Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 22: We are one (Auly)

{Meanwhile, Margolin and Silver were in the Kingdom. Silver's troops were leveling up for the flag's battle}

"Is this everyone?" Auly asked while looking at her men.

"I believe so, madam," Maxine said.

"O... Okay." Auly said. She was fidgeting with her dress. Auly now has a vagina! It felt very strange to her.

"Get them ready, Cliff..." Auly said.

Auly told Hanna and Cliff that she was not really a leader type. Of course, it was not a good idea to tell the rest of the flag this. But she felt like she could trust these two. She had no idea why she was Rory, or even what it was until she got it.



A leadership role that can utilize war parties and guilds. You are specialized in commanding other commanders. You have many functions and command skills that are for supporting and attacking. Rory can give equal experience to everyone. If a unit member gets some experience from battle or a task. Everyone under your command party would get the same amount of experience.


Auly and Ala discussed the class over with the other leaders, and they all came with a plan to train everyone, no matter what class or level they were.

Auly was not someone who speaks up for herself. Hanna and Cliff said they would speak for her.

"All right, everyone! Although some of the members that are in the flag decided to stay in the Kingdom. They wanted to open up businesses or train in the Coliseum. You all have decided to join our Rory on her quest. Once we get started, we don't want to hear any bitching about you should have stayed at home." Cliff said with power. "I don't care if you're from [The Ladies Of Grace], [The Broken] or some other guild. You all will follow the orders! If you haven't noticed, we have [The Broken] in the pairing. Just so you all know, we have dealt with the traitors. Not all of [The Broken] have told King Al Bastion about what we are doing. So if you have an issue with them or any other guilds, then you're not needed here. If you were put into a group, that is your group, period!"

Auly stared at Cliff. He seems so strong. She slightly started rubbing her pussy again. She did not know why it was feeling so weird when she looked at Cliff. Sure he has big muscles, and he looked handsome. Auly's eyes started looking downwards.

"Yes! And as a matter of fact, if you all can't get along. You would get kicked from the entire flag! I know my Lord sister doesn't care for drama. And neither do I. We have a task here today and we plan to do it without any more stress. What we're doing here is bad as it is. So if there are any problems, then you will be removed immediately!" A dark-skin red-head woman said. "And another thing! If I hear anyone talking bad about my little sister, Auly. I will kick your asses!"

Everybody looked at Auly while the woman smiled at her. Auly wanted to hide from embarrassment...

The woman's name was Valerie; she was one of Auly's sisters. She's a member of [Vendetta of Impurity]. Creed was the leader. But Valerie was the one who recommended her group to the flag. All of Auly's sisters are here with Auly doing this operation. The only ones that were excluded were Silver and Margolin because they are looking for a weapon with Boris at this time. Valerie has been following Auly for a while now to keep Auly safe. A lot of leaders are scared that this operation would not go well. The only reason they agreed to do this, was that they wanted levels and loot.

The plan was to go into the dungeon called: {Spiders Among Us} and kill all of the Bosses. However, the leaders and Auly have decided to do this and phases and parts. There were two different modes for this dungeon.

Normal mode was a 4-man dungeon. It has 3 difficulties: easy, medium, hard. Raid Mode, which includes Nightmare and Epic. The Nightmare was a 14-man while Epic was a 25-man.

They're preparing for the Epic with over 400 people. Auly planned to ask one high ranker to initiate the hardest difficulty as a solo. Because the solo runs give the most experience and gold. Auly told him when he started the dungeon. Auly will swap him with her Rory skill call [Unit Replacement]. So the dungeon would think Auly was doing the solo, that's {Phase One}.

In phase two, Auly will use a Rory skill called [We Are One] which allows Auly's entire command to go in the dungeon. The dungeon would think that Auly was the only one who was inside, even though she was not. All this sounds far-fetched to everybody else though. At some point, Auly got tired of explaining the plan... So the leaders told them all to just roll with it. As long as the leaders semi-believe in Auly's crazy solo plan with over 400 people. That's all that matters.

The third phase was the tasks and challenges that are in the dungeon. If you beat the dungeon within two hours you will get a bonus. That's why they have not started yet because they wanted to make sure everything was in order before they start. They plan to get material and loot inside.

So there's a division specifically for that. Because they only have two hours, they wanted to do any, and every challenge at the same time. Usually these dungeons force you to pick one thing and not the other. Auly has a big army. So they can kill every boss in this entire raid and go to all of the pathways. With all the companies, platoons, and squads doing a pacific task. Their goal was to level all the level one units with this operation without anyone dying.

"All right everyone, The moment of truth! Initiate the plan!" Cliff said.

When the high ranker initiated phase one, they quickly went through 2 to phase 3. Auly didn't want to waste any time at all. All of the dungeon troops in a single file went into the dungeon door.

