Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 26: Auly And The Pig

{In the spider dungeon}

Auly’s body laid inside of her hiding spot. Although the spider lady badly bruised her, she woke up alone and healed. She was unsure of her surroundings.

“Where am I?” Auly asked. “Hello, anyone there?“

She carefully looked around and saw no one. The last time she was awake, there was a scary spider woman after her. So she was very confused.

As she observed her surroundings, she saw various traps and spells around her.

‘These traps ​were​ made by someone in my army?‘ Auly thought. When someone is in your Army or party in general, you can see if the skill was friend or ​foe​. ‘But why did they leave me here?’

The names attached to the skills ​were​ unfamiliar to her. She decided to call out again.

“Please! If anyone can hear me! I am awake! ​Is​ there anyone nearby?!“

Still no answer... she ​lifted​ herself up and wobbled as she ​used​ the wall to support ​herself​. She was inside of a spider tunnel. She didn’t want to go deeper inside, so she decided it’s best to go back into the boss room.

‘What if the Dungeon guardian was still out there?’ She thought. “Should I use my Rory skills to call in reinforcements?”

Auly felt it was best not to call them just yet. The last time she saw the spider lady, she was angry they ​were​ here. Auly wanted to make sure it’s safe before summoning them again.

Her father told Auly that the best hunters have bait for their traps.

She felt as soon as she called them, the lady would make her move and torture them to make Auly talk.

The last time she spoke with the spider lady, she was very determined to find out how she got an army into her dungeon.

‘I will die before letting her get a hold of them.’ Auly thought.

But the thing was, Auly was weak. If she was going to protect them, she needed to get stronger.

She was putting off her rank up until she was sure of what to choose. She feels now was the best time as any to pick.



You have the ability to tie strings to ​an​ object and properly control it like a puppet.


Others can control you like a puppet. You can give them protection, ​replace​ them, and be a general helping doll.

[Doll Maker]

You can make any solid object into a doll. It will have a personality you have given it. You can tell it to attack or defend.


In a situation like this, she didn’t know what to choose. Of course, she must decide what’s best for future encounters as well.

If she ​chose to ​be a puppeteer, she can control the doll’s exact movements.

As a Molly, she can not do much, but let others do it for her. This was the likely option Auly wanted to go with. She wouldn’t have to do anything for herself. However, there’s no one to control her right now. In situations like this, it’s not very useful.

She was leaning towards the last one. This way, she didn’t have to do anything but make the doll, and tell it to do simple commands. So, Auly chose this one.


[Doll Maker] level 40

{Bring to life}

The ability to give a lifeless so a beating heart. Of course, not a physical heart, but of magical nature.


The puppet having a heart isn’t enough. Even if the puppet already has limbs, this ability gives life to them.


The skill to attach things to you’re dolls. This could mean swords or any item that it can use.


The dolls have a choice to do a task if they wish.

{Make believe}

If you tell them they are a human doll, then they are a human doll. If you tell them they are an animal doll, then that‘s what they are instead.


It will take a lot of time and work, but you can teach them to speak and among other things, if they choose to listen.


With those skills, Auly knows exactly how to make a doll. She may not ​know how to craft​ a doll’s body, but she understands what’s needed to make the doll move. The limbs and head were made with both the {Attachment} and {Limbs} skills.

She had a mental image of the dolls she wanted. The materials ​were​ made out of the rocks around her. She looked at the traps, and she had ​an ​idea to use the traps as an attachment for her golems. The golems can not only make use of the traps, but actively use these as abilities too. She managed to make three rock men.

“Arise!” Auly shouted.

She thought about using the messaging system to find out where everybody was, but if the spider lady was still around her, she’s probably in danger.

“Okay... I think I’m ready...” Auly thought.

She carefully made her way into the main boss room. She looked up, down and everywhere around her to find the dungeon core.

Just because Auly was scared out of her mind, she still had a mission to complete. Silver was scarier than the breasted spider ever could ​have​ been.

As she observed her surroundings around the boss room, she heard constant rocks crashing against rocks. Because Auly was a lady of grace. She was taught to move with elegance, but her rock golems had the grace of ​an​ elephant, trying to ​walk through a glass shop​.

