Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 23: Silver Lining

{In Auly’s command tent}


The War Council finished up their meeting. They talked about what should be done in the Flag battle. Lady Annabella took her maids out of the tent. As for the rest of the War Council, they stayed behind with Auly and her Royal Guards. The main thing that the war company wanted was to be included in important roles.


“Okay, Cliff. Let them in.” Auly said.


Cliff sent word for the next group to come in. Auly set the war tent to allow other groups access to the tent. One by one, various group leaders came and went. [The Broken] wanted to be forgiven for their members. Auly promised them she'll vote for them. That way, they can have a place in the war council. [The Lords Of Devotion] also showed up. Auly did not think that they were the type to do any real fighting for this battle. Lord Lavender informed them to partake in the dungeon; with Chuckles’ groups joining the effort.


After interviewing all of the groups, Auly conducted different units for different purposes. The kingdom now has a proper War Company, Kingdom Guards, and Castle Guards. What's left was finding members to join the Royal Guards along with Hanna, Cliff, and Auly. They still don't have any Healers on their team and Auly wanted more roles like DPS and Tanks as well. She wanted to interview the necessary members with unique conditions. Auly feels that the royal guard's responsibilities are different from the castle and kingdom guards. The Royal Guard should be able to protect the royal family like Silver and her family. However Auly knows her sister, Silver would likely want to fuck them too... So, Auly made an agreement survey. They must be willing to pleasure Silver's needs. Sure, Silver has maids and other workers for that purpose. Silver gets off on taking down strong-looking people and wants to fuck anyone who's nearby.


As time went on, Auly started yawning. She hasn't gotten a good night's rest since she was told by Margolin that they were going to pick up Russ. Of course, at that time. Margolin and Auly didn't know he was going to go off and turn into a girl. Which then leads to her having a kingdom.


“Auly? If you're sleepy, we can take a break honorable sister. “ Valerie said.


“Hmm? No, I'm fine, honorable sister.” Auly said in a weak tone.


Auly started stretching; Which made her small breast lift up. Hanna regarded her. Well, she has been looking at Auly for a long time now. Auly looked so hot and sexy. Hanna begins getting a hard-on. Auly was so cute to Hanna with her short red hair.


"Umm... Auly... There's something I've been meaning to ask you. Did you really intend on sleeping with me? If so... after we finish all of this. Can we do it tonight?" Hanna asked.


The rest of the room got silent. The war council was talking amongst themselves.


"What the hell?! What did you just ask her?!" Luna asked. Auly's sister Luna, was shocked to hear this. 'Auly has someone?!' She thought to herself. And then she looked at her weak sister. "Auly! Why didn't you tell me you're sleeping with someone?! You use to tell me everything!"


Auly was a bit confused because it wasn't just her sister. Everyone in the room was also shocked or amused. Auly did not think it was such a big deal. Although, at the same time. Auly didn't want to tell them the real reason she was sleeping with Hanna. If everyone finds out that Hanna gets night terrors. It wouldn’t look good for Hanna being a Royal Guard. Auly’s breath fluctuated. She was unable to speak. She did not want to lie or tell the truth.


"Umm... Ah... Well..." Auly said. Her voice was wobbly.


She didn't know what to say. ‘This was bad,’ she thought. She doesn't like being in a situation like this... Hanna will be mad if she told everyone about her problems.


(Hanna will hate you, Auly. This is why no one loves you! Auly! You are the worst. She trusted you as a friend and now you abandon her, Auly! You're so stupid!) Auly's breath got lighter and lighter. Almost nonexistent at this point. (You should just die, Auly!) Auly stopped breathing as wicked thoughts poisoned her mind.


"Auly! Forget it! We will talk about it later! Breathe!" Luna screamed.


Both of Auly's sisters have been trying to get her to be calm this whole time.


"Is she okay?" Rebecca 'Creed' asked.


The rest of the War company didn't know what to make of this situation.


"She is fine... She's just not feeling well..." Valerie said.


