Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 24: Spiders among us (Auly)

{In the Magic Smithy}


Lord Lavender oversaw the production of another magic weapon. He and Thrak have made 20 plus magical weapons since the creation of Silver’s mysterious blade. He wondered what was so different about these weapons with respect to Silver’s Guardian blade. Lavender was also curious as to why that blade spoke to him. It was using his own voice and told him what he wanted to hear and things that he wanted to forget...


“Lavender, honey? Are you alright?” A woman’s voice asks. She had a sing-song tone to her voice. Her voice was soothing.


Lavender had some of his many wives with him. The Lady that spoke was Melody. Melody, Joy, and Passion were here in the Magic Smithy with him. He has brought them and many other guardians to help with building this kingdom. The only reason why Lavender has so many wives was that he had too. Unless they hold value in the eyes of an All-Father or married, they are generally placed as a blow guardian.


“I’m fine, Miss Melody,” Lavender said. “I just have a lot on my mind.”


“I see...” Melody said with a saddened tone. Lavender was usually formal with them. Although they wanted to hang out with him as much as possible. He’s always in his own mind. They don’t want to be a blow guardian, but it is nice to be wanted every now and then...


“Beloved? Where is my brother, Chuckles?” Joy asked.


“Hmm? I believe he was scheduled to help Silver’s Army with a dungeon guardian.” Lavender said.


He didn’t take his eyes off the newly made magical weapon. The new weapon was dull to his touch. These weapons were definitely not guardian killing blades. Lavender rather not make weapons while having sex again... even if he didn’t partake in the action.


“Honey?! Should you be testing the blades on yourself? Isn’t that dangerous?” Passion asked.


“I am a high guardian... these human’s blades won’t do anything to us. Although, I’m curious about how Silver’s blade cut Mr. Chuckles’ arm.” Lavender said.


It was very bizarre. He knew Silver was exceptional. That was why he followed her in the first place. He never thought that blade would actually cut Chuckles. That was very curious.


“What?! My brother was hurt?!” Joy exclaimed. “How can that be?!”


Lavender grimaced. ‘If I knew the answer to that, woman! Then I wouldn’t be so bothered by this!’ Lavender thought. Lavender thinks the people around him are dumb... but he kept his posture.


“I don’t know...” Lavender simply said.


Lavender’s wives were the reason why he wanted a guardian-killing weapon. They think that he was teaming with Silver and making these weapons because he wanted to protect them. That way, they’ll never become a blow Guardian, or suffer at the hands of a powerful guardian ever again.


Although, he’s doing this for them to protect themselves. He’s actually doing this to get them out of his hair. So they can defend themselves... without him...


“Where is the blade now, honey?” Joy asked.


Lavender sighed. He wished they would go away while he works... He doesn’t love them... He was finding ways to get rid of them, and yet they still flock to him...


“Although Auly has not formed any guards for the vault yet. We placed it there. Only Silver and the flag’s guardians can open it now. If you want to look at it, go ask my sister Kilo to help you...” Lavender said with a bit of annoyance.


Lavender’s wives were used to his low tolerance for them... Which was still better than being a cock slave. They all love him and will take care of him even if he doesn’t want them... They curtseyed, then warped to Kilo.


‘Good grief, they’re finally gone!’ Lavender thought until he felt someone’s arms wrapped around his arm with love and affection. He saw that Passion shook her head at him, saying that she’s going to stay. ‘Fuck...’




{In Auly’s command tent}


Chuckles stood in front of Auly with a malicious grin. He was gazing upon his blade.


“Umm... Mr. Chuckles...” Auly begins. Chuckles frowned at Auly for interrupting his moment with his blade. Auly held her hands up and then nervously continued. “Why don’t you stay here..? I am sure if you come out now, people would want to talk about your blade... I’ll... call you... whenever we’re ready to talk with the Dungeon Guardian... Please!”


Auly curled up on the floor, expecting an attack or a tongue lashing.


Chuckles just simply nodded his head and spoke. “Very well, Miss Auly! Now chop, chop! You don’t have long to wait around now! So get going!”


And with that. Auly hastily rushes out the war tent.