For a nervous person who's trying not to be seen, this was bad.

She anxiously looked at them for a solution, but all she saw was the rock men looking at her with stony gazes. They had no care in the world; the only thing they knew was to crush the enemy when they ​saw​ them.

“Uunnhhh!” A voice called out.

The outcry continued as she and her golems looked for the source of the painful voice.

“H-... Hello?...” Auly cautiously said.

She sent two of the golems over to the voice. When they saw the source of the sound, they didn’t attack the figure who’s lying on the ground.

“Owww! Ahhh!” A man in pain exclaimed.

Auly Recognize him as ​Willis ​‘Wild Pig’ Perkins. He was one of the generals in the army, and leader of one of the flag’s guilds.

“Stand down, don’t hurt him!” Auly said to all of her rock men. She then looked to Wild Pig. “Mr. Perkins, are you okay? How did you get here? I thought the spider guardian got rid of all of you!”

“Ruhhhh!!! Do it looks like I’m okay?! What happened after I‘d blacked out? And I have no idea why I didn’t get kick with the others!” Wild Pig said. He was panting and struggling to breathe.

Auly analyzed his body. He had hundreds of spider bites on him, and they all looked Infected.

“It looks like spiders poisoned you... What was the last thing you were doing?”

“Ummm... I saw you ​lying on the ground, and the spider bitch sent a bunch of creepy crawlies on me! Some of them ​were​ huge! I think I went ​into​ rage mode after that! So I can’t remember shit!” Wild Pig yelled. He still looked pissed. “What ​were​ you doing on the ground anyway?! Why didn’t you fight back?! Don’t you remember anything yourself?!”

Auly sat there frozen. She doesn’t remember anything at all during her blackouts, but that was supposed to be a secret. She would love nothing more to tell him how similar they were with their blackouts, but she must be seen as a positive leader.

“The spider Guardian threw me to the ground, very hard. I think she knocked me out... I am sorry...” Auly said.

As far she knew, it wasn’t a lie. She just simply doesn’t know.

“Well, in any case. What do we do now?! I can’t really move! Because of my class, I have a lot of health. So I’m not in any danger, but the poison has slowed my health ​regen considerably! Call in reinforcements. We need to get out of here now!”

Auly shook her head, then spoke. “If we don’t know where the guardian is, it would be better if we don’t draw unwanted attention to ourselves...”

“What! What do you mean?!”

Auly winced. The man was obnoxiously loud. He was no better than her golems...

“Shh-... please keep your voice down... I will find a way to help you. Please stay calm...”

“No! I am in pain! If you can’t handle this! I will call for ​backup​ myself! Make me, Rory! You can just sit there and look pretty! Owww!” Wild Pig ​struggled​ to sit up, but couldn’t.

Auly frantically waved her arms.

“I... wait... If you can, just give me time to think... I can-“

“No! I can do this on my own!” The pigheaded man grabbed Auly by her dress ​collar​, then yanked her closer to his face. “I understand you’re brilliant! But you’re obviously not a very good leader! All of us who ​have​ been working hard for years ​know​ this! We’ve been in armies, running guilds, we can clearly see ​you're​ not fit for this job! I am not saying that we‘ll get rid of you. You can still come up with ​the ​plans! This dungeon run was a success, but we need someone who can lead us! You don’t have the balls to get things done! Now, get me a medic!”

“Umm... huh?! Wait... I can do this!...” Auly protested.

“No, you can’t! Clearly!” Wild Pig yelled. His face was so close to hers; he was spitting on her. He can even feel her breath from her lips. “You know what?! You’re pretty cute! If you make me the leader. I can show you a good time! You’ll see what a real man feels like!”

The pig kisses her, hard. He was hurting her.

‘Eww!’ Auly thought. The fat man was disgusting to her. He tasted terrible, she can tell he’s a drinker and doesn’t brush his teeth... she started gagging.

“What! How dare you?!” Wild Pig said. “I’ll show you!”

Wild Pig got up, then ​swept​ her to the ground. He rubbed his fingers on her pussy while licking her neck.

As he placed his full body on her, Auly started breathing irregularly. She was freaking out!

“Please! Stop this! I won’t tell anyone, but just stop!” Auly exclaimed.