Not all of the 6 siblings knew that Auly had a mental problem. Valerie and Luna knew about it. Margolin pays attention to everything. However, Margolin was usually busy with her girls. So she's not always there to watch over Auly.


"Auly. Why don't you take your friend to your personal magic room? As Rory, you don't have to take charge of everything. I know all of your brilliant phases and plans. I will handle the dungeon plan. I'll send someone to help you sleep, Auly." Valerie said.


Auly snapped out of her state and looked around. You're making a scene Auly! Do you see what you have done?! You are not fit to lead anyone! Who are you kidding? You're so dumb, Auly!


Valerie looked at Hanna then spoke to her. "Please take good care of my honorable sister. She'll be fine. She just needs rest. I'll send a Healer to check on her. So don't get any ideas about taking advantage of my honorable sister!"


"No, honorable sister," Auly said, and then looked at Hanna. "I... I'll sleep with you when we are done. I-I need to do this... Everyone is counting on me..."


Hanna nodded while Valerie looked between the two.


"Okay, fine. But I still want someone to help you, Auly. I have just the right person in mind. From now on, she'll take care of you with her music! She has gotten the power to calm you from the magic shop. I even think she'll make a great addition to our Royal Guards." Valerie said.


After that, Valerie insisted on hiring every unit for the royal guards to help Auly.


"Rory! My Rory!" A man said from outside the war tent. When he entered the tent. Everyone looked at him and saw Ruud, the dark elf commander. Ruud stepped near them and took a breath, then spoke again. "Excuse me my Rory! Company 'A' has reached the final boss! All the other teams have finished their tasks. We have about 20 minutes before the 2-hour bonus is over. We are ready to get what we came for!"


Ruud, The Royal Guards, and the war council. All look towards one person. And that was Auly. She was scared. She planned for this moment. She wanted to be the one who leads. She wants to be with her men, and fight the final boss. But it's a giant spider! She can let someone else do her plan. Her plan was to capture the dungeon core and sell it in the flag's shop. If she attacks the core, the dungeon core guardian would activate. Mister Chuckles was supposed to meet them and help with this. However, he hasn't shown up yet. She could ask Russ, but he will laugh at her. What if you get someone killed? They don't really need you! You're such a loser! Auly! Her breath started becoming hollow again.


"My Rory?... Umm... Are you not ready yet?" Ruud asked.


She was none responsive and had a look of panic. The dark elf Ruud looked around towards the war council. Which in return, looked at each other. They all had a look of uncertainty.


"Umm...Auly...You told us all what to do. You can let us handle this. There are a lot of leaders who don't actually need to go to battle." Luna said. Then she looks at Ruud. "Isn't that right Commander Ruud?"


"Huh?" Ruud said. He was not used to being nice. Or catering to someone's needs. He lightly nodded.


"You see that, Auly?! Remember what our father said. 'The top leader's job is not to micromanage, just manage what they can handle. You pick the capable units, and let them handle their jobs!'" Luna said.


"S-Sure-..." Ruud said unenthusiastically. His father taught him a much different way to make people follow orders... Dark Elves are not known for kindness and his father was a troublemaker. His mother too, but he doesn't talk about that...


Auly's breathing was stable, but she was still freaking out. She looked at the people under her Command. She saw Hanna's worried look on her face. She knows Hanna was a [Lifeguard]. She saw Ruud; He had chosen [Watchmen]. His sister Valerie was a [Spartan]. How her [Class] works; when there are more Spartans or tanks near her. It will raise her defenses and those around her. Spartans can also switch to offensive skills quickly. They are considered a well-rounded tank. She was still not sure what Cliff’s tank [Class] was, and she saw the Giant Egg; it looked bored.


She has so many people who are there to protect her and other members under her Command. This gave her a thought as her brain kicked into overdrive. If she put a lot of Tanks, Healers, and firepower around her she won't get hurt! Auly looked at her [Class] level, and she was Lvl 40. For her rank upgrades. She's able to pick a [Class] that can control others. She can make her [Doll] become something scary. Auly started to feel better. 'If I become scary. I won't be afraid anymore...' Auly thought to herself.