'Wow! That worked!' Auly thought. Of course, she knew it was going to work but she had her doubts...

"Ruud, keep me updated and let me know when group A gets to the final boss," Auly said. "Then we can start phase 4."

The dark elf man nodded, then spoke. "Yes, my Rory, it shall be done!"

Ruud was one of the Lieutenant Generals in [The Broken]. He was a thin dark elf with pitch-black eyes. Ruud looked terrifying to Auly. Ruud was sniffing the air around him, then he looked towards Auly, then grinned. He proceeded to walk towards Auly.

"You know, Rory. I can help you with your problems down there... You smell like you're in heat. Hehehe." Ruud said with a toothy grin. Auly looked confused at him. "I am merely offering just in case you need a partner. I mean no disrespect.".

"Well, she's spoken for. I'm her partner." Hanna said while placing her body between Auly and Ruud.

Auly looked at Hanna. 'I guess when she said she would speak for me, this was what she meant. It is nice to have someone to have my back... But isn't everyone my partner if we're part of the same army?' Auly thought to herself. When it comes to sex talk, Auly gets very confused.

Ruud raised his hand to show that he meant no harm, then he turned to walk away with Syn. Ruud's high elf Lieutenant.

"That is so strange. Aren't dark and light Elf folks enemies with each other?" Valerie asked Auly.

"Yes, but a long time ago. As you can see, they are broken... Most dark elves are mischievous. But there are so many races here that lost their homes, kingdoms, and everything they loved." Auly said. Then she looked at her sister. "Also, they believe what you said about them getting kicked if they cause any problems."

"Oh, I see!! Damn right I would! Hahaha!" Valerie said.

Valerie glanced at Hanna, then smiled with a devilish look on her face. To think that her scared little sister had a strong lover, was amusing to her.

"Auly, you haven't introduced me to your guardswoman. Which I would like to apply for by the way." Valerie said. "I will be your second in command, of course!"

"Really? Why? Don't you have a guild?" Auly asked.

"I put family before anything else Auly! You know that Auly!" Valerie said. "You're leading hundreds of men! Did you really think I was going to let you do this all alone?! Now, as I said. I don't know your guard people, and I will not let you hang around strangers. So introduce them!"

Auly told Valerie about Cliff, Hanna, and The Giant Egg while Valerie stared down Hanna. Valerie was a soldier out of Silver’s sisters. So if Hanna was a potential lover, Valerie will make sure she's taken care of.

All of Auly's siblings are bossy. But Unlike Russ/Silver, Auly's sisters tell Auly they believe in her all the time. But it doesn't mean Russ/Silver don't worry about Auly. Of course, they'll never tell Auly this.

Hanna and Cliff did not go into the dungeon. They did not know if Auly would be safe out here with all of these soldiers. Ala, also thought it would be best if they stayed here and out of the way. She did not want people to believe that the Royal Guards didn't know how to fight. So she plans to teach Hanna and Cliff in secret. Because everyone was leveling up quickly just by being inside of the war group. Cliff and Hanna didn't need to fight at all.

"Come, sister, We must meet up with the leaders," Valerie said. The two sisters then made their way to the command tent.

Auly has a battle class called [Doll]. It's leveled up to 13 now. Auly was hoping that it would be level 40 by the time they get to the final boss.

They decided on different types of groups. The front-liners, the backups, and the supports.

The front-liners are the raid groups. Auly made 4 of them. Each raid group has one leader and co-leaders of six squads with their own leaders and co-leaders. Their jobs are to go into the many pathways and clear them. This may seem like Overkill, but this was an epic star dungeon, while the flag had a bunch of level ones fighting inside.

The next group are the back liners, their duties are to keep an eye on the Gathering group. And if needed they will help the raid group if they're in trouble. There are two raid groups for this.

Gathering groups are for the material and loots that would be sold into the flag's shop.

The supports are healers. Of course, every group has healers. But these are the ones who stay outside of the dungeon. While Auly can use her Rory skill to bring any unit out of danger. There are some units specifically for teleporting the injured units as well. There are some tanks and other Fighters that will help them in case someone attacks them outside. Auly thought about everything as much as she could. They already think this idea was stupid and dangerous.

Auly wanted to level up everyone, so she brought the enchanters for armor and weapons. The rune creators are for making runes for protection or extra firepower. Auly tasks the Dwarfs to make weapons for everybody. They had a magic room near the cave. That was where they had a workshop and a forge inside.

"Auly?" Valerie asked.

Auly had everyone doing a pacific job that they must complete for this operation to go as planned. At this moment, Auly also has something she must do. Auly and her guards walked to the command tent to see the war council.

"Auly?" Valerie asked again.

Everyone had their eyes on Auly the whole time. It felt like they were judging her. It feels like at any moment they could have said, 'This is your fault for screwing everything up!'.