She was crying; she couldn’t push him off. The pig was too heavy.

“No! I’ve heard you ​were​ a guy! If this was true, then you can make me get off! It’s about time you met a real man! Or act like one!” Wild Pig said. Auly ​stopped​ fighting; her body went limp. “Hehehe! That’s a good little bitch! You don’t have to do anything, just spread your legs and let it happen! You want this too, don’t you?!”

“Sure do, but ain’t your little penis small?” Auly whispered in his ear. She giggled. “​I'm​ a small girl, but your we​-​we won’t do anything to me! Hehehe!”

“W-What did you say to me?!” Wild Pig’s eyebrows twitch.

“Huh?! Is your brain small as well? I am saying you have a ​small​ COCK!” Auly said with emphasis.

The man was getting so angry, he ​clenched his fist, and his body’s pain melted away. He was going into a berserker's rage. Soon after, he didn’t feel pain at all. The slow poison didn’t even affect​ him anymore.

“Aww~ Is the fat disgusting pig angry? Hahahaha! ​You're​ so pathetic. I bet you’ll cum as soon as I touch your baby dick! Hehehe! What a Loser!”

The Berserker ​tightened​ his grip on the petite ​woman​. She just ​continued​ to laugh.

“Hey, hey, let me touch it! I want to see if you can cum from a single finger! Hahahaha!”

“Rraahhh!” Wild Pig yelled as he raised his head to unleash a head ​butt​. He will show this sad excuse for a man who’s boss! “Ahhh-unnhh!”

Wild Pig ​crashes​ his noggin on solid rock! He hit his head so hard he was bleeding. Berserker's skills can null damage, but they can still be hurt given enough force.

The berserker lifted his head from the ground and saw no one was there? He was confused.

He looked up and ​saw​ she was sitting in front of him. She had different clothes on. Although she usually wears a long dress. She was now wearing a very short skirt that doesn’t cover much. Auly was small, but she had puffy pussy lips. It was wet from excitement.

“Hehehe! Do it again! Maybe you can knock that ugly out of your face!” Auly said. She was rubbing her pussy. She got off on his pain. She wanted to own him as a pet so she can torture him.

“What? Who are you?”

“Hmm? I am Auly! You fat ass!”

“Bull shit! I’m not dumb! I can tell when someone’s pulling my leg! Your name is even different above your head! It says, Poppy! Your fucking hair even changed! It was red, and now it’s purple! So tell me what the fuck is going on, and who are you?!”

Poppy, Auly’s personality pouted.

“Hey, if you want to see my pussy, I want you to hurt yourself some more!” Poppy completely ignored his question. She just wants to torture him some more. She wants to continue seeing him in pain, then squirt on his face.

“Fine! Don’t tell me! I’ll tell everyone that you’re a nut case! That would ​remove​ you as the leader. All the other commanders ​don't​ see you as a leader anyway! We only followed you because we ​were​ following orders, but some of us think that we should go to Silver. Maybe we can convince her to put someone in charge that fits the role!“

Poppy frown at that.

“You all voted against Auly? I command you to vote for her to stay as she is!”

“Like hell, I will! You can’t make me! And you’re not my commander!”

Poppy was no longer happy with him. She took out a whip, and it whipped around his neck, pulling ​the​ big guy closer to her.

“Listen here fastso! This is what’s going to happen! I am going to tell my sister what you attempted to do to me. I know my sister, she would punish you a lot more than I would. Do you really think you or your friends in her army get a say? Wrong! Silver doesn’t care about who follows her orders! Just as long as they follow them! She will punish all of you if you don’t fall in line! And I would do the same, for I was created from her will to dominate! So, go cry to Silver and see what would happen! ​In fact​, I want you too! Because I’m curious to see her reaction to you saying that you tried to rape me, and you all going against her decision to make Auly the ruling force! So, do it!”

Wild Pig went wide-eyed. His berserker‘s rage ​faded away​, and his pain returned. He was feeling the pain from the spider bites, the poison, and the whip that was around his neck.

“Good boy! I want you to tell me every name that is against me and my sister. You will spy for me. Can you become my personal pet, my little piglet? Hehehe.”

Wild Pig looked at her and saw a message.