"I...I... I'm ready! Tell the troops that I and the Royal Guards are coming to join the fight..." Auly said.


She was shaking as she was talking. But she tried her best to hide it. Everyone around her nodded, then proceeded to join the fight!


As everyone left the tent, Luna noticed Auly didn't move.


"Aren't you coming, sis?" Luna asked.


"I am. I need to get a hold of Lord Chuckles. I feel that something is wrong, he should have been here by now." Auly said.


"Okay, just don't take too long. The 2 hours bonus is almost over after all."


"Okay sister. If I can not get a hold of him, I'll contact Lady Kilo."


"Okay, little sis," Luna said with a gentle smile. Luna half walked out of the tent and turned back around to her sister. "Even though Russ is a jackass! I'm still happy he took your dick. I don't think you need it. You are perfect, little sister... Me and our other sisters feel that you're the way you're meant to be... You're sexy, you're smart, and we all love you! Even that jackass loves you! Why do you think Silver gave you the title of Rory? She could have given it to any of us, but she gave it to you out of all of us! You're even over Margolin, Auly. Not one of us hates you for it, Auly. You deserve your position, and we would not let you think otherwise! So you better lead us to Victory! You hear me?!"


After her speech, Luna rushed out of the tent; leaving Auly speechless.




{In Silver's throne room}


Boris told the two women in front of him; how to become an emperor. Their mouths were wide. Which was rare for Margolin.


"Are you telling me that is all?" Silver asked Boris.


"Yes, which is why I'm curious. Why are there none in this domain? From your reactions. It's like the Emperor doesn't exist here." Boris said.


Margolin and Silver looked at each other. Then Margolin spoke to Boris. "We know what an Emperor is in passing. They are in our history books and stories. Yet, no one knows how to obtain that rank."


"Well, until now! I can use this against the King! You see. I am trying to get Tilda back! However, King Al Bastion knows if he does a coin flip with me. He won't get anything in return. But if I tell him how to become an emperor. That is enough to flip the scale!" Silver said.


"A coin flip?" Boris asked.


Silver gazed at him with a thoughtful look. Then She took out a silver coin. And then tossed it to him.


"Boris! How about we play a game?! If I win. You'll be my manservant for the rest of your life! And no force in any galaxies can take you from me! You won't be able to betray me! And you will help me no matter what!" Silver screamed at him.


"Wha-?!!" Boris said. "Are you being serious right now?! Not that any of that seems nice. I mean, I get the feeling you and I are going to have lots of fun. Sure, that is a far cry from my current circumstance. Though, you're acting like this silly game can stop Beyond! I do still fear for my existence! If she finds out that you're taking me. How can a measly coin stop her?!"


Boris saw the silver-haired woman had a weird look on her face. She took off her clothing. Boris looked as her bouncing breast moved when she sauntered over to him.


"Boris... What do you want in life? You told me you had no choice when you picked Beyond. Make me happy, and I'll give you whatever you want. I have plans for you Boris. My coin flip normally takes life force, but I'm offering you a chance to change your life. I want to take over the world with my coin. I want to use my coin freely without any repercussions. So I need you to be the hand that gathers different types of energy for me. You will go to any place, try anything. So I won't have to get anyone killed. I know you have the capability of taking on stronger threats. I want to be able to say; 'No Army on this or any Galaxy can stop me.' Now, tell me, what do you want in return?" Silver said.


Silver's body pressed against him. She rubs her body on his.


Boris glanced at the silver coin in his hand. And then he examined the woman named; Silver Coin. He felt the energy from both of them. Unlike normal humans. Boris specialized in energy manipulation and weapons. He felt his life force flutter towards her coin. The energy twist and twirled like it was dancing. Like it was waiting for him to play with his life. It was eerie to him.


