Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 28: Internal Flames

Oliver watched as the Spider-Bitch did a bunch of poses as she showed off her fantastic body.

“What the fuck is she doing?” Samantha asks.

“I should be asking you that... Allow me to receive her as a familiar...“ Oliver replied.

“I knew it! You only like her big tits! I‘m not going to allow you to have a bad influence on Auly’s life!” Samantha said.

“Do you really care about Auly...?“

“She’s a fucking idiot but I do care!”

“This familiar can help Auly in future encounters...“

Samantha watched as the spider bitch jiggled her tits and ass as she moved.

“I highly doubt that she can protect anyone. She’s a fucking idiot too!“

“Is this some kind of mind play you have? It’s like you have secret identities within you!” Spider-Bitch said to them. She saw as Auly’s hair switch between colors from under Auly’s head covering.

“I would like you to be my familiar...” Oliver replied.

“Familiar? What is that?” Spider-Bitch asks.

“It’s like a partnership...” Oliver said.

“You mean like a sidekick?!” Spider-Bitch question.

“I am not sure what that is...” Oliver said.

“It's a trusted companion who will fight with you through thick and thin!” Spider-Bitch said with enthusiasm.

“Yes... I would like to make you my companion.”

“Excellent! We will start our team training as soon as possible!”


Oliver has asked you to be his companion. Do you accept it?



“Yes!” Spider-Bitch said while she danced with joy.

“I finally got my first official familiar... I am so happy...” Oliver said as he watched his new familiar's tits bounce up and down.

“Help Auly, my ass! You just want to see her fat big tits!” Samantha said.

Oliver ignored Samantha, he continued to look at Spider-Bitch.

“I can’t call you Spider-Bitch... It wouldn’t sit well with Auly’s sisters. We need to come up with another name for you. Also, when I wake up my main personality, Auly. I want you to hide my identity from her as well. I need to be incognito.” Oliver said.

“Incognito? Is that your Superhero’s name?” Spider-Bitch asks.

“Superhero?” Oliver replied.

“It’s a thing where I’m from!” Spider-Bitch said.

“I thought you were just created...” Oliver said.

“No, I had a life before this! I died but I came back to this world, whatever this is!”

“Do you mind explaining?”

“I don’t mind but I don’t remember too much. All I know is I was a superhero!”

“Auly sweetie, are you okay?” Mira cried out as she walked to her.

“I am going to sleep now. I‘ll ask Margolin to give you a secret identity... She will also give you clothing and other things you may need for your new life here... We will talk more about your past life when I get the chance, but now... I must discuss things with my other personalities while our main personality is awake...” Oliver said to Spider-Bitch.

“How many personalities do you have in your body? I don’t know what’s happening in this world or with you, but you seem like fun! I would do what you ask of me, Sidekick! Whenever you're awake as you say. We will talk later, Incognito!” Spider-Bitch said.

Mira hugged Auly in concern. She was unsure what to make of this big-breasted spider lady. Auly doesn't seem to be in danger at the moment, but Mira was very upset that Auly has gotten raped under her care.

“I wish to sleep in my own magic room. I don’t know for how long, but I grow weary, Captain Mira...” Oliver said.

“Of course, sweetie! Although, you don’t have to be so formal with me... just call me Mira!” Mira said.

“I'm not ready to know any of you personally yet... I would like to meet my personal guards when I get a chance, Captain...” Oliver replied.

Oliver doesn't like to repeat himself or make others do the same. He wants Auly to get familiar with the people who're around her. If they introduce themselves now while Auly’s asleep. She won’t remember them and they would repeat themselves again.

“Allow me to talk to my family before I go to the magic room, Captain Mira... when you’re able to, go tell my personal troops to standby, Captain...” Oliver said. He didn’t care for socializing.

“Yes, ma’am...” Mira said. She’s not used to all of these formalities. She likes to fight with the people who are around her, but she likes to get to know them on a personal level as well.

Before this day, most of the flag’s army didn’t have any ranks.

Guilds had their Leaders with their first and second commands, but that was all. So not every member knows what they’re doing as a commanding role. The current war council was former guild leaders. Auly and her council pick the members who they think will fit better to their new stations.

[The Broken] are familiar with the ranking system, so they integrated into Silver’s army quite nicely.

Silver fully understood why some members were hesitant about betraying their previous kings. Because they fought for those kings, this makes them loyal soldiers.

The orcs, elves, and other demi-humans had been cast out from their individual kingdoms. So they have no love for their kings except for the ones who are still possible spies.