Poppy wishes to become your Mistress. Will you allow her to dominate you? Yes/No


“Select yes, or you will pay the price,” Poppy said with a malicious grin.

The berserker did not know what to do, so he decided to pick ‘Yes.’


Hours later and still inside of the spider cave. Gabby healed Wild Pig, then he and the personalities went to find the dungeon core.

“You will not tell Auly about us... Do you understand?....” Oliver said to Wild Pig in a slow monotone voice. He was trying to make his voice sound manly, Auly has a very light and feminine voice.

They’ve been walking for what feels like an eternity. The dungeon core was well hidden. Auly’s personality couldn’t sense Chuckles anywhere, which was a good and bad thing to Oliver.

“Yes, yes, I Understand. Do I have to do everything all of you say?” Wild Pig asks.

“Yes...” Oliver said plainly. Most of Auly’s personalities ​were​ pissed at the fat pig. Some didn’t want to talk to him or look at him. Oliver even ​stopped​ some of them from killing him. Samantha was included... Oliver and Jake ​were​ the only ones that tolerated him. “Let’s just say Poppy isn’t the only one that can blackmail you... What you did to Auly offended a lot of us... We are one by nature after all. So don’t be surprised if we take it personally...”

“I see, I am sorry! I get so angry when ​others​ look down at me!”

“I forgive you... Although it will take you a long time to get forgiveness from everyone else... But ​we’re​ all in agreement; you need to make it up to Auly most of all... She will still be scared of you. She won’t remember any of this conversation. If you don’t try to make amends with her. I will not stop them from killing you... so good luck with that...”

Oliver talks very ​slowly​, but Wild Pig understood.

“I have detected the dungeon core.” Another personality said to Wild Pig. “Follow, filth!”

This personality name was Nathan. As the tracker, he had to deal with Wild Pig as well, but he didn’t really want to. As a male personality, it was very uncomfortable feeling massive fingers inside of his pussy. Nathan hated that feeling.

“Finally!” Wild Pig said.

When they all made it to the core‘s chamber, it was a hole with hundreds of spiders protecting it. At least that’s what they heard. The hole was dark, so they couldn’t actually see the core, only hear the crawling.

Nathan was positive; it was there. Why else would so many spiders protect this room? Auly’s personalities had their meeting to discuss the strategy of retrieving it.

{Inside Auly’s mind}

“I say, give the control to Auly...” Oliver suggested.

“What? Why?!” Samantha protested. She was still locked in the cage they placed her in, but that doesn’t mean she ​doesn't​ have her opinions on the matter. “I will not allow her anywhere near that disgusting man! If she didn’t pass out as she did, we wouldn’t have been able to protect her! She didn’t even use her fucking rock golems on him! She made them to defend her, right?! She’s so fucking useless!”

The rock golems stood there, unmoving. The rock men ​were​ still in the boss room. The personalities were unable to command them. ​To them, they’re​ basically statues.

“She was just scared. That’s why it needs to be her... If she works together with him, it’s the best way for her to get over her fears of spiders and people who are ​like​ Wild Pig. She needs to face them eventually.” Oliver said.

“I don’t know. I kind of agree with Samantha.” Jake said. “The only way we can actively move her body is when she’s unconscious. If we give her control again, there’s nothing we can do to stop her from getting raped or ​killed​. It’s too risky, Oliver.”

“Let me talk to him,” Poppy said.

She had a wicked smile. Oliver can tell it wasn’t going to be a casual conversation...

“Fine... Just tell him that when all of this is ​finished​. I wish to look into the dungeon core‘s settings. So I can get my familiar back...” Oliver said.

{In the real world}

“Hey, piglet. Your Mistress would like you to complete a task.”

Wild Pig stared at the purple-haired Auly. He was unsure if he’s going to like this ‘task.’

“I am about to give Auly back her control. I command you to make her happy with you. If you’re going to be my pet, I need you by my side at any given moment. You will wash me, and do anything I ask! I know she’s afraid of you, so I will give you three days to complete my task! That’s more than you deserve, piglet!”

“What?! I don’t consent to this! You can’t believe I'd jus-!”

Before the pig could finish, he had a whip wrapped around his neck.