Not counting beyond. In order to save someone's life. Boris has made a deal with a real devil. This deal feels the same. Naturally, that deal didn't go very well... So Boris hesitated. He gave her the coin back.


"I'm sorry, but I don't know you. You're asking me to go from one slave master to another. Sure, I may have some fun. But at what cost?! I rather not take a chance on you telling me to go after Beyond or my fellow lovers. So I decline." Boris said sternly.


The silver coin let go of his essence and settled upon itself. Silver Coin the woman sighed, then put her coin away.


"Okay then." Silver said. "I don't know what all you have been through. However, you have the right to play with my coin or not. Whenever you're ready, we can make that deal. I still want your knowledge."


Silver looked at Margolin then spoke to her. "Set up a meeting with all the Kings for tomorrow morning. Tell the Kings, I'll be revealing how to become an emperor. Oh, and inform King Al Bastion to bring Tilda here when he comes. Or it will be no deal for him! If none of them agree to my terms of me being Emperor. I will crush them all! Also, tell my mother and my counterpart what's going on.


“Right away! My Honored Master,” Margolin said with a nod.


Boris saw a small grin on Margolin's face. Of course, he was confused. She normally argues with Silver at every turn. Especially when it comes to something reckless.


"But Honored Master, if I may. Can we ask something of the other Kings? As you know, King Hendricks Rollins. Has taken our father's brother; Uncle Maxwell. King Al Bastion has other family members under his thumb. I want all of our family to be here with us. Especially the ones on my mother's side. Maybe Uncle Roger would know why there's no mention of empires in our current time. I get the feeling whatever happened in the past got erased from our histories. Before Boris even brought it up. I didn't realize how little we knew of that topic...” Margolin said.


"Well if that is so. Then it's possible a guardian was the culprit." Boris said.


"Sure, sure! If you want to make a list of demands. I am sure you and my mother would have plenty to say. As long as you two follow my rule. I don't give a fuck!" Silver said.


Margolin curtsied with a big smile, and then she spoke to Silver. "I am sure Lady Annabella will be pleased that you said that. Our family will become stronger after this! I will be going now. When Auly finishes her dungeon run. I want all of us to have a big family meeting."


Margolin curtsied again and went her own way. Having all of the Knox and Yule families in one place was not a bad idea to Silver. The Knox family has a history of fighting for freedom and what they believe in. They are Margolin's mother's side of the family. While Yule's side has critical thinkers. They follow the guidance of Kilo and Lavender after all. Although, at the same time, Silver has to deal with her cousins... They're more stuck-up than Margolin. And her family will have something to say about the way Silver ruled things. 'If they don't like the way I do things, they can get the fuck out too!' Silver thought. Russ never cared for the Yule family. She's not even sure that she wants her name back anymore... There are too many rules with them. The only way she will allow them to stay if she becomes the head family member. Of course, Silver's grandmother will have something to say about that... That old bat needs to get off her high horse!


"Boris! I need a good fucking!" Silver yelled.


She turned to the exit of The Royal Throne room and then walked out. Boris was not even surprised at her outbursts anymore. She does it a lot... He just decided to walk with her. As Silver and Boris both made it to Silver's quarters. They heard lots of moaning when they approached the door.


"It sounds like Mille has been busy!" Silver said.


Silver opened the door and saw an orgy. The room itself was a huge room with a mega-size bed that fits about 30 people on it. There was a throne inside the room, dressers, and many other things a Lady should and should not have.


The participants that were fucking were her new attendances. The female attendants were teaching the onces male attendants how to take a dick. The twins that Silver had met some time ago, had a very long dick on them. They were spit-roasting a very lucky woman. Being twins, they did it in unison. All the little woman could do was be on all fours and take both dicks. Another woman had held another girl in the place with telekinetic energy. He/She was made to lick or suck whoever they wanted her to do. Another woman had the power to conjure large dicks. She used it on the last male to female. All three of the guys; who are now girls, were getting prepared for Silver's rule. Mille did not know what Silver was into, but she was taking no chances. Silver told her to get them ready for her. So that was what she did.