Mira has done her officer training inside of the spider dungeon. The spider dungeon was a great place to see how competent everyone was during the dungeon training. When Auly was putting everyone in their place inside of the war council meeting. Valerie specifically was looking at soldiers that would take care of her little sister. That was how she created this personal troop for her sister.

“Captain, you may not believe that you’re worthy of your new rank... But I assure you. All of us have thought long and hard about everyone’s new roles in this army. My sister Valerie told me how special you are with your music. You’re going to be by my side quite often. You are now the Captain of my personal guard and also in my royal guards... I expect you to train your squad to protect me better in the future or I’ll have to let you go...” Oliver said plainly to her.

“Yes... Ma’am... But it wasn’t my fault with what happened...” Mira said.

“I didn’t blame you, Captain. I’m saying do better next time... If you can’t do your job, then I’ll find someone who can... You need to do everything you can to not get me killed... Get more members to help you... If they can teleport to aid me or anyone else who may help, find them... Captain, this is now your job... I don’t like repeating myself, so this is the only time we will speak about this matter. You will not get another chance. Also, I do not want to hear any excuses… Like, you weren't able to help me. For that would get very old, and not look good for a protector… So, do your job or leave... That is all Captain...”

Mira stood there in silence. Which was why Oliver walked off.

“What do you plan on doing with Wild Pig?” Mira asks.

Oliver turned around back to her and tilted his head to her question. “Why do you wanna know?” Oliver replied.

“Does it fall upon me to punish him accordingly if I’m your protector?” Mira offered.

Oliver was unsure what to say because he promised the other personalities they can punish him.

“Captain Mira... We’ll speak about this matter in private. I do have another task for you and the troop. There are some people who do not wish for me to be the leader. Tell everyone to vote on this matter. If they want me gone, they would vote on it. My sister will look at the vote and handle that according to her discretion...” Oliver explained.

“What if they vote against you?” Mira asked.

“As I said... my sister will handle it accordingly... That’s all on that matter, Captain...” Oliver said.

Auly didn’t seem this cold to Mira before... So she wasn’t sure what to make of Auly. The way she talks about how Silver will handle the voting seems kind of menacing...


Silver watched as Auly drew near her. Margolin and Boris were the only ones who were close by.

Beyond had taken the very confused Creature away to their home. She didn’t even bother saying goodbye to Boris. He slept with humans and he was someone else’s lover. As far as she’s concerned, he was dead to her!

“Silver... I want to know what just happened?” Margolin asks for the 10th time...

“Like I keep telling you, I‘ll tell you later!” Silver demanded.

“Can you at least give me something? I feel like I need to know to prepare for the worst to come.” Margolin said.

“I can tell you this, you lost your memory after I asked you an important question.” Silver said.

“And that was?” She asks.

“Should I give up the coin and go back to my old life before I‘d received the coin! I could’ve been a guy again!” Silver said.

Margolin scowled at that. She glanced at Silver who was still a girl and her name was still read as Silver Coin.

“So, you listen to my suggestion? I am pretty sure I had a lot to say about that...” Margolin said.

“Yes! You said all this shit about how everyone including my mother was happy that I am a girl!“ Silver said angrily.

“Silver, this is not about you! I don’t remember what all I told you, but you didn’t just help the family! Do you know how many people you helped? For every life you have in your kingdom, they were saved from the cruelties of all the wars! Families have been dying, Silver! Don’t you get that?! I’ve always wanted to help in the war effort! That’s why I’d joined [The Ladies Of Grace]. We wanted to help but we were not able to! The world sees us as just women! To them, we are a woman’s dreams of helping the unfortunate, but they never took us seriously! Now that you have all this power as a woman. You have empowered us women everywhere! Before this day, I didn’t think I could change a damn thing! Because of you, I can take care of everyone in this ridiculous war! So if you being a girl is going to help save lives, Silver! Then I’ll spy for you, get you women who will have sex with you! I’ll allow you to have all the fucking SEX you want, Silver! As long as you stay the king!” Margolin shouted. After her long-ass speech, she was out of breath. Margolin took out a fan from her inventory and started fanning herself with it.

“Are you done?... As you can see I’m still a king! However, I need unwilling women to level up my class.“ Silver said.

“Silver, no! I can’t allow you to do that!” Margolin shouted.

“I know how you feel, but it’s the only way! If you have a better idea, tell me!” Silver said.

“You can always seduce a succubus.” Boris offered. Silver and Margolin looked at him curiously, then he continued. “As you know, they love to fuck around, but they don’t like taking orders from nobody. To me this is logical. They are willing sex partners and at the same time, you can’t tell them what to do easily.”

