Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 27: That’s Life for you!

Silver watched as the muffled Wild Pig was getting taken away by a portal. Tried as he might, but the big guy couldn’t break free from the blob man.

“Let me heal you,“ Mira said to Auly.

Auly’s personal healer laid her hands on Auly’s tummy. She motioned her hands which produced a symphony of some sort.

Silver just stood there staring at her little sister. She wanted to check on Auly and see if she was all right. She did lose her virginity after all; Silver wanted her sister to lose it a long time ago, but not like this… She decided not to say anything because there are other people who are taking care of her.

“Silver, you need to say something to her,” Margolin whispered. “And be gentle with her.“

Silver sighed. The way Margolin said it, it was non-negotiable.

Silver looked at one of her Commanders.

“I am taking my sister out of here. I expect you to kill the spiders and retrieve the dungeon core.” Silver Ordered.

“Yes, my king!” The commander said.

The muscular dwarf motions his men to get to work.

Silver approached Auly and her personal guards.

“Auly, I need to speak with you in private. Follow me!” Silver yelled then walked off expecting Auly to follow, which she did.

Margolin didn’t expect Silver to actually be gentle, but at least she was going to help her little sister, right?

A teleporter took Silver and Auly out of the dungeon and in front of the entrance. It will take time for the teleporters to recharge and return Silver and her family to the kingdom. The low-level teleporters took several breaks in order to get Silver to the dungeon in the first place.

Of course, a guardian can do the same thing only better. Guardians gather energy faster and they can teleport further. The teleporters that partaken in the dungeon run can charge energy quickly as well, but Silver told them to rest up for the time being.

Once Silver and Auly left the dungeon. They saw that the soldiers around the entrance have mixed feelings seeing Wild Pig getting carried off by blob men. They were violating him in many ways while being escorted by soldiers. He was taken into a magic door that looks like a jail cell door. Wild Pig’s friends and family were very confused.

Just like Wild Pig himself, his wife was also an adventurer and led their guild together. She wanted to talk to him, but she was prevented from doing so. Their two children were also in the same guild. They were worried when they didn’t see him get expelled out of the dungeon. All they knew was he committed a crime against the royal family, and he’d get a fair trial. At least that was read in Margolin’s flag announcement.

Silver ignored their cries for justice for him and laid down her magic room.

“Come, Auly,” Silver said.

Auly stared at Wild Pig’s family. She was worried about what they thought of her. She had sex with him and they have the right to hate her for it... She held her head down in shame and walked into the magic room with Silver.

Silver‘s maids join them inside the room.

“Clean her up!” Silver ordered her maids.

Auly was still trembling out of fear for what they might do to her, ultimately she was disgusted with herself for what transpired.

“Right this way Miss Auly,” One of them said.

Two maids took her into the bathroom.

“After you ladies are done cleaning her, I need to talk to her.” Silver said to them from outside the bathroom door.

Auly looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. She had a lacy white and pink short skirt dress. It was very adorable and tiny for her. Her clothes were completely dirty. It wasn’t torn or anything. She didn’t know what happened during her blackout, but it doesn’t seem like he abused her during it.

The two maids began to take off her clothing while she viewed her naked body. Her clothes may not be torn, but she was bleeding. She lost her virginity... and could still taste his sperm in her mouth.

“I wish to brush my teeth first...” Auly said.

The maids didn’t argue, they just did what they were told. As they stuck her toothbrush in her mouth, it reminded her of his dick going in and out of it. She remembered how he came down her throat. She had the taste of shame. Cleaning the evidence doesn’t change what she has done.

When they finished, they took her to the bathtub.

As they cleaned her skin, she could feel all of the pain that was done to her body. They cleaned her blood away as best as they could, but despite that, she could still feel his presence.

After the cleaning finished, She looked at the mirror again. While the maids bought new clothing for her.

“Don’t throw them away...” Auly said.

The maid stopped what she was doing as she had Auly’s previous clothes in her hands.

“Yes, Madam,” The maid said.

“I need time alone, please...” Auly said to them.