“You don’t consent​,​ you say?! I asked you nicely to become my pet! I’m asking you nicely to beg for forgiveness to Auly, who you raped! And you have the nerve to say I need your permission?!” Poppy said with rage.

The whip wasn’t only choking him, but burning his neck. He fell to the floor in agony as he tried to muscle his way out of the whip. For some reason, he was losing strength. Usually, when he ​takes​ damage as a berserker, he gets angry and could resist the pain.

But his skills and passives ​weren't​ working against his Mistress. It’s like her class skills ignored his own.

“I may not be ​a battle class like you, but you should know. When you die as my pet, you will become a ghost, and your spirit will still feel my wrath! After the three days are up, and you have not completed my task. You will feel pain through my skills! As the days go by, you will feel it until you die! You won’t lose health, and you can’t tank it. My skills have true damage. It means it ignores armor and resistance from my pets! Silver’s and my class are similar, but unlike my sister, I can’t charm you! My class focus on torture. So either you do what you were told, or I’ll make your life a living hell! Including your afterlife!”

Poppy released him from her whip. Wild Pig was choking on the ground as Poppy laid on the floor. She didn’t want Auly to hurt herself as she ​woke​ her up.

Wild Pig coughed as he angrily looked at his Mistress, but she was already sleeping. He leaned over Auly‘s body. She smelled so nice.

‘If my wife finds out about this, I’m dead anyway! And what’s worse, Auly’s technically royalty! If I kill her now, I can say that she died in the dungeon! It wouldn’t be a lie, right?!’ Wild Pig was thinking of ways to get out of his situation.

Auly was breathing like a beautiful sleeping princess. It was very different from his wife‘s snoring.

‘No! She’s about the same age as my daughter!’ Wild Pig couldn’t help it; he was getting a hard-on, he hasn’t had sex in years!

As he drew closer, he heard crying. Auly was awake, and she saw she was in new clothing. It was a very short skirt. She had sexy panties she would never wear. The panties had stains on them, and she heard a lot of screeching from hundreds of spiders inside of a dark hole. It didn’t take long for her to understand her situation. This man wanted to have sex, and if she doesn’t do it, he’s going to throw her into the spider pit!

She sobbed as she rose. She gravitated to his dick and rubbed it.

‘You did this before with Hanna, you can do this!’ Auly thought to herself.

(Hanna will think you are disgusting, Auly! Hanna gets night terrors, and all you want to do was have sex? You’ll even do it with a disgusting pig?! You deserve this! You are trash!) Auly's mind.

Auly took out his dick then stuffed it in her mouth.

He smelled horrible! Auly swirled her tongue around his cock as her face was touching his base. She didn’t want to die by spiders! This was her only option! He tasted salty. She had a hard time not gagging.

Her mind was only on one person right now. She was picturing ​herself​ pleasuring Hanna. Hanna had a wonderfully big and juicy dick.

She was pretending that she was licking Hanna. Imagining her mouth wrapped around Hanna’s delicious cock. Her mouth was going up and down its length and sucking on it. Auly was getting turned on by this thought. She runs her fingers on her pussy ​as she thinks about Hanna​.

“Uummhhh!” Wild Pig squealed.

She felt large hands grab her head as Wild Pig forced cum down her throat. The sudden outbursts took her out of her imagination and into her reality. It’s a disgusting man who was in her mouth as he ​pelvic​ thrusts his cum down her throat. He finished his load on his Mistress’ new dress she bought in the magic shop.

Auly and her personalities tasted it as Auly swallowed the cum. Let’s just say some of them had various opinions about this matter...

As he completed his load. Wild Pig laid down satisfied. That was the best dick sucking he felt, ever!

Auly took off her panties and gave it to him. Russ told her ​a ​real man would get into girls' panties! She didn’t understand what he meant, and she highly ​doubted​ that this big guy ​could​ fit them. Hopefully, Wild Pig would ​accept​ her token and keep it as a trophy. Maybe that’s what Russ meant... Do real guys take their conquered women’s panties? All she knew was she didn’t want to die by spiders! She can still hear them now!

“I’m... I am ready...” Auly said.

She tried her best to wipe away her tears and look pretty for her conqueror.

“Wha-what do you mean?” Wild Pig asked.