Silver went wide-eyed.

“Wait! Succubus are real?! Why haven’t I seen any?!“ Silver asks.

“I don’t know, this is my first time coming to this planet, and I’ve only been around you. We’ll just have to find them.” Boris said.

“I know where they are... The high temples of Rollo, Sarella, and Aralla.” Mira said. Oliver and his captain walked towards the trio, while she was still talking. “They are the three holy sisters. With their purities, they have cleansed the evils of this world. They couldn’t kill the succubus, only ensnare them in the holy grounds of their three temples. They also have defeated the undead army! They were amazing! Their acolytes to this very day still hold their legacy and things that they have captured when they were alive.”

Silver grinned, then spoke. “Are they hot?!”

“Well... they are demons... Most people stay away...” Oliver said.

“Not the succubus, I am sure they are sexy as fuck! I mean the three sisters!” Silver said.

“I am sure they would not be interested in you. They were all virgins. They say that their virginity gave them power.” Mira said.

“So if they were alive, I could’ve gotten a lot of power from them! All I had to do was take their virginity!” Silver said with a malicious grin.

“King Silver, joking or not, you shouldn’t say that around Lady Auly... She has lost her virginity today...” Mira said while covering Oliver’s ears. All the male personality did was look bored...

‘Great! Another party pooper!’ Silver thought.

“Fine! They are dead anyway, right?! Just get me those demons!” Silver said.

“Well here’s the thing... you have the right to see them, but from what little I know of you I don’t think that’s a good idea...” Mira said.

“I have the right? Is it because I’m a king?” Silver asks.

“Didn’t Valerie tell you? That’s proof enough that she didn’t trust you with this... We belong to [The Vendetta Of Impurities]. Our guild’s purpose is to protect the sisters’ legacy as well as their acolytes. It was Valerie who suggested to Rebecca that you will honor this and help protect this legacy as well. I’m not as sure about that...“

“Don’t worry! I will definitely protect their legacy and purity!” Silver said.

Margolin scuffed at that. “You, protecting purity? That’s funny, Silver.”

Silver frown. “Whatever! Just tell the army to get some rest! We will leave for my Kingdom first thing in the morning! The other kings will arrive then and I’ll have a surprise for them!“

Margolin excused herself along with everyone else. The only ones that stayed were Oliver and a couple of maids. The maids stayed in a dorm in the pool area.

Oliver wanted to tell Silver about the other personalities. After that, they went their separate ways and Oliver fell asleep in Auly’s magic room. He wanted to have a conversation with his fellow personalities.


Later that night, Silver had sex with her maids and attendance. A woman with light blue hair was licking her pussy.

“Ahhh! Yes! You’re so good with that tongue of yours, you little minx!” Silver said.

Boris was also there, he was sitting on a couch with his sluts. The lover was never too far from his new mistress. Silver still hasn't told the man he was hers. All he knew was Beyond could have killed him and Silver stopped it. She told him that it was a private conversation. He learned that it’s probably for the best that he doesn’t know.

“Mmm! You taste so good, Mistress!” Silver’s pussy licker said.

“That’s right, I had a stressful day. I need your talents to release stress!” Silver said while placing her hands on her head. Silver was getting taken care of by multiple women. When she finally noticed Boris, she spoke to him. “Aren’t you gonna fuck your sluts?”

The lover looked at them, shook his head. Then spoke to Silver. “Now that they're released from hypnotism, I want them to make love to me on their own.”

“Boo-oo! You’re so boring! You can fuck any woman you want! Not even Beyond will stop you!” Silver said.

Boris narrowed his eyes to Silver.

“Are you going to tell me what happened?” Boris finally asks.

“I think some of my memory was taken because I don’t remember all of it. What I can tell you is, Beyond wanted to make us create more life. I told her that you are now mine! You are my lover now, Boris!” Silver said.

Silver doesn't normally lie. She believes in the half-true system. Sure, she will finagle it a bit. She will say that she has a dangerous weapon. She just decides not to tell them it’s not very powerful, but it’s dangerous. So, was she lying? No!

On this particular topic, she didn’t lie about anything. She did lose her memory, she did tell Beyond; Boris was hers now, and Beyond told Silver to make life. So, it was all true. He doesn’t need to know about the wishes.

“W-What?!” Boris yelled.

Silver looked at him; confused. She has never seen him look so scared. The lover was sweating like there’s no tomorrow.

“What’s wrong with you? Did you see a ghost?” Silver asks

“How many life orbs?!” Boris asks.

“She wanted me to make 300,” Silver replied.