They looked at each other then nodded and walked out the bathroom door. Auly then locks the door.

When Auly was alone, she collapsed to the floor. She was holding her dirty clothing. She cried on the floor as she curled into a ball.

“Auly? Are you okay? Please... Come out, sweetie.” Margolin said on the other side of the door. She was twisting the doorknob to get in, but found it was locked.

“Margolin! I want to talk to her alone when she gets out!” Silver said. “Will you all leave?!”

“No, Silver! We will not leave! She has been vandalized! Do you really believe that we would not say anything and we will sit idle?!” Valerie said.

“I can’t believe you all let this happen to her! She can never get married now! If our mother was here, she would do something about this mess! God rest her soul.” Abigail said as she placed her hands in prayer.

Abigail was the other sibling of the sisters.

‘It would seem that all of my sisters are inside the main room...’ Auly thought.

They were all arguing again...

“I can handle this! I wanna talk to her alone! You girls won’t understand! This is a man-to-man talk with my brother!“ Silver yelled.

“What the hell are you talking about?! You're both girls!” Luna yelled back.

“What?! I am still a man!” Silver squeaked in a high pitched voice.

“Man, my ass! You both have no dicks! This is a girl problem if anything! A guy fucked her pussy!” Luna said.

Silver groaned.

“Stop it you two! Our sister is crying in there! Can you two behave?!” Margolin said.

As they continued to yell and scream on the other side of the bathroom. Auly covered her ears. She hates it when they get into it like this... It always seems to be about her.

(You’re a disgrace to everybody! They hate you, Auly! Your existence brings them so much pain. Why do you even exist?! Just die already! They will be so much happier when you’re dead!) Auly's mind.

Auly squeezed herself tightly in a ball. Her breath came so light she passed out.

“Silver! I can’t believe you still think you’re a guy! You have tits!” Luna said while pointing at them.

“So what?! It doesn’t matter what you see on the outside. What’s inside of this rocking hot body is still a cool Bad Ass!“ Silver said while shaking her curves.

Luna growled at her ridiculous brother. He’s such an ass!

The door to the bathroom opened up. All the siblings looked at the figure as she walked out of the restroom.

Auly looked bored.

“Hi...” Auly said slowly.

The siblings were confused.

“What’s going on here? Why did you change your hair?! Why is it gray?!” Luna asked. She looks between Auly and Silver. “Auly, sweetie. Silver is not a badass, just an ass! You don’t have to look like this ass hole!”

Auly raised her eyebrow.

“I had no intention of doing as such.... but I do wish to speak with Silver alone... Can the rest of you leave?... I wish to have that brother-to-brother talk Silver speaks of...” Gray-haired Auly said.

Her voice was a low tone. It’s like she was trying to sound like a guy, but failing with her high voice.

“No! I will not have you listen to Silver‘s ridiculous nonsense! Someone put a dick in you and you lost your virginity! There’s no way in hell I am leaving you with this perverted ass! I won’t be surprised if Silver tells you to do it again! So, hell no! We are not going anywhere!” Luna screamed.

Auly’s body shifted a little bit. Oliver didn’t like explaining himself again.

“I will run... I have been shamed and I will run away from everybody if I don’t speak to Silver alone... How about that?...“ Auly said in an odd tone.

“What?! What the hell are you talking about?! You don’t seem like yourself, Auly. Aside from your gray hair!” Luna said.

“Everyone, let’s wait outside.“ Margolin said.

“Wait! What?! Why?!” Luna asked.

“I don’t feel like explaining it right now, but if ‘Auly’ wishes to speak to her sister alone, we should respect her,” Margolin replied.

Luna looked between Silver, Auly, and Margolin. They were hiding something.

“If Margolin trusts Silver with the situation, I guess I could check on the army,” Valerie said.

“Well... I will respect my king... We will be right outside, sweetie.” Abigail said.

“I don’t get it! Something is going on here!” Luna yelled.

“Luna, please. I will explain it later.” Margolin said as she had a guiding hand towards the door.

Luna scowled, but she reluctantly left the room along with her sisters and Silver’s maids.