"Auly? Auly?! Did you hear me?!" Valerie screamed.

If all of this goes bad, Silver would be mad at Auly. And say you're such a failure, Auly. And then everyone would laugh at you, Auly!


"What's the matter?!" Auly asked in a panic. She looked around for anyone attacking or someone possibly sticking the middle finger at her.

"You're doing it again... Auly, you are the head leader here! I didn't come all this way just because you are my sister. I came here because I believe in you! And you should too!" Valerie said.

"I'm trying, sister. I'm scared." Auly said.

"It's okay to be scared, Auly. You might not have muscles like me! Hahahaha! But you got your big brain!" Valerie said while hugging Auly. "I know we need to prepare for the big flag battle. But do you know why Honorable Silver wanted to do this in the first place?"

"I do," Auly said. Then she took her sister to meet the war leaders inside the tent.


Valerie saw Ala, Maxine, Rebecca 'Creed' Herring the leader of [Vendetta of Impurity], Luna 'Moonlight' Knox the leader of [Disciples of the Wicked], and Willis 'Wild Pig' Perkins the leader of [Pact of the Jackals]. Only war leaders and Silver's royal family can enter this command tent. Everyone outside the tent cannot hear what they are saying. When everybody got seated, Auly got to the point.

"I am glad you all came. I'm sorry for all the cloak-and-daggers. But there are more traitors among us other than the broken," Auly said. "We told everyone this was for training. But the actual truth was that Silver has tasked me with weeding out all traitors. As Rory, my job is not only war. She wants me to be the security of the flag. The reason why she included everyone in her big battle. Was to see if the traitors would go tell their real 'Masters' what we are doing. So far, we don't think they know about the magic shop. Unfortunately, King Al Bastion's Kingdom knows about it. We don't want another kingdom to be fighting with us. So we must find this new traitor now."

The war leaders did not look surprised.

Auly's 'Operation' has parts and phases that needed to be fulfilled. It is unheard of for anyone to be leveling up this quickly. Auly was now level 20. The war party leaders kept their levels and class until now. They were told to keep it until they started the meeting. Auly never told them why though.

"You may all sell your class and you can get a new one," Auly said.

"Thank the Guardians! That sucked that I had to watch all my teammates get a new class! I hated telling them that I was going to keep this class. But I really wanted to pick up this one I saw in the shop!" Luna said.

Luna was Auly's other sister.

"Well to my understanding, you can make your own class." Rebecca 'Creed' said.

"Really? Like Ala did?" Luna asked.

"Yes," Ala said flatly. She can talk to them through her tattoos.

They all then got a new class. They wanted to see if any information was getting relayed to someone else. Part 1 of Auly's plans was to get over a hundred people to level up in two hours. That part has five phases. Auly's ideas were not connected to the first part. The second part was to observe. If any traitors are left. Any new information, like the first part. Would make its way to King Al Bastion or another kingdom. Some Ladies of Grace had a watchful eye over the situation.

"Our shop can pretty much give us anything we want, just by reconstructing it. We can create rooms and many other things. We can level up quickly. If I was not part of this flag. I'd be scared too." Luna said. "How did My stupid Honorable Brother come across such power?!"

"That, we still don't know, Honorable Sister," Auly said. "Our sister Margolin is still trying to get that information out of Silver. But you know how stubborn Russ can be...".

"You know... When Honorable Sister Margolin told us that Russ turned to a girl. I laugh my ass off so hard I almost died. I was eating at the time. Hahahaha." Luna said. "He is such a dick! And now he has none! That is so funny!"

It's not all that funny to Auly... She lost her dick too...

"Can we please stay on topic?" Maxine asked sternly. "I know that Russ dislikes his mother. And I can't say I did not wonder why he included the entire flag and his family dispute. But now that I think about it this all makes sense. Not only was he preparing the whole flag to fight. But he was also preparing everybody to fight each other when the time comes. So we can fight the traitors in this silly game of his."

"In a way, yes," Ala said.

"Hmm... I thought it was strange how everyone has been paired up in this flag battle. Lady Annabella has mostly other guilds, while Silver has most of the ladies of Grace. One would think that Lady Annabella would have most of the Grace. Did Margolin prepare the fighters? If so, I can see why. Lady Annabella would see any traitors within her team."

"Wait! That's why we're doing all of this?!" Wild Pig asked with surprise.

"Yes, it is," Lady Annabella said. The war leaders looked towards the entrance and saw Lady Annabella. "My son may be an idiot, but he's no fool. I know it doesn't seem like we get along. But that's just our way of doing things. One of our goals was to create turmoil within the flag. If the other Kingdoms saw that he and I are not seeing eye to eye. We are hoping that we can draw out some unwanted attention. I have already been invited by the king. He supports me in becoming the Queen of Silver's flag."