“Three Hundr-...” Boris repeated slowly before slumping on the couch. “Of course... I should have known this would be the situation...”

Boris got up and started pacing. He looked like he was trying to resolve something within himself. Silver and the other onlookers just watched him panic.

When he finally came down, he stared at Silver.

“What is it, Boris?! You’re freaking me out!” Silver yelled.

Boris didn’t say anything, but he did take off his clothing. He looked at his sluts, then spoke to them. “I’m so sorry about what I’m about to ask, but will one of you partake in sexual activities with me?...”

The three once men regarded each other, then back at him. The lover looked desperate, he was biting his lower lip to inflict pain upon himself. He hated the feeling of making someone do something they don’t want to do...

“I understand if you three hate me now...” Boris said.

“I‘ll do it...” One of them said.

She had medium size tits, long black hair, and glasses. This former lord of devotion was definitely a bookworm. Her name was Eric.

“I... I know you wouldn’t ask unless it was necessary...” Eric said.

Boris grimaced, then bowed. “I am so sorry!”

Eric nodded, then walked closer to Boris. They both just stared at each other.

“Umm... Are you two going to fuck or what?! I don’t know why you’re making such a big deal about this, but if you’re going to fuck, just do it already!” Silver said.

“Okay, I think we are both ready...“ Boris said.

He took Eric’s hand to guide her to Silver’s bed. Then he laid her on her back in front of Silver. Silver just raises her eyebrows.

“Did Beyond teach you how to perform the task?” Boris asks.

“If you’re referring to making life, then no.” Silver replied.

Boris nodded, then spoke to her. “Beyond is a being who doesn’t need to do this physically, but because you lack her powers, we’ll have to make love the normal way. While we perform the action, you need to hold onto our life source. You’re unable to make a baby with us, but you can still harvest its essence. It will become more clear once you perform your duties.”

“My duties?” Silver asks questionably.

“Yes, that was why I was given to you, right?”


“Silver, let’s not waste any more time! Beyond would be watching us if we don’t do this. She will get so mad she’ll likely destroy this whole planet!”

Silver was going to tell him, he was overreacting. But she does remember Beyond mentioning this too. Silver has never seen Boris lose his shit, so she doesn’t believe he’s lying.

‘Is Beyond really that petty?’ Silver thought.

**’You mean destroy something she can’t have? Yes! My little one is so silly! The All-Fathers used to pick on her. I told her I can make them go away, but instead of that! She wished to be stronger than them! She now beats them up as much as she wants. She likes to get back at her enemies rather than get rid of them! She says it’s more fun to watch them squirm! But that doesn’t mean she won’t get angry and kill! Hahaha~~~! She is so funny!’

Silver doesn’t think it’s all that funny... Beyond seems pretty pissed with Silver...

‘I didn’t take the deal so it’s fine, right?’ Silver thought to her guardian.

**’You won’t know until you try! Hehehe!’

Boris wasn’t hard, and Eric wasn’t wet. They both look at each other unsure how to proceed. They didn’t want to do this.

“Do you too need help with that? We need to hurry right?” Silver asks. She looked at her attendance and maids. “Suck his dick and lick her! We don’t get all night!”

The workers did as they were told. One lady stuck Boris’s cock in her mouth while one kissed his balls. As he slid down her throat, she took him with glee. It made Eric wet while looking at the massive dick that‘s going inside of her. It didn’t help when a lady started licking her as well.

“Ahhh! Mmmm!” Eric exclaimed.

“I am going in!” Boris said as he moved the women out of the way and rammed his cock hard in Eric’s pussy.

“AaaaaHhhhh!!!!” Eric yelled. The former man didn’t get any time to prepare for Boris’s massive dick.

Boris didn’t slow down either. He wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. He pounded his dick in and out her. He fuck her like a man who’s going to die tomorrow.

“Silver! What are you doing?! Put your hands on us and harvest!” Boris shouted.

Silver didn’t know what the fuck was going on, but she laid hands on their stomachs. She could feel Boris hard fucking; blow for blow. The lover moved like a machine.

“Do you feel it, Silver?!” Boris asks.

She felt a lot of his rough sex, but she doesn’t think that’s what he was referring too.

“I don’t know what I’m doing!” Silver said.

“Use the class skill Beyond gave you, Silver!” Boris said.

“What? A class and a skill?! She didn’t give me a [Class]!”

“Didn’t you look? It will be called [Caregiver].“

Silver looked confused. Normally when someone acquires a class or skill, they are notified. Silver has gotten no message about this class. However, she did find it...