“Have a seat.” Silver said to Auly.

When Auly sat down, Silver noticed something. Silver has been around the Ladies Of Grace their entire life. So she knows when a lady was not sitting properly. This Auly didn’t seem to care if she had a skirt on.

“Whoever you are, you must be a guy's personality. If you want to respect Auly’s beliefs, you should probably wear a suit or something.

Oliver did just that. It was a nice black suit. It wasn’t too fancy, but he’s not too big on high maintenance.

“So, what is your name? Who are you?” Silver asks.

“My name is Oliver. As you said, I am one of Auly’s many personalities. We all want a chance to talk to you. I just happened to draw the slot first.“

Silver nodded.

“I don’t think I’m going to get any information out of Auly. I‘d like to know what really happened in there.”

“I have convinced the others to keep him alive. When Wild Pig’s dick went into Auly, we all felt it... A lot of us are pretty pissed, but here’s the thing. Auly misunderstood her situation and did this to herself. That is why and how I convince the other personalities to spare his life. The same reason I’m asking you now. I don’t like what happened, but Auly doesn't want him dead. He is a soldier in her army and she will feel responsible for him. If he were to die because of the action she believes she caused. She would blame herself. Even when something is not her fault. The man has a family who loves him as you saw when we walked into this magic room. If Auly made someone a widow and caused his kids to lose a father, this would destroy her. She will constantly blame herself regardless of what anyone else says. So, I may not care if this man lives or dies... But I do care about Auly‘s well-being and her mental state...”

“I see... but what do you all want to do with him?”

“On the condition of keeping him alive. I made a deal with the other personalities, who still want him dead. They will torture him in their own way and I am to not interfere. Even I don’t know what they’re going to do. I don’t know all of them yet so we will see. I do believe that they won’t kill him. That is all I know about that situation...”

“When I look at your class, it says you are a beastmaster. I thought she was a doll. We have family members who have multiple personalities but nothing like you guys!” Silver stated.

“All of us have our own classes that we have chosen for ourselves. We've not too long woken up, so our classes are pretty new. Don’t ask us how we became awake because we don’t know.“

**‘Oh, I did that! Auly was so boring by herself. She has lots of issues with her psyche. I thought it would be much more fun if she had company! She liked Ala in her head, so why not! She was always a crazy person though~~ Hahahah~~’

‘How many people are you going to fuck around with?’ Silver thought to her guardian.

**’Hahaha~~ That is funny coming from you! As many as I can put my dick in! Hahaha~~ You’re going to be my mommy so I need to learn from the best!’

‘Do I really have to birth you?’ Silver thought to her.

**’Of course you do! But I will only come out when I am good and ready!’

Silver sighed.

“On to more important matters, I need to ask something of you,” Oliver said.

“This is more important than Auly being raped?” Silver asked.

“No, but that is out of my hands... It’s no use crying about it now...”

“Okay, what is it?”

“I want you to give me the dungeon core before selling it in the magic shop. I‘d like to look at the settings, so I can create something...”

“And this is important because of what reason?”

“Well... I have my reasons... I just wanna see something as I said...”

“Wouldn’t you get the same results if I’d sell it? You can buy back whatever materials come from it. Even a working core.”

“I don’t know if I would get it that way yet... I want to try to look at the settings before we sell it just to see if I can find what I’m looking for...”

“Okay... I’ll only do this if you tell me exactly what you're trying to accomplish.” Silver said sternly.

Oliver fidgeted. He didn’t want to openly say he wanted his big breasted familiar to look exactly the same as he saw her. He doesn't think Silver would care about that, but the other personalities would.

“I want to use it and make a dungeon guardian from the core. Dungeon Guardians are not as strong as a regular one, but it would be nice to have such a creature as my familiar. I may get the same results if I sell it and see what happens from there. However, I want to at least give it a try...“

Silver had a very shocked face. She quickly sent a note to her commander for him to give it to her immediately.

“Okay, now we wait! I want to see if this works too!” Silver said with glee.

