been to. All his information was getting uploaded to this entity.

"Who is this person that's inside of me?" Boris asked.

"She is... You can say... 'MY' lover. And she will kill you if you betray us. She tells me, she found a way to shut you down already. She is very scary like that..."

Boris was trying to think of a skill or a way to get rid of this person. But every time he thought of a countering measure. A thought kept on popping up in his head to prevent him from thinking of that thing. She was like a hacker to him. He had no idea that people like this were in this type of world. He had been to modern society. However, no hacker had a way to perform this kind of personal invasion. But most of all, Boris can't believe he let his guard down…

"Now, Mister Boris. I'm going to show you my skills. I may have an idea. I need you to tell me if it can work against a guardian." Silver said. Silver showed him her list. "The skill I'm thinking of is {Graceless}. With that, I can take a halo from a self-righteous person. Unlike my blob ability, {Graceless} remains a lot longer. The main problem was energy management. If there is a way to harness my halo energy. Maybe I can use it to show the Guardians I mean business."

Just the idea of such a weapon was very appealing to Silver.

Boris raises his eyebrow. He was surprised and impressed. He felt like her idea was on the right track. She just doesn't know how to get it done.

"If you don't have a way to maintain the energy, you can always put the energy inside of a weapon. Us lovers have many weapons that are based on energy. Of course, you will have to find out if there is a blacksmith that can do it safely. I'm sure you can come up with something." Boris said.

"Well, that's easy. All I have to do is just get a blacksmith to sell his or her [Class] and develop an energy base blacksmith [Class] in the store!" Silver said.

"Wait, what?" Boris asked. "You have the power to do that?"

"Yeah, we do! So, we can make our own holy weapon!" Silver said.

And then Silver, Boris, and Margolin went to go search for a blacksmith who was willing to do the task of making the grand weapon!


{About an hour later}

Silver constructed buildings for her blacksmithing, woodworking, and other workstations for her needs. And as for the workers of these workstations. Mille was told to assign them to fight against or even prevent the Guardians from attacking again.

The broken woman was still partially jumping up and down. She was amazed that she's able to walk again! She decided to stand by Silver's side. She hopes to get another chance to thank Silver properly. One of the things she missed was sex…

Margolin also stood near Silver. She has brought some of [The Ladies Of Grace] and [The Lords Of Devotion] to help with Silvers's other needs for the weapons.

Silver looked towards the crowd and spoke. "I might have a way to help us fight against the guardians. However, I will need all of your help, for those who are able to help."

[The Lords Of Devotion] was Lavender's group. One of the conditions for his help was that he was treated equally as the other Guardians in the flag. So if Jeopardy, Kilo, and Fragment can have their group without any restraints. He was able to have his followers in the flag as well. Of course, Lavender wants more than just that, but he's not the type of Guardian that asks for too much, too soon.

Silver looks towards all the Guardians of the flag. They were also curious about how Silver was going to fight against their brethren. So Jeopardy, Kilo, Lavender, Fragment and Chuckles all quietly watched. Onslaught didn't exactly have a friendly face, but she was also there. Blitz and Desire have left to get more victims for Russ's plan.

A tall man with blonde hair with glasses decided to step forward to Silver.

"Honored Sire, if I may? We, [The Lords Of Devotion], are here to serve you with your request. My name is Jacques." The man said. "As agreed, I was picked to be Honors Sire's secretary. You already have a secretary from [The Ladies Of Grace] and [The Broken]. So if you can allow me to be a secretary, I will do my best for you."

Although [The Broken] was placed in Auly's division for battles. Silver wanted some members from [The Lords Of Devotion] and [The Ladies Of Grace] to be her personal attendants for the Kingdom itself. For now, Silver only asked for 10 of each.

Jacques looked around to see his fellow attendances and also [The Ladies Of Grace]. Then he observed the workers for this project. After he studied the people around him, he cleared his throat then continued to speak. "Honored Sire... I understand why [The Broken] was needed in the army. I also realize that Honored Sire's sister was part of [The Ladies Of Grace]. So I know why [The Ladies Of Grace] was in the flag first... But now that we are here, [The Lords Of Devotion] are more fitting for Sire's needs..."

Margolin glared at him. It's almost like he's saying that he wants to replace her. Jacques stuck his hand up in hopes to avoid any misunderstandings.