Mille, herself, was sitting in a wheelchair looking at the scene. She wasn't exactly giving orders anymore. At some point, the girls went crazy on the three guys. When Mille spotted Silver, she looked really happy.


"Honored Silver! Welcome!" Mille shouted. Mille looked at the attendances. "You all may stop now! Put on your clothes and lineup!"


After a few rustling around, all of the women lined up and did what they were told. They had maid clothing on, but it was so short. You can barely call it clothing. The males to females were exhausted. They barely stood up. Cum was all over them, they were still spitting fluids out.


"Okay, Boris! Let's go all out on them!" Silver said with glee.


Boris shifted his gaze to the attendances. If this was the kind of fucking she wanted to do. He's not interested...


"As I said before... I would like to take it slow..." Boris said.


Silver blinked at him a couple of times.


"Fine! But not with me!" Silver said then looked at her attendances. "I will give you three of them. They will cater to your needs. I want you to be officially a part of my Army and also my advisor when needed. I will not make you fight the other lovers or Beyond. With that being said, I still expect you to protect my flag. I did pay for it after all!..."


Boris did not want to argue with her on this matter anymore. Sure, he was still fearing that beyond would get angry if he'd fuck other women. However, he was horny too right now.


"I don't really do this normally. Yet, I accept your offer. I will be taking the three men you turned just to be safe from Beyond's wrath. I can make up an excuse for messing around with you being technically my owner. Nevertheless, the rules state that I cannot mess with other women. So I'll take the men instead."


"Damn! And you're fine with that?! I am shocked! Oh, and by the way, I was once a guy too!"


"That's even better! I am pansexual, you see. It's quite common where I'm from."


Silver looked confused, then spoke. "What is a pansexual?"


"It means I'm willing to fuck with any gender. I know most people confuse it with bisexual. The difference is, Pansexual is any gender. Like transsexual, and anything in-between. While bisexual is only a man and a woman."


"Wait! What?!" Silver exclaimed.


She never heard of these words before. She wanted to know more. Like, 'What the fuck was a transsexual!?'


Before she could ask, Boris kneeled down in front of Silver and spoke to her. "I will be taking these three as my own. You would have my knowledge and sword. For too long, I went without the pleasure of touching someone. I was always there just to impregnate someone without touching them... I never thought I'd feel someone else again. I have so many children out there in many galaxies. Not once have I ever seen them... I am so tired of traveling and not having a place of my own. Take care of me and I will take care of you. Don't ask me to do anything I am not comfortable with. If you can promise me these things. I will swear my loyalty to your flag!"


Silver looked around.


"Hmm... Because you told me to vault my awesome sword. I don't have a sword to knight you with. I'll use this instead." Silver said. She pointed at one of Boris's weapons. He raised an eyebrow but he took a long blade out for her to use. She just shrugged. "I accept you as my Silver Knight. You'll go wherever is needed to protect my flag. You may have sex with your three personal dick warmers. You can cuddle them all you want. I don't care!"


Boris nodded, then went to his women.


"Wait! Don't you want your sword back?"


Boris stopped, then looked to Silver. "I am a weapon maker you see. I can always make more. The reason why I didn't bother making yours. Was because I was curious to see what you'll make. Hahaha, I got to say. I am very impressed. So, for my gratitude, take that sword! You'll find this sword is a perfect match for you!"


Silver looked at the sword while Boris continued to his attendances. They immediately cleaned him with their tongues. They kiss him all over. One of the girls slips down to unbutton his trousers. She begins kissing his dick. Then licked it. Boris heard sloppy sounds. She wanted to get his dick nice and wet. All the other ones kissed him. They kissed his neck and everywhere on him. The dick-sucker slapped herself with his dick. She choked it then continued to kiss it. She bobbed her head on his stick while licking it.


An hour later, Boris laid his hand on her head as she swallowed his semen. She was happy for some reason. Boris indicated them to go into the bathing room within Silver quarters.