“Right...” Oliver said slowly. One of the reasons why he didn’t want to tell Silver was because he knows she’ll take over his familiar. If he’d have to share it, it’s just a small price to pay... But he wants to see if he can get away with not telling her that she can have a sex slave...

“Oliver, put on a puffy dress. Auly seems to like those. I want you to also put on something that can cover your hair. I don’t need the entire army to think that you are a crazy person. I will have Margolin change your name to look like Auly’s name.” Silver said.

Oliver nodded and did just that. The dress was a decent ladies' dress with a small cute cloak on top of that. Auly looked even more like a doll.


Without a guardian protecting the core, it’s basically easy pickings. Silver’s soldiers are currently over level 40 so they could easily handle a bunch of spiders.

Silver and Oliver heard a knock on the door.

“Come in!” Silver said.

A soldier opened the door for an orc. Commander Gresko walks in with a medium-size rigid stone. It glowed a brown radiant color. The big guy needed both hands to hold it.

Several soldiers also entered behind him. Silver gave them a mission. She told Valerie to bring her most trusted soldiers into the magic room in order to possibly summon in a dungeon guardian. If she knew about Oliver's sexual tensions she would’ve taken different precautions, but Silver was in wartime mode and she doesn’t want this random dungeon guardian killing anyone.

Valerie and Luna were only allowed in as soldiers. Silver told them that she will speak about the Wild Pig thing at a later time. Hanna, Cliff, Tess, and the Giant Egg were here. Silver‘s maids, along with Boris and his sluts were also present. Only three of Auly’s personal guards were allowed in.

“Surround the area!” Silver said.

Oliver was getting more nervous as the people crowded them.

He didn’t want them to find out what he really wanted so he just kept quiet.

Of course, Luna wanted to ask what’s going on, but her father was a soldier too. He told all his children if the commanding officer gives you an order, do it to the letter or it can cost lives. So Luna held back her tongue for any questions. She saw Silver was also serious. However, Auly looked scared.

Luna watched as the soldiers surrounded Silver and Auly. Auly looked like she was about to get married or something. It looks awkward. She knows Silver was a freak, but she would never sacrifice Auly, right?

“Okay, Auly! Are you ready to receive the dungeon guardian?” Silver said.

Luna really, really wanted to know what the fuck was going on with Auly! What does Silver plan on doing with the fat pig?! Why does Silver want to summon a dungeon guardian for her? No one really tells her anything, they never do! Luna wants to ask, but this was military business now! That can wait! She can do this! She can be part of the army and be a soldier like her sister Valerie too! She’s not going to misbehave. Her father would’ve been disappointed if she ruined military business if he was alive!

Oliver placed his hand onto the stone. He couldn’t access its settings. The core had no owner or guardian, so he couldn’t do anything with it. He wasn’t able to get into its inventory either. He thought something there could help.

“I have no dominion over it so it won’t allow me to access it...”

“Mind if I try?” A voice said.

Oliver looked over to the speaker and saw Jeopardy. Silver‘s counterpart was called here by Silver herself.

When Oliver told Silver a regular guardian was stronger. She thought it was best to call her counterpart to help in case things get very dangerous for them. If she was going to have a rogue element. She will take all precautions she needs for this. She was not the idiot her mother thought she was.

Oliver moved out the way so Jeopardy could put his hand on the stone. Silver was hoping with his guardian abilities, he could overwrite the stone.

“If we claim this stone now, it will reset back to a level one core. Sure, it will receive essence to make a new dungeon guardian, but it will not be the same one everyone saw.” Jeopardy said.

Oliver looked very disappointed.

“Auly? What did the guardian look like? I think the best option is to sell it now. Get all the components. We can always re-create its previous form if that was what you wanted to accomplish. I’m not sure if its stats will be the same, or if it will still be an actual dungeon guardian though.” Jeopardy said.

Oliver froze with uncertainty, should he describe her? He was lost for words. It wouldn’t sit well with a lot of people and he doesn't really care for arguing either... Normally he doesn’t care what people think, but he‘s supposed to pretend to be Auly...

“She was a spider with massive tits!” Luna said, which broke her desire to be in wartime mode. She even moved her hands around her chest and a large circular motion to indicate that they were huge!