"We are not here to take anyone's jobs. I do feel like [The Ladies Of Grace] are needed to serve the Honored Lord. I understand that my Honored Lord has... bedroom needs... and maybe [The Ladies Of Grace] can cook for the Honored Lord. I am just simply saying that us men of devotion are better suited for gathering intelligence and helping The Honored Lord with preparations of this new Kingdom. Us, The Men of Devotion are willing to do whatever that's needed for this Kingdom."

As mad as Margolin was, she did not react to her distaste for the man. She was pretty much used to guys that act like this, but that does not mean that she likes it.

"Really?!" Silver said with eagerness. "You guys will do anything I ask?!"

Jacques nodded, then glanced at his Guardian's face. Lavender did not look pleased. Which was strange to Jacques. He usually always found a way to make his Guardian happy, but it wasn't just Lavender. Both Jeopardy and Kilo had a smirk on their faces. While Margolin had a triumphant look on her face. Of course, Fragment and Mille don't get it.

"Since you're so willing to do whatever I want. I want all of my attendance to strip for me." Silver said.

Jacques couldn't believe his ear holes. Silver was a king! And to Jacques's understanding. She was a male Lord and the son of Lady Annabella. Lady Annabella was known for her elegance and knowledge of Kings.

'What kind of kingdom is this?' Jacques thought to himself.

"I'm sorry, my liege. I'm not sure what you mean. Could you possibly explain this situation?..." Jacques asked in confusion. "If my king means what I think you mean. Isn't it improper to ask [The Ladies Of Grace] to do it as well?"

"The clothing that is on your body; I want you to take it off. And I don't mean later. I mean right here and right now." Silver said. Silver then regarded [The Ladies Of Grace]. "And if you haven't looked at your surroundings. You would have seen that they have already taken off their clothing. Additionally, they didn't just unequip. But they put it on the ground as well."

Jacques looked at 'The Ladies Of Nakedness.' They were showing off all their glory!

"I want you to listen up and listen well. I don't have the time or patience for who has the bigger dick here. But, because you seem so adamant to show it off. I want to see who has the real big dick here. Margolin, for all of the pain in the ass she is. Has handpicked the women you see before you. She knows what I want and she knows what I expect. So if you're going to replace her, you're going to have to try a lot harder." Silver said. "As a matter of fact, Jacques. [The Ladies Of Grace] as a whole is not only in my intelligent department and my working staff. They're also in the army. So although they're risking their lives throughout my entire flag. You are pretty much saying that they are not needed and you, [The Lords Of Devotion] can do better... As of now, that is unforeseen. If you're going to be part of my personal staff, you're going to wear a dress, because I don't need any more dicks. You need to know that I'm the bigger dick here. The sooner you learn this. The quicker we can get to business. Now, off with your clothes!"

Jacques had a look of disgust on his face. As a lord, he doesn't want to be part of any Kingdom like this... Jacques looked towards Lord Lavender for answers. But all he found was a disappointing look on his face.

"Ah! There's the thing I'm looking for!" Silver said.

Silver jumped and took a shining round object from Jacques's head. The man looked at it properly and saw a halo.

"Wait a minute... What is that?" Jacques asked.

"What does it look like? To make the holy weapon. I need your grace." Silver said. She then looked at the other male attendance. "Boris!"

The lover quickly kicked in the other male attendant's legs; making them fall to their knees. Which allowed Silver to take their halo as well.

"I have no habit of keeping servants who can't follow a simple task like taking off their clothes. So if you're going to run like a bitch, then get the fuck out of my face. Because I have Guardians to fight against and protect a kingdom! I will not waste my time with the likes of you! And that goes for you other guys as well!"

Three of the male attendants stood up. A short man stepped forward.

"I can not speak for everyone. But I am willing to do whatever it takes. If you want me to wear a dress then that is what I would do..." The short man said.

Jacques's face turned red from anger. Then he stormed out of the Kingdom with most of the male attendants in tow. Silver just shrugged. Then look towards the head magic blacksmith.

"I will try to maintain the Halos with my power. But I want you to burn it down to create my Ultimate Weapon!" Silver said to him.

"Right away!" The head magic blacksmith said.

The head magic blacksmith was a Dwarf, who goes by the name Thrak. He and his company of fellow blacksmiths took the helos. Then proceeded to carry it to the magic smithy Silver had made for the energy weapons.

Silver spawns a box in front of her. Then looked towards her attendance then spoke. "I want you all to put on these clothes. You will become part of my harem. You'll no longer be [The Ladies Of Grace] or [The Lords Of Devotion]. You'll be my servants. And as for you men. All of you will be turned to a woman, so I can fuck you whenever I want!"