"Don't worry. We don't have to rush things. You three will pleasure me, but we will take our time. Now, let me get you all cleaned up. I want a proper bedding tonight." Boris said to them.


There were no disagreements with the former men. While they were getting pounded by those sex-crazed women. They were told that Silver was much worse than them. So they were happily avoiding her... They're all doing this for their families. Nevertheless, they're choosing the lesser evil task.


Silver put Boris's room right next to hers so he may get to her if she was under attack. She realizes she pissed off a lot of Guardians. So she was taking no chances.


Meanwhile, Silver looks at the remaining attendances.


"I'm going to break you all in, tonight," Silver said.


The women looked very pleased to hear this.


"My Lord, can you really handle all 10 of us at the same time?" One of them asks.


"Hahaha! Of course, I can!" Silver replied.


"Is that so my Lord? Do you even remember me? You never were really good with names..." Another woman said.


"Well, I don't need to know your fucking name! But if you want me to learn them. I would do it this way!" Silver said.


Silver seductively moved her hips while walking to them. She doesn't do it on purpose, it kind of just happens... She believes it's because of her [Temptress Class]. When she sat down on the bed. She realized she still has the sword in her hand. The sword's name was Sorkin. When she examined it. It said it contains energy and abilities. In this world, there are some sores that can level up. When it's given to a new owner, the level resets itself. The reason why was because the makers of the blades feel that you should learn the levels yourself. Because she didn't need it now, she put it away. While on the bed, Silver looked at her attendances again.


"I'm not going to lie. I can honestly say, I don't remember any of you. I recently saw the twins, but I never bothered to remember their names." Silver said. Silver had her hands on her thick thighs. The women looked at each other knowingly. "For those who know me. I like to play games. You'll lay on my legs, and I will smack you with a blob. You then will say your name out loud! If I cannot understand what you're saying. I will smack you again until I get it! Do you all understand?"


They all nodded.


"Good! Who's first?!" Silver said.


One of the girls stepped forward and leaned across Silver's thighs. Silver created her blob then smacked her hard and fast.


"Samantha!" She called.


Silver let her get up and allowed another one to take her place.


"Lottie!" Another woman screamed.


"Okay! Lottie, I want you to lick Samantha's pussy on the bed." Silver said.


Whenever a girl finished getting smacked. That girl licked the pussy of the ones before her. Eventually, Silver had a circle going. With all their names being called. Silver looked at a broken woman. Mille was fingering herself. When she noticed her mistress was looking at her. She stopped in shame.


The broken woman fidgeted in her wheelchair. Silver gestured for Mille to come over. The woman was breathing heavily. She quickly strolled to Silver with a happy glee.


"You called... My grace?" Mille asked.


Mille really wanted to please her master. However, she didn't think Silver wanted her by her side. Silver didn't feel sorry for her. Silver was so ready to pound Mille's plump ass. Mille put her wheelchair near the bed then lifted herself on the side of the bed. Mille crawled to Silver; who was in the middle of the bed. The circle of the attendants was still licking.


"I know that my broken legs scare people... I don't want you to be sad about it... and I don't want you to use your skill on me tonight. I want you to be okay with me no matter what my legs look like. Can you grant me this favor of keeping me the way I am? Please... I want to feel special in your eyes. It's just for the night?" Mille asked.


She looked at Silver, eye to eye.


"Sure, I can do that for you. Take off your clothes. For tonight, you'll be my fuck toy." Silver said.


Mille stripped for her master. She then kissed Silver's breast. 'Great! Another romantic person.' Silver thought to herself.


Silver didn't want to play nice. So she decided to roll the broken woman on her back.


"Your pussy still works right?" Silver asked.


Mille slightly nodded. Silver cast [Manifestation] on herself to make a dick, but it didn't work like always. After cursing under her breath. Silver formed a big blob-man. Without warning, the blob-man slipped his big cock in her pussy. Mille winced, as this slippery fucker viciously pounded her.


"This is my own way of treating you special." Silver said with a grin. "You're going to be the center of attention! Now! Let's do something about that mouth of yours!"


Silver sat on her face.


"I am not going to play nice with you. Now lick me! You're going to keep licking until I squirt on your face! You are going to soak all of me. And even after that! You're going to keep licking! I don't care if your jaw gets tired! My blob will keep pounding you! We're going to do this all night." Silver said.


Mille was so happy. She did a lot of rough sex when she was an adventurer. She didn't think that she would get treated like this again. As a broken woman, no one wanted anything to do with her. Mille gleefully licked Silver. The Blob man was big but very slippery. She took the slippery fucker Like A Champion. Mille came again and again. The blob-man didn't stop or slow down.


"I am coming again!" Silver exclaimed.


"Sexy! You started without me?!" Tess exclaimed.


Silver sighed.


"You are too slow! Anyway, you take care of the rest! Also... learn their names for me!" Silver said to her daughter. And then she looked at her attendances. "Take care of my girl for now. Please her and please yourselves just for tonight. This was a long time coming for Mille. She has done so much for me lately."


Tess used [Imitate]. Tess morphed into Silver's form. She looked exactly like her mother. Even Silver's personality and memories were taken. Tess used her own blobs to pleasure the attendances. Unlike her mother, she can grow a dick, and she had no problem using it.


Tess used [Scan] and the real Silver got a message. Having Silver's memories, Tess added notes.


. . . . .


{Kleria Huffman}


Class: [Void caller]


A spirit user of darkness. She can manipulate the dark essences around her.


Current bio:


You have limited information on this person. All you know; you met her during a judgment battle event. You teased Auly with a blob of her face.


{Laguna Nochka}


Class: [Psycho]


A class that can use Telekinesis, Mind reading, even have the power to see the future!


Current bio:


You have met her during your days as a Yule. You were sneaking around to fuck the woman at your mother's School! Hehehe~


{Samantha Hurst}


Class: [Body Shaper]


This class can manipulate body structure to the user's will.


Current bio:


She was one of your many flings! Sexy!


{Lottie McLaughlin}


Class: [Lady Luck]


You may get lucky, you may not. Depending on your chances, nothing may happen or a lot.


Current bio:


You have never met her. However, she seems to be a fan of yours.


{Brianna Clayton}


Class: [Witch]


A class that can use hexes and curses.


Current bio:


One of the twins you have met in the carriage I was formed in.


{Brittney Clayton}


Class: [Siren]


She can use sound as a weapon.


Current bio:


The other twin! You didn't do much with them. However, they took me shopping! They are really funny!


{Alice Burns}


Class: [Pyromancer]


Basically a fire user. Try not to get burned by her!


Current bio:


You have dumped her before and she hates you for it!


{Diane Duncan}


Class: [Calculator]


The power to use mathematics as a tool to solve any problem. This class is considered a support class. So she typically needs a problem to solve.


Current bio:


You ask her to help you with your studies. She never said no to you, and you made her suck your dick as a reward. When you were done with her, you threw her away. That made her sad... Although it made her happy when you needed her again. Apparently, you'd rinse and repeat this action with her. I think she just likes sucking your cock and being needed by you.


{Vanya Garner}


Class: [Surge]


She has a class that can empower or depower, something, or someone.


Current bio:


You have never met her. So I know nothing of her.


{Nyana Admaer}


Class: [Chef]


Her food can give a boost to experience, health, and many other benefits!


Current Bio:


Although you never personally met her. She was one of the cooks who was a part of your sister's working staff! You ate her cooking every time you visited your sister's house. You even complimented her cooking. You said you wanted to take her as your maid, so you don't have to eat Ala's food anymore!


. . . . .


Silver blinks a couple of times. 'Damn that Margolin! She sent some of these girls to me on purpose!' Silver thought. Silver looked forward to getting Margolin back for this!


Silver looked towards her daughter. She never bothered to learn about her daughter and what she can do. Oddly, she was proud of her daughter for some reason.


"Tess! Don't hold back! Pound the shit out of them!" Silver exclaimed.


Looking exactly like her mother, Tess had a smile. She looked at her mother's attendances.


"You're all going to see my Fury!" Tess said with Silver's voice.


Tess created multiple hands from her back and grabbed all 10 of the girls and dragged them towards her. Each of them got ground pounded by the multiple dicks Tess made. Her dick attacks were super effective!




{Back at Auly’s command tent}


Auly did not have long to sit around. So she quickly contacted Chuckles to see where he was. Surprisingly, she didn't wait too long. The magic mirror connected to him.


Auly: Hello Mister Chuckles. I was wondering if you were coming to help with the dungeon guardian?


Chuckles had a strange look. He was smiling... Chuckles always had a smile, but not like this. His grin was so big, it reached his top hairline. It was unsettling...


Chuckles: Why yeeesss, Miss Auly! I will be there shortly!


He was loud. Auly winced as she covered her ears. When he teleported to her. Auly observed him. He was pale, his face... It was more creepy to see his smile in person. Auly looked at his arm. He had a large glowing cut. The wound was festering with orange sores. It was oozing with black goop. Auly has never seen this before.


She then noticed something else. A very bright yellow sword was pulsating in his hand. She never saw Chuckles with a sword before. He usually uses his bare hands.


"Yes! I agree! Oh, that! It's no problem!" Chuckles yelled.


Auly looked confused. She didn't say anything. 'Is he's having a conversation with himself?' she thought.


Chuckles then noticed Auly looking at his sword. He then possessively held the sword close to his person.


"Heathen! It is ours! I will not let you take it from us!" Chuckles yelled.


Auly covered her ears again. She thought she heard multiple voices yelling at her, at once. Auly was on the ground whimpering.


"I'm sorry, Mr. Chuckles! I won't do it again!" Auly exclaimed.


"GOOOOODDD! You can't have it! Now let us away! You want us to kill some Guardians don't you?!" Chuckles said with a Grin while nodding. "Let's kill them all! I won't let them take it either!"


Auly stood there terrified. 'K-Kill?!' Auly thought. Chuckles has never gone to violence. Even when he fights. He uses non-lethal methods. And even then he keeps a cool head.


"Don't worry! We won't let them take you! Because you are ours! Our precious!" The voices of Chuckles said.

Alright! Unloading time! My friend finally caught up with my chapters. I asked him what he does and don't understand. That way I can edit things accordingly. As I said before, I'm a lazy person. So we'll work on that eventually! There's a lot of mistakes I have done!

I would now like a tell you all things you may or may not have missed. I don't consider these as spoilers. But if you don't want to read this part I understand. As you all know, I use references from many books and shows, and sometimes memes. I'm not going to go over all of them. But I will tell you some of the things I have referred to.

Like The Flash, Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, and other stuff. The Dragon Ball Z series is probably the top subject I use. For example, Beyond is a creator and a destroyer. Boris is a reference to Lord Beerus. Silver has gotten Beyond to help her by using food. This happens in Dragon Ball Super by the way. And the food itself is made of stupid energy. Here's a link for the reference to that. (Which is also dragon Ball Z)

So I use a lot of references. If it's funny to me it's going to be in my book. So understandably, my friend does a lot of mental facepalms. And when that happens, I know that I have completed my task.

Now on to the polls! For this one, I will be doing a rank up for Auly's [Doll] class. I don't have any names for them yet. But I will give you all an idea of where I'm going with each rank.

The first one revolves around controlling people and things like puppets. As a placeholder, I'll call it [Puppet Master].

The second one is her being controlled by others. I wanted this one to be a sort of Healer or type of support. The placeholder for this one is [Molly].

For the last one. I was thinking of giving her the ability to give something motion. Not giving it real life. But she does not have to control it all the time. The object she gives motion to can do her bidding. This can be a doll. My friend suggested a golem. For now, I will call it [Doll Maker].


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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