The soldiers who actually saw those melons nodded.

“Yes, they were unnaturally big...” A female soldier said.

Some of the soldiers weren't sure to get a hard-on or kill it.

Jeopardy and Silver raised their eyebrows.

“But why in the galaxy would Auly want it to look like that disgusting thing?” Luna asked. She no longer cared about being silent. She had thousands of objections.

“Did she look like an actual spider or was she hot?” Silver asks.

“What did her mouth look like? Was it safe to put my dick in it?” Jeopardy asks.

“Really, you guys?!“ Luna exclaimed. ”IT WAS A FUCKING MONSTER!!!”

Commander Gresko cleared his throat then spoke. “I am sure our king was joking. To answer your question my King and my Lord guardian, she looked pretty human with her upper torso. I wouldn’t partake in sexual activities with her, but I can see some may be attracted to her figure. Her mouth was normal from what I can tell, but I did see spider teeth.”

“Don’t tell them that! I know them. They’ll fuck anything with a willing hole!“ Luna said.

“Lady Luna! Could you not disrespect our king in front of the company?!” Valerie said. “We are still in battle time, and if you’re going to be in her army, you need to learn to respect the chain of command!”

Luna fake saluted with a nod. She was irritated, but she went back to the line-up.

“For those who don't know about me. I will not hide my nature. I love to have sex! If any of you have any information on how I can get my dick wet! I will reward any of you for it!” Silver said.

Luna desperately fights her urge to say, ‘You don’t have a dick!’ But this was clearly a test from Silver. She looked directly at her, daring her to say something. She’s not gonna fall for her stupid brother’s tricks!

“Okay, we’re going to sell if we can’t use the stone, that’s alright with you, Auly?” Silver asked.

He didn’t have any option on the matter. It didn’t have to look exactly like his last familiar, so he nodded.

“I am selling it now. She will be level one, but she would have the powers of a dungeon guardian. I’m going to craft her body to look human. However, she will have spider abilities.” Jeopardy said.

When Jeopardy sold the core, the magic store collected all the materials into various parts, like a monster maker tool and crafting components for other dungeon things. 

“We can make our own dungeon, it’s all spider related though,” Jeopardy said.

Using his energy, Jeopardy created a powerful spider being with monster maker abilities. It can form its own dungeon if it wanted too. He uses his doll ability as a catalyst and his own levels and experience to make it strong.

The figure didn’t have spider’s legs but she definitely had an enormous chest! He used Luna’s indications of how big they were. Luna was using huge circles. The figure’s mouth was normal. Her hairstyle was like spider legs. She also had a nice round and plump ass. If Oliver had a dick, it would be hard. So he definitely approves.

He didn’t exactly make her look like a spider because Auly would be afraid of it. Oliver didn’t seem to care about her not being an actual spider, she was magnificent!

Jeopardy added his life force to give it breath. For a few seconds she looked around, but then the spider figure collapsed to the floor.

“What is going on?...” Oliver asked.

“That is exactly what I want to know!” Beyond asks.

The whole room looked at her and another Guardian. His name was Creature.

“What is the meaning of this?! Are you all trying to create life? That is my job!” Beyond screamed. “First I had to deal with the fucking All-Fathers and now another guardian is trying to take my job! What the fuck?!”

“Now, now dear. Just let them explain.” Creatures said in a growl. No one understood him but Boris, Beyond, and Jeopardy. Guardians can understand all languages.

“Well?! Explain! I’m not gonna give this child the breath of life otherwise!” Beyond said while pointing at the new spider lady.

“The breath of life?” Silver asked.

“All things need the breath of life in order to become alive. A human can get pregnant, but it is ‘I’ who can give it life! Even your little one, Tess was given to you by me and Creature! I am still curious about how you conceived her with your skills, but it was ’ME’ who gave it life! I’m also unsure how you manage to give this spider being a bit of life too. However, I ate her life energy! No life will be given without me, period! I will kill anyone who dares to take my fucking job!” Beyond yelled.