Auly ran by her soldiers to get to her personal company. As she passed by them. They looked at her for some reason. Especially the dark elves. They started smiling and sniffed at her. She doesn’t know why. She even remembered when Ruud did it. Also, why does her special place.... down... there... hurts?! She has been getting these weird cramps as she moves...


When Auly made it to her Royal Company, they already had the healers, teleporters, and everything that Auly ordered to be there. Auly’s second in command was also there. Valerie added additional units to protect her little sister. She recruited a full company of elite soldiers, specially made to keep Auly alive.


“Ah! There you are, honorable sister! We must go now! We will do introductions later!” Valerie said.


Auly’s assigned team gravitated to her. The men and women were unknown to Auly. The only ones she knew were Hanna, Cliff, Julia, and The Giant Egg.


Julia was technically not supposed to be here. She’s still a lady in training, and her mother told her not to go on any more dangerous adventures... She wants to be her own woman and find her own way. Cliff said to her that she could have the egg. However, the egg told Cliff in spirit; it wants to test how strong she was to do the transfer. So, she’s sticking extra close to the egg and wants to prove that she was worthy of its partnership.


A woman stood behind Auly and held her waist. Auly looked at her, and she smiled.


“Hello there. I’m Mira Yuhara. I am your personal Healer. From now on, I’ll be part of the Royal Guards, permanently. I was told you have issues and that you need help with it... I will try my best to help you with that after this. So, for tonight, I’ll be joining you in your magic room.” The woman said.


The woman had peach brown hair, which was waist-length. She had purple eyes, and her outfit was a pink dress.


“My issue?”




“Well, I have been getting this weird pain in my body...” Auly said while holding her stomach.


“Okay, I’ll check your condition now!” Mira insisted.


“No! Please! We don’t have time, and I must see this through!” Auly pleated.


Mira, the Healer, tilted her head. She then reluctantly agreed. “Fine... but we’re doing this before you sleep.”


“Oh... umm...” Auly started. She remembered that Hanna gets night terrors! “Can... Can you sleep with me and my friend? Can we all three sleep together?”


Hanna blushed.


Mira observed between the two. Then she spoke. “Are you sure that’s alright?”


Auly hates sleeping alone. She wants to be there for Hanna, but she feels she’s not strong enough to do it on her own...


“Yes... I want to do it with both of you.” Auly said with a smile.


Valerie raised her eyebrows. What happened to her little sister? When was she this bold?


“Umm-...” Hanna began.


Auly held Hanna’s hands, stopping Hanna from saying anything. She doesn’t know too much about Hanna, but she cares for her well-being and doesn’t want her to have nightmares. Auly spoke. “It’s okay, Hanna, she’ll take care of both of us tonight... I want you to be happy too!”


She didn’t think she’ll be having sex with two people... Sure she has a big dick, but she’d never lasted that long... Auly and Mira were both beautiful women. So, Hanna decided to do her best. Although, she was surprised at how Auly was asking for a threesome. She seemed so much sweeter than Silver. ‘Maybe this is her first time, and she wants company?’ Hanna thought. ‘I’ll do my hardest to please them with my dick. Auly seems to really want it, right?’


Auly stared at Hanna lovingly.


“Okay, everyone! We are going in!” Valerie shouted. The teleporters then step forward. They created a portal to the Boss’s room.


When the portal opened. The company shot through the portal door; pushing Hanna and Auly in. They understand that Hanna and Cliff have never fought. Valerie told Auly’s personal bodyguards, their top priority was to keep Auly safe. While keeping the other members who were not battle-ready from harm. This also included Julia too. They were also told that Auly was not exactly all there... and that Auly was not a confident leader. She told them not to tell anyone. Only Mira knew Auly had mental issues. Valerie knew Mira for quite some time, so she knows she was good with secrets. Valerie may be a [Spartan], but she’s also a [Lady]. She has the ability to see loyalty in her men. She would never pick anyone who was not worthy of watching her dear sister!