Silver then told Mille to place them in the castle and give them jobs there.


{In the magic smithy}

"No! A sword! We are going to make a glorious sword!" Margolin shouted to Silver.

Silver was being a pain in the ass again…

"No! If we're going to show the Guardians not to mess with us again! We need to make a giant dick for the weapon! If they fuck with us, we will fuck them back!" Silver spat back.

Thrak the magic blacksmith was looking between the two women. He was still waiting for an answer; what should the weapon look like…?

Silver looked at Margolin with pouty lips. She did not want to make a darn sword! Silver really wanted to make a giant dick!

"Silver! If you want people to respect you…! Don't be such a pigheaded brat! We are trying to make a holy weapon here! And I think it should be a sword! This is non-negotiable!" Margolin said.

As much as Margolin loved her sister. She can be very ridiculous sometimes…

"All right, fine! But you owe me!" Silver said.

"Okay, that is also fine! But you're going to make all of the weapons, actually weapons, Silver!" Margolin said.

Silver reluctantly told Thrak to make a sword…

After Thrak melted down the halos. Silver maintained the energy. Boris observes the process to make sure the weapon doesn't endanger anyone. Dealing with energy weapons can be quite dangerous and unpredictable.

When they were finished with the meltdown process he put it in a mold that looks like a sword. In the meantime, Boris suggested to Silver that she get things like jewels and other items to help maintain the energy. So she ordered jewel makers and other station workers to put stats on them. Silver never saw the process of a crafted weapon before. So this was all new to her.

"If this works. We can make powerful weapons, even without the flag's shop." Silver said.

"Well, that's the plan, my Lord," Thrak said. "But, might I suggest we still use the shop to sell items to make better items there as well? Using both is not a bad idea."

"Hmm, sure! Although I have not announced this yet. There might be a change in how the magic shop is used. For one thing, only the people who need to use the magic shop will be able to use it. I may not know you very well, but you will need it. However many other people are citizens or just soldiers- will no longer have access to the shop." Silver said.

Thrak nodded. He can't really blame her for wanting to keep that private. Even his clansmen thought the magic shop was a powerful thing to have.

After the molding was done. Thrak ordered his company to hit the weapon with hammers. But it did nothing, they were simply not strong enough to forge the blade. At first, Thrak thought it was because all their levels were low. They did just pick up the magic blacksmithing [Class] after all. But Boris told them that Silver's halo energy was way too strong to forge. So their options were; forge with less halo energy. Or have someone who can form this much energy.

"Hmmm... So, all we need is a big hammer, right? Thrak? With your skills, you're able to make anyone with a hammer forge the magic blade, yes?" Silver asked.

"That is correct, my Lord." Thrak replied.

"Onslaught! I require your service!" Silver said to her.

Onslaught's face had a cold look to it. Not only was she made to fight her brethren. She was ordered to help make a blade to kill them! This was unacceptable to Onslaught! But she reluctantly equipped her hammer and hit the energy weapon. The energy weapon started growing a bright red. The energy began to shape in different forms, uncontrollably!

"There may be a chance the energy will explode!" Boris yelled at Silver.

"Okay, but what am I supposed to do about it?! Onslaught is the only one that can forge this much energy!" Silver exclaimed.

"Use my halo; use your blobs! I don't care! But you need to stabilize the energy, now! I can feel the energy overloading." Boris shouted back.

During their argument. Onslaught consistently hit the blade in anger! She didn't care if it exploded. In actuality, she wanted it to kill them all! If she can make this weapon destroy her enemies before her. Her brethren would take her in again! All her brothers have left her... Despite her loyalty to the Guardian core. They all abandoned her and wanted her dead. They now treat her like-! Like... she was a woman... She has never been so humiliated! The disgust looks on their faces... Being treated less than them... She never has seen them act this way. Of course, she has seen them do it towards other women, but not to her... She gets a weird feeling from it, and it sucks! Onslaught never wanted to hurt a human before this, but she was doing this for her brethren.

"Alright fine, I can see what I can do." Silver said.

Silver then grabs Boris's Halo. She used it to tie down the sword with it. Surprisingly, the energy maintained the sword's power. 'Maybe because Boris's energy outweighs it.' Silver thought. But just to be safe. Silver pulled emotions from various people in the room. She took in Boris's anxiety. She took Onslaught's hatred. Margolin's distaste for Silver, the Dwarf's pride, and even Silver's own lust to mend the blade. She even took the Flag Guardian's feelings. The blade took all of their feelings within itself to stabilize.