‘I should probably stop her from doing anything else! But she’s so fucking cute, I don’t really want to stop her... I really want to fuck. It’s her own damn fault for the misunderstanding!’ Wild Pig thought.

Auly didn’t want to answer, but Russ also told her that he likes it when girls spell out what’s going to happen for him. Auly doesn’t have any experience with sex. She learned everything from her brother.

Auly pushes his stomach upwards so that she can sit on his dick. It was soft so she rubs her pussy on it to get it hard.

“I’m... I am going to let you fuck me...” Auly said.

Those words ​were​ painful to say... it broke her heart. Her breath was becoming lighter, she was ready to blackout again.

“Wait! Don’t pass out! That’s very dangerous for me!” Wild Pig exclaimed.

“D-Dangerous for you?...” Auly asked. She was very confused.

“Yes! Seriously! If you go to sleep, bad things will happen to me! So don’t!” Wild Pig’s ​explanation​ didn’t make any sense to her, but she nodded.

‘Shit, I was told not to tell her. I should just kill her now! Or at least wait until after she rides my dick... Although, if she passes out, it won’t be pretty. Her crazy personalities would definitely kill me!’ Wild Pig panicked as he was thinking of scenarios out of this situation.

Auly laid her body on his stomach to grab his cock and try to mend it back to its full size.

When his dick got hard, She stared at it unsure if she should be doing this...

“If you can’t do it, then I’ll just-“

“I’ll do it!” She screamed as loud as she’d ever done. “Please, just don’t kill me!”

“Kill you?” He didn’t think she could read his mind, but that was what he’s going to do anyway. “Then stick it in! I don’t have all day!”

Auly faltered, she knew if she hesitated for too long, he’s going to throw her in the spider pit! So she impaled herself down on his dick, hard!


Correction, this was the loudest she‘d ever screamed. Her mind was going numb; she drooled on his stomach. Blood flowed from her vagina.

“You must stay awake! I’ll kill you if you don’t!” Wild Pig said.

Auly trembled in fear. She lifted her body up to attempt to ride him, but she was in a lot of pain.

Flashing lights ​were​ created beside them, and eyes ​were​ looking down upon them.

“Good girl! If you do what you were told, then I won’t kill you!” Wild Pig said. Swords and spears touched his flesh.

“What the fuck are you doing to my sister?!” A high pitch voice said.

Several soldiers ​were​ glaring at him, Hanna was included in this lineup.

Auly frozen, the one she was fantasizing about was here. Hanna looked angry and discussed.

(This ​was ​all your fault, Auly! You are disgusting! Hanna will never ​accept​ you anymore! You should just die! Throw yourself in the spider hole! You are a whore! Just die already!) Auly's mind.

Auly quickly got up and ran in shame. A bunch of figures blocked her. Mira hugged​ Auly and ​sang​ a sad song.

Auly’s personal bodyguards glared at the pig.

“Forgive me, sweetie! I’m so sorry!” Mira said while fussing over Auly.

“Wait! This isn’t what it looks like! She wanted this! We ​were​ just playing a game!” Wild Pig was saying a bunch of bullshit.

The surrounding soldiers didn’t sheath their swords, because they ​weren't​ impressed with his words. They continue to glare at him.

A pair of small hands pushed ​past​ the soldiers. The pig saw a woman with red eyes and silver hair. She was showing her teeth while growling.

“I have skills that can see desires! When I look at you, I see lust. I see fear, I can even see your will to kill. Guess what! I can also see who or what your desires are directed towards! Do you want to guess where your desires ​lie​?! I can tell Auly doesn’t care for you, she desires someone else!” Silver yelled.

Silver wasn’t manifested at the moment. She only does that when she ​wants​ to tease someone or irritate Margolin. She wasn’t in a playful mood.

Wild Pig lifted his hand in a protest. Silver saw a lacy white and pink panties in his hands. It matched Auly’s cute little mini dress. So it definitely wasn’t his.

“What the hell is this?!” Hanna yelled.

Auly went wide-eyed. Hanna saw Auly’s gift to her conquer! Hanna knows the pig owned her! Her breath became shallow, and personalities took hold of her.

“Take him away!” Silver yelled to her men.