“My apologies, we were only trying to make a dungeon guardian so we can defend ourselves,” Jeopardy said.

“What?! Is that all? Don’t you have Boris for that?” Beyond replied.

She then looked at Boris. He was looking very nervous. She walked closer to him.

“Boris?! You have a human's scent on you! Have you been having physical sex?! How dare you do this behind my back?! I even smell Tess on you! Explain yourself!”

“Umm...” Boris stated.

“I am going to vaporize you!” Beyond said.

“He is mine!” Silver yelled.

“What?!” Beyond said. She looked like she was looking at a piece of shit. “First my job and now my man?! I am going to fucking destroy your kingdom and everyone in it!”

“Honey-“ Creature was going to say, but he stopped.

“Don’t you dare fucking say to calm down,” Beyond said coldly. Her hand was pointing at his direction.

Beyond then felt a strange energy.

The silver-haired human was holding out a silver coin.

“How about we play for Boris?” Silver Coin said.

“What the fuck is this shit?! Mother?! I should have known this was your doing! You hid your essence well! I need to tell everyone where you are!” Beyond said.

“Oh no, you don’t!” Wishlist voice said. “Sleep!”

She made everyone but Silver and Beyond fell to the floor. A huge bubble covered them all.

“My, my dear child. Do you think I'd let you? I taught you better than that.” Wishlist said.

She didn’t show herself, only vocalizing her voice.

“Where are you? Show yourself!”

“I will not! Hehehe~~”

Beyond held her hand out to Silver.

“Give me the COIN! I need to undo everything she has done! You’ve gotten her quite a lot of life force for her to be this strong! I thought we got rid of her! If you give me the coin, I can stop her!” Beyond said to Silver.

“What?! Undo? You mean I will go back to being a man?!” Silver asks.

“Yes! It will be like you never use the coin or any of her powers! You will be a normal man! Don’t you want that? You won’t even remember this life. Your life will start before you get the coin!”

Silver stood there frozen. She can have her old life back? She wouldn't be a king. He will live with her sisters. Listen to Margolin’s nagging about getting a job and trying to make him a better man. That part was the same as now, but not as a king...

“Bring my sister Margolin here. I need to ask her what kind of job would she make me get.” Silver said.

“What?! Just give me the coin!” Beyond scowled.

“Take it from me.” Silver said with a defiant look.

Beyond looked shocked.

“How dare you, human?! You say this to me?!”

“She can’t take it from you. I won’t let her! She can’t kill you either. Hahaha~ I’ll bring Margolin here, but I will take her memory after this.“ Wishlist said.

“That’s fine.” Silver said.

Margolin teleported to their location. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but this was Silver’s life... Something was always going on...

“How may I be of service to you, my king?” Margolin asks.

“Beyond here wants to take my coin away and give me back my old life.” Silver said.

“NOOO!“ Margolin yelled.

Her scream scared everyone.

“Is that all sir?” Margolin said calmly.

“Yes..“ Silver says slowly, unsure where her outburst came from.

“I don't know what deal you're making with her. Tell her you are keeping the coin. I am not going to let you sit in my old home and try to pick up girls with no job and eat off me! You can do that being a king, which is fine. If I’m going to wipe your ass, I’d rather it be a king‘s ass. Your mother doesn't even hate her new life either. Your coin changed everyone‘s lives, and you're going to let her take that away?”

“No! I was not! I was just asking...”

“Silver! You are now a woman! Deal with it! I have been a woman my whole life. If being a girl can help the family then suck it up. You have tits now, just deal with it! Okay?!“

“Okay, okay!” Silver said then looked at Beyond. “Well, there you have it. We don’t want our old life!”

“Haahaha, good! Because even if you did give her the coin. I will be still living inside of you! My old body has already turned to ash! So, you’ll still be a girl. Just not a king!” Wishlist said.

She then made Margolin pass out.

“What?!” Silver exclaimed. Not caring about the bodies around her.

“Hehehe! Little coin! You are mine forever, don’t you get that by now?!“ Wishlist said with glee.