"I'm not sure. But it seems to be working! The blade likes all these mixed feelings," Boris said.

"Yes, but... This is difficult to maintain!" Silver exclaimed. She was struggling to use her power to hold the energy down. "It wants more! I need more feelings!"

"Maybe so! But if you do that, that would be bad for us! You shouldn't take all of our emotions, we need that to coexist as a human! Sure, we can get these feelings back, I don't think you're taking it permanently. But taking all of our emotions all at once is still very bad!" Boris said.

"Alright! Then fuck me!" Silver said.

"E-Excuse me?" Boris said. He was confused. "Why are you saying this out of nowhere?!"

"I said to fuck me! You need to make me horny so my [Class] can become stronger! My power depends on me getting what I want and making people do what they don't want! So because you are scared of Beyond finding out that you are no longer hers, that makes you an unwilling participant! And I am telling you to fuck me right now to get more power!" Silver yelled. "Hurry up! I don't think I can maintain this any longer!"

Boris just stood there awkwardly.

"Are you a man or aren't you?! What happened with you saying your dick still works! Was that a lie?!" Silver yelled. "Now, Finger Me Dammit!"

The energy weapon started changing colors rapidly. Onslaught's pace did not slow. Her hammer swings were massive with her energy and anger.

"Okay! Okay! I'll fuck you!" Boris shouted.

He cannot say he doesn't want this too. His dick was already hard. Silver spread her legs while leaning on a worktable. He then stuck his tongue in her waiting pussy and licked it. Silver started moaning. She gained energy; not only from Boris but also from Onslaught. She too was unwilling to help make this weapon.

"Ah! You're really good at that! I'm so wet!" Silver exclaimed.

As Boris licked, he stuck two fingers in Silver's pussy. Boris started licking Silver's clitoris.

During all of this. The entire room of people started getting horny as well. Thrak, Margolin, and Onslaught regularly don't fuck a lot. So Silver's lustful aura did not affect them. But the other blacksmith workers like the elves and other dwarfs wanted to have at each other.

"My... My lord... If it's not too presumptuous of us to say this... But we too like to partake in this activity." One of the elf workers said.

"Sure! Have at it! I don't care if you're an elf or a dwarf. You can fuck each other for all I care!" Silver said.

The workers went wide-eyed. It is true, some races are interested in interracial matchmaking. But how the world worked, that never happened. Sometimes it's the clan, sometimes it's the Kingdom. Interracial matchmaking was never a thing. The dwarfs and elves just looked at each other awkwardly.

"Jeopardy's cock! Come on! If you don't want to take a chance! Then I will make an actual law out of this!" Silver shouted. "I HEREBY DECREE, THAT INTERRACIAL LOVE MAY OCCUR WITHIN MY KINGDOM! There! Have fun!"

"Silver! What about the kingdoms that kill over such things?!" Margolin asked.

"We're making a guardian killing blade... Does it look like I'm worried about those assholes that are in another kingdom?..." Silver said.

"Hmm... Okay, Silver. Because I agree with you on this one. I will say no more against it. I just want you to know there's a possibility that they will get angry." Margolin said.

Silver looked at Russ. He just shrugs.

"I will deal with that, whenever I get a chance! But for now. I want to fuck as well." Russ said. Then he looked towards his wife Kilo. "Kilo, Silver would need our energy to mend the blade also."

Russ moved to her then kissed her. Surprisingly she kissed him back.

"All right, fine. If this helps the flag. I will do my duty." Kilo said.

"I'm ready! Shove your dick in my pussy." Silver said to Boris.

Boris couldn't fight his urges any longer. He held Silver down to the workbench. With his cock in his hand. He rubs it on her pussy while kissing her neck. The lover likes to take things slow. Which kind of annoyed Silver. She doesn't want to play around when it comes to these things. He's making her wait for it. But for some reason, it felt good. Boris looked into her eyes and saw she wanted it badly.

"I know you're using me for my knowledge. But as I said before, I have not done this in so long... I will give you my knowledge freely if you- allow me to make love with you. Like how a man and woman should do it." Boris said.

Silver cringe at that! 'Do I really have to do this?' She thought to herself... She didn't know that he was a sweet talker... Maybe his knowledge was not worth it. She sighed and reluctantly nodded.