As soon as Auly got there, she heard lots of explosions all around her. When she was a kid, she always wanted to be a fearless adventurer! Fight bad guys and monsters! That’s why she wanted to be brave and do this! However, what she saw was her Army slaughtering the spiders in the boss chamber. She heard the spiders screeching. As her soldiers cut through the mobs of spiders, around the Boss. Green goop spilled out of the creature’s bodies. The Boss itself started with five layers of health bars for the [Nightmare mode] boss battle. They were informed not to wait for Auly. Her soldiers worked very hard for this two-hour bonus. As they hacked away at the Boss, they were on a bar and a half of its health.


Auly read and heard all she needed for this dungeon. She has instructed all her commanders on how to get this done. They have done precisely what she said to the letter. So, she didn’t need to be here at all!


How’d you normally work this Bossfight, was tank the Boss. Pull it away from the mobs, and attack its sides. The Boss cave was a giant cave with lots of holes in it. The holes were like a death trap. If you’re not careful. Big brown spiders will grab and drag their victims inside the holes. The mobs do this to separate the group. Auly’s war company didn’t let any of this happen! She had companies, platoons, and squads for everything. Including teleporting them out if they needed too, and watching the healers. She did not want to take any chances. Mainly because some of the spiders had poison.


“Miss Auly? Are you alright?” Mira asked with concern.


Auly was frozen stiff. She had her eyes closed. Unfortunately, it did not stop the painful sounds of the screeching. It sounded terrible. She hated spiders, but seeing and hearing them die was unpleasant.


Auly threw up. She started coughing while curling on the ground with her hands on her ears.


A giant shadow stood over Auly. It was an orc. He pulled his cape over her; blocking anyone from viewing her moment of weakness. The bodyguards guided her to a corner of the cave, away from danger. They surrounded her to make sure she was okay, and none could see her. The bodyguards plan to keep whatever respect her Army has for her intact.


Just look at yourself, Auly! You’re so pathetic! Eventually, everyone will abandon you! Damn you! Let me out, now! Ala may have locked me in here, but I can still choke you!


Like always, Auly’s breath became shallow. She had a hard time breathing. This was a familiar feeling. Auly counted during these times. She usually passes out around 10 seconds.


She doesn’t mind passing out, especially now! Her body really hurts! So, she can go to sleep in times like this. She doesn’t have to deal with the world anymore. She doesn’t have to listen to the screeching noises. Or look at those damn horrible creatures!


‘1...2...3...4...5-’ Auly counted in her mind. She really wants to go to sleep now! ​Just die already, Auly! I’m going to kill you this time! Ala can’t mentally save you anymore! ‘6...7...8-‘




Someone was humming in Auly’s ears. Mira held Auly while singing. The song blocked any pain Auly was feeling. The screeching also stopped. All she heard was a melody.


“?There, there~ I am here, and you’re not alone~?” Mira sang.


It sounded so lovely and calm. Auly opened her eyes and saw a message.




Congratulations! You have completed spiders among us!


You have reached every goal within this dungeon!




A list of items went into Auly’s inventory.


They did it, Auly! they did it! We got the bonuses!” Valerie yelled.


The full company cheered around Auly.


“Your crazy plan worked!” Ruud said to Auly.


“Yes! Auly! You’re so amazing! I knew you can do this, sis!” Luna exclaimed.


“Drinks on me, everyone!” Valerie yelled.


Auly stared at all the happy faces. You did it, Auly! They really love you! Good Job! Auly!


As the Army celebrated, webs shot from a hole in the ceiling. The soldiers scattered to prepare for an attack!


“Congratulations! Well done!” A female voice said.


A figure with strings guided herself down to the center of the boss room.


“Who are you? And state your business!” Valerie demanded.


“Who me? I am the Dungeon’s Guardian, of course.” The spider lady said.


She had a human torso with huge tits. Her lower half looks like a tarantula’s body.


“I must say, I was surprised! I don’t know how you manage to get this many adventures in my dungeon! So, please tell me! I must know how you'd accomplish this feat! To qualify my dungeon as a solo and take all of my things in such a manner... I’m dying to know!” The spider lady said with a smile.


Auly and her soldiers had a feeling that she was not happy. She was smiling but she sounded pissed.