Lady Annabella sat down. There was a maid there who was part of Russ's dolls. She gave her mistress tea, and then Lady Annabella continued. "There was this man by the name of Chris. He was in my office, and he heard me say I want to be the queen. And now, I'm getting so many offers. Chris has told everyone about my motives. I even told King Al Bastion about Silver’s power. The King will think he’s getting a way to destroy my daughter. I'll continue to gain Al Bastion‘s trust and become the queen. Of course, my daughter Silver will pretend to be upset, but together, we will crush the King."

"Wow, Miss Annabella. You and Russ will go this far?!" Luna asked.

"I know my son won't listen to my teachings. But he's really good at pissing people off and getting everyone's attention." Lady Annabella said.

Everyone who knows him, nodded.

"I don't know too much about this Silver. But I hate King Bastion too." Creed said. "The reason why I started my guild was because of King Bastion. He doesn't care about his people. All he seems to want is more land. My father and mother died because of his reign. When Valerie told me that her brother was the type of person that gets payback, I joined immediately. I'm sure we all have our reasons to stay in his flag. Some for money or a coin flip. And I know some families do it because it's probably safer to be in this flag. Rather than be with a ruthless king. But this war is kind of personal for me."

Wild Pig looked at the woman and thought about it. Then he spoke. "Of course, all of us have been affected by these constant Wars! The royalty, eat and sit on their fat asses! While us lesser folks have to eat from scraps! The king burned my Village because he was trying to flush out our enemies! Sure, I did join Silver's flag because of glory and gold at the time. But if I knew there was going to be a war between the king. I would have done this for free! You can count on me to keep The Jackals in line!"

Lady Annabella nodded. Then the war Council continued their meeting in secret.


{In the castle, Silver, Tess, Margolin, and Boris were in the throne room}

'All right. That should do it!" Silver said.

Silver and Margolin decorated the throne room. Silver sat on the throne; Admiring the excellent work. They both had their disagreements here and there, but they managed to work it out.

Boris looked at the two people, then spoke. "You know... You two don't seem like brothers and sisters to me. You guys fight like a couple..."

Silver raised her eyebrow to that.

"As if! If I was married to her. Then she will be the Queen, and that would ruin my days! It will be everyday bickering! Everyday of 'The kingdom should be run like this or that'..."

"Huh?... Don't you two do that anyway?..." Boris asked.

"Yeah... But regardless of that. It's still a bad idea..." Silver said.

"Why?..." Margolin asked Silver.

Silver looked at her with confusion. Then she spoke. "We are brothers and sisters... You don't seem to like me half the time, and if we were married, you won't be able to get the special suitor that you wanted. There are a billion other reasons why..."

"Silver, I want you to marry me. I’m not asking for sex, I just need to stick by you..." Margolin said plainly.

"Why?! So you can control my Kingdom?! Are you scared I might get another person, and that person will be bad for the throne? Or something like that?!" Silver asked with a bit of heat.

"Actually, yes to all of what you said. I don't know how long you are planning on being single. But if your lover is not up for the challenge of handling you. I will take that role and that burden." Margolin said.

"Oh, is that so?! While we are at it, why don't I marry Boris?! Or my mother even?! Or anyone else you think that should rule?! You know, I am tired of you all trying to dictate what I should do! If you don't like how I do things. Why don't you all get your own Kingdom?" Silver shouted.

Margolin glared a silver, then spoke. "If only we can do that. I will gladly do it!".

Silver glared back at Margolin with a snarl.

"Boris! Is there a way to make multiple kingdoms?" Silver asked.

Boris thought about this, then answered. "Actually, yes. You can become Emperor. By doing this, you can have multiple kings and queens with their own kingdoms within your flag. At the same time, make your current flag, an Emperor's flag."

Silver and Margolin went wide-eyed and looked at each other. Margolin looked to Boris then spoke. "How?"


Like always, I probably made hundreds upon thousands of mistakes. And I probably could've gone a little longer on the chapter. But I got really annoyed with my writing program and computer. Because it is often more I lose my progress and sometimes my computer literally stops me from writing. There may be a chance I may take another long break...

As for the poll, I could ask should Silver married her sister? But I know the answer to that. So I guess I will ask the question as a curiosity. But just so you all know. No matter what was is chosen. I will make my own choice, anyway.

Are you all okay with Incest? Even though technically I already broke this taboo... I probably should add a tag for this... Although also technically Silver never touch Margolin with her hands. And with Silver's daughter, they were fused together so they did it together but they didn't in the form of incest. So, I'm not entirely sure what category this falls under... And I cannot say I thought about any of this at the time. So this is me asking now. For my personal thoughts. I am not okay with it. However, I will probably stick with the things that I've done so far, and of course, it is not exactly let her touch them.


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there!   Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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