The fat berserker looked at the small thin woman. Silver ​senses​ his desire to kill her now. She raises her hands and ​manifests​ a red blob man, and along with other colors of blob men. They lifted the pig up, while the red blob punched him a couple of times.

He took true damage from them. He now knew what Poppy meant with her and Silver being similar. Silver’s class doesn’t give physical damage. The raging blob man was hitting his soul or something in the form of that nature.

“Put him in a jail cell and let his desires do whatever they want to him, I don’t care! I even gave him a lust blob, so he can go fuck himself!” Silver said.

Wild Pig was going to yell, but a blob man stuck his hand inside of his mouth. He was unable to speak.

When the pig was getting taken away, he saw Auly. Her hair swapped between hundreds of colors in a split second.

‘Auly must ​have fallen​ asleep! Oh, no!’ Wild Pig thought as he squirmed.

Auly’s hair color changed to gray. Oliver shook his head in disappointment.

“I tried to stop them... They are angry with you... Good luck with what’s to come... but at least they didn’t kill you yet...” Oliver whispered.

Auly‘s​ hair rested on red. She was her normal self; she was a crying mess.

Wild Pig was confused. He didn’t know what Oliver meant but felt directed to him. Did the other personalities ​do​ something? He didn’t feel any different. Maybe they're​ not as scary as he thought they’d ​be​. He was sure his mistress would do something dramatic! It would seem they ​were​ all talk.

But none of that matters now! He must find his family before they get any wrong ideas about him! He needed to clear his good name!

I would first like to say that none of this was planned in the beginning. I fully intended on getting Wild Pig healed, leave him, and then have Auly’s personalities kill the spiders to get the dungeon core. 

I wrote this story for character development rather than fighting. I know the plot can be confusing, but I felt Auly deserves to stand out more than her personalities. If I were to do the first idea and kill the spiders. Not only would she wouldn’t have character development for herself. Her personalities would’ve done everything for her.

I could’ve made Wild Pig help her, but it wouldn’t make sense for her to suddenly get over her fear of spiders and kill them herself. 

Let’s be honest, just killing a bunch of spiders that had no guardian to protect the dungeon core would have been boring.

Even for the next chapter, it will be the same. All I can say is a bunch of spiders got killed with soldier’s spears, swords, and magic. The explaining of the spider extermination would get outweighed with Auly’s situation. For a story about characters, that’s not all that important. I will, however, say what they do with the dungeon core because that part is important. Just not the retrieval of it.

When my friend reviewed the chapter, he said I can tell you like Auly more. Which I already stated. He said he fears that I am giving Auly more story than Silver. But I heavily disagree with this! I have already said everything that happens in Silver‘s flag, does affect her a lot more than you think it does. I want you all to think about it if Silver was a hothead person who handles a situation poorly. It can and will affect her story as a king. Her character development is about her dealing with problems with her citizens. If I only say things happen to her and not her citizens, then she’s not really developing as a character. I’m not sure what you all expect from that. I am thinking of the larger picture rather than just herself. Russ and Silver can handle themselves just fine. She just doesn’t care about others is her problem. That’s the bigger picture. And that is why I have to make problems for her citizens.

With that being said, it doesn’t just affect Silver but Margolin and the other sisters as well.

I have a lot of heavy topics in this book. None of its meant to make anyone angry, but only think. This a comedy book, but I am not making fun of any of the situations. I have it in this book only as an acknowledgment of things that happen in the real world. I still do not want this book to be serious, however. 

For another chapter, someone asked me why did I put humor in a dark situation, and my answer for that was, I don’t want the readers to become completely angry throughout the whole chapter. When my friend was reading this, I heard his distaste for what he was reading until he read some funny parts in this chapter. That was my goal. I honestly wish I can add more funny parts, but I did enough I feel.

I would love to talk about it more, but onto the poll! 

I have decided to give you all a chance to vote for Wild Pig’s fate.

If you all want to give him Redemption and be free. He will try to make it up to Auly. 

You may choose Vengeance, which will basically kill the guy. He will still be a recurring character because of what his mistress said.

The last is Repentance. I will keep this one a mystery. Let’s just say I have laid the foundation for all three, no matter what is chosen. No one can say that it was out of nowhere because all of them have been said and done.





Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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