[Caregiver] Level 1

The Great, powerful, and most beautiful Beyond has blessed you with an amazing task! You are to help loved ones give life! Use your skills to be the helper of your one and only powerful goddess!


“What the?! Did Beyond write this herself?! And what’s a goddess?!” Silver asks.

“Yes, she did! Silver, none of that matters! I feel Eric getting close! You need to mark him before then! Use your skill!” Boris yelled.


Silver continued to look at her skills.



As the helper of your amazing goddess! You can mark the couple that will partake in your gorgeous goddess‘ love!


Silver rolled her eyes and used the skill. Beyond seems a lot like her mother. They love to get their hands on everything they can, just because they can... However, Silver didn’t expect to see Beyond’s hands over both of hers. Time stopped for everyone except Silver and the woman in front of her.

“I accept this offering of harvest! I expect you to do more than this if you want me to forgive you! Don’t worry, it won’t be as much as I said before, but you’ll pay for your insolence, human! I am very patient, you’ll see.” Beyond said.

“I told you I was sorry! And I don’t want the 100 life orbs!” Silver said.

Beyond wasn’t paying attention. She was gazing upon Boris‘ bare chest. She moved her hands on his muscles. She has never seen him naked before now.

“Hey! I thought you don’t desire flesh, and you have other lovers! So, hands off!” Silver said.

“What? Who told you I don’t like to fuck? I don’t have sex with them because of two reasons! I don’t have the time, and men have egos! In the beginning, it was okay! I made love to them and they loved me back. Little did I know men get so jealous and talk about favoritism! I love all them the fucking same, who cares?! It got so annoying with my lovers, I decided to do away with all physical contact!” Beyond said with annoyance.

“Well that sucks, but I do get it.“ Silver said.

“Human! I am not punishing you because of Boris and I don’t care about the 300 orbs! Yes, I do get angry, and yes, I do want to get my way, but I have learned not to cross my mother and her wishes. He is yours and I won’t harm my mother’s favorite pet, I just want to fuck! And I mean a real fucking!” Beyond said then sighed. “That would be amazing, but I know I can’t! My lovers will find out! I want to hide like my mother! So I can have so much sex!”

Silver wanted to say, ‘What the fuck did any of this had to do with her?’, but Silver didn’t think that would help her situation. She thinks Beyond was having a human‘s midlife crisis and taking it out on her!

**’Aww, hun... Why didn’t you say so?! You can live here with me! Silver has lots of sex! We can fuck all night!’ Wishlist thought to Beyond.

“Really, mother?! You don’t mind sharing this human?!” Beyond asks.

“Okay...? Wait a minute!” Silver protested.

**’Silver, just let it happen! She’ll be indebted to you! All she wants to do is have sex! Are you going to deny her?! Hahahaha!’

“Well... No... But...” Silver was saying.

“Good! Honey, come right in! Her body can hold us both! I did make her strong enough!” Wishlist said.

“Okay, mother!” Beyond said then jumped into Silver’s body, then Silver blinked when time started again.

Before Silver’s eyes, fire formed between Boris and Eric as they both climaxed.

“Uaahh!” Eric moaned and groaned under Boris. She was breathing very heavily. “Are... are we done...?”

Eric was feeling emotional right now. She liked Boris because he’s the only one that still treated her like a man, but as of now, she didn’t want to look at him...

Boris took his dick out of her, then left his body. “I am sorry, you three may rest.”

Without saying anything, Eric peeled away from Boris and crawled to the floor away from him. She didn’t want any more of that kind of pounding. It made him feel like a helpless woman. Boris didn’t like what he did either, but he had a duty to perform. Boris looked towards Silver.

“Silver? Do you know where to put it?” Boris asked.

“Uhh? What?...” Silver murmured in confusion.

To everyone else, time didn’t stop. From their point of view, Silver was just sitting there while Boris was pounding the fuck out of Eric.

“You managed a good harvest! I thought you were being so new, it would take time to get this kind of quality!” Boris said.

Silver held the white flame. It didn’t look anything like the life orbs she saw before, but the flame was mesmerizing. She didn’t know why she was drooling, but this flame looked tasty! She tried desperately to resist her craving for eating it.

“Silver, do you have somewhere to put it?” Boris asked again. “Beyond usually keeps it inside of an orb. Although, you can put it anywhere as long as it can withstand its energy.”

Was he asking her to store it? Silver was so hungry she wants to eat it now! As Silver’s mouth drool near the flame, the hunger grew.

“Oh, wow! What a wonderful harvest!“ A voice said.

The people in the room looked at the ten newcomers that decided to pop right into Silver’s magic room. The beings were angel-like, and they had on robes. Everything about them was pure white. Their hair, skin, and clothing.