"I have a condition of my own if that's the case. I have a daughter, and she needs cum regularly. Fragment's cum doesn't really give her enough substance for some reason. So you will feed your dick to my daughter." Silver said.

Boris raises his eyebrow. He never thought that this would be a thing…

"Tess! Come to mommy!" Silver yelled.

The Blob woman ran to the magic smithy.

"Yes, Mommy?!" Tess said.

"Merge into me. When this man comes inside of us, I want you to eat it." Silver said.

"I get to eat! Yay!" Tess said.

The Blob woman went into Silver's body.

"Okay! We are ready!" Silver and Tess said.

They both fused as one body. They had purple and silver hair. Boris was unsure what to make of this... Tess moved the body to kiss Boris while grabbing his ass tightly. Tess had massive strength; she pushed his body to her pussy. When Boris was inside, it felt bizarre. It's like their pussy was moving to the rhythm. He was getting sucked while inside. The lover couldn't complain. As different as it was, it was not bad. He lifted the two infused women then started hammering away inside of them. They both moaned.

"This was a weird Kingdom.." Boris thought to himself.

Although he likes it, he's just not sure if he likes Silver romantically. She was definitely interesting.

"Ah! I'm coming!" Tess exclaimed.

"Wait! Don't- Ah!" Silver yelled.

Tess was very sensitive. Every time Tess felt something, Silver did so as well.

"More! I want more!" Tess said.

Boris complied as he was pounding his dick inside their pussy. He was also getting close. Silver felt his firm grip on her body.

"He is going to cum! I don't want it inside of me! So eat all of it!" Silver said.

"Okay sexy!" Tess said.

"Stop calling me that!" Silver exclaimed.

"AHHHHH!!!!!" Boris yelled as he came.

Tess soaked it all up when Boris pulled out. Tess's lips were attached to his dick. Boris fell to the ground while Tess continued to suck him. She kissed his dick in pleasure. She licked his balls and took him deep in her throat. After a loud pop, she then spoke to him.

"You taste so good! I can suck you all~day~long~! Please! Let me suck you!" Tess cheered.

Boris was speechless. Silver stood near him and raised her hands. Blobs filled the room from everyone within it. The blobs converged onto the sword; making it whole.

The sword was glowing a very bright yellow and had a bizarre aura around it. When Onslaught gazed upon it, she heard voices. (^^I can give you power! Whatever you want, it's yours!^^) The whispering voices were getting louder and louder. Onslaught thought she heard her own voice within it. (^^ Your brothers hate you! And it was all that girl's fault! If you don't do something now! You'll be considered a traitor forever!^^)

It turns out; Onslaught was not the only one who heard voices from the blade. It seems to know their feelings and desires. It promised them things.

"What kind of blade is this?" Lavender asked.

"I have never seen such a thing." Chuckles said.

Chuckles picked up the blade to see if it could damage him. When the blade cut Chuckles's arm. The wound shined a bright orange.

"This is strange indeed... This blade hurts..." Chuckles said while wincing.

"Well, at least we know it works!" Russ said.

"But if we have to do this type of thing every single time we make a blade. I'm not sure if my heart can take it." Margolin said.

"I am sure we don't need to do this-… every time... But I will think about this matter." Lavender said.

Eventually, everyone inside of the workstation went their separate ways. It was heavily suggested that the blade get put into a vault until the time being. Silver wanted to use it immediately! Or at least hold on to it. Even Boris told her that it was not a good idea. So she decided to leave it at that. Silver went to her new castle. She has not seen her throne room yet. So Silver, Tess, Boris, and Margolin went into the castle to decorate it.


{Meanwhile outside The Silver Kingdom}

"Where are we?!" A man said.

"How should I know?! I have never been to this part of the forest." Another man said.

A wandering man was looking around. He needed to give his information to King Al Bastion immediately! The Silver Kingdom was a disgusting place. And he will see to it getting taken down!

"Lord Jacques! I think we're going in circles!" A man said.

"What! That can't be right! Are you telling me you can't read a map properly?!" Jacques said to the navigator.

"I can read and track just fine! Something just doesn't feel right! It's like the forest is not letting us go farther than this point!" The Navigator said.

"Don't be ridiculous! We were once the Lords Of Devotion! Although our Lord Lavender has abandoned us. We will take down this wretched Kingdom once and for all!" Jacques said.