Beyond groaned. “I will destroy this planet! I was supposed to do it a long time ago anyway! I only kept it because hundreds of guardians love this world, but its destruction was long overdue!“

“How about a deal, my dear daughter?” Wishlist suggested.

“What? No! I’ve learned not to make any deals with you!” Beyond quickly replied.

“But I can give you any wish you want!”

“I said Nooo! I don’t want anything from you!”

“Even a place as an All-Father? You're stronger than them because I made you as such, but I can take that away! If you let me have my way, you can do anything they can do! Even make guardians! You love to make life, but you can’t do that can’t you?!”

“Rraaahh!“ Beyond yelled. “You know I can’t! You're using your games on me! I don’t like it! What do you want?!”

“How much have you harvested this millennium, my dear?”

“What? Why do you want to know?” Beyond said, already knowing where this was going...

“I want 100~~!”

”100?! Hell no! I will give you 1!“

“1?! Don’t play games with me, little one!” Wishlist said, kind of irritated.

“Oh?! You're one to talk!“

All of this yelling reminded Silver of her and her mother...

“I am going to make you an entitled All-Mother! You can get more and then some! 70!” Wishlist yelled. Silver could actually feel her in her belly.

“But I know you will use it for something bad! 2!” Beyond said.

“I won’t use it for myself! It’s for Silver and her flag only! I will just hold them!”

Beyond looked pissed. “Fine! I will play fair, 60! No more than that!”

“Fine! Love you, sweetie!”

“I love you too, mother, but you better not do anything I would regret!”

Beyond passed her 60 life orbs. It went into Silver’s stomach.

**’I wish: Silver would permanently keep her new life no matter what happens!’

‘Wha?!‘ Silver thought.

“Mother!” Beyond said.

**’I wish: Boris was Silver’s lover, and he can fuck whoever he wants! Hehehe~~’

“What did you just do?! Stop!” Beyond sobs. She felt Boris‘ tether break from her.

**’I wish: my little coin’s counterpart can make real dungeon guardians without Beyond or anyone else interference! And she brings his creation back to life!’

**’I wish: Jeopardy was really Russ and not a fake!’

“What?! What did you just say?!” Silver asks.

**‘I wish: That‘

“Mother, stop! You said-“

“That I won’t use them on me?! I haven't!“

“You're making too many wishes at once! They will find you like that!”

“Ah! You're right! Hahaha! I will save them! Silver will need them too! I have 43 left!”

“You use that much on 3 wishes?!“ Silver yelled. She didn’t follow everything that they were talking about, but she can put 2 and 2 together.

“Yeah! And to think she only wanted to give me 1! Hahahaha~~ You did a lot of things my little coin, keeping your new life took the most! But no one can take it from you now! Even my brother! You are forever my little coin!“ Wishlist happily said. She was jumping around in her belly.

Silver wasn’t sure if that was a good thing...

Beyond was sobbing on Boris's sleeping body...

“Why?! Why did you take him from me!” Beyond said with tears.

“Oh, get over it! You have a bunch of lovers!” Silver said.

“But... But he was mine!“ Beyond said. She had snot in her nose.

“Stop it or I’ll wish for more lovers!“ Silver said. She had a smirk.

Beyond had no more tears. She looked serious. It’s like she never cried.

“She is such a good girl! Now, this one’s for you, honey!” Wishlist said.

**’I wish: Beyond was an All-Mother!’

Throughout the cosmos. Other guardians felt the energy of a powerful force. An All-Mother was created. Some believe they didn’t exist in this realm.

“All done! For now anyway! Hahaha.“ Wishlist said.

“How many orbs do you have now?” Silver asked.

“2! Hahaha!”

“2?! You should tell her to give you more if you're going to use it on her!“

“Hahaha, What’s done is done! And now that she got what she wanted, she wouldn’t make a deal with me again!”

“Hmm, I would on one condition!” Beyond said to them.

“What do you want?!” Silver said with a scowl.

“I will only give you what you use on me if I get Boris back!”

“That’s not fair!”

“Life isn’t fair, but I gave you 60 of them!“

“But you took 41 of that!”