Boris nodded to them then spoke. “Welcome all blessed children of light! My newest mistress Silver wishes to give you this gift of life! I hope Beyond will accept this offering and not be angry with us! Tell her, there will be more!”

Boris fully attends to be on Beyond’s good side even if he’s no longer her lover. He has met her children on multiple occasions. They were tasked with gathering anything Beyond wants. It’s not just the life force, but whatever’s necessary.

“Mr. Boris? Did you betray our goddess?!” One of them asked.

“What, No! Please don’t tell her that! She has made a contract with this Silver. We plan to harvest like any other of her children!” Boris said.

He rather not get vaporized because of what these mischievous know-it-alls may say to Beyond. They were known to twist words...

“I see...” A tall male said and then nodded to a smaller male. He took the life energy from Silver.

“We will be watching this, Silver... If she truly is a messenger for our goddess then we will see... I will leave two of my sisters here to observe this, human...“ The tall one said. His name was Victor.

“Thank you, oh children of light! May the blessings of Beyond go far beyond!” Boris said.

“Yes, may she go far beyond!” Victor said with his hands spread wide.

“Boris! I want to fuck!” Silver screamed.

“I see your caregiver wishes to harvest some more! We will not stop you from your duties Mr. Boris! Farewell!” Victor said. All but two children of light vanished.

“Now, Boris!” Silver said.

“Oh, how the mighty have fallen!” One of the left-behind children said. “You used to be one of Beyond’s favorites! And now you're a has-been!”

Boris frowned at the woman. Silver looked at her, then growled.

“If you two are supposed to help me get more harvest, then take off your clothes!” Silver said towards the two left-behind children of light.

“Silver?! What are you saying?!” Boris asks. He didn’t want any more trouble coming his way.

But for some reason, they didn’t get angry. Both of the children of light laughed and had wicked grins. One of them stepped forward and spoke. “Human, my name is Esther. If you’re trying to harvest with us, that’s fine. You’re not the first human to try... However, I should warn you. You need a tremendous amount of power to harvest us, or else you’ll hurt yourself, human...”

“Oh? That sounds like a challenge. How about you two get us hard with your lips. We are going to fuck you both like sluts!” Silver said to them. She uses her manifestation skill to grow a big fat dick on herself.

Silver was so fucking horny, she didn’t even realize her dick manifestation worked! Wishlist usually doesn’t allow it, but she’s feeling generous today! 

“On my! You are a very interesting caregiver! Before we do this I need to introduce myself as well! I am Myrtle! Nice to meet you, human!” The second one said.

“Okay, okay! Enough talking! It’s time to make use of your mouths for something else, you sluts!” Silver rose her hand and manifested both of their bodies to look like real sluts. They now had voluptuous figures. Their bodies were so thick, it gave them wardrobe malfunctions with their small robes.

“Is this the kind of thing that turns you, humans, on?” Esther asks.

“You don’t need those types of clothes anymore. I have sexy clothing over there, put something on.” Silver said while pointing at a dresser.

When they made their way to the dresser, they moved their hips in a seductive manner. Their small ropes were made for petite women, so the robes were tearing apart from their thick ass and tits.

When they were done. They wore white tank top shirts that couldn't cover their large chests. They looked like strippers, they had a golden G-string. Silver manifested her body to look thick as well.

“Come over here you slut!” Silver said while beckoning to Esther.

Silver sat at the corner of the bed and spread her legs wide. Esther took the invitation by placing her face near her dick. Silver forces her head down her rod.

Silver ignored her surprised look and face-fucked the woman. While this was happening, Boris was also getting his dick sucked.

“Don’t wait on me, when you two are ready, fuck each other. I’ll harvest everyone you have sex with, Boris! As for me, I am just going to get my dick sucked for a while. No need to rush things!” Silver said.

As time went by, the lover made love with all of the assistance in the room. Including the two sluts of light. Silver became hungrier. She didn’t get the chance to eat the white flames, though. Every time she harvested, a child of light appeared to take the flame. Beyond doesn’t trust any of her caretakers to give her the flames she asked for. So it’s the children of light’s jobs to immediately store the flame when they sense it.

Silver’s tongue stretched very long. It wrapped around Esther’s neck, body, and reached her pussy. Silver jammed it inside.

“Aaaaahhhh!” Esther exclaimed. “This feels so amazing, human!“

Silver didn’t know what was wrong with her. She felt so hungry she could eat anything! Was this Beyond’s doing? 