The spider lady looked at her dungeon records. She only saw one name? She raised an eyebrow then spoke. “Auly?! Which one of you is Auly?! Come out right now this instant! We must have words, right now!”


Auly’s bodyguards close in tighter around her. While Mira, The Healer hugged Auly.


Which did no good, because with a wave of her hand. The spider lady banished all participants who weren’t on her dungeon's list. They were forced outside the dungeon.


Auly looked around and saw she was alone with this angry Dungeon Guardian.


”I may not be as powerful as a regular guardian, but I won’t let whoever enters my dungeon, do whatever they please!” The spider lady said in anger. “Listen here, mortal! I was specifically created to protect this dungeon from any threats! Thanks to you! I have to build my dungeon again! In order to stop the likes of you! So tell me! How the hell did you get so many people in a solo run?! I have rules! I can’t intervene or change anything in my dungeon while the dungeon is active! I can only do it before or after. Normally I’d just kill you for breaking the rules! However, in your case, you beat my dungeon! So! I’m not allowed to do that either! I won’t let you leave here until you tell me what I wish to know!”


The Spidey lady was breathing heavily after her long speech.


Auly did not know what to do. If she tells her. She can prevent the Army from going dungeon runs here, or anywhere else ever again! Silver wants more dungeon cores. This was a test run. Silver won’t be happy to be told No! Auly options are to piss off Silver or the spider lady...


“I’m sorry! I can’t tell you that information! “Auly shouted, then curled into a ball. She started rocking back-and-forth, waiting for her end...


The spider lady turns red from all her built-up anger. She lunged at Auly to pick her up.


“Fine! You’ll stay here for the rest of your life! I’ll put you in a cocoon where no one can find you! You will stay there and die of hunger! I’m unable to kill you, but you will die from starvation! Do you hear me, human! Tell me what I want or you will die!”


Auly was frozen stiff with fear. (Dammit, Auly! You’re so useless! Let me take over! I’ll handle this!) She heard in her mind.


With no response from Auly, the spider lady threw Auly to the ground which damaged her head. Auly just laid there as a ball. Her head was bleeding. She couldn’t move. She was so scared!


(Auly! What the fuck are you doing?! Get up! You are a level 40 [Doll]! Use your abilities, dammit! My guardians are you useless! If you’re going to get us killed, then let me handle this! And why haven’t you ranked your class yet! Everyone else has already! So useless!) In Auly's mind.


Auly cried on the ground. She thought of many ways to deal with this, but all of them require fighting a spider! They are terrifying!


The spider lady started kicking at this whimpering human. Auly got kicked in the face, stomach, and everywhere else. Eventually, the spider lady got so annoyed. She commanded her spiders to layer webs on Auly.


“If you won’t talk, I’ll keep you in a small hole! You’ll die human!”


“I’m sorry, but I can’t let you do that!” A man said.


“W-Who are you?! “The spider lady said in shock.


“I am called, Wild Pig! It looks like you didn’t throw us all out!”


The spider lady looked at her logs again. She has seen his name before. She tried to expel him from her dungeon, but it seemed it would take Auly away as well.


“You?! You were the first one to enter my dungeon! It says here that a skill called [Unit replacement] was then activated?! Was this how it happened?! How did it tether you to this human?! What’s a Rory?! Explain everything human!” The spider lady demanded. “Normally, I can block certain skills, but I’d never absorbed this skill. So I can’t block it! Although, with that being said. Auly is the champion of my dungeon. Winners are protected from death until they come back. So I’m forbidden from absorbing her!”


The spider woman grabbed her hair in frustration. She then reached out and grabbed Wild Pig’s neck.


“Human! Leave this dungeon and come back so I can eat you!” The spider lady said to Auly. “Do it or I’ll kill this fatso!”


Auly was none responsive.


“I’m not fat! This is muscle!” Wild Pig yelled.


He shoved her off of him and elbowed her gut.


“Ahh-“The spider lady exclaimed in pain. She held onto her stomach.


“It seems I can harm you!” Wild Pig said. “Is it because you’re not a normal guardian? I guess we didn’t need any guardian’s help after all!”