“That’s life for you!“

“You were trying to give us 2! You really weren't giving her a good deal!“

“That’s what I said! Hahaha! Honey, you can harvest more! I bet you have lots even now!” Wishlist said.

“I do, but I don't give life away for free!” Beyond said.

“I will give you my unborn for 100 life orbs!” Silver said.

“Silver! What did I tell you about that all life is precious?!” Wishlist said.

“You would sell your own kid! You monster! I should impregnate thousands of babies upon you!” Beyond said out of anger.

“What?! Don’t do that!“ Silver said.

“I will make you a children keeper. You will have so many kids, Silver!” Beyond said.

“No! I am sorry!“

“Fine! Forget Boris! I know what I want now! Silver you will make life yourself! You love sex, right?! Boris will be your first lover, but you will have more and harvest life orbs from him for me! You are now my life-giver! You will make up for these 100 orbs! You will owe me 300!”

“What! I don’t want this!”

“But Silver! You can use your coin with this!“ Wishlist said.

“This sounds like a loan! What happens if I don't pay back the 300? How easy is it to harvest the orbs?! This sounds like a scam! If getting life force was this easy then you wouldn’t be working so hard to get it! You would just wish for it!”

“Hahahaha, Silver! That is all true! This is how my girl gets one over on people! She plays high and won’t play with me unless she knows she’ll win! That’s my girl!” Wishlist said. She’s very proud of her little girl. She taught her well! “You can always keep the 2 orbs and Boris. You won’t be using your coin as you wanted though. Hehehe~~”

”I... I will talk it over with Margolin and Boris first!“ Silver said.

“No! This is a one-time deal! Take it or leave it!“ Beyond demanded.

“No deal! I will find my own way!” Silver decided.

“Hahaha~~ I guess that’s that!“ Wishlist said.

“I guess it is. Bye, mother, I won't tell anyone. Just be good!” Beyond said.

“Hahaha, I won’t! Bye, dear daughter!“ Wishlist said.

Just like that, Beyond disappeared, and everyone woke up.

“Hmm? What happened?” Creature asks.

Everyone looked at the equally confused guardian.

“I am sorry my lover! I forgot about you! Let us away!” Beyond said as she popped back in.

“But... What about the spider being?” Creature said while looking at her.

She was checking herself out and she looked good. She loved her body. Then noticed she was naked in front of people she didn’t know. She put two fingers on her wrist and sprayed the soldiers with webs.

Silver moved away from the webbing.

Auly’s team covered her from the webs.

“Battle formations!” Commander Gresko said.

The spider lady jumped on a wall and crawled on it. She moved like a spider.

The soldiers couldn’t get free from their webbing.

Oliver snuck free from Auly’s soldiers and tried to approach the web crawler, but she leaped away by the pool area.

“Who are you! Are you all evil?“ The spider being asked.

“I don’t know about evil, but I want you as my friend!” Gray-haired Auly said.

“Who am I?“ She asked.

“You don’t have a name?”

“No, you can’t! I don't want you to have her as your slut! She is a spider bitch!” Samantha said. She forced her way to control Auly.

“Spider-Bitch? I... I like it!” Spider-Bitch said. She then spread her hands out. “Evildoers beware! Spider-Bitch is here!”

I don't have a lot to say over then I hope you all like what you all are reading. As I said before, I want this book to talk about things that most people don't want to talk about. Not just the Auly stuff. Silver has a lot to think about as well. I didn't go too much into this ch, but she is helping a lot of people with her new life. If she throws that away, it won't be good for anyone. Next ch I will explain it more.

I'm thinking about doing not color text for now. Some don't like it. When I finish the book I will see about keeping it.

I am sorry if the story hurt any of you and anyway. This book has sex, but there are some things I want this book to talk about. To me, it's about doing better in life. I know most started this book for the woman. That was never the final goal. I get bored of books like that.

I love the new girl! She will shoot webs from her tits, so be ready for that! I know, I am silly. I love it when I can add something dumb.

I am still fixing my mistakes... I don't always see them...

I have no poll for this one.



Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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