“Our goddess doesn’t usually let us physically touch, but you are doing so well I think I will ask her to change her mind!” Myrtle said.

The woman’s sudden talking snapped Silver out of it and then she retracted her tongue back in her mouth.

She then looked around and saw everyone but her, Esther, and what’s her name were the only ones who were able to fuck. Everyone else went to bed already. Boris hates this type of sex. Yes, he wants physical, but not an orgy. He really likes his slow boring sex... He wanted to check on his slut to see if she was okay. But, surprise, surprise, she wasn’t. She didn’t want to talk to him at all... He promised to make it up to her later, but now that he has done his duty as a lover, he wanted his rest.

With everyone asleep, Silver was still horny! She looked at the two sluts of light.

“I need food! I’m still horny, but I want to continue after I get something in my belly!” Silver said to them.

“Okay! We can cook! That is also part of our jobs as a helper for a caretaker! We don’t have any currency in this world, but if you can give us a credit card or something. We’ll take care of it!” Esther said.

“What’s a credit card?” Silver asks.

Myrtle smacked Esther’s head then spoke to Silver. “That‘s none of your concern, human! Is there a way for us to use your currency in this world? We are not allowed to break any rules. Not even guardians can do so. When we are in a caretaker’s world, they need to give us money, you would also have to feed us, caretaker. We are now on your responsibility.” 

“What! I have to babysit you two?!” Silver asks.

“We can always tell the others you're a bad caretaker. Family is everything to our goddess. Are we going to disregard our goddess' wishes?” Esther said.

Silver wondered if she should tell them that Beyond was inside her body, but that would defeat the whole purpose of Beyond hiding in her...

Both Beyond and Wishlist have been quiet. Silver was used to her Guardian doing this every now and then going somewhere, but to have powerful beings inside of her body was unsettling. She didn’t know what they’re doing in her body, and why was she so damn hungry all of a sudden! She feels it in her bones, if she doesn’t get more food, she feels she can eat the entire room!

“I don’t know what a credit card is, but I can give you money. Although, we‘ll have to limit how much. You can buy food for yourselves and the ingredients for me, so we can all have dinner!” Silver said.

“Hahahaha, that’s basically what a credit card is! Just as long as you don’t charge us a monthly fee to pay it back!” Esther said with a big laugh.

“Huh?... You’re saying that I can credit people and ask for a monthly fee to pay me back? How does this work?” Silver asks.

“Well! You see-,” Esther started.

“Esther, enough! Human! We have been to multiple dimensions, realms, and worlds, we would prefer if you didn’t ask about them. It’s not necessarily against the rules, but the less you know about the other worlds, the better for everyone you love! We have seen our information destroy Kingdoms!” Myrtle said in a panic.

Silver raised her eyebrow and spoke. “Don’t worry, I won’t let MY Kingdom get destroyed. You said it’s not against any real rules, right?”

“Some information is too dangerous, human!” Myrtle said.

“I know my sister Margolin has been thinking about this. We both want to help those people who are in my kingdom, but I don’t believe they should stay for free. My army will be paid accordingly, and we are working with business owners. It is the wives and other people who have no way to pay who are in trouble. As of now, we are financially good. However, it’s not a permanent solution... My responsibilities to my kingdom are not to play favoritism. Something tells me this credit thing and other information you can give me would help me tremendously. Regardless if you tell me more information or not is irrelevant. We’re going to do this anyway, but with your guidance, we can build a sustainable way. Also, if you want to stay here, you two need to pull your own weight. Do we have an agreement?” Silver asks.

Myrtle stood there in silence and then spoke. “I’ll speak of this matter with my brothers and sisters... They may even have more information about how to maintain money then I. So you have to wait until then.”

“Hmm... fair enough!” Silver said.

“Good, now give us money! Normally we don’t need to eat, but because of rules, we cannot stay in this world in our spirit forms. So we are always hungry! We can eat anything, but I prefer human food!” Esther said.

‘Wait! Was this what’s happening to me?’ Silver thought to herself. 

“It doesn’t happen for us caretakers, does it?” Silver asks.

“What? No, don’t be silly, human! You won’t change into anything other than what you already are!” Myrtle said.

“Which is surprising because you fuck like a guardian!” Esther said.

“Oh, I see...” Silver said, then she gave them money for their accounts. 

This was fucking crazy to Silver. She’s so hungry she can eat both of them, and not in a good way... She doesn’t mind Beyond being inside of her, however, this was too much. Silver stomach kept growling. She wondered if any food would be enough.

“Human, let us feast, the food is ready,” Myrtle said.