"I'm sorry. But I can't allow you to do that." A monotone voice said.

"Who's there?! I demand you to reveal yourself! Jacques yelled.

"As you wish..." The voice said.

When the figure came out, the former [Lords Of Devotion] saw a blonde woman with pigtails.

"Who are you?" Jacques asked.

"My name is Ala," Ala said.

"What are you doing to us? Release us from this magic, immediately!" Jacques said.

Ala tilted her head to the side.

"No... You are being punished... I have made a vow to my looo-... My Master... I am unable to kill you. But I cannot allow you to leave, for you are my enemy. So I will not be letting you... go..." Ala said.

This woman had a strange look on her face.

"It is seven of us and only one of you! From the looks of things, you are just the maid! Go clean something or send the real threat! Because we will kill you!" Jacques said.

Ala smiled and then spoke. "It sounds to me like I am being underestimated... And you're saying you men are a challenge. I have been so bored lately... I don't want any of you to hold back. I won't kill you. But by all means, make me feel pain if you can..."

One of the men used a casting spell. He threw lightning from his hands.

"[Scatterbrain]," Ala whispered. As the lightning loosed towards her, it hit a tree.

"What the hell are you doing?! Hit her!" Jacques said.

"I was aiming for her! I'll try it again!" The lightning user said.

When he looked up to target her again, he saw multiple figures. A full army surrounded him!

"Who are all these men?!" The lightning user said.

"Men?! What in the world are you talking about?!" Jacques asked.

"What! You don't see Rona Rain's Army?!" The lightning user said while looking around in fear.

"No! I don't see them! And Queen La Rona Rain is just a children's storybook! Are you still scared of that ridiculous story?" Jacques said.

"Rona is going to eat me! She eats bad boys!" The lightning user exclaimed.

Jacques raises an eyebrow. 'Why was this man being ridiculous?' Jacques thought to himself.

"Spiders! An army of spiders!" Another man yelled.

"Spiders?! Wha-?" Jacques was about to say, but he saw all of his group freaked out for no reason…

"You're a tough one to crack, aren't you?" Ala whispered into Jacques's ears.

Jacques recoiled and fell into a pit filled with eyes looking at him. They were judging him. And He was... Naked! Jacques quickly covered himself.

"It looks like I have found your fear..." Ala said to Jacques. She then looked at his crotch. "My, my... What a small dick you have..."

"What?! It's not small! It's only because of the cold air!" Jacques shouted.

"Hmm? The air doesn't seem to be bothering me." Silver said with a big dick.

"It's so hard! With this big cock, we are going to have fun!" Margolin said.

Three women surrounded Jacques, and they all had massive dicks! Margolin, Silver, and Ala's dick was hard and ready to go!

"W-What is this?" Jacques asked.

"Your fear is women making you their bitch," Ala said. "But don't worry, we won't force you. You will beg for it. As I said, I won't kill you. I will feed you all. I will keep you all alive. My hope is you all try to fight me back and challenge me... I want to feel alive... Show me that you all can overcome your fears. I even told you what your fear is... So fight me! Destroy me! Don't hold back! Because if you don't. You'll stay here, and play with me for as long as I want. Or until you beg to come back into the Kingdom and be my master's little bitches."

"Wait!" Jacques said his voice was very high for some reason. He looked down at his chest, and he had breasts! He also had a vagina! The three women above him had their throbbing cocks near him. They all had a very disturbing look on their faces.

"N...No!" Jacques exclaimed.

I am so exhausted... I don't know how I managed to do 7k worth of words. But I felt like everything came together in the end. Hopefully, I will push up after more faster. I took notes of many things that I need to change in previous chapters. But I'm a very lazy person. So it'll eventually be done. The next chapter will talk about the Army side of things. Like always I will try to keep it interesting. I know a lot of people don't care about chapters but I feel like it is still important.

Other than that I actually have no other news. I don't even have a question to ask. Well, at least not for the story anyway. I have been wanting to create a Discord. I love hanging out with people, that's mainly what I do when my downtime. I've been playing a lot of vrchat, FF14 and smite lately. So if anyone wants to hang out just to have fun I have no problem with this. I'm not going to make a poll about it. So just let me know if anyone is interested.

What I could do for the poll is something I've been wanting to do for a very long time! I want to make a character that you voters have made! So I'm not going to do it now, but the next, not a chapter will be a description of a character that y'all will choose. So I can add to the story.


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there!   Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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