“I may not be a real guardian, but it’s going to take a lot more than that human! Go! My children!”


All forms of spiders came out of the holes in the boss room. Wild Pig took out his ax and went into a frenzy, killing the spiders. One by one, they all died.


“AHHH-! This won’t stop me!” Wild Pig said while hacking and slashing ferociously.


Several spiders managed to bite and poison him.


“Why won’t you die, no matter how many I send?!” The spider lady furiously asked.


The spider lady wants nothing more than to send a new boss on them again, but she can’t. In normal mode, when the final Boss was killed. It takes about an hour to get enough mana to create the Boss again. However, the dungeon did not reset. They were still in nightmare mode. So the Boss would take about two days.


All she could do was send small and medium spiders instead. She frantically looked around, trying to think of an idea to help her in this situation.


She could cut her losses and simply not let this group come back in. She can even go to the Guardian Council and demand they kill this Auly to get her body. This way, all dungeon cores can protect themselves and disable that ridiculous [Unit Replacement] skill. No dungeon wants to be done this way. One should not be able to just go in and bring a full army to kill everything. They even got all of the bonuses!


If she doesn’t take a stand now, then anyone can just do this to her anytime they like, which was not very good!


“Ahhh-!” The spider lady screeched. “Stop killing my babies!”


She feels at this point she must do something! She’s running out of mana to create any more powerful spiders. Because this was technically still nightmare mode, it cost a lot more mana to produce anything. She also quickly realized any lower than a nightmare, would not do anything to this man anyway.


Wild Pig had hate in his eyes. It’s like he’s not there at all. The spider lady looked at her records and saw his class was [Berserker]. She has never seen that class before. Although he was the higher rank who switched with Auly in the dungeon. He sold his old class and ranked his new one to [Berserker] in the private meeting. His level went up throughout the two-hour dungeon run. He was now a level 47 [Berserker].


As Wild Pig fought he was getting damaged by the spiders. The more health he loses, the Berserker becomes angrier, and his skin also thickens. Berserkers can handle multiple targets at once. As the spiders ate at him, they started to do no damage to him.


“Aaaaahhhh-!” Wild Pig yelled, enraged.


The spider lady’s mouth was open from shock. She looked towards Auly. She had sticky webs on her mouth, hands, and feet. Auly was now completely bound by threads.


‘Maybe I should kill the dungeon champion anyway. I know I’m not supposed to break dungeon rules, but this is ridiculous! I will plead with the Council later. If two hours was all it takes to make a level 1, become a level 47. Then all dungeons are at risk! I must tell the Council now! But I must kill them first. If I go without killing these two. It will inadvertently release them... so I must kill both.’ The spider lady thought to herself.


The spider lady went closer to Auly. As she was about to grab her.


“Aaaahhhhh——“Auly yelled at her. It was like needles hitting her ears; it was deafening. “Die you horrible creature! I won’t let you hurt Auly!”


Spider lady scattered around and moved back. She was sure Auly was completely bound. She looked down to see the webs were cut.


Auly levitated in the air, then flung herself at the spider bitch. Auly screamed again, which produced a shockwave towards that damn spider! The sound carried the Guardian so fast and far; she crashed into a wall. After falling to the ground, she saw that Auly was floating towards her with speed.


The spider lady conjured a spider to defend her, then jumped into a hole to avoid the yelling. Auly made quick work of the defending spider. She used a piercing scream that shot right through the body of the spider, which killed it. 


When Auly made it to the hole, she screamed into the tunnel.


“Come out here, you disgusting creature, or I’ll keep screaming! I’m going to make you my bitch! Do you hear me! You scared Auly, which is unforgivable! Aaaaahhhhhh—!“


Auly kept yelling, eventually the spider woman fled out of her hole. She was in agonizing pain and her eardrums were nearly destroyed.


“Listen here, spider bitch! I’ll make you pay for hurting Auly! I should kill you! But don’t worry, it won’t be quick!” Auly had a malicious smile on her face.


“Who are you!? You were not like this, were you?”


“Huh? You mean weak and pathetic? Are you talking about useless Auly? I’m not that loser! I am Samantha! I am the baddest bitch you’ll ever see!” Samantha yelled with a shockwave hitting the spider woman’s body. “Hahaha! I can finally do whatever the fuck I want! That loser is asleep! Possibly for good!”


Spider lady looked at this strange woman. She had blue hair, which was confusing because Auly was a redhead.


“Now tell me! Where is your dungeon core?! My sister needs it! So, give it to us!”


Every time Samantha yelled, shockwaves consistently hit the Guardian.


The spider lady looked at both Wild Pig and this new person. She was smiling madly, and he was in Berserker’s rage.


‘If I don’t do something, I’ll die! They are both crazy! ‘Spider lady thought to herself. She looked at her records. This Samantha was a level 53 [Banshee]?! The last time she’d looked, she was something called a [Doll]. ‘How can switching a personality change classes? How was any of this possible?! ‘




“If I tell you where my dungeon core is. You’ll destroy it, and I’ll die anyway!“


Samantha thought about this and then spoke. “You’ll become Oliver’s pet. He wasn’t able to think of a class, but he’d always love animals and creatures. So he can be a beastmaster, and you will be his first pet!” Samantha said with glee. “Before I go, and you meet Oliver. I want you to remember this. I am the alpha here, and if you hurt any of us, you will die by my hands!”


The spider woman didn’t have eyebrows, but if she did, they would be raised.


“Hahaha~-Hi...” Out of the blue, Auly’s voice changed completely. Her mannerisms, her posture. Even her hair color changed again. It was now gray.


“My name is Oliver...”


Oliver swiftly moved towards the spider being.


“Your body is broken... That’s fine though; we can fix that right up...“ Oliver said. He still had a girl’s body, but he carried himself like a gentleman. He feels it’s important to be respectful. “Hmm... first, you must swear loyalty to me so that I may become your beastmaster. This is my first time being awake, but I’m sure we can get along. I will protect you, and you’ll be mine... Do you have a name?”


Oliver sounded very dry and mellow. It was like he had no care in the world.


The spider lady cannot believe what was happening. She saw a message.




Oliver would like you to be his familiar.


Do you accept?






The Spider lady looked unsure. Oliver didn’t look scary like the last one or scared like the first. He just seemed relaxed. Auly was afraid of spiders, and Samantha hated spiders. Oliver didn’t care at all.


Auly’s hair changed again; it’s now pink. She smiled at the spider, then spoke. “How long are you going to sit there? We don’t have all day, Silly-Billy. Auly is very tired, you see. Suppose we don’t get her to bed and get some food in her belly. She’ll get sick, and we can’t have that now, can we?”


This person seemed very cheerful. She acted like she’s someone’s mother.


The Spider lady was so confused.


“Like hell, I want to become a familiar with a crazy person! You’re completely-!”


She got cut off by a light slashing through her body. A bright glowing sword was in The spider lady’s stomach.


“We have arrived!” Chuckles smiled. “We have killed it! She will no longer be a problem! She cannot take our master!”


Chuckles took out the blade then hugged it. Green fluids spill out the spider lady. Chuckles cooed at the bloody sword.


Spider lady curled on the ground. The effects of the blade were eating at her from the inside. She can feel it tear into her flesh. Black goop was consuming her. She didn’t want to die; she felt that whatever was happening to her was permanent. This goop poisoned even the Guardian that stabbed her. She recognized Chuckles. He’s a powerful guardian. If whatever happened to him, affected him like this. She doesn’t see a way out for herself... especially being in a room full of crazy people with no mana. She definitely feels she’s going to die here. She looked at her message and said. “Yes, I accept...”

I have nothing much to say really, but I have a few things to say. I do apologize for the wait. I have been working as a succubus. I go to events and sex people who are shy. I do this on vrchat, not real life. My whole virtual life is a smut. I enjoy writing my book on my downtime. I love writing Auly more than Silver. I was going to do a big boss battle but the more I thought about it, I felt it was more important to focus on Auly's mental state. Especially because it leads to the end.

Sorry, I don't really have anything else to say. I don't even have a poll to ask. I often do come up with questions, but I forget them. LOL.


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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