“My name is Silver! No! I mean, Silver! No, Silver! Fuck! Whatever just call me Fucking Silver!” Silver shouted, trying to say, Russ.

“Okay, human, we get it! I will call you Fucking Silver! You humans love your weird names!” Myrtle said.

“Fucking Silver, are we going to eat or what? You seem cranky...” Esther said.

Fucking Silver sigh loudly, then looked at all of the food they made. She saw a large spread of food on the dinner table.

“How did you two make this much, this quickly?“ Silver asks.

“We may have rules, but we can still use our abilities. Our job is to help caretakers, and we excel at feeding them and ourselves.” Myrtle said. She seemed proud of herself.

Silver wasn’t listening, she was already eating large portions of food from her plate. She ate like a madwoman.

“Wow, Fucking Silver, you eat like us! I thought you humans can’t handle this much food!” Esther said.

“Umm... We’ve been fucking all night and I’ve been using manifestation, so I need to replenish!“ Silver said with a mouth full.

Myrtle and Esther accepted the answer they were given, and then joined her in the feast. All three of them weren't holding back, they ate from plate after plate. The only reason why they didn’t eat the plates themselves was because that could get expensive...

After the eating was done, they fucked again, then fell asleep.


Inside the magic jail room, a big fat man was getting manhandled by blob men.

Wild Pig’s lust was fucking him in any way it wanted. The berserker tried to get angry, but for some reason, he couldn’t.

Footsteps approach his door.

“My, my, my Little Piggy! What big dicks you have fucking you! My big sister knows how to handle someone like you.” Poppy said.

As the man was getting fucked, he glared at her.

“I can call them off for you if you want.” Poppy said, then she waved her hand and they disappeared. Wild Pig fell to the floor in agony.

“You all will pay for this! I have rights! I will tell my entire guild and anyone else, that you royalties have treated me this way! You rich pricks will all pay!” Wild Pig roared.

“Oh? You think so?” Poppy asked with a smile.

“Yes! That bitch Auly came on to me! I have a wife and children! I will tell everyone that you are a home-wrecker! And a crazy one at that!” He said.

“Hahahaha! It’s funny you should say that! Fine! Tell everyone who is willing to listen!” Poppy said.

Wild Pig looked around, he was confused. He wondered what she was playing at.

His stomach started growling.

“Hehehe, are you hungry? I have food for you! Here! Eat! It was made by one of Auly’s personalities. She made it just for you! Hahaha!” Poppy said.

“What?! I’m not taking anything from you freaks!” He said.

“Hmmm? Are you sure? 🎶It’s really good!🎶” Poppy said cheerfully.

“Nooo!” He yelled.

“Hahaha! Oh well, I tried! I did try to help you~!“ Poppy said.

“What?! How?!” He asked.

Poppy said nothing, a few other personalities took over for a split second, and then the hair rested on a dark faded blue.

The new personality phased through the metal jail cell door, then sat near Wild Pig.

“W-What are you doing?!” He asked.

“Poppy wanted to show you mercy, but if you’re not gonna say sorry to Auly and continue to be a pain in our ass, we are going to have our fun with you! You had your fun with us, right?” The faded blue-haired personality said.

“What are you talking about? It wasn’t my fault and I wasn’t in control of what happened!” Wild Pig said.

“Yes, you’re right! You’re not in control! We are! We will be a pain in your ass now!” The personality said, then he stood over the Pig.

Wild Pig looked confused. ‘Was Auly this tall?’ He thought.

Although the pig hasn't noticed, Auly's personalities have been giving him Debuffs to lower his defenses. They use spells like [Weaken] so they could perform more awful effects against him.

“What you did to us made us feel weak and small! Now it’s your turn! My name is Otis! You will get to know me very well!” Otis said.

Wild Pig felt weird, the room seemed to get bigger? Wild Pig was shrinking.

“What did you freaks do to me! What the hell?!” Wild Pig said in a tiny voice. He was jumping up and down near a giant Auly.

Otis picked him up then put him in a box with small holes at the top of it...

“We will take good care of you, as you did us. We’ll show you how things could get out of your control. We will give you something that you’ll really bitch about. It’s payback time!” Otis said with a wicked smile.

Nothing new to say, sadly. Still fixing misspelling, still planing a big fix on the timeline I have in the story to make sense, some old things. I still thing Auly story doesn't take over Silver's like everyone believes, and I still want other people in her flag to have a voice. I know most want the only mc to be shown, but I feel different about that, sorry...

I do have something to ask you all for the poll. Do your readers like sex, fighting, humor, or lore more in this story? I like to have enough of all, but I still want to know what is the main reason you like this